Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 134 Easy To Suppress Kakuzu, Kamui Of Uchiha Obito

"What about Beichen now? Are we going to help him?"

Mabuyi also looked anxious, she didn't expect that the people who ambushed and killed Beichen were all such powerful ninjas.

Apparently, even the weakest guys in the room are Kage-level ninjas.

When did Kage-level become so worthless?

Ambushes of Beichen appearing in piles?

And seeing that each of them is wearing a red cloud black robe, it looks like they should be members of some organization.

There will be an organization with a Kage-level per capita...

Mabui's dark face was a little dull.

The lineup to assassinate Beichen in front of him is too luxurious.

Even if the entire Cloud Shinobi Village is assembled now... I am afraid that such a luxurious lineup will not be able to come out.

This kind of organization is definitely not an unknown existence in the ninja world.

Everyone is a Kage-level ninja, and they have to hide it until now.

Now there is an assassination attempt on Beichen.

They definitely have other plans!

Is this guy Beichen actually so powerful?"

Seeing that Beichen was able to handle so many hidden weapons with ease, he didn't feel any effort at all, and even Jue Jue was a little surprised now.

Not only because of his strength, but more because of Beichen's combat response and rich combat experience.

It's hard to imagine that this guy is just a ninja in his teens.

He hasn't reached his prime at all, and he still has a lot of room to grow.

As for Uchiha Obito and the others, they have already been ripened by Uchiha Madara in advance, and their combat power has reached its peak.

So they face a Beichen who still has room to grow...

They have all been suppressed to such an extent.

"How did this guy cultivate?"

At this time, even the well-informed and experienced Jue felt a little helpless.

Beichen this guy.

Simply a bug590.

Ninja resources are limited, even if he is a ninja from the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village.

It shouldn't have grown to this extent.

You must know that Uchiha Madara had his help and temptation back then, plus he could plunder resources at will during the Sengoku period, plus many chances and coincidences.

This made Konoha Shura at that time.

Otherwise, Uchiha Madara just relying on the ninja talent of the Uchiha clan is far from enough.

Being able to become Shura of the ninja world, the first person under Hashirama at that time, Indra's reincarnation Chakra, ninja talent, and resource plundering during the Sengoku period are all indispensable.

And now...

In this peaceful era, and with the Konoha F4 such as Third Hokage Danzo suppressing the Uchiha clan, Beichen can go so far.

How can you not be surprised?

"Maybe it is really necessary to let Obito go out as soon as possible... If the situation is out of control, maybe revive Uchiha Madara earlier?"

Thinking about it, the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

Not to mention how he is now convincing Nagato to let him use the Rinne Tensei technique.

The current situation, according to his estimation...

It seems that Uchiha Madara is here, and it is Beichen's level without opening Mangekyō Sharingan.

And Beichen's Mangekyō ability...

To be honest, Uchiha Madara doesn't know a few streets away.

Rinnegan of Uchiha Madara is a round tomb prison.

Masochistic food is not bad, but I am afraid that it will not be able to play a big role when it comes to masters of the same level.

This is one of the reasons why Uchiha Madara has been working on the power of Senju Hashirama.

"Well done!"

The sea of ​​flames all over the sky combined with the powerful high-pressure wind ball, and the flames that enveloped the entire mountain range in an instant made Beichen even more excited. (cdfd) "This is your strength!"

Beichen sighed with emotion, it has been a long time since he fought like this.

The battle now...

It can even make him feel his own blood, his own Chakra surging wildly!


Beichen seals again, this time the Chakra all over his body is no longer retained, but surges along with the green steam of Jingmen!

Chakra, so majestic that everyone can't breathe... fills the entire mountain range at this moment!

"What a terrifying power..."

Seeing the gravel flying around Beichen and the ground cracking apart inch by inch, it was like the end of the world.

Samyi was a little worried and wanted to draw his sword and stepped forward to help.

"This guy's Chakra...horrible."

"Is this the Chakra that humans can have?"

Feel the terror of Chakra emanating from Beichen.

Mabuyi took a deep breath.

As an excellent perception ninja beside Raikage, she has excellent perception ability.

So she can feel more... how huge Chakra comes from Beichen's body!

She believed that there was a tailed beast sealed inside Beichen!

The Chakra cultivated by the ninja...how could it be possible to reach this level?

The amount and strength of Beichen's current Chakra has far exceeded that of a normal Kageru ninja.

I'm afraid even Master Raikage's Chakra is not one-tenth of Beichen's...

No, maybe even one percent!

This gap in the amount of Chakra is too amazing.

It's not something that cultivation can make up for.

Even Mr. Eight Tails Killer Bee, including the Eight Tails in his body, doesn't have such a majestic Chakra, right?

