Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 148 Policies In The Blood Mist, The Xiao Organization That Is About To Be Exposed?

The current form of Cloud Shinobi Village is very good. Because of the news of the comparison video, Raikage Ai also knows the current status of Konobi.

But compared to the first ninja world, this ninja world has the variable of Beichen.

In order to prevent this variable from becoming the final obstacle, Raikage can only send Cloud Shinobi Shuangjiao to Beichen.


Raikage himself didn't know that the current Cloud Shinobi's twins are already in the shape of Beichen.

"Are these battle marks left by Beichen? The ninja who fought with him doesn't seem to be weak."

This Anbu looked at the traces around him somewhat unexpectedly.

It is already in a mess everywhere, and the traces of the previous mountains cannot be seen at all. It seems to be caused by ninjutsu that is too powerful.

This includes not only Beichen's ninjutsu, but also the ninjutsu used by the ninja who attacked him.

In the ninja world, there are still people who dare to assassinate Beichen.

【First Ninja World Terumi Mei: Has the comparison video started yet?】

【No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: I’m really curious why the names of the two ninja worlds are like this?】

The first primitive ninja world.

Onoki was a little curious.

He believes that the contrasting roles selected by this comparison system every time are regular.

Just like the comparison video before, it was all about Beichen and Konoha.

Now suddenly it goes to Kirigakure.

And this comparative name is very intriguing.

"Tsuchikage-sama, are you going to plant spies on Kirigakure next?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Tsuchikage's office, half kneeling on the ground and asking.

"I don't need it for now, it is very difficult to enter Kirigakure now."

Ohnoki is very aware that the current Kirigakure has implemented a closed management, and all Mist Shinobi ninjas have completely cut off contact with the ninja world.

So it is wishful thinking for them to plant spies.

And just when Onogi answered Anbu's question, the comparison video officially started playing.

The playing interface is the same as before, starting from when Terumi Mei was born.

One is the first original ninja world, and the other is the second variant ninja world.

It's all about growing normally, extracting Chakra, becoming a ninja.

At that time, it was still in the third ninja world war, so the wars were more frequent.

Even Terumi Mei, a kid who just became a Genin, is headed to the battlefield.

【No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: The war at that time was really fierce. 】

[First Ninja World Raikage Ai: No matter when, war is unavoidable. 】

[First Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: Peaceful days are good, and the future ninja world hopes that everyone will not start a war. 】

Seeing the shadows of other countries, Sarutobi Hiruzen hastily echoed the peace.

The current Konoha needs the most time and needs to gradually ease the riddled interior.

Because of Third Hokage's own missteps and the sudden appearance of comparison videos.

Let the current Konoha Village be on the verge of being attacked by groups.

"I hope this comparison video can be played... Kirigakure is still very strong." "

Sarutobi Hiruzen is clear that the reason why Cloud Shinobi Village and Iwagakure are still waiting and watching is definitely because the strength of other countries is not clear and they do not understand their attitudes.

If Kirigakure and Sunagakure are powerful and want to stand in the same camp as Konoha, then Onoki and Raikage Ai will definitely be dumbfounded.

They will definitely steal the chicken and lose nothing.

Konoha no matter what, the original background still exists.

If there were other ninja villages helping Konoha at that time, it is still uncertain how the war will go.

"Now it's better to watch the comparison video carefully, from which we can analyze and process more information."

Ohnoki is very clear that the comparison of characters in the current comparison video is still secondary.

The most important thing is to be able to see the internal conditions of his village by comparing the characters!

This is information that is difficult to obtain no matter what. If spies are sent to inquire about the information that appears in the comparison video, it may take a lot of manpower and material resources.


After learning what Onogi meant, this Anbu left quickly.

"Look what's so special about this Terumi Mei."

While thinking, Onoki continued to look at the comparison video.

In the video, Kirigakure was in a bloodbath because of Yagura's bloody policy at that time.

"Damn...how did the village become like this?"

In the picture, Terumi Mei's face is full of dissatisfaction, and her immature and petite face is very delicate and lovely. Everyone can see that she must be a beauty who will bring disaster to the country and the people when she grows up.

Even now everyone can see that Terumi Mei is a beauty.

【Number One Ninja World Tsunade: Can't tell you were cute when you were young?】

[The first ninja world Terumi Mei: Don't you see who I am? Hehe. 】

Facing Tsunade's yin and yang ridicule, Terumi Mei is naturally not to be outdone.

For some reason, this Tsunade suddenly became very hostile to him.

What Terumi Mei doesn't know is that because she is more famous for her beauty in Kirigakure, this makes Konoha's Senju princess very hostile to her.

