Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 118 Conflict, The Temptation From The Two Of Cloud Shinobi Village

"It's okay, Sister Calamus, this time I have a lot of money!"

Naruto smiled brightly, and took out some silver taels from his pocket.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the pocket money Beichen gives him.

It is also a rough look that there are hundreds of thousands of silver taels.

"Yeah, where did Naruto get so much money?"

Calamus was a little surprised.

This amount is the monthly turnover of Ichiraku Ramen.

Unexpectedly, Naruto now has so much money in his hands.

"Baby Beichen gave it to me, of course! I'm very rich now!"

Naruto heard Iris' envy, stretched out his index finger and rubbed his nose, and said proudly.


Beichen is already the hero that everyone in Konoha looks forward to.

Therefore, he no longer has to hide and hide. Compared with Beichen's actions in the video, the villagers of Konoha's favor towards him have soared.

"It turned out that Master Beichen gave it...but then I can't ask for more money from you."

Iris nodded, and their Ichiraku ramen shop has also improved a lot because of Beichen's new policy.

I don't know if Beichen did it on purpose or by chance.

The storefront problems that had plagued them were all in line with the policy.

This also makes their Ichiraku ramen business more and more popular these days.

Therefore, for this Beichen who has never met but only seen in the comparison video, Calamus still admires him very much.

He not only drove away the dark rule of Third Hokage, but also brought new life.

This is Hokage-sama whom everyone in Konoha yearns for!

"Or leave the money here, Naruto."

Mitarashi Anko saw it. Naruto didn't want to take the change.

No matter how much he was taught by Beichen, he was just a kid less than ten years old.

When you have money, you naturally want to spend more in stores that were good to you before.

And Calamus has a very kind heart, so it is impossible for Naruto to accept the extra money easily.

If they continue to stalemate, there will be a lot of wasted time.

Most importantly... the ramen is going to be lumpy.

This is Mitarashi Anko's first meal since he came out.

She doesn't want to make trouble.

Besides, there are two ninjas from other countries beside them, so I don't know what their purpose is for appearing here.

If it had something to do with Naruto, she would have to cheer up.

"It's a pity that I can't contact sister Kushina and Master Beichen now..."

Mitarashi Anko's research over the years is mostly used to improve strength and develop Forbidden Technique.

She really hasn't studied this kind of ninjutsu for conveying information.


Naruto could see that Sister Calamus really didn't want to ask for more money from him.

If the stalemate continues, it will also affect the business, so we have no choice but to give up.

"Boss, why are you still not well?"

I saw calamus and the hand-slapping uncle who hadn't been here for a long time.

Mabui yelled impatiently.

The timing of her choice of provocation is very clever.

One is whether this matter is big or small, even if Beichen finds out and uses this to make a fuss, Mabuyi can say that he has not received service for a long time, so he has a bad temper.

The second is... the current Naruto and Ayame have indeed chatted for a long time.

But in Konoha, when you see Naruto, you usually know that the person behind him is Beichen who would tremble three times in the ninja world today.

No one would care about the amount of time Naruto and Ayame spent chatting.

"Come, come" ~. "

Calamus showed an apologetic smile at Naruto, and then collected the banknotes that Naruto pressed on the table: "Then I will keep the money, and you can pay after you finish eating, Naruto."


Naruto had no choice but to give up, and pulled Mitarashi Anko to the side seat.

"Guest, I'm going to add noodles for you."

Calamus picked up the empty round bowl in front of Mabui, and said softly with a characteristic smile.

"Hurry up! What an inkblot!"

Azabui loudly reprimanded on purpose, his eyes glanced over Naruto and Mitarashi Anko.


After being reprimanded, Calamus didn't dare to say much, but nodded lazily.

The Ichiraku ramen restaurant they run is of course somewhat famous.

But in Konoha, most of their customers are ninja adults.

And they are just mortals, so naturally they dare not talk back to ninjas.

What's more, this time it was her fault first.

"Who is that ninja? It looks familiar...I can't remember it for a while."

Seeing Mitarashi Anko next to Naruto, she felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

But judging by age, he is not much older than Naruto, at best he is just a kid in his early ten years old.

"That ninja should be Mitarashi Anko... Remember Orochimaru's apprentice in the previous comparison video? It should be Beichen's senior sister.

Suddenly, Sam beside her spoke in a low voice.

"Beichen's senior sister?"

As if thinking of Beichen's power, Mabuyi felt a slight weakness in his legs at the table.

Even my own body is a little hot.

"Then what is the test? Doesn't she have to be very strong?"

Her voice trembled a little, and she almost collapsed on the table.

"No way, the little girl laughed...

Samyi glanced at Mabuyi helplessly.

