Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 142 Place An Undercover Agent, Payne Six Paths Are All Wiped Out!

Otherwise, Tiandao Payne might use Shenluo Tianzheng to bounce him off before he activates Wuliang.

For the sake of stability, Beichen decided to kill the most difficult Tiandao Payne first!

"How? How could he be so fast?"

There is only one question on everyone's mind.

In the ninja world, no matter how fast the Body Flicker Technique is, it takes time to move.

Unless it was time-space ninjutsu, it would be impossible for Godzilla, who was still a few meters away from them one moment, to appear directly in front of them the next moment.


Beichen has mastered time and space ninjutsu?

This is the last thought of everyone at the moment before time is stopped.

"Swish Swish Swish!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Beichen jumped several members of the cannon fodder level—beheaded.

As for the rest of the people....

Either it was a waste of time to kill, or it was better for Beichen to live than to die.


A big head was separated from the body, and the gray liquid and blood slowly flowed down.

The headless corpse was supposed to fall to the ground, but because of the stillness of time, it didn't fall down.

At the same time, the blood seemed to flow slowly out of common sense, and it didn't shoot up into the sky like cutting the throat.

"Hidan is not easy to kill Kakuzu's defense will not be able to break through for a while, the red sand scorpion will still be useful in the future..."

Beichen - thinking, all this happened in just two seconds.

As for Uchiha Obito, who he wanted to kill the most, the reaction was really quick.

The moment he beheaded Tiandao Payne, he ran away directly.

Don't give him any chance to catch up.

Otherwise, even if Uchiha Obito moved to the farthest distance in his line of sight after he turned on the infinite stagnation time, he can shorten the distance infinitely and endlessly to kill him!


This time Uchiha Obito is very clever, directly escaping the whole body into time and space.

This made it impossible for Beichen, who was not good at time and space ninjutsu, to continue hunting.


Beichen casually beheaded the rest of Payne.

"As for the rest...you can take advantage of it.

Beichen looked at the people with surprised expressions on their faces after the still time, and immediately had a plan on their faces.

He wants to place an undercover agent in the Akatsuki organization!

This undercover agent must not talk too much, and at the same time be inconspicuous.

Otherwise, if you talk too much, the memory you edited hastily within five seconds will definitely be exposed.


If the sense of presence is too strong, it will look very different after modifying the memory.

In that case, there is only one choice.

"It's you, little one."

Beichen activated both hands, facing Loquat Ten Zang and immediately began to modify the soul memory!

For loquat Shizang's soul memory modification, it can only modify and insert new memories as a whole.

The reason for choosing him is naturally because he doesn't talk much and his strength is not very strong.

At the same time, the sense of presence is not high.

Apart from using Water Style and some physical skills, his strength is not very strong.

At the same time... Kirigakure's rebellion in the Akatsuki organization is not much.

It is very unlikely that he will reveal his secrets anytime soon.

Beichen finished modifying Loquat Shizang's memory in threes and fives.

Just adding himself as his master, and nothing but memory and personality like Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi.

In this case……………

Except that Beichen is more recognized as the master, the rest is the same as before.

"Very good, now we have a pawn in the Akatsuki organization."

Beichen nodded secretly in his heart, quite satisfied with his arrangement this time.

Then withdraw the knife to stop Wujian's Sharingan ability.

It is also a bit ridiculous to say.

Originally, Uchiha Obito wanted to seize the gap where Beichen released his ability after opening Mangekyō Sharingan to catch Beichen's flaw, and then caught him into the Kamui space.


Now facing Beichen who broke in suddenly, Uchiha Obito don't think about attacking.

It was all about escaping.

If he is cut with a knife, can he survive in these five seconds?

Uchiha Obito's idea is to let the members of the Akatsuki organization consume Beichen's Mangekyō pupil power, and reap the benefits for himself.

Instead of stepping up to the arm wrestling with Beichen who can use Inseparable!

"call out!"

Mangekyō's time has passed, and the headless corpse in front of Beichen collapses in an instant!

Blood and gray liquid shot up into the sky.

"what happened?"

Seeing several headless corpses around them, the remaining living people couldn't help but look shocked, and all backed away!

"This guy...how did he suddenly rush in?"

Those who hide in the dark will inevitably have some doubts.

The members who died were all S-rank rebels recently recruited by the Akatsuki organization.

Naturally, it made him very distressed, but if he didn't understand what Beichen's attack was about, it might be even more difficult to deal with next time.

"So that's how it is...As expected of Mr. Beichen..."

On the other side, the two daughters of Cloud Shinobi looked at Beichen who had killed all of Payne's Six Paths in the field, and their faces paled even more.

