Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 96: Naruto Who Almost Led The Wolf Into The House And Destroyed The World!

Beichen has yet to decide what to play in the sixth comparison video.

He is even more curious now about what Naruto from the other world will open from the box.

With this in mind, Beichen took over the control of the system, and the vision descended to another world.

This is a new function that Beichen discovered after the system recognized the master.

He can use contrast video to monitor any creature that is using contrast video.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is using the comparison video.

Just like the current Naruto......

the first primitive ninja world

After the rewards for the comparison video were distributed, the greedy old monkey brought Naruto to the Hokage office.

Just before he got the treasure chest, Naruto was forced by Anbu to the Hokage office, and then received the attention of four old guys.

At this moment Konoha F4 gathered in the Hokage office.

All four looked greedily at the platinum treasure chest in Naruto's hand.

This is a reward for comparing videos.

How heaven-defying are the rewards issued by the comparison video, just refer to the tags issued by the comparison video.

And according to the information, Kusanagi Village has changed owners, and it was the little girl who was less than seven years old who overthrew the Kusakage regime—— Uzumaki Xiangling!

And it is self-evident how terrible the reward of comparing videos is to let a seven-year-old "760" girl do this.

You must know that the treasure chest obtained by Uzumaki Xiangling is just a silver treasure chest.

The things that come out of the silver treasure chest are so heaven-defying, so wouldn’t the platinum treasure chest have to go directly to the sky?

The emotional Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the bewildered Naruto kindly with patient greed. "Naruto, open the box now! Show Grandpa Hokage what you've got.

Naruto had no doubts about this, no doubt Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded vigorously in order to covet the treasures in his treasure chest, and Naruto chose to open the treasure chest.

Everyone looked inside the treasure chest excitedly, including Beichen from another world.

The exciting lottery link is always eye-catching.

What can be opened from the treasure chest is purely based on one's own luck.

Beichen doesn't know what heaven-defying thing Uzumaki Naruto will come up with.

After the platinum treasure chest was opened, bright white light filled the Hokage office building.

Outside the Hokage office building, the patriarchs of the major families who have been secretly observing the situation of the Hokage office building are also extremely depressed.

"Don't let Naruto drive to something good, otherwise those old things will have a longer time tossing Konoha Konoha."

Hyuga Hiashi prayed silently in his heart.

There are also people from other major ninja clans who have the same idea.

Now the entire Konoha, almost all ninja families are extremely dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The comparison video has clearly exposed Uchiha, but Konoha F4 still wiped out the Uchiha family [this has trampled on the bottom line of many families.

Of course, if it's just like this, it's fine.

After all, Uchiha's interpersonal relationship is really rubbish, and no one will feel bad if it is destroyed.

But the terrible thing is that after Konoha F four wiped out Uchiha, it is equivalent to cutting off an arm.

This would be okay if it was normal, but now because of Konoha F four's own arm, the other ninja villages are already ready to move.

With Konoha's current situation, Konoha might not even be able to beat Cloud Shinobi, and lose one head and hit four?

Now almost all family ninjas wish Konoha F4 to step down as soon as possible.


Stop tossing the leaves!

This is the inner resonance of almost all smart people.

Of course, Konoha F, who has been immersed in his inner world, obviously doesn't know this.

At this moment, they were all curiously looking at the inexplicable thing in the treasure chest.

It was a pocket stone gate, in the middle of which was a blue Uzumaki, which looked very beautiful and mysterious.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had no idea what this was, pretended to be kind and asked: "Little Naruto, can you tell grandpa what this is?"

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen acting like this, Danzo curled his lips and cursed inwardly, "Hypocrisy!"

Cursed in his heart, but Danzo still looked at Naruto curiously, waiting for the other party's reply.

Naruto, who was completely defenseless, accepted the knowledge in his mind, and immediately explained happily: "This is a good thing, this door can open up the channel between our world and the second variant ninja world, and it is permanent. Those two worlds are connected."

"Grandpa Hokage! How is it? Isn't it amazing?"

"I'll open it now and see if I am in another world like what the comparison video says! In this way, I can prove whether the comparison video is true or not."

As Naruto said, he was about to take out the door and activate it.

After listening to Naruto's description, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned green instantly.

Especially after seeing that Naruto was about to open the portal in the Hokage office building, the whole person was numb, and even forgot to stop Naruto.

