Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 136 Beichen Vs Payne Six Paths

"This guy...…."

Nagato could clearly perceive Beichen's disdain through the battlefield live broadcast from Payne.


He just faced the attacks of Kakuzu and Hidan, the Red Sand Scorpion and Loquat Juzang, and he didn't use much strength at all.

It's like just playing around with them.

But now that he joined the battlefield, he was not surprised at all.

It seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

"Don't you wonder who we are?"

Tian Dao Payne was interrupted by Beichen, his face was still extremely calm, a pair of indifferent Rinnegan looked at Beichen and asked in a steady tone.

He didn't seem offended by Beichen's interruption.

Instead, he asked Beichen with great interest.

Looks very patient, not in a hurry to make a move.

"Oh? Anyway, your strength is just like that... nothing worth noting."

Beichen smiled lightly, slowly sheathed the Taidao in his hand, and glanced at several Paynes in a pair of Three Tomoe Sharingan with a little indifference.

For members of these Akatsuki organizations...

Now Beichen really doesn't feel the slightest pressure.

For him, these people are just little guys who let him stretch his muscles.

He didn't feel the slightest pressure. "Six Thirty" even if they are all Kage-level ninjas that are rare in the ninja world, and S-level rebel ninjas in various villages.

Without reaching super Kage-level strength, the difference in numbers can't help Beichen at all.

His Liuku Immortal Thief ensures resilience, and Sage Body ensures that the battery life of his body will not drop.

And the endurance of physical strength and mental strength is enough to keep him fighting against Kage-level ninjas.

That's why Beichen said that those Kage-level members are not enough to watch.

With the perception of Ultimate and the insight of Sharingan, it cooperates with the battery life of the Liuku Immortal Thieves.

For all the ninjas whose strength is weaker than Beichen's, it is whimsical to use crowd tactics to kill Beichen.

"This guy......"

Hearing Beichen's words, Kakuzu doesn't know where...

Beichen didn't take them seriously at all.

Their well-prepared ninjutsu and sneak attacks had no effect on Beichen at all, but were easily resolved by him.

It would have been fine if he had directly defeated them in a crushing position from the start.

Beichen still had a stalemate with Kakuzu for a while before defeating them.

This is in Kakuzu's eyes...

It is undoubtedly a humiliation to him!

"Sure enough, this guy didn't show his full strength."

Loquat Shizang smiled helplessly in the distance, and Beichen didn't panic at all when facing the attack at the beginning, but directly launched a counterattack.

For any attack during the period, he responded very calmly.

This reaction......

There was no panic at all.

There is such a terrifying guy in today's ninja world.

Loquat Juzang was greatly moved, his strength did not reach the Kage-level, but only relying on the cooperation of his Water Style ninjutsu and beheading sword to become an official member of the Akatsuki organization.

His strength is far behind Kakuzu, a veteran Kage-level ninja, let alone the strength gap with Beichen.

"Is that so..."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion, who was manipulating the puppet in the dark, looked calm, but silently put away his puppet without saying anything.

Nonsense, if a person is willing to avoid his poisonous needle, it is considered to show a part of his strength.

Not to mention that Beichen also has the strongest medical ninjutsu in the ninja world.

Even if he was poisoned by himself, he might be able to heal in an instant.

Taijutsu ninjas are very restrained against puppeteers.

What the puppeteer is most afraid of is being approached by people, and Beichen can of course open his own scene door the first time he sees the red sand scorpion.

The speed of the Sixth Gate King Gate...

But several times under normal conditions.

As a puppeteer, the urine sand scorpion does not have such a fast movement speed.

What he is better at is manipulating his puppets for long-range combat or manipulating puppets for melee combat.

And the puppet master's physical ability is not very strong.

"The leader is finally about to make a move... Is this battle about to usher in its climax?"

Seeing the indifferent tone of Tiandao Payne's sure victory, Hidan sneered a little excitedly.

He can't wait to see Beichen cursed by himself now!

"After all, Nagato is still going to play. I don't know if his strength can let Beichen show his flaws."

Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew very well that the battle between Nagato and Beichen might not be so easy.

After all, Beichen now...

But comparable to Uchiha Madara in the Sengoku period, there are almost no shortcomings in the whole body.

Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Blood Succession Limit, Genjutsu, and Forbidden Technique have all reached the pinnacle of the current ninja world.

If you want to defeat Beichen now, you can only use several super Kage-level ninjas to attack together. After exhausting Beichen's Chakra, he will be slaughtered.

"call out!"

Tiandao Payne suddenly moved!

At the same time, several Payne around him also disappeared in place.

