Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 122: Planning From The Moment I Met Cloud Shinobi's Twin Prides

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you this time. In the future, I will strictly guard Konoha Village to prevent this kind of thing from happening again and make it less likely that ninjas from other countries will sneak into Konoha Village."

Beichen smiled lightly, expressing the apology of a superior just right and said without losing grace.

And on his face, there was no sense of shame in keeping the Changpu father and daughter in the dark as pawns.

"Where... Konoha Village is honored to have Mr. Beichen make decisions for us in Konoha."

The hand-slapping uncle hurriedly said that even though he only runs a small ramen restaurant and doesn't know the tricks of the superiors, he also knows that the current Beichen is much more responsible than Third Hokage.

"No matter where, as long as you live in Konoha Village, you are a part of the big family of Konoha, even if it is a small existence, it is also my family.

Beichen smiled lightly, with a warm smile on his face.

"Master Beichen...you are really approachable!"

I saw Beichen's smile from the heart and the aura that made me feel very comfortable and wanted to get close.

Calamus calamus's fair cheeks were slightly flushed, and even the roots of her ears were also stained a little blush.

Especially with Beichen's handsome and extraordinary face, it makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"This guy....…."

Seeing that Beichen can still get a wave of civilian favorability after designing them.

Samuyi and Mabui were even more numb.

I have seen shameless and fickle.

I've never seen such shameless fickleness.

This guy simply has no bottom line.

It's all about your own interests!

Up to now, after using those civilians, they still have to increase their favorability.

To improve the reputation of the new Hokage, 23-liter, is simply a plan to achieve several goals at the same time.

"You were all sold by him and counted the money for him..."

I saw the calamus father and daughter with expressions of gratitude and excitement on their faces.

The faces of Mabuyi and Samuyi were about to turn black.

Okay, this undercover mission did nothing.

Put yourself in and let go of the handle.

After the incident just now, they also understood that Beichen didn't treat them as his own just because he owned them.

They were designed when it was time to design.

"It seems that those two people also want to understand."

Noticing that Samuy and Mabui on the side didn't say much, they just stood there obediently waiting for Beichen to deal with it, Beichen couldn't help but laughed a little.

"Okay, you guys continue to eat, I will take them away first."

Beichen waved his hands at Naruto and Mitarashi Anko.

He is now the fifth hokage with a lot of work, and any time he has is used to consolidate his position and improve Konoha's strength.

The existence of the comparison video allowed him to see the hope that he could unify the ninja world ahead of schedule.


It is also the hope that can further improve one's own strength.

Now he's on the Six Paths threshold.

The strength is in a very awkward position, and those who are weaker than him are basically crushed.

Those who are stronger than him are already at the Six Paths level, no matter how rich his combat experience and Forbidden Technique are, it is difficult to win.

Before and after the Six Paths level, it is a big watershed.

And now Beichen wants to cross the threshold of the Six Paths level.

Either evolve your own Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan into a Rinnegan.

But to evolve into a Rinnegan, it requires him to develop his own Sage Body to fullness.

At least as big as Senju Hashirama's Sage Body, it is possible to open Rinnegan.

He knows that the condition for opening Rinnegan is to have both the power of the Senju clan and the power of the Uchiha clan.

Bring these two powers to Ultimate, that is, have the power of Ashura and Indra at the same time to open Rinnegan.


He has already confirmed before that to open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, it is not necessary to exchange eyes with his relatives.

The essence of exchanging eyes is gene complementation.


Is it also possible to fully develop one's own Sage Body and make one's own Liuku Immortal Thief a step further through gene complementation?

This is the doubt that has been hovering in Beichen's mind.

Compared with the video, it seems that the limit is to surpass Kage-level strength.

He chose Naruto as the object of the comparison video before, because he wanted to directly obtain Six Paths-level power.

However, the system only played until Naruto graduated from ninja school and became Genin.

The power system is only a few years later.

It's almost as if he was in his early twenties.

How does he continue to research and develop by himself now? Without the help of the system, it will be very difficult to cross this threshold from the super Kage-level to the Six Paths level.

Don't look at the many results of his research, so many ninjas around him have improved their talents and improved their strength rapidly.

That's only limited to the Six Paths level.

The Six Paths level is not so easy to reach.

Without blood, talent, and related Six Paths-level resources, it is nothing more than fantasy to create a Six Paths-level powerhouse out of thin air.

Knowing this, Beichen is extra cautious in the selection of comparison videos.