After listening to Naruto's description, Danzo, who was looking forward to the rewards from the treasure chest, suddenly changed his face, especially after seeing Naruto preparing to take out the portal to open it.

Danzo was almost shaking with excitement.

The excited Danzo didn't look like a disabled old man with a cane at all. He turned into an afterimage and kicked Naruto who was about to take out the portal.

Naruto, completely defenseless, was kicked far away.

After rolling several times on the ground, Naruto got up from the ground in embarrassment and looked at Danzo angrily.

"Why did you sneak up on me, old man?"

Naruto asked angrily.

Danzo snorted coldly with a livid face, too lazy to answer Naruto, a heartless brat.

Gathering his senses, Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked at the portal that hadn't been opened yet fortunately.



It's so close!

They are about to end, no, it should be the end of the entire ninja world.

If this portal is really opened and that damned Uchiha Beichen comes to this world, then not only Konoha F4 will suffer, but the whole world will be finished.

The evil Uchiha will definitely enter this world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Naruto solemnly and said, "Naruto! This thing is too dangerous, let us keep it for you."

"This thing must be strictly guarded! Those who support Uchiha Beichen must not know." Danzo continued.

None of the three Sarutobi Hiruzen objected, but nodded in sympathy.

As the saying goes, come when you are happy, and return when you are disappointed.

Describe this moment, right?

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the portal in the box depressedly, as if looking at a time bomb.

Originally thought that the treasure chest would give out some precious rewards, but a time bomb was opened...

And this hot potato cannot be thrown out, this is the most fatal thing.

If there is no Uchiha Beichen in another world, they may be very happy after seeing this thing, especially Danzo, who is a hawk, is probably too excited to sleep.

It is said that there is a world of resources behind the gate!

As the so-called danger and opportunity coexist, no one can ignore the resources of a world.

But the terrible thing is that there is a big devil behind this door, and he is also a big devil who is full of malice towards them.

What was originally a good thing full of opportunities has instantly become a deadly time bomb.

I was happy at first, but this kind of thing happened to me.

Let alone Sarutobi Hiruzen, the people next to Tuanma, Mitokado Homura, and Zhuanli Koharu are all stupid.

Naruto got up again, and while dusting off his body, he complained depressedly: "Don't you think it's cool to go to another world? And it's still the same world?"

Danzo scolded with a dark face: "Little devil! What do you know? Another world has Uchiha Beichen, the evil Uchiha, what if he wants to invade Konoha?"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen also comforted helplessly: "Forget it, Naruto, you go down first, remember to keep it secret and don't tell others about it."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen finished, Anbu took Naruto away, and then looked at the portal in the box with confusion.

How should this thing be handled?

To be honest, Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't think it's safe to put this thing anywhere.

If Beichen's supporters know the existence of this thing, they will definitely try their best to open it, and then they will be finished.

And they don't yet know who is supporting Beichen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen even suspected that the family ninjas in the village might be supporting Beichen from another world.

After Naruto was taken away, Beichen also retracted his vision with a little regret.

It's a pity, Naruto is such a slow brat!

Explain well? Can't you wait to use it before introducing it to Wood F4?

Beichen complained about Naruto's behavior in a depressed way.

2.8 Beichen didn't expect that Naruto could get such a good thing from the platinum treasure chest.

If this thing can be opened by him, let alone a platinum treasure chest, he would be happy to use one.

At that time, I will directly occupy the two ninja worlds, and everything will be double happiness, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Thinking of the scene where the two twin Tsunades served him together, Beichen felt his fist harden again.


After another dark sigh, Beichen went on to think about what to put in the next comparison video.

Beichen wants to cause chaos in another ninja world, so the Akatsuki organization cannot be exposed for the time being.

If the Akatsuki organization is exposed, it might force the Five Ninja Villages to join forces.

Thinking of this, Beichen suddenly thought of a character.

Water Country Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage—— Terumi Mei!

Konoha was already weak enough, it would be of no use to get darker.

But Raikage will definitely consider Kirigakure, the Lion Majesty hidden overseas.

If Kirigakure's weakness is exposed, then Raikage and the others should have no worries at all.

Thinking of this, Beichen smiled evilly.

It's up to you, Terumi Mei!

Don't blame brother, all this is for the peace of the two worlds!.

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