Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 113: Konan's Strangeness, The Imminent Crisis

Before he explained to Nagato, he and Konan violated a lot.

These Obito already knew in his heart.

For the most part, though, there's nothing wrong with the general execution of Project Tsuki no Me's actions.

So he didn't care about Nagato's actions.

In his plan, the original Nagato was a guy to sacrifice.

It doesn't matter a little bit of loyalty.

"I tried to gather members, but many of them are just joining the organization, so there may not be many to participate.

Nagato closed his eyes.

Thinking that many of the newly joined members seem to be that kind of thorn.

It's okay to want them to hunt tailed beasts, in pairs.

If so many rebellious and rebellious forbearance were gathered together.

If you want to control the scene, you can only rely on your own absolute strength.


Uchiha Obito's left eye Sharingan emits bursts of space fluctuations, which almost coincide with the pattern of the threaded mask on his face.

Seeing that Nagato closed his eyes, Obito also understood what Nagato meant.

"Hehe.....This time, this big hidden danger will definitely be solved..."

Obito left a word, and the whole person escaped into the Kamui space.

In the empty secret room, only Nagato who was fixed on the seat and Konan who stood aside were left.

Nagato pondered for a moment, and opened the previous comparison videos.

He had heard it from Konan and Uchiha Obito.

Beichen's strength is indeed extraordinary.

That being the case, he will start collecting information about Beichen and carry out targeted ambushes.

At least, if the personnel of the Akatsuki organization cannot be assembled, he will be able to fight Beichen with Payne Six Paths.

As for what Uchiha Obito said, the entire Akatsuki organization must be assembled.

Ambush and kill Beichen together.

He totally thought it was a big deal.

Not only did it not take into account that the newly added members were rebellious and difficult to obey discipline.

And it also exaggerated Beichen's strength.

That guy Orochimaru does have some strength, he can be regarded as a good player among Kage-level ninjas.

But that's all, he is as small as an ant in front of Rinnegan.

As for his apprentice...

So what if it is green out of blue?

Nagato clicked on the video.

He started watching the comparison video he watched for the first time.

Konan didn't speak, just stayed beside Nagato quietly.

Quietly without saying a word.

The entire secret room was so silent that a needle could be heard falling.

Outside Rain Shinobi Village.....

The light rain is still pattering.

I do not know how long it has been.

Nagato opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

"Nagato...have you finished reading?"

Konan had noticed it the moment he opened his eyes.

At this time, without waiting for Nagato to speak first, he quickly said: "You have been watching for a long time... This is too heavy on the body, please take a good rest first."

Nagato watched all the comparison videos in one go.

And look carefully little by little.

Try to learn more about Beichen's strength through every detail.

In this way, there will be so much mental pressure on him.

"It's okay."

Nagato shook his head.

It's just the paleness at the corner of his mouth that betrays his current state.

"I'll ask you what you think first."

Looking at Konan beside him, he said with some serious eyes.

"Beichen.....what do you think of this guy?"

"Do I think...?"

Konan was slightly taken aback.

A little dazed by Nagato's sudden question.

Why did you suddenly ask yourself what you think of Beichen?

"Analyze from the ninjutsu he has mastered and his personality."

Nagato coughed lightly, and a little bright red appeared on the dumb corner.

"You're pushing yourself too hard..."

Konan took a step forward with some concern, and was about to wipe the Bloodline at the corner of Nagato's mouth in a hurry.

"After reading it...... I think that guy Madara is right."

Nagato shook his head, signaling not to approach him.

Instead, he started talking on his own.

"Hmm... Beichen's ninja is indeed different from others.

Konan himself hadn't noticed.

When she mentioned Beichen, her expression was extraordinarily serious.

Moreover, she talks about Beichen almost all the time.

"Not only is he outstanding in mind and strong in development ability, the key point is that he will also spread his talents to those around him. …

Nagato narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous cold light flashed in Rinnegan.

If this kind of character is to lead Konoha Village in the future.

It is definitely much stronger than Konoha Village led by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's just his various unconstrained ninjutsu Forbidden Technique and his eclectic means of appointing talents and diversifying talents.

Just enough to make Konoha leap a big step!

"If you don't get rid of this guy as soon as possible, maybe it will be really difficult to capture Nine Tails."

Nagato thought to himself.

However, he has found out a lot of information about Beichen by comparing the videos.

This guy has mastered the Forbidden Technique, and he probably has an understanding of it.

Through barrage and comment area.

He also knew a lot about Konoha's current information.