"Fire Style...Fire out!"

The sea of ​​flames that spread all over the sky finally spread down, and at this time Beichen finished the seal unhurriedly.

As he opened his mouth, a large amount of flames gushed out like a sea in an instant!

The sea of ​​flames in the sky then collided with Beichen's extinguishing fire!

"This is Uchiha Madara's specialty ninjutsu..."

Jue was slightly taken aback, this is Uchiha Madara's signature Fire Style ninjutsu.

As the strongest member of the Uchiha clan, most of the Fire Styles that Uchiha Madara once mastered were Fire Style ninjutsu that were difficult to learn and could even be regarded as Forbidden Technique.

Now, even Beichen found and learned it.

"Strange... I remember that Uchiha didn't record these ninjutsu."

Uchiha Obito's face under the mask is also a bit ugly.

He didn't expect that the ninjutsu that Beichen knew was so powerful, and the effect of using it was even more exciting than Uchiha Madara's original one.


Kakuzu's eyes widened when he saw that his combined ninjutsu was comparable to Beichen's Huo Mie.

He is naturally very clear about the power of his combined ninjutsu.

But now...

To be stopped by Beichen with a ninjutsu?

He still didn't choose to avoid his combined ninjutsu, but chose to head-to-head with himself!

"What...is it only this level?"

On the other side, Beichen's face was indifferent, and he sighed as if he hadn't used all his Chakra.

His pair of Sharingan was full of disdain.

Although he mobilized his own Chakra, he only exerted less than 50% of the power of this Fire Style ninjutsu.

He was still guarding against attacks from elsewhere and from Uchiha Obito.

That's right...

He knew that if all the members of the Akatsuki organization came to assassinate him, he was going to catch them all this time.

As long as Obito dares to appear in his line of sight, he will definitely activate the ability of Mangekyō Sharingan, directly solving the battle within five seconds.

Don't look at the short time of five seconds, but within five seconds of stillness, he is enough to directly cross several miles with his body that has opened the Sixth Gate!

This is the body with Eight Inner Gates turned on.

While physical skills have been greatly enhanced, he has also mastered long-range physical attack methods.

Five seconds, he is enough to kill Uchiha Obito several times in sight!

Otherwise... no matter how strong he is, it would still be troublesome to be caught in the Kamui space.

Regarding the research on breaking space, he has only carried out a little bit.

He was really caught in, although he can continue to survive inside with the unlimited battery life of the Liuku Immortal Thief.

But there is no way to get out, and can only wait inside for Obito to use Kamui to transfer his body in and attack his body again.


In order to avoid this from happening, he could only cheer up and pay attention to the attack of the king.

This will inevitably be a bit restrained.

"This guy is still wary of me.........the Mangekyō Sharingan who has restrained me so much is still so cautious......"

Obito, who has been taught by Uchiha Madara, can tell at a glance that Beichen is not using his full strength.

It's just fighting Kakuzu a little bit with Huo Huo Que.

Otherwise, he will use all his strength to suppress Kakuzu, and Uchiha Obito will definitely have a chance to catch him in the Kamui space.

As for Kakuzu and Hidan...

If they died and Beichen could be captured into the Kamui space by himself, he would be 100% satisfied!

Members are gone and can be recruited again.

With Konoha gone without Beichen, it would be much easier for them to absorb rebellion from Konoha.

Naturally, there are ways to absorb a combination similar to Kakuzu Hidan.

But now... Beichen sits in Konoha Village, they dare not put their hands in Konoha Village!

The awe brought by Beichen is too terrifying!

"Such a strong combined ninjutsu... Beichen, he can resist it so easily?"

Samyi swallowed, her pretty face was full of astonishment.

Although she doesn't know how powerful Kakuzu's combined ninjutsu is, the sea of ​​flames is enough to give her a general idea...

This should be a Forbidden Technique!

Otherwise, the nature of these two Chakras can be brought into full play, and compound ninjutsu can be perfectly integrated.....

Definitely beyond the category of ordinary Kage-level ninjas.

"It seems... Master Beichen probably didn't use his full strength."

Mabuyi on the side changed his name to Mr. Beichen at some point.

She is now overwhelmed by Beichen's strength.

With such means and such strength, it is no wonder that Beichen was able to become Hokage and the patriarch of the Uchiha clan at the age of twelve.

Not at all like the young ninjas who are much younger than them.

"Haven't you shot yet? Yes, I acted too easily."

Beichen estimated the power of Fire Style ninjutsu while paying attention to his side.

However, after a long stalemate, Uchiha Obito did not show up at all.

Uchiha Obito doesn't know yet, his current information on Kamui has been figured out by Beichen. .

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