【No. 1 Ninja World Sarutobi Hiruzen: Tsunade, don't be so unreasonable!】

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Tsunade was not dealing with Terumi Mei, and hurriedly came out to dissuade her.

He doesn't want Kirigakure to be hostile to Konoha because of Tsunade's harsh words to Terumi Mei.

Now Konoha has made too many enemies and has no time to breathe.

Why not be able to have one less enemy and one more friend?

"This damn old man...what does he care about me now?"

The first primitive ninja world.

Seeing the warning in what Sarutobi Riza said to himself, Tsunade curled his lips in displeasure.

They have already owed so much to the Senju family, yet they can still teach themselves a lesson on the barrage with peace of mind.

"Hehe...It seems that the contradictions within Konoha Village are getting bigger and bigger."


Terumi Mei looked at Sarutobi's master and apprentice who were struggling on the barrage [Ten traces of smiles appeared on the corners of his mouth.

She can see that the current Konoha Village is very contradictory, and as long as it is about Sarutobi Hiruzen, there must be conflicts.

It can also be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen is the source of the contradiction.

It seems that if Kirigakure is exposed in the future, Konoha's contradictions can also be used to make a big fuss.

Terumi Mei thought to herself.

Even though she's not Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage yet, she's starting to think like a shadow.

This time things are even more so.

Since the information leak of the comparison video is inevitable, they must plan ahead and prepare early.

"The kid Terumi Mei has grown up."

Seeing that Terumi Mei didn't become angry because of Tsunade's yin and yang, she just responded with a sense of proportion.

Master Yuan couldn't help feeling relieved.

Looks like Mizukage's place is up for grabs.

"What the hell are these Konoha guys doing?"

Qing frowned slightly, and said indignantly.

He couldn't bear the way these people were targeting his boss.

"Let's watch the comparison video first, don't add extra details."

Terumi Mei snorted softly, her eyes warned Qing.


Being warned by her boss, Qing also tactfully didn't say much.

As the comparison video continues to play, Terumi Mei of the two worlds have already discovered that the Mist Shinobi policy at that time was very wrong.

Not only the policy in the blood mist seems to be aimed at weakening Kirigakure's strength, but also the atmosphere at that time.

Every ninja completes the task for the sake of completing the task, completely disregarding his companions. This kind of ninja cannot be called a ninja, it is a machine that can only perform tasks.

【Second Ninja Onoki: It turns out that Kirigakure implemented this policy so early?】

【Second Ninja World Raikage Ai: What is that Mizukage guy thinking? Is he going to destroy his own village?】

None of the shadows in these two villages understood why Yagura would make such a policy.

To know..………

These are policies that weaken the village and divide the ninja within.

They even wondered if these were orders issued by Yagura.

The second variant of Ninja World, Rain Shinobi Village Akatsuki organization secret room.

Uchiha Obito, who has already experienced defeat, looked at the picture in the comparison video, and his body twitched slightly.

"It seems that these things are going to be exposed... the Akatsuki organization won't be exposed?"

The screen has played until Terumi Mei noticed that the policy in the blood mist was unreasonable, and at this time he thought of his previous illusion being lifted.

It suddenly occurred to Uchiha Obito whether this comparison video would expose his illusion of Yagura.

After all, the first time he used illusion to control Yagura (Mano's) was when he broke into Kirigakure with Payne Konan and others.

If the Akatsuki organization was exposed so early, the subsequent Project Tsuki no Me would be difficult to continue.

While thinking, he looked at Jue not far away.

Jue has brought a lot of information about Beichen since he escaped from the previous assassination.

However, he never mentioned the assassination of Beichen again.

It seems that he has lost his mind on dealing with Beichen.

"Obito...the thing about Kirigakure may be coming to light."

Absolutely watched the comparison video and said in a deep voice to Uchiha Obito.

He was a little apprehensive, and now even the members of the Akatsuki organization had been torn apart by Beichen.

If it is exposed to the ninja world again, I am afraid that their Project Tsuki no Me will be difficult to continue to implement.

It is conceivable that if their organization, which aims at collecting tail beasts, is exposed to the ninja world, it will definitely be besieged by other countries!

"Let's take a step and see, Jun."

Obito's face under the mask was very gloomy, as if water could be squeezed out of it.

He didn't expect that the world would become so difficult to implement because of the variable Beichen.

The first ninja world doesn't seem to have such a difficult walk, does it?

Is it really because Beichen defeated them? The subsequent plans must not be taken lightly, otherwise such a good chess piece as Nagato will really be wasted. .

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