On the one hand, it is to obtain Six Paths-level resource rewards by comparing videos.

On the one hand, it is to stabilize the structure of the ninja world as soon as possible, so as not to affect their own research and development of Six Paths-level power.

What he lacks most now is time.

But from another aspect, what he lacks the most is time.

Beichen's eyes now are not only focused on the ninja world.

He has been made aware of the existence of Uchiha Madara.

The existence of Black Zetsu.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki peach style, Ōtsutsuki one style...

Each of these Ōtsutsuki people is a Six Paths-level powerhouse.

They are even among the best in the Six Paths class.

No matter how strong I am now, will I really be able to defeat them all?

"Okay, Master Beichen......

Hearing Beichen's order, the Changpu father and daughter nodded in agreement.

They also know that Tuanfan will be very busy as the new Hokage figure.

So didn't say much.

And Naruto and Mitarashi Anko just nodded to Beichen, indicating that there is no need for Beichen to worry about it.

Both Samuyi and Mabuyi had speechless expressions on their faces.

The result turned out to be like this...

At the beginning, they also imagined that they could rely on Naruto and the others as a reason to avoid punishment for their temptation.


Now Beichen seized the opportunity and directly silenced them.

And Azabu Isamui is one of the few ninjas with brains in Cloud Shinobi Village, and it is clear now.

The two of them must have been designed by Beichen!


See the reactions of Naruto and Mitarashi Anko and the iris father and daughter.

Beichen also seemed to be hiding it from them.

This guy...in order to make this show more realistic, he didn't even tell his own people.

This also leads to...

I'm afraid those Cloud Shinobi Village spies have watched and there is no reason to refute it.

This Beichen...

Not only cruel, but also decisive.

It is even more calm-headed, leaving no room for it.

Even from the perspective of being hostile to Ninja Village, they have to admire it.

And Azabui, who is by Raikage's side all the year round.

I have to compare Raikage and Beichen.

Could Raikage have such a mind?

Although Raikage Ai gives the image of everyone in the ninja world as a fiery reckless man, he will never use his brain to solve everything that can be solved with fists.

But Mabuy, who has always been by his side, knows that this is just an illusion given to everyone by Raikage.

He is actually a brainy person, but he portrays himself as a fool in order to make the enemy let down his guard.

Coupled with the extremely violent Lightning Style Chakra, it has confirmed the title of ninja reckless man.


Even if it is such a movie that is good at disguising and forbearing, it also let Mabuyi know a side of himself.

Some people who believe that Cloud Shinobi Village is closely related to Raikage know Raikage's original personality.


Beichen is different.

He not only has higher political means and more effective plans, but he will not leave any handles behind.

More importantly, he calculated that he didn't even trust his own people.

Even his own people have considered 177 into it.

Against this guy....

Can Master Raikage really come back?


The idea that Cloud Shinobi Village will infiltrate Konoha's interior information through beauty tricks and win.

It gradually began to slack off.

Can they really count on this guy who has calmed down to Ultimate?

He has almost no weaknesses!

This sleazy beauty trick...

Didn't he see it in the first place and figure out how to take advantage of it now?

If so...

This Beichen is too scary!


Beichen, who had already walked through the door and noticed that the two of them hadn't moved at all, frowned slightly, and spoke with some displeasure.

"What are you still doing? Follow up."

"I'm going to 'torture' you two guys in a while."

As he spoke, a faint smile flickered on the corner of Beichen's mouth.

I finally succeeded in designing these two guys.

He first saw the free Cloud Shinobi, two beautiful ninjas.

I still think of a lot.

For example, after enjoying it, use both hands to change their soul structure and memory, become their own spies and break into Cloud Shinobi Village.

For example, torture the information in their mouths and use it for yourself.

But he rejected them all.

Not to mention how long it takes to use both hands under many eyes.

Just the importance of the two ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village is different.

If you want to use both hands, you have to choose a suitable time.

The two of them acted as Raikage's scouts, trying to find Beichen's weaknesses.

There must be a lot of Cloud Shinobi Village Anbu and spies watching.

I want to do something within the scope of beauty tricks to them.

If you really use ninjutsu or both hands.

Cloud Shinobi Village will definitely use this to make trouble. You, Hokage, even use Shuangquanshou to the female ninja who worships you in the enemy country. In the future, do you want to use Shuangquanshou to your subordinates, such inhumane Forbidden Technique to provoke Divide. .

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