Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 116: Mitarashi Anko Reappears, The First Stop Is Ichiraku Ramen

"The two of them? They have been honest since they entered Konoha, according to the information from Anbu who watched them..."

"They should be picking clothes at the clothing store facing Ichiraku Ramen now."

When Beichen asked this suddenly, Shizune was a little surprised.

But he answered fluently.

This also shows her business ability from the side.

It's obviously just a small piece of inconspicuous information, but it can be noticed at any time and conveyed to Beichen at a critical moment.

"Face to face at Ichiraku ramen... good.

Beichen nodded, not only recognizing Shizune's professional ability, but also recognizing that she can always pay attention to the information around her.

"Are there any recent movements of theirs?"

Beichen coughed lightly, stretched out his hand and made a requesting gesture towards Shizune.

"Their recent movements have been monitored by Anbu, and I have written them in the scroll."

Shizune hurried to the table behind him where many neatly arranged scrolls were placed.

From above was found a scroll bound with red silk thread.

The surface of the scroll is radiant, and the material looks extraordinary.

"This is a scroll that can only be used to record confidential information..."

Beichen nodded secretly.

He just raised his mouth seemingly inadvertently, letting Anbu monitor their movements.

After all, no matter how "403" served him, these two people were both spies of Cloud Shinobi Village, and they were both victims sent by Raikage Ai who wanted to use the beauty trick.

I can play with them, but it is impossible to expose Konoha's information to them just because I have a few happy memories with them.

This is not only an irrational approach, but also a very mentally handicapped approach.

These two ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village certainly have an exotic style.

The first experience made Beichen feel very different.

However, regarding the struggle between Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village, it is not possible for two female ninjas to succeed by using beauties.

"call out!"

Beichen confirmed the location of Samui and Karui, and after arranging the affairs that Shizune had to deal with, he disappeared in place.

He now only relies on the strength of his half-Sage Body and the incomparable Chakra.

It is also possible to achieve speed and effects similar to space-time ninjutsu with only the Body Flicker Technique!


The voice did not fall.

Beichen's figure has disappeared.

This surprised Shizune a little.

She already knew that Beichen was very powerful.

At least it is much stronger than the Kage-level Tsunade. Now it seems that just relying on the Body Flicker Technique just now, Beichen is enough to run rampant in the ninja world.

Most of the ninjas in the ninja world have high attack and low defense.

Even Master Tsunade, if she didn't have Chakra's package, she would be stabbed by the usual Kunai.

Not to mention weapons that can channel Chakra.

The kind of weapon that can transmit Chakra, if it is injected with Chakra, it will bring more attributes and attack power.

Even Tsunade, a physical medical ninja who has strong physical strength and pays special attention to training his physical strength, is so defensive.

The rest of the ninjas are even more predictable.

In the ninja world, it is very difficult to improve the defense of one's own body.

Most of them can only improve their defense by learning defensive ninjutsu.


It is to invalidate the opponent's attack, which is also a disguised defense.

For example, Uchiha Obito's Kamui, he can transfer his body touched by ninjutsu to the Kamui space to nullify the opponent's attack.

Like Beichen and Namikaze Minato, they can avoid a lot of attacks with their speed.

This can be regarded as raising the lower limit of the ninja!

As long as there are fast ninjas, basically there will be no weak ones.


As long as the speed is fast, it means that the defense is fast in disguise.

"I really don't know...... what Master Beichen is not good at........"

Shizune thought that even Master Tsunade, who is recognized as the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, would ask Beichen for advice.

It just showed such a terrifying speed.

In the comparison video, the Forbidden Technique he mastered is even more terrifying.

Now Beichen looks like a hexagonal fighter with no shortcomings.

"I really don't know where Master Beichen's limit is."

Shizune sighed and continued to pack up the things on hand.

Konoha Village, Ichiraku ramen.

This is a shop that Naruto frequents.

Naruto has been coming here often since Beichen and Naruto mentioned it.

Not only is the hand-beating uncle here a real person, but also because the ramen here tastes very authentic.

It can be said......

Ichiraku ramen definitely has a place in Konoha Village's gourmet food.

“The ramen here is really good.”

Samui sighed with satisfaction while chewing the puffer fish ramen in his mouth.

In order not to look weird, she deliberately took down her Cloud Shinobi Village's forehead protector.

However, her fair skin and golden hair still make her a dazzling sight in ramen restaurants.

Her looks are also slightly different from the Konoha Village crowd.

"Hmph... Let's make a living."

Karui said arrogantly.

Compared with Samui, she received more attention from people who patronized the facade shop.