Why does this guy only need to mention who is related to Beichen now.

It will automatically demonize this person who has a relationship with Beichen, even a little girl can become a master comparable to Lord Raikage in her eyes.

How could there be so many strong people in the ninja world.

Being able to become a Chūnin at Mabui's age is already a seedling with relatively good ninja talent.

Besides, Azabui is still practicing ninjutsu while accompanying Raikage to deal with political affairs.

Otherwise, she would not be far away from Jōnin now.

And Samui has reached Jōnin in Cloud Shinobi Village.

This kind of strength, how can it compare to Beichen's senior sister?

"Mitarashi Anko's talent is mediocre, and you seem to be much younger.

Samuel frowned slightly, while quietly looking at it while thinking.

"This trial opportunity is very rare, don't miss it..."

"Go bravely, maiden!"

Samuyi's resolute tone made Mabuyi swallow his saliva.

She was okay with Mitarashi Anko at first.

Just knowing that the latter is Beichen's senior sister, she is afraid to look directly at Mitarashi Anko.

If this guy is as strong as Beichen...

Don't say they are equally strong, even if they are only half of Beichen's, both of them are strong enough to pass a few tricks under her hands today.

"Don't worry, with me and those Anbu's here, I won't be threatened with my life."

Samui deserves to be the captain of the Jōnin team Raikage fancy.

Just thinking briefly about the current situation made a judgment.

They are accompanied by Anbu who watches over them.

As long as they don't act out of line, these Anbu will definitely protect their lives.

They just finished entanglement with Beichen, and they have an unclear relationship.

Besides, they are people from Cloud Shinobi Village.

It would be nice if it came back intact.

If they can't go back, Cloud Shinobi Village will definitely take the opportunity to start a war!

This is why they dare to test Nine Tails Jinchūriki's confidence.

Now they are in Konoha Village, not only is there no one to control their personal freedom.

It is even more important to protect their personal safety.

This is also the benefit of the success of the beauty trap.

After a while, Calamus had added the noodles and walked over quickly.

々guest, your face..."

Calamus didn't dare to look directly at the dark-skinned Mabui now.

Her attitude just now was too tough, so that Changpu, the holy girl who just opened her father's shop, dared not say anything more.


With Samui's words as a reassurance.

Now Mabui is going to try boldly.

She knows that Naruto's character is more fiery and very righteous.

This is clearly shown in the comparison video.

And this Ichiraku ramen restaurant, through the conversation between Naruto and Iris just now, it seems that Naruto often visits the shop.

Naruto has a lot of friendship with the clerk in this store.

Since they don't want to trouble Naruto, they just need to start with the clerk of this shop.

In this way, Naruto will definitely take the initiative to rescue the clerk.

Then they will have a reason to try.

"Suck and suck."

In fact, after eating a bowl of noodles, Mabuyi already felt a little bloated in his stomach.

At this time, I still ate this mouthful of noodles with the pain in my stomach.

I have to say, Ichiraku ramen is still a big discount.

"What bullshit noodles! Look at the noodles I added, didn't they cook well?"

Azabui had just chewed two mouthfuls of the noodles he had sucked in.

He yelled without paying attention to his image.

Iris, who hadn't gone far, froze slightly, and stood there in embarrassment, at a loss.

"Huh? Guest, what is this?"

Noticed the movement here.

The hand-slapped uncle immediately ran out from the inner (good) kitchen.

He glanced at the calamus first.

He signaled her to go back inside first and not to stay here any longer.

Then he walked quickly to the front of Mabuy and Samuy.

"This can't be done......"

Seeing that he has such a bad attitude, Naruto is still indifferent.

Mabuyi secretly fights, trying to make things bigger.

And what she didn't see was.

Naruto's forehead was already bulging with veins.

He has eaten at this restaurant for a long time, and the main dishes are the uncle and sister Changpu, who will never cheat or cut corners just because they add noodles.

Definitely those two Cloud Shinobi Village guys finding fault!

"Naruto! Calm down! The identities of these guys are unknown, don't step forward!"

Mitarashi Anko's heroic brows were slightly wrinkled, and the muscles all over his body were tensed.

It seems that the next moment will be dispatched like a python.

"The purpose of these guys is unknown...It must be weird to find fault when we just sat down now!"

Mitarashi Anko's face remained calm.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant.

Don't look at her being isolated from the world for several years without any communication.

However, mental growth has not fallen behind.

"What's wrong? Guest?"

The hand-slapping uncle hurried to Mabuyi's place.

His reputation in Konoha is that he is kind and kind.

However, if he encounters this kind of guests who come to make trouble and have a bad temper, he will not show mercy. .

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