"Is there something?"

Seeing the eight kunai flying over at the same time, the always arrogant Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was also a little surprised at this time.

He realized that the kid who threw out Kunai was probably the strongest in this ninja team!

"Could it be that ninja from the Uchiha clan?"

He was a little puzzled.

In the mission information, there is actually not much information about Uchiha Beichen.

I just know that he is a ninja of the Uchiha clan, because it came from the temporary information from the spies they placed outside Konoha Village, so it is already a strong intelligence system to know that the ninja who temporarily joined them is a ninja of the Uchiha clan .

after all…………

Beichen is not a ninja who was supposed to join the ninja team to perform tasks, but a ninja who came out after Might Guy and the others left the village.


Little is known about Beichen.

Almost this time if he doesn't come out, none of their intelligence ninjas will notice that there is such a ninja in Konoha Village.

There are many ninjas coming and going in and out of Konoha Village every day, and four or five-year-old ninjas like Beichen even catch a lot of them in Konoha Village.

Four or five-year-old ninjas do not have enough Chakra, so they are not a threat.

The second is that they have no chance to show their strength and perform tasks, so the information about them can only be deduced through the family secrets behind them.

The same is true for Uchiha Beichen, they can only know that he is from the Uchiha family, and there is no reference to the event about his strength.

【No.1 Ninja World Ohnoki: What? This kid can throw such a precise kunai at such a young age?】

【The First Ninja World Raikage Ai: This is throwing eight kunai at the same time! This difficulty is no small feat!】

The shadows of the two villages were a little shocked.

You know, Jōnin who can throw eight kunai at the same time to the desired direction is rare these days.

From this we can see how huge the difficulty is.

And Beichen, even when he was only four or five years old, he could throw it so easily.

The first primitive ninja world.

Seeing the comparison video, Beichen did not show the slightest timidity in the face of so many enemies, but made his own attack in an instant.

Even Onoki praised him.

He has lived for a long time, and he has seen countless ninjas.

But he has never seen someone who can do what Beichen is like at his age.

Such a talented ninja, it turned out to be from Konoha Village.

"Fortunately, this boy Beichen is in another world, there is no him in this world..."

There was a little panic expression on Onoki's face, but after thinking of this, he slowly returned to calm.

This is really too scary.

A four-year-old child can throw such precise eight kunai.

The event itself is appalling!

Meanwhile, another Tusi.

Onoki was also shocked.

He didn't expect...

In my ninja world, the monster Beichen appeared unexpectedly!

Before he even opened his eyes, he was able to throw such precise eight kunai when he was four years old.

You know... now Beichen has grown up for a full ten years compared to the time in the comparison video!

Now Beichen even has Mangekyō Sharingan enabled!

Isn't his current strength even more terrifying?

Onoki had no idea.

He originally thought that his Iwagakure could develop steadily relying on geographical advantages [when the war starts, he can harass Konoha from time to time to get supplements]

But now it seems that with the monster Beichen sitting in Konoha, he is already a little unstable.

As Iwagakure's Tsuchikage, of course he knows...  

If the shadow of a village is very powerful and has reached a certain limit, it will be something terrifying.

Konoha Village, I'm afraid it's about to usher in a prosperous world!

Thinking of this, Ohnoki showed a trace of doubt on his old, wrinkled face.

Such a strong Beichen, how come there is no sign of it in the previous ninja world?

You must know that if the ninjas in each village are very outstanding, they will generally be known by the ninja world.

Hatake Kakashi, for example, is famous for his Sharingan replica ninja Hatake Kakashi.

This Konoha's genius ninja is even as famous as his father, Konoha's White Fang.

The strength of this kind of ninja is not only outstanding, but also has its own unique characteristics.

So they are well known in the ninja world.

After all, outstanding ninjas with so many characteristics are the key targets of foreign intelligence ninja reconnaissance.

"Konoha's Beichen...... I didn't expect such a genius to appear in Uchiha"||. "

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Ohnoki's forehead, and he looked out the window at the huge Iwagakure all over his field of vision.

Inside Iwagakure.

It was still peaceful at this time.

The villagers carry goods more or less together, and most of the ninjas travel back and forth to receive and deliver tasks.

"How long can such a peaceful scene last?"

