"Is it only to this extent?"

Beichen felt the simultaneous action of the suction force and the rhinoceros' momentum, the green steam of the Sixth Gate on his body was constantly surging, and he could feel his body strength also constantly soaring.

The body is gradually adapting to the improved ability brought by the Eight Inner Gates.

Originally, although his physical strength was enough to support him to open the Eight Inner Gates, there was still some potential that had not been tapped.

This battle just allowed him to unearth all the remaining potential in his body.

Make his body more adaptable to the power boost after using Eight Inner Gates.

This is also the importance of combat. If you just practice blindly and don't pay attention to the importance of actual combat, you will have no ability and potential like Beichen before, and you will not be able to transform them into your full strength.

"It really has the power to challenge the gods."

Tiandao Payne was not ashamed to see Beichen's disdainful look, but increased the gravity of his Universal Pull!

Stronger suction came from Beichen's chest and back, which made him unable to hold the tachi in his hand which was in a stalemate with the rhino's horn.


And the beast on the other side, Dao Payne, had already slapped his hands on the ground at this time, and one after another, Summoning beasts controlled by Rinnegan and belonging to Rinnegan continued to appear on the battlefield!

"That person... how can Summoning come out with so many different Summoning beasts?"

Seeing the astonishing number of Summoning beasts in Payne, each species is different, Samui murmured numbly.

She didn't understand.

Generally, a ninja can only sign a contract with one kind of Summoning beast, and can only summon multiples of one kind of Summoning beast at most.

For example, Naruto signed a Summoning contract with Mount Myōboku before. Even though he can Summon many Summoning beasts, they are all types of Mount Myōboku toads.

And now...

There are several kinds of Summoning beasts produced by Beast Dao Payne Summoning!

Chameleon, crab, panda, multi-headed dog with wings

The eyes of every Summoning beast are naturally the same Rinnegan as their Payne.

This also proves that these Summoning beasts are all Summoning beasts that belong to Rinnegan and are controlled by pupil power.

These Summoning beasts have their own new and unique abilities because they are controlled by the beast Dopayne.

These abilities are definitely not abilities that these Summoning beasts can obtain by themselves.

It's the ability that Rinnegan's pupil power gives them.

Under the control of Rinnegan's pupil power, the Summoning beasts now have their own new abilities!

The ability of each Summoning beast is extremely strange.

"So many Summoning beasts?"

Even Beichen, who had the chance to win, was slightly surprised to see so many Summoning beasts appearing at the same time.

The types of these Summoning beasts are different, and the abilities of each Summoning beast are also different.

"Do you know the power of God now?"

There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of Tiandao Payne's mouth. With the cooperation of his Tiandao ability and animal way, it is difficult for a kage-level master in the ninja world to resist.




At the same time, the Summoning beast, Hell Crab, surrounded by the beast Dao Payne opened its huge mouth and started spraying foam guns in Beichen's direction!

Water Style! Foamy waves!

It is the ability that this hell crab, which is comparable to a hill, is controlled by Rinnegan's pupil power!

A lot of foam spewed out, as if they didn't care about the life and death of the rhino that was wrestling with him in front of Beichen.


Beichen's eyes narrowed, a faint light flashed in the scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan, and the sharp-edged face was calm, as if he wasn't bothered by the sudden attack.



The chameleon next to Animal Road swallowed the remaining Payne in one gulp.

And the huge body of the chameleon also disappeared on the ground.


Seeing this scene, Samuel's face was full of disbelief.

Why did such a big Summoning beast disappear in an instant?

"Could it be the Summoning beast's ability—invisibility?"

Azabu, who often flipped through the scrolls in Raikage's office, was well-informed and immediately thought of this possibility.

"There is a Summoningmon with this ability? Isn't this ability too much?"

Samuel tried his best to perceive the Chakra fluctuations of those Penns and the Chakra fluctuations of the Summoning beast.

Finding that there is no gain at all, not only exclaimed in surprise.

This is complete invisibility and conceals the Chakra fluctuations.

It is completely the best weapon for Yin people.

"This is a terrible situation... Master Beichen, how will he deal with it?"

Invisibility, Rhino Wrestling, Hell Crab Spray Water Style Ninjutsu.

These abilities are stacked together at the same time, I am afraid that even Senju Hashirama will be entangled when he comes.

This combination of Payne's abilities can be called a rogue style of play.

If you want to run, pull back with Universal Pull, and then Summoning beasts attack together.

Strong melee ability, if you want to get close, you can use Shenluo Tianzheng to bounce away, and the soul extraction that cooperates with the human way can be called unsolvable.

For long-range consumption, Shura Dao's thermal weapons not only consume less chakra than ninjutsu, but also have better effects than ninjutsu.

As for fighting consumption...

Hell Road also has the ability to restore Payne instantly.

It can be said that this six-in-one Penn is completely a hexagonal warrior.

