Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 144: The Curtain Comes To An End, God's Paper Technique

This is also one of Beichen's schemes, not only let his own full hands pretend to make a loud sound and a great response, but at the same time let Jue think that the release time of both hands is very long!

"Then this person is... his Shadow Clone?"

Konan immediately had doubts in his heart, but at the same time, the Wood Style clone below immediately launched an attack!

The Wood Style clone can also activate the Sharingan, which is what summoned Godzilla's clone from the previous battle did.

So it is Konan's expectation that the current Wood Style avatar can open Sharingan.

"That guy can activate Mangekyō Sharingan's ability again?"

Jue, who was observing in the dark, noticed the movement on both sides, and secretly recorded this information in his heart.

Beichen's Mangekyō ability is already too perverted, and now it is known that he can release continuously, which is undoubtedly bad news.

"call out!"

Beichen raised his hand, and his whole body turned into a blue lightning, and he came in front of Loquat Ten Zang in an instant, and the sword was drawn down in an instant, cutting off the beheading power without any accidents!

It is as silky as cutting tofu.

"not good!"

Konan noticed the dangerous situation on Loquat Ten Zang's side, and immediately his face changed slightly. He quickly manipulated his paper to pull Loquat Ten Zang away, and at the same time pulled up a paper shield in front of Loquat Ten Zang and Beichen!

Don't underestimate the shield made of paper, its defensive power is amazing, enough to block Jōnin's ninjutsu.

"With Konan here...it seems that this side can delay the time for a while, and let Jue think that it will take a long time to release my hands."

Beichen saw that Konan's approach was very timely, and immediately realized that Konan is also a strong Kage-level player. He can save water and delay time at the same time!

"Click, click!" 793

The omnipotent Lightning Style Taidao seemed to be struggling a little in front of the paper shield.

"It seems that the defensive power of this paper shield is quite high."

Beichen was a little surprised, even if he was a little bit watered, the sword attached to the Lightning Style Chakra was not easy to resist.

It can be seen that the defensive effect of this confetti.

"However... there are weaknesses!"

There was a smile on the corner of Beichen's mouth.

Then, he raised his hand and threw a bunch of darts, while spitting out fireballs from his mouth!

The fireball quickly scattered the darts, causing the latter to rush out burning quickly!

"Fire Style! Impatiens Claw Red!"

It is the move that Uchiha Itachi is good at in the original book!

Attach it to the shuriken through the flame of the Hatsuo Fire Technique, making the shuriken

Water Style. Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

Loquat Juzo on the other side immediately began to use his ninjutsu.

Because he wants to convince Konan and the surveillance team that he is not being manipulated by Beichen, so Beichen let him use all his abilities!

"This Beichen guy.....has even attacked Kakuzu and the others."

Seeing Beichen's actions, he knew that Beichen was going to kill them all.

That's right, if the still time and the activation time are continuous, all those who assassinated him will definitely be eliminated.

Fortunately, Payne is just a corpse manipulated by Nagato, and it is destroyed and then added.

Uchiha Obito also escaped successfully, leaving only the undead duo, Red Sand Scorpion, Loquat Juzang, and Konan.

It is very difficult for the rest of these people to escape.

"Damn it!"

The red sand scorpion at the side noticed that the undead duo was under control, and a slight hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He didn't know whether to continue to (cdag) harass Beichen, or take advantage of this opportunity to flee immediately.


When Beichen released this ninjutsu, he was very distracted.

However, after hesitating for a short while, he immediately thought of fleeing far away.

The Wujian just now was enough for Beichen to attack him, but he didn't attack, which only means that there was not enough time, so he could only attack the undead duo.

But since he released that ninjutsu so confidently, he must have left behind.

What's more, the leader of the Xiao organization has been killed, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here.

So he left immediately!


Beichen shook his head, the Red Sand Scorpion's wise approach made Beichen look at him differently.

He continued to manipulate his hands, his two hands were shining with red light energy and blue energy, and began to carefully modify the soul and memory of the undead duo.

After controlling Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi last time, he focused on improving his double Quanmin.

Now he is quite adept at using both hands.

The human experiment in Konoha has made his experience of using both hands extremely rich, and it is no longer as laborious as using it with Uchiha Fugaku and his son before.

Otherwise, he would not be able to successfully modify the memory of Loquat Ten Zang in an instant.

Behind all this is stacked up with countless human experiments.

Of course, all the spies from other villages and Danzo's former stubborn men were used.

Those roots that surrendered have already been lifted by him and re-observed.

"This guy's hands look like this...it's really scary."