"This video is really scary... Not only will it predict the future, but it will also issue so many incredible rewards... Will there be a comparison video of the relevant personnel of the Akatsuki organization one day in the future?"

Nagato's face was a little ugly.

He didn't want the Akatsuki organization he founded to be exposed to everyone's attention so early.

Xiao organization, if it has been hidden underground to catch the tail beast by surprise is the best choice.

This is a fact that Uchiha Obito also admits.

after all…………

Collecting tailed beasts, no matter which ninja village, this act is shocking to the world.

The power of the tailed beast itself is terrifying, enough to influence the direction of a war.

And there is an organization to collect all nine of them...

Even if you don't know what to collect, this move alone is enough to make every ninja village with Jinchūriki start alert.

"I can only hope that this comparison video will have information about the Akatsuki organization later."

Nagato let out a low sigh, and began to communicate with the rest of the Akatsuki organization using the technique of the magic lantern body.

Explain with them about the Beichen ambush!

This is also the first time since the Akatsuki organization has recruited new members, everyone has to gather together to perform tasks.

Magic Lantern Body Technique is one of Rinnegan's abilities.

Nagato transforms into thought waves by receiving the Chakra emitted by members of the organization, and the increase is displayed in a specific scene in the form of an illusion.

In this way, members of the Akatsuki organization who are distributed in various places to carry out tasks can hold meetings without having to come to the gathering place in person every time.

Just by communicating through Chakra, you can join the meeting appointed by Nagato in the form of thoughts.

"Is everyone here...very good."

The second variant of Ninja World, the place where the magic lamp body Technique is projected.

On the highest platform, Payne's phantom has already stood firmly.

Konan was silent on the high platform beside him, like a paper flower standing alone.

Scanning the people below, he nodded after finding that none of them were absent.


At least everyone participated in this rally mission.

No wonder Nagato felt unrealistic about Uchiha Obito's plans.

It is really because these rebels from all over the world are rebellious masters, and they want them to gather together to perform tasks.

It is a very difficult thing in itself.

Not to mention asking them to cooperate together to ambush Beichen.

But now.........

All at least rallied together.

Said Min, the first step has been successful.

々Boss, why did you call us all here?"

Seeing the figure of Payne Tiandao appearing on the highest platform, Hidan asked carelessly.

"I haven't sacrificed new blood to Lord Evil God today, I'm very busy..."

As he spoke, he looked around at the members around him.


These are all the current members of the Akatsuki organization.

However, his origin is just a rebellious ninja from a small ninja village.

His taijutsu and ninjutsu are average, and he can only become an official member by relying on his unique ability.

He still has a clear understanding of this point.

"The reason for calling everyone this time is to inform everyone that we will gather in a village outside the Fire Country in a day's time."

Tiandao Payne pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"Oh? But we are still carrying out the bounty mission, and the target will be caught soon."

I heard the words of Tiandao Payne.

Kakuzu interrupted first.

He always relies on his seniority to be the oldest, and he is even more casual in the organization.

Even, the purpose of his joining the organization is only for money.

He just likes the feeling of earning and touching money, and he doesn't care whether he owns it or not.

"Boss, I also have a mission here."

See Kakuzu start.

Biba Shizang also followed behind and spoke (Qian Lihao).

With Kakuzu, the old man, speaking about his situation.

Loquat Shizang, a member with a slightly lower strength and who joined the Akatsuki organization late, also quickly spoke about his situation.

"The intelligence collection about Sunagakure Jinchūriki is coming to an end this time, and the capture of One Tail will soon be possible!"

As Loquat Ten Zang said, he thought of his partner Red Sand Scorpion.

This young looking handsome boy turned out to be a tyrannical puppeteer that is rare in Sunagakure.

One-handed puppetry is even more powerful than the puppet masters he has ever seen!


His poisonous attainment also seems to have surpassed Sunagakure's current level by a lot.

With his presence, it is extremely easy for them to carry out missions to inquire about intelligence.


Today's ninja world is full of talents.

"This time the action is very critical, so everyone stopped the task in hand, this time the task is the priority.

Tiandao Payne heard what the two said.

Wei Wei nodded to show that she already knew.

Then he spoke in a calm tone.

He had already thought about it before, and this time the ambush of Beichen was a high priority.

And the rest of the missions are now preparing for the capture of the tailed beast.

It doesn't matter if you finish earlier or later.

But this time he ambush Beichen, Jay missed this opportunity.

It is too difficult to find the next time. .

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