There is no shortcoming. It is clear that the hard power of each is not very strong, and even the number of panels has been opened by Beichen.

"It's boring."

Beichen looked at the attacking hellhound with three heads, and the foam gun that attacked soon, and the eight-handed bird was watching him from above, and he would give him a fatal attack from above as soon as he showed his flaws. one strike.

His face is still indifferent and calm, without the slightest wave.


These attacks are easy for him to break.

"Is this guy still not using the ability of Sharingan?"

Beichen is not in a hurry, Uchiha Obito in the dark is already in a hurry.

Although the attacks of these Summoning beasts are amazing and powerful, they cooperate very cleverly with the Universal Pull of Tiandao Payne.

But these are just a little trouble (cdab) for Beichen.

To really solve him, relying on Nagato's means is definitely not enough.

Nagato does not have a high-destructive technique that can defeat an enemy with one blow.

And Beichen has Liuku Immortal Thieves as battery life, and has both hands to recover his physical injuries at any time.

Both Chakras are huge numbers of people. If they are exhausted, the battle will be endless.

At that time, if Konoha sees the battle here and sends reinforcements, their assassination will fail this time.

Don't look at Konoha Village is now being overwhelmed by Third Hokage.

The background of Konoha Village is there, and the Uchiha family has several pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan.

These are all combat forces that can crush the members of Xiao organization.

"Nagato... Hurry up and force out his Mangekyō ability, or I won't dare to make a move."

Uchiha Obito continued to hide in the dark with some helplessness.

His information has not been disclosed, so Beichen can only rely on this information to let Beichen enter his own Kamui different space.

Otherwise, with the strength that Beichen has shown now, the possibility of them directly assassinating Beichen is almost zero.

"Zi la z la..."

The Lightning Style Chakra on Beichen's tachi is even more dazzling, but this time the tip of the knife is lightly pointing at the top of the rhino's head horn, quietly!

Following this, the recoil drove his body to quickly flash backwards.


Tian Dao Payne Rinnegan is slightly displeased that his Universal Pull has expired.

However, his Universal Pull and Shenluo Tianzheng have a short cooling time, and they will be good again soon.

"To be able to stand in a stalemate with Universal Pull for such a long time... Your strength is indeed extraordinary."

Tiandao Payne's face was indifferent, but he still didn't pay much attention to Beichen.

after all…………

The attacks of my several Summoning beasts have arrived!

"Rhino...keep charging!"

Beast Dao, who was invisible together in the chameleon's mouth, issued an order.

She didn't intend to give Beichen a chance to calm down at all, and was going to kill Beichen directly in one go!

"Okay... Chakra extraction is enough."

At the same time, Kakuzu on the other side also looked towards the center of the battlefield.

Numerous monster bombs, foam guns, and Summoning beasts all aimed at Beichen and charged!

"I'll also add to the fire..."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Kakuzu's mouth, and he raised his hand to make a seal!

Compound ninjutsu is brewing again!

"Since there are Water Style ninjutsu... let's add one more!"

Seeing the attack all over the sky, the foam gun sprayed by the hell crab completely ignored the rhinoceros hellhound and other Summoning beasts in front of Beichen.

Loquat Juzo is also wise to choose the seal to unleash his next big ninjutsu!

"Is it time to launch an all-out attack?"

The Red Sand Scorpion on the other side saw that everyone was preparing the strongest long-range ultimate move, so he also manipulated his strongest puppet to launch his strongest Forbidden Technique.

The puppet in his hand was the human puppet—Third Kazekage, his face was pale and expressionless, and he opened his mouth, which continuously spewed out dense and mysterious substances.

It is iron sand!

At the same time, this substance gradually spread around the Red Sand Scorpion.

And the Sand Iron Body quickly began to spread to the entire battlefield due to the repulsion of the magnetic field, forming many cone-shaped iron sand in the sky, aiming at Beichen and launching an attack at the same time!

"Sand and Iron World Law!"

"Water Style! Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

"Compound Ninjutsu! Odd Face Explosion!"

Multiple attacks ensued!

The sand and iron all over the sky, the monstrous water dragon behind, the rhinoceros and horns attacking in front, the compound ninjutsu that can be said to cover the entire battlefield, the powerful Water Style ninjutsu foam gun fired by hell crabs, Shura Dopayne's The long-range cannonball, the strange bullet fire arrow, and the other side of Tiandao Payne and Uchiha Obito who are watching!

"Don't blame me, but you are called Summoning beasts first."

There was a sneer at the corner of Beichen's mouth, and he closed his seal without any hesitation.

Then, when all the attacks are about to come to the side, slap the ground hard!

Immediately, many complicated and mysterious Summoning curse marks appeared on the ground!


With a loud bang, all the attacks came to Beichen at the same time!

The sky was full of smoke in an instant, and a poisonous movement that was enough to make the entire Fire Nation feel spread from the place where Beichen was located!.

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