Beside them, Beichen's Shadow Clone has disappeared.

"It seems that everyone is still puzzled?"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Beichen's mouth.

Then, the Beichen on the head of Godzilla in the distance slowly turned into wood, and turned into a wooden stake in the shape of Beichen on top of Godzilla's head.


The red sand scorpion immediately noticed the abnormality on Godzilla's side.

As the person with the brightest mind in the Akatsuki organization, he immediately thought of Beichen's battle plan.

"Is that so?"

The Red Sand Scorpion smiled wryly, he understood Beichen's plan.

"I didn't expect...you were not the Shadow Clone...but the main body who saved those two ninjas."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Beichen calmly, and said every word.

At the same time, he is also secretly manipulating the puppet and quietly pulling away the distance.

The current situation is already very unfavorable to the Akatsuki organization.

Several Penns were easily beheaded by Beichen.

The remaining few members also have no fighting ability.

It's a completely one-sided situation.


It seems that Beichen can continue to activate the ability to freeze time.

This time the assassination not only failed...

Even the lives of several of them will be left in the country of fire.

"Not bad...just as you said."

Beichen smiled lightly, without any extra emotion.

"You bastard...So it turns out that we were all fighting your clone just now?"

Knowing the truth, Kakuzu obviously didn't have the heart to accept this fact.

The ninjutsu confrontation between him and Beichen was so intense that he was even crushed by Beichen at one point...

In the end, the Beichen who fought against him... turned out to be his clone?

"Looks like it's still Wood Style's avatar... You guy really studied First Hokage?"

The Red Sand Scorpion calmly analyzed, while continuing to mobilize his own Chakra to manipulate the puppet.

As the person with the highest combat quality in the Xiao organization, he has to make full use of everything he can.

Speaking of...

In this battle, Uchiha Obito will definitely take the blame.

Without him instigating this assassination, the Akatsuki organization would not be as fragmented as it is now.

Tiandao Payne was behind the scenes. He was not so strong but had to be brave, and even brought everyone together when he was about to perform ninjutsu at the end.

Originally, there was no problem with this move, in order to prevent the Akatsuki organization from continuing to reduce staff and preserve its strength.

The point is that this also saved time and effort for Beichen, who was approaching quietly, and directly wiped out all of them who got together.

"Before you and Wood Clone from First Hokage were able to fight so intensely, don't you think that you can just fight with me and have back and forth?"

Seeing Kakuzu's unbelievable look.

Beichen shrugged, not only a little surprised.

His current strength is not far from Senju Hashirama.

Kakuzu is only fit to fight Senju Hashirama's Wood Clone, how can he have the confidence to fight against his own body?

"It's really powerful. I didn't expect a ninja like you to be famous now."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion's face was a bit ugly, and he was still delaying time.

The longer the time delay, the more fully prepared he can be, and the greater the probability of escaping.

"If you want to delay the time, I advise you not to think too much."

But 050 Beichen understood what the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was thinking just by taking a glance.

He can still continue to activate Incessantly now, and he can completely slaughter them all.


The current Beichen doesn't intend to do this, his current strength has already aspired to the top of the ninja world.

These members of the Xiao organization can completely become the new backers.

I want to shape myself into a glamorous Hokage, so Danzo will not be responsible for the next few things, and it is not bad to have these people to blame.

More importantly, he will rely on these Akatsuki members to make Uchiha Obito continue to have the mind to deal with him.

Otherwise, Uchiha Obito will be a threat for a day without mastering time and space ninjutsu.

And as long as I let these members go... Uchiha Obito will deal with himself sooner or later.

The next time I rely on the infinite effect, I will kill Uchiha Obito in one fell swoop through the information gap!

Moreover, he also placed the puppet Loquat Ten Zang into the interior.

Let him continue to steal information and Uchiha Obito's position internally, which will help him deal with Bao Zhibo Obito while controlling the development of Akatsuki organization!

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion looked slightly embarrassed.

His purpose was so easily seen.

Kakuzu and Hidan were also silent.

They have already seen Beichen's strength.

Even the leader had been directly beheaded by Beichen, leaving no means of resistance left.

Not even that ninjutsu was unleashed.


Beichen canceled the Summoning beast, and Godzilla, which had covered the sky and the sun, disappeared instantly.

"This is.....…"

Noticing the movement on the other side, several people looked at Beichen in surprise.

I don't know what his plan is.

If he's going to keep everyone here...

Then even if they are afraid of Beichen's strength, they must fight him to the end!

"call out!"

With a soft groan of the sound of the sword, Beichen slowly drew out the Taidao.

Since we want to let them go...the acting must be a full set!.

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