"Come on... Nagato, let me see your strength."

Beichen grasped the hilt of the Taidao indifferently, his eyes under the black hair were firm and cold.

The killing intent spread from his whole body in an instant, and the extremely cold killing intent spread out just a little bit, making everyone present feel chills.

This guy......

How many people have been killed, and there is such a strong killing intent?

Such a question emerged in everyone's mind.

His killing intent has almost materialized, and the surrounding air seems to have frozen, making it difficult to breathe.

"Master Beichen is so powerful..."

It wasn't until this moment that Samuel understood...

Beichen didn't need to care about this attack at all.

Because his strength has far surpassed those who attacked him, he doesn't need to think about the impact of their attacks on him.

The attacks of those people may seem very powerful to the two of them, making it difficult to evade or defend.

But in Beichen's eyes, these are just small tricks.

"Then Master Beichen will be able to get rid of these people soon."

Mabuyi also had a look of excitement, as long as these assassins were eliminated, there would definitely be less obstacles on their way to Daming Mansion.

However, these assassins are very curious about their identities.

It turns out that every member is so powerful.

Putting it in Cloud Shinobi Village is also rare.

How could he curl up in an organization and now come to assassinate Beichen.

"I've passed by too, you guys keep an eye on the battlefield over there and launch an attack at any time."

Hungry Kidō Payne also said slowly to Kakuzu and Hidan behind him, and left the spot with a Body Flicker Technique.

"Looking for an opportunity to attack?"

Looking at his only remaining Wind Style and Fire Style earth grievance masks, Kakuzu just twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and didn't say anything...

Hidan was uncharacteristically silent.

Even though the fight with Beichen just now was very short, it still made Hidan feel that Beichen's strength is not groundless.

And his strength is indeed very strong, and his triple power can't help him at all.

This is still on the premise that Kakuzu helps him attack together.

If he went to fight Beichen alone, he might be chopped into several pieces without even touching the edge of Beichen's clothes.


Just when everyone was holding their breath, the two finally started to confront each other!

The figure of Tiandao Payne first appeared in front of Beichen, facing his face was a side kick of a wolf!

"Well done!"

The Beichen Taidao came out of its sheath in response, and the blue arc covered the entire blade, which was as piercing as a thousand birds chirping.

"Zi La!"

The sputtering electric light is enough to see how terrifying Lightning Style Chakra is contained in Beichen's knife.

Tiandao Payne raised his hand, Beichen's speed passed the Sixth Gate, and the superimposition of Lightning Style Chakra's active enhancement made him feel a little unable to keep up.

His eyes are Rinnegan, and his pupil power has surpassed that of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, so he can't see through Beichen's movements!


On the other side, the beast Dao Payne had already finished making seals with both hands, and slapped his hands hard on the ground.

A mysterious Summoning spell appeared on the ground, and the densely packed tadpole-like black spell spells began to writhe instantly as if they were alive!

At the same time, a huge rhinoceros that was as big as a hill appeared in front of the beast Dao Payne in an instant!

And the eyes of this rhino are Rinnegan!

"Is this the Summoning beast belonging to Rinnegan?"

Beichen saw this Summoning beast and immediately knew that it was a Summoning beast belonging to Rinnegan.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

At the same time, Tiandao Payne raised his hand to Beichen and released Tiandao's ability!

God Luo Tianzheng!

It is the ability to bounce everything around you with yourself as the center.

Ability that belongs exclusively to the Dao of Heaven. 2.1


When Beichen's blade was about to cut Tiandao Payne's ankle, an indescribable repulsion suddenly appeared in front of him and Payne's palms!

This huge force is not under any control, even though Beichen has opened the Sixth Gate and his physical strength has been greatly strengthened, he is still sent flying by this Shenluo Tianzheng!

"What kind of ninjutsu is this? It blows Mr. Beichen away?"

Seeing that Beichen in front of him was forced back by Tiandao Payne's gestures, Sam couldn't help but widen his beautiful eyes.

From the beginning to the present, Beichen has never retreated a step.

Now he was sent flying by Tiandao Payne with a slight raise of his hand?


Beichen felt the repulsion from his chest, and his body in mid-air did not feel any discomfort at all.

He calmly gathers his Chakra on his back and soles of his feet, while the Lightning Style Chakra all over his body continues to animate the physical body.

Unknowingly, there was a trace of blue steam in the green Sixth Gate Jingmen steam.

It is the embodiment of Lightning Style Chakra!


The rhinoceros not far away also trampled on the ground and rushed towards Beichen when Beichen was ejected and had no means of defense!

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