Duel Monsters of Global Cards

Chapter 546 The Ancient Land of Spiritual War

The music of the soul kept reverberating, one after another clasping into the depths of everyone’s souls.

That voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, turning this door into something that everyone dreamed of.

Some people's eyes become blurred and they subconsciously step into it.

"Everyone, I'm going to be possessed by magic!"

Hardy shouted softly in time, and because of the magical power wrapped around him, it was easily introduced into everyone's ears.

"Just now...it seemed like my consciousness was almost taken away!"

"What will happen if we are seduced away? As it turns out, we all enter the soul door. Isn't it a kind of different paths leading to the same destination?"

"Do you think if this is really the case, why does King Hardy need to specifically remind him? If I don't follow the instructions, I will be dragged into it, and the end will not be good."

Some duelists who had lost control of their consciousness just now were discussing with each other. Whether they were fearful or not paying much attention, they quickly completed the magic possession.

Caution is the boat!

Gu Shenyan couldn't help but sneer, but he also cared about what others thought and said to himself: "That kind of continuous travel, if we follow the logic of secret realm teleportation, can only exist in one kind of secret realm..."

The huge and small cage is filled with such energy, but every ray is uniformly powerful.

This person was surprised, I could feel the magic boiling in my body.

Tang Ning glanced at the huge metal cage that imprisoned her, "You have to escape from prison first!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the bad guys around him suddenly changed.

Even for those of us, this kind of place is extremely safe.

The lack of written explanation allowed Lu Ha to clarify the target of the killing.

The adjudicator is the same every time, but the adjudication standard remains the same.

Every time this majestic scene flashed through his mind, Hardy couldn't help but feel low.

The temporary arrangement of the duelist headquarters... Based on my understanding of the headquarters, such an important matter would be decided so hastily.

He opened his eyes suddenly, but was stunned.

Even if there are no serious consequences, there will probably be some impact, and you have to enter the soul gate. At this time, even a slight impact is of great importance.

But retreating and breaking in are completely different things.

Lin Youyou looked at the Soul Gate again, but his face was filled with contemplation.

A violent stream of information poured into my mind like a flood.

My most cherished wish is to one day be able to destroy a chaotic demon realm with my own hands.

Is it just no one, or is it a low-handed person like a cloud, wandering with that group of people, what about the chaotic demon realm?

Yes, the spirit within the body showed that there was indeed no mysterious force that had not come into contact with him.

The soul door is also large enough to easily accommodate everyone's retreat.

Based on this, many important meetings were held under the leadership of the king himself, just like in the past.

There is an inexplicable deviation between the behavior and habits of some weaklings in the duelist headquarters and their impression of us.

What worries Lin You even more is that in recent years, I haven't had a strange feeling in my heart.

There is no one around me now!

"Yes, the part you want to rule on has not started yet."

Lin You was the only one left in such a small desert.

Quickly putting aside that topic, Tianyang said in a serious voice: "You seem to be undergoing some kind of continuous travel. That travel is different from a continuous or intermittent transmission. The Soul Gate seems to want to take you to some ordinary place."

This involves their core interests, that is, whether they can successfully establish a soul connection with the pleasant soul stone statue!

Tianyang nodded slightly and approved the correction.

The waiting process was not long. About ten minutes later, a white light suddenly released from the soul door.

It is hard to imagine that some weak soul stone statues must rely on a small amount of soul light balls to complete their activation.

That monster will fight the trialists, but as a judge, it will test the trialists' qualifications.

At this moment, Hardy, as the destroyer of the secret realm, heard the words 'Demon Realm of Chaos', and before he got over the initial surprise, his heart was already filled with excitement.

Lu Ha spoke loudly, and when he saw the other party's questioning look, he continued: "The Soul Gate itself has not completed that task. Regardless of that, their respective elves may not have a deeper understanding."

The scene turned, and a stone statue of a giant beast appeared. It was clearly a stone statue, but it felt lifelike.


The total number of duelists from all over the world who participated in the trial this time was less than a hundred, and within seven seconds, they all started.

That situation was not beyond everyone's expectations.

After confirming that everyone has completed the magic possession, Hardy said loudly: "Okay, now you can wait a moment, and the soul traction released by the soul pyramid will bring you into it later."

Lin You wanted to take such a risk because he was afraid of being infamy. What I care about is the leader of the country and the future of the Golden Tower Country!


Lu Ha nodded and said: "Indeed, it's just that this boiling happened at the moment when he just retreated into the soul door. It's difficult to ignore that point under perception."

Knowing that a short time had passed, Lu Ha's consciousness barely regained consciousness, but he was able to remember what had just happened in the first place.

Lin You has been determined about this matter, whether he should inform the king of the country.

At the same time, two beams of white light were emitted, hitting the monster. There was a certain soul resonance between the monster and the stone statue.

I thought about the conversation I had with Tianyang later, and what the other person mentioned about the mural.

Not to mention the Chaotic Demon Realm, there are also so few ultra-dangerous secret realms, all of which are existences that are difficult for us to conquer.

Facing everyone's gaze, Gu Shenyan said calmly: "It seems that you underestimated them. Judging from their performance, going to the Chaos Demon Realm seems to be a very expected thing. They are too lacking in tempering." ."

Everyone was slightly muttering, is this place used for careful tempering?

Although in my position, I did not have the opportunity to meet with the King in private, but doing so just because I had some bad premonitions would seriously delay the King's cultivation, and that would be a small crime.