Onoki had a faint premonition in his heart, he felt that the recent ninja world might start to be uneasy.

Konoha's new Hokage is Beichen.

And compared to the time of Third Hokage, Beichen now has no one who can take away his power.

Compared with the Third Hokage period, even though the Third Hokage had power at that time, it had to be divided among Danzo, Utatane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura.

The power they took away was innocuous to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but it also affected the rule of Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still doesn't have all the right to speak in some major decisions.

That's why they were able to blackmail Konoha Village like this during the 3rd Ninja World War!

On the one hand, it was because Third Hokage had only just taken office for a short time, and he was focused on his own interests.

On the other hand, they also learned through intelligence investigation that Konoha had four people at the time.

That is Konoha's F4, they discussed together.

Therefore, Iwagakure determined that Konoha at that time, even if it was the victorious country, would have to cut out a lot of benefits to make compensation.

At that time, they were actually taking advantage of the fire.


Who made Konoha so confused?

"Next, we need to conduct all-round surveillance on Beichen...otherwise his actions will cause great changes to the ninja world!"

Onoki was secretly shocked by Beichen's strength now.

While making up his mind, Beichen's every move must be good.

His current strength is very strong, and even Onoki has a feeling of facing the time when First Hokage ruled Konoha Village.

That feeling of having to be careful with Konoha in every move...

It made him feel something was wrong!

And at the same time.

On the top of the tower in Rain Shinobi Village, the secret room where Nagato and Konan often stay together.

Nagato's face was calm, looking at Loquat Shizang who had returned to the Akatsuki organization and was controlled by Beichen with both hands, like a pool of stagnant water.

The latter also expressed surprise with a proper expression, and looked at Nagato in front of him with eyes full of surprise.

"Don't be so surprised... Now the members of the Akatsuki organization have scattered."

Nagato looked at the Red Sand Scorpion on the other side, with indescribable complex emotions revealed in a pair of Rinnegans.

Even these two ninjas have come back, Konan still hasn't come back?

But her paper transformation technique is obviously the best escape among these members.

Whoever was caught or taken prisoner "couldn't have been Konan's turn.

々So it's time for me to meet you with my true colors. "

Nagato coughed lightly, he was still full of black sticks used to conduct Chakra on the seat, and his bony body seemed to be knocked down with a light touch.

But the two people present didn't think so.

after all…………

Even the power of the puppet controlled by Nagato has impressed them, let alone Nagato's body?

He's a real ninja with a Rinnegan!

A strong man of this strength is actually their leader?

This made the Scarlet Sand Scorpion feel unreal.

The legendary eye of the immortal appeared in front of him at such a close distance at this moment.

This is real art.

"You have a big fault for failing this mission...do you have anything to say?"

The corners of Nagato's mouth twitched, his pale cheeks were bloodless, but the words he spoke were powerful and solemn.

It was as if a dying patient showed his strong side.


The Red Sand Scorpion and Loquat Shizang were both taken aback.

Wasn't the leader Nagato planning this mission?

Why did the responsibility fall (to Li Hao) on their heads?

Without waiting for them to ask questions, suddenly there were waves of fluctuations in the space in front of them!

And as the spiral fluctuations shifted space, two figures suddenly appeared from the center of the spiral fluctuations.

"Oh? The mission failed this time... Everyone is responsible, and I can't blame my lack of information about Beichen.

Now that Nagato has decided to show his true colors, and at the same time the members of the Akatsuki organization are scattered and difficult to gather.

A Fei also decided to show others his true face.

At the same time, he also changed his voice back.

It is no longer the jumping voice of White Zetsu before, but the deep voice of his Uchiha belt king.

"Hmph.....I won't bother you about the loss this time...Konan.....White Tiger is still missing, you have to give me an explanation."

Nagato looked at Duyong sharply.

At the same time, it is ready to start at any time.

The premise for him to create a peaceful ninja world is to keep his companions alive, otherwise even if the ninja world is at peace, his companions disappear...

He absolutely cannot accept this price.

"It's wonderful..."

Through Loquat Juzang's reconnaissance ninjutsu, Beichen also learned about the situation on Xiao's side.

I saw that Nagato began to have doubts and other emotions towards Uchiha Obito.....

Beichen on the other side also showed a smile!.

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