As soon as he saw Beichen's two hands began to emit different energies, he began to release ninjutsu at the immobile undead duo.

Even if you haven't seen Beichen use both hands, you can guess what kind of ninjutsu he is using.

"It seems that the time spent is not short..."

While calculating, Jue has already secretly recorded the relevant information about Beichen.

This failure did not discourage Jue, on the contrary, he wanted to learn more from this failure.

Only by collecting more intelligence can we succeed in the next assassination.

"The undead duo... what's going on?"

Noticing the movement of the undead duo, Konan felt a little miserable.

She didn't expect that the current Beichen would be able to activate Infernal Affairs to catch up with the undead duo.

The only good news right now is that... the Red Sand Scorpion and Uchiha Obito have now escaped; Konan was pretty confident that he would be able to escape.

But now seeing Beichen's ability to continue to activate Infernal Affairs, he immediately knew that he couldn't escape.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a loud bang [Impatiens Flower Claw Red instantly ignites the paper warehouse!

Paper shields are strictly restrained by Fire Style, and Beichen's Fire Style happens to be the pinnacle of the ninja world!


Konan and the undead duo, he is meant to be alive.

The rest are pawns he placed into Xiao's organization.

"Did he really find out..."

Konan also sighed helplessly when he saw that his paper shield was cracked in an instant.

Her paper escape is a brand-new genre, and the Chakra that is powerful and consumes less.

Moreover, the paper escape can also release different forms and changes.

But the only thing is that paper escape also has the characteristics of paper.

Afraid of fire and oil.

These are very restrained her ninjutsu.


On the other side, Loquat Shizang has formed a seal and released the Water Dragon Bomb!

At the same time, under Beichen's deliberate manipulation, Loquat Shizang activated the Water Body Technique again.

Four loquats appeared from the cover of the water mist, and together with the main body, there are five in total. He immediately jumped out from different directions!

This is also his deliberate arrangement, in order for Loquat Shizang to return to the Xiao organization and continue to be his own spy.

"Loquat Shizang is going to escape..."

Konan was a little surprised, she obviously didn't expect Loquat Ten Zang to escape at this time.

But it is also reasonable, he originally came to the rear to cover the escape of the remaining members of the Akatsuki organization.

As a result, Beichen directly activated Infernal Affairs, allowing the departed undead duo to stay again.

I and Loquat Shizang couldn't even solve a clone.

This also made her aware of the gap in strength.

"call out!"

The Water Dragon Bomb roared and went towards Beichen's avatar, but Beichen just swept across with the Lei Tai Dao easily, and a lightning arc several feet long cut the water dragon instantly!

"Pipa Shizang also escaped... Could it be that only two people escaped from this assassination?"

It's clear when I see it here......

I'm afraid only the Red Sand Scorpion and Loquat Ten Cang escaped back.

"God Paperman Technique!"

Konan saw Loquat Ten Zang and Red Sand Scorpion running away, so he didn't say much.

They chose to escape, but also followed the instructions of themselves and Nagato.

Since I have chosen to break off... I can't look back.

Following her coquettish shout, all the trees around Beichen Shadow Clone turned into paper, and rushed towards Beichen's Shadow Clone!

Beichen seems to have turned into a candle at this time, and those papers have turned into moths, rushing at him desperately!

"Are these... are they all disguises?"

Beichen was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that such an accident would happen to Shadow Clone's force.

Those big trees turned out to be disguised by Konan's paper.

He didn't even see his Mangekyō Sharingan clearly, he didn't react until the moment it changed.

"It's not awkward to let Loquat Shizang go now, Konan is really a godly assist."

Seeing the detonating symbols all over the sky, Beichen didn't worry about what would happen to his avatar, but thought in his mind that he was entangled in Konan's technique this time, so there was no reason to look for Loquat Ten Zang.

In this way, it will be much more logical for this pawn to break into Xiao's organization.


With a loud bang, the paper all over the sky exploded!

"Oh? Konan launched this technique...it seems to be over, so let me go quickly.

Thinking of Beichen's terrifying research ability, he definitely felt chills.

He was terrified for a moment that Beichen found himself after sweeping the battlefield, and used that unconnected ability to capture himself.

At that time, there is no place to cry by myself.

As for this time, as long as Beichen's information can be unearthed, their assassination will not be considered a failure.

"There's a lot of action over there...he's going to have to pretend for a while."

Even though Konan's technique is too difficult, Beichen has a reason to be unable to catch up with Loquat Shizang.

But he pursues perfection, so the full hands here still have to give the illusion that using this ninjutsu takes time.

At this point... the assassination of the Akatsuki organization is about to come to an end!.

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