"Tang Ningmin, has he never been to the Chaos Demon Realm?"

It felt as if a huge white curtain was being roughly torn open.

But today is the same as in the past.

"Yes, it should be the world of Qi quilt."

If you step back and stare, you will be even more shocked.

On the side, Tianyue added.

At the forefront, even perception itself is completely disrupted!

Tianyang suddenly said: "When you passed through the soul gate, your elves had brief contact with it. It was said to be contact, but in fact it was a verification process. Only after you were aware of the existence of the elves, you were able to retreat smoothly. , of course, the standards of the Eight Stars of Junior Master are still changing, and the magic power in your body should not boil instantly."

This information is not just words, but also constitutes some broken pictures.

The necessity of the Little Master Eight Stars and the Elf Awakeners is based on the past experience of the human world.

This is a monster that is common in that world.

Under the winner of the battle, a flash of white light flashed, and in this white light, seven spherical balls of light appeared.

Even if it requires explanation in words, Luha understands it immediately.

Together with the body, it retreated into a more unbalanced state, just like being thrown into a drum washing machine, stirring randomly.


"They're not so innocent and hateful."

Perception is messy!

The sudden words immediately brought everyone's attention back, and we vaguely noticed something.

The surface of the stone statue was filled with extremely turbulent soul breath. Those breaths were rolling and fluctuating intermittently, as if they were exhausted and regenerated.

Just as Lu Ha guessed, that thing is the soul stone statue.

No one is looking at it from a bad perspective. With our strength, we are actually qualified to retreat into the chaotic realm.

On the Chinese side, no one was doubtful.

Tianyang stared behind him, clearly sensing something.

"Ah, what's going on? Could it be that the appearance of the Adjudicator is delayed?"

But in recent years, the king seems to have made no new progress in the way of dueling. For a weak person of that level, it is doubtless good news, but it is definitely not the slightest mistake.

Immediately afterwards, they followed the pulling force and flew into the soul door one after another.

After all, every secret realm can be called an ordinary world.

"Those are the highlights."

Is it bad fun to be always on tenterhooks, being killed if someone is just Shen?

The duelist who was shrouded by the curtain felt as if his body was about to lose all its weight in an instant, as heavy as a feather.

"Is...is that so?"

The process of fighting was skipped slowly, and it was so slow that there was no result.

The white light descended like a curtain, with a weak traction surging through it.

"What Luha said was wrong."

Yes, destroy to destroy, Hardy is really a madman, he means to be cautious, the most basic rationality must still be retained!

The world behind my eyes is completely white, but due to the function of my spiritual eyes, I can vaguely see the surrounding scenery even if I need magic power to enchant my eyes.

"Is it similar to the feeling of teleportation in a secret realm?"

And that place... is called the Ancient Land of Spiritual Warfare!

Lu Ha was just about to take a closer look at the situation around him, when suddenly, his eyes changed suddenly.

"That's it."

Everyone was surprised. In terms of our ability, we have known all kinds of secret realms, big and small, too few times. It is nothing to say that we are going to an ordinary world.

In the picture, you can see some ancient monsters fighting and killing each other.

The moment the monster that lost in the fight took out the seven light balls, the stone statue quickly absorbed them, and its eyes began to flow with life.

In the imagination of a small number of people, the soul door should lead directly to the inside of the soul pyramid, but the scene in front of them is basically in line with everyone's imagination of the inside of the soul pyramid.

In a world that seemed to be only pure white, the contestants were floating everywhere as if they were weightless, like a group of astronauts heading for an unknown world, floating back and forth in a white spaceship.

Door to the soul.

At the last moment, the white light suddenly dimmed, swallowing up everyone's sight.

The world is spinning!

He seems to be on the ground!

He had thought that the Soul Pyramid would give such ordinary guidance, but it was really convenient to pass that guidance, allowing Luha to quickly clarify his goal.

Hardy quietly puffed out his chest, feeling very handsome at the moment.

The flow of information in his mind quickly dissipated, and Luha, who had integrated the information, was not surprised.

It seems that after a long time, excessive wear and tear has occurred.

That experience is precisely the criterion for judging by the judges.

The fewer these soul light balls, the better.

But now, that relatively fixed link seems to have disappeared.

I know that it is not myself that is being stirred, but the world!

I was stunned for a long time, and then I remembered this continuous passing, fading, and stirring!

Ancient spirit beast!

Chaos Demon Realm!

It was a mistake to follow the rules!

According to past records of not closing the Soul Pyramid, the trialist should encounter an ancient monster that is not fixed before passing through the Soul Gate.

If you want to gain recognition from the soul stone statue, you need the help of those soul light balls, and those light balls must be obtained through killing.

If you act alone, self-protection will become a timeless luxury.

It feels like... someone has taken off a pair of restraining shackles!

After a pause, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes, "Chaos Demon Realm!"

Luha's perception is still working.

With the continuous stirring, even relying on magic power, Tang Ning and others could still convey even half a word.

A slightly harsh and slow sound suddenly sounded.

call out!

To be more precise, it is a huge small cage on the ground!

Moreover, this energy also reveals the characteristics of a combination of spirits and demons, which is quite low-level.

According to the explanation of the text, this is the soul light ball.

The cage exuded a certain rusty metal texture, and unexpected energy was surging inside.

The white light around seems to be fading quietly!

In a place like Chaos Demon Realm, one must be cautious. If you are right, your life will be guaranteed. Hardy is the one who knows how to break in.

Lin You's opportunities to meet the king became increasingly rare.

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