Because, she has the iconic dark skin of Cloud Shinobi Village.

And this kind of black skin is rare in Konoha.

It is normal for everyone to cast strange glances.

"Naruto, what do you want to eat?"

Outside the door, Mitarashi Anko, who was already able to move freely in the leaves, saw the sunshine of the leaves for a long time, and couldn't help being in a good mood.

Even if she is allowed to go shopping with a child now, she still feels that life is full of sunshine.

She has been suspended since her death in a mission arranged by Danzo a few years ago because she obeyed Beichen's arrangement.

They have been hiding under the eaves of the Uchiha clan under the arrangement of Beichen.

All day long, I followed Beichen's instructions for research.

Although the strength has improved rapidly, the freedom has been restricted.

She has also been unable to show her true colors.

I can only watch Konoha under my eyes in a dark corner.


Beichen has taken the top seat in Konoha Village.

Of course we can arrange for her to come out.

As for Naruto...……….

It is because he still lives alone now, and Uzumaki Kushina's Impure World Reincarnation body cannot act in Konoha Village.

This also leads to.

Now it's up to her to take care of the baby.

"Well, just eat this!"

Naruto nodded.

But in just half a day, the two extroverts became friends.

They are not so much friends as siblings.

The experience of both of them is also very similar.

They have never received anyone's attention since they were young.

At the same time, they are treated with more or less different attitudes and visions by the villagers.

Naruto is because of the Nine Tails demon fox.

Mitarashi Anko is because the master Orochimaru is Konoha's rebellious ninja.

Because of the same encounter and experience, the two of them naturally have a lot to say...

"Baby Beichen doesn't know how long it will take to find time now."

The thought of Beichen has become Fifth Hokage.

Tomorrow is the inauguration ceremony.

Naruto was a little happy but also a little disappointed.

It felt as if my father who had been with me was suddenly promoted, even if he became more powerful, but there was no time left.

Moreover, Chen also took back the divided soul.

Let him have no little daddy to rely on now.

Although I met my mother Uzumaki Kushina, I recognized the sister Uzumaki Xiangling and the sister Mitarashi Anko.


Naruto pushed open the door of Ichiraku Ramen, and said familiarly to the hand-slapping man inside: "Slapping man, both of you!"

"Oh? It's Naruto!"

The uncle who was rolling the noodles inside saw Naruto's face, smiled and nodded.

He is also one of the few villagers in Konoha Village who does not discriminate against Naruto because of his identity.

Now, through comparing videos, he knows that the relationship between Naruto and Beichen is very different, and he has not changed his attitude.

Still not pleasing in enthusiasm.

It seems that every customer who frequents his store will receive his warm hospitality.

"It's Naruto, are you bringing friends here this time?"

The uncle's daughter Ayame noticed Mitarashi Anko behind Naruto, and said to Anko with a smile.

"Yeah, let's have a signature ramen, thank you."

Mitarashi Anko spoke cautiously.

She is an extrovert though.

However, this is also the first time she has walked in Konoha Village again after several years.

Everything was a little strange to her.

"Uh, then I'll order pork cutlet ramen!"

Naruto smiled heartily, and slapped the table generously.

is a bill.

Today's Naruto and Beichen have already asked for pocket money.

Beichen, who is now Hokage, naturally waved his hand grandly, and millions of taels went directly into Naruto's pocket.

If it weren't for looking at Naruto, it's still too small.

Beichen planned to give him tens of millions of taels of silver.

After all, the legacy left by Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina is countless 5.9 small goals.

However, they were all swallowed up by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the resources were transformed and transferred to his own family.

The 3,000 Ninja Army of the Sarutobi clan also have a contribution from Namikaze Minato and the others.


Even the relief money that Naruto can receive every month has been withheld for a long time by those who distribute it.

In order to prevent Naruto from being exposed, Bichen gave a very small amount every month.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is still very strict with Naruto's surveillance.

At least, as Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Naruto is under his sight even if he is not under his control.

Otherwise, Nine Tails ran amok inside Konoha Village, but it caused immeasurable damage to Konoha.

So, oppression Naruto can.

Make Naruto accept the villagers' eyes.

But there must be a bottom line.

Otherwise, breaking through the bottom line, I have not appeared to appease.

The rampage of Nine Tails is uncertain.

Given that Third Hokage's surveillance was too strict, Beichen didn't dare to give Naruto too much money.

Just to make sure he can eat well.

If you gave a little more, Third Hokage noticed that it would be easy to find out just by looking it up.


I saw this yellow-haired child with a fox-like beard walking in.

Samui's eyes became sharper. .

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