Duke of Grief

Chapter 447: Curse, death!

Asher never thought of running away, even after betraying Sir Raven, he never thought of running away.

He thought he would be lucky enough to escape the disaster, he thought his behavior would never be revealed, but he could not think of it, he was exposed!

He will be killed... No, he will be caught back! If he can't escape, he will be caught back!

No need to think, according to the master's approach, he will definitely be arrested. The master must give those people the command to "live catch". If he is caught, then the next to meet him will be a series of cruel torture Until he confided everything.

After that, he has no value, and he will be wiped out...

The wind was whispering in his ear, Asher staggered in his footsteps, gasping for breath, running with strength he had never tried.

He felt his throat burned by flames. The coldness in the air did not make him feel a little comfortable, but made his throat like a knife.

The oncoming wind blew his clothes, and Asher ran wild on the wasteland. At this time, he had escaped from the castle of the Ravens!

Even the people who are most familiar with the layout of the castle do not know that at the beginning of the construction of the castle, two secret passages have been built in the castle at the corner of the city, one of which is recorded in a mezzanine on a page, but in fact That secret passage is used to hide people's eyes and ears, and the other secret passage is the real secret passage.

No one else knows that only the male heirs of the Lavin family and the deacons who have served the Lavin family for generations like Asher are eligible to know the existence of this secret.

Asher knew this secret road, so he used it to escape to the wilderness outside Mara City in the shortest time. Even in the wilderness, he was still running wildly, because he did not know that there was No one was following him, his heart was always restless.

"Ha...ha...cough! Cough!"

Asher's footsteps gradually slowed down, and finally, he stood on the endless wilderness, panting, breathing the air that was like a knife for him into his dry throat, and aroused a cough.

He looked back, the wasteland behind him was equally empty, and then he smiled, nervously.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha cough cough cough!"

Ashe laughed halfway into a wild laugh, but coughed because of a thirsty throat, but even so, the smile on his face did not fade.

He looked down at his hands, his eyes filled with disbelief, as if it was the first time he realized that he could wield such powerful strength.


Standing in the hot sun, Asher raised his hands on his face, took a deep breath, and used a trembling voice to vent his inner panic: "This feeling is so wonderful, I was so powerful...Since I So powerful, why should I take orders from him?"

"Haha! Haha...hahaha...hahahahaha!"

Asher laughed hard to pour out his fear of Sir Lavin. He was educated to be obedient to his master from an early age, and he dedicated his first half of his life to the Lavin family. He is trying to convince himself that he is not weak, he is not Marl Lavin's slave-no!


Asher's laughter stopped abruptly!

His body became rickets in an instant, and while swallowing a spit, his eyes were also looking around—just a eagle's voice made him lose his opinion and thinking.

There is no figure...

Subconsciously holding his breath, Asher took a long breath and straightened his waist bar again, but there was no smile on his face.

Looking at the desolation around, looking at the dry grass under his feet, feeling the hot air circling in his lungs, Asher licked his lips, because before the rush under the strong sun, now his throat was thirsty, but he could not replenish water.

All cities on the Eagle Plateau do not dare to follow the mountains and the water. Once the snow on the high mountains melts, it is likely that the entire city will be washed away by the current.

There is no source of water near Mara, and Asher cannot naturally replenish water. He can only hold it hard, moisturize his throat with saliva, and find a direction to walk past.

It's impossible for him to go back to Mara now, lord... Marl Lavin will definitely send someone there to search for himself. If he goes back, even if he hides well, he will only find himself dead.


There was a gust of wind behind him, and Asher's ear moved, as if he felt something. He suddenly turned back and saw the young man with red skin!

At this moment, his blood seemed to coagulate, and he saw that the young man's body was covered with a faint golden light-he didn't know what it was, but he knew that he was no longer a deacon of the Lavin family, It's a wicked'helping to abuse'!

His identity is different, he can't imagine how to face the legendary jealous paladin.

Before his identity was revealed, he could remind himself repeatedly that he was still the deacon of the Lavin family, so no matter whether he was facing the "Master" or the Paladin, he could be as usual... But now, no, he Is a'villain'!

When the reinforced vision captured the figure of the paladin, Asher turned and ran. Although he now knows that he has powerful power, his perennial life has made him forget the power he has at this moment.

He had never imagined resistance, he would just run away.

"Mr. Asher, please stop!"

It took a lot of effort to find a secret road in the Raven House Castle, Grusch followed in the footsteps of Asher.

Unlike Asher, who was breathless and wasted a lot of energy, Glush still had enough physical strength. After a few short bursts, he finally followed Asher's footsteps.

Long-lasting high movements are not Grush’s strengths, but Asher’s performance is even worse than that of the Paladin—he is just an ordinary person who suddenly has powerful power.

Suddenly, the pages of the book that Grush held in his hand turned, and the excited magic turned into a ray of light, which penetrated into the body of Asher who was desperately running ahead.

Asher suddenly stopped, but his inertia carried his body forward. After he crawled on the ground, his body that continued to glide on the ground seriously hurt his arms and knees.

Although Grush is justice and pursuing his own ‘just way~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he is by no means a hypocrite who will not even deal with the wicked!

If you want to implement a fair law, you must use force. When facing a wicked man, it is absolutely unreasonable to reason with him. No matter what wrongs he has, it is a fact that he has done evil things. From the current situation Look, even if Asher was to avenge the Lavin family, he also hurt the innocent, then, he is a wicked man!

"I...I'm guilty..."

Asher’s spirit did not last long enough to resist the power of divine art. After the paladin approached, he crawled on the ground, the struggle on his face disappeared, and he spit out this sentence from his mouth.


"I uh--"

Suddenly, Asher was out of the magical control, but because of a severe blow to his knee, he could not stand up.

Grush, who was close to Asher, saw Asher turning his head, his mouth kept closing, but there was no sound, and his eyes were full of pleading, and...

With the automatic opening of his hand, the divine light shone on Grush's body instantly. Under the protection, Glush saw the human body in front of him suddenly explode, bursting into a ball of minced meat and blood mist.

The blood in Asher's body had a heavy rain before him, and Glush allowed the smelly blood to fall on the illusory armor with shimmering light outside his body, steamed by the Holy Light into a plume of black gas, and floated up.

The weeds soaked in blood quickly withered, and the power of the curse went deep into the land, turning the surrounding land into a withered land where the grass did not grow.

The paladin was silent, lifted his left foot, and suddenly fell—


The Holy Light blooms in the land underfoot, and this land regains its vitality.

Then, the gloomy Glush walked in the direction he came...

Asher, dead!

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