Duke of Grief

Chapter 454: Lu Yu

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The grass swayed for a while, and Valery Poz, who came from the sad wind, walked out of the knee-high grass, the sweat dripped from the temples, and the sword was carried by the Boze Knight behind him, otherwise it would cost a lot to pass through the forest. Strength.

This time is different from the last time he followed Gerald to the Elven King's Court. The last time he and Gerald took the "path", which is the road connecting the Elven King's Court with other elven villages, and the Elven King's Court is connected. The road outside the starry and bright moon forest has not been used for a long time.

Several agile figures shuttled among the tall trees, and occasionally an eagle roar sounded in the sky to guide the Boze Knights and Elves who were on their way.

Time has quietly pointed to Midsummer, and if they can catch up, they should be able to return to the sad wind before winter comes.

The Cavaliers calculated the time. Their marching speed in the starry and bright moon forests was faster than he had expected at the beginning, but it is estimated that if they are on the grassland, their speed will probably slow down. These are in the forest. The elves who have lived there for most of their lives do not even have their own mounts. If they want to cross the grassland, they must catch some herbivores that can ride.

The riding skills of these elves may not be bad, but they don’t have so much time to let the elves tame their mounts. The winter on the grassland is very cold. It was colder last year than in previous years. The Cavaliers only knew that it was affected. In view of the influence of the Black Forest, he is not very clear about the specifics, but he also knows that this winter will still be so cold.

He and his mount can resist, and even he believes that these elves must be able to resist, but whether their mount can resist the low temperature of winter, this Boze Knight does not know.

"Someone!" Gerald's long ears beside him moved, and whispered.

The Knight of Potts took a deep breath, and he proficient in elf language naturally knew what Gerald meant. In elf language, humans and elves are two very different words. When writing and talking, Ability to add affixes that enhance context through subjective consciousness.

Gerald said ‘there is a human being’, which was obviously not what he discovered, because the Cavaliers didn’t feel anything, and his colleagues had informed him...

With his mouth pursed, with heavy feelings, the Boze Knight said nothing, and followed Gerald to a giant tree. The trees around the giant tree were already filled with a group of cold-eyed elves. .

They wore a green robe, hidden in the lush foliage, and looked at the ‘humans’ lying under the tree!

The grass near here has been cleared, and the grass that was knee-high at the moment can barely pass the foot, and the Boze Knight who followed Gerald from the grass naturally saw the humans.

When he saw the humans, the Cavaliers could not help but sigh.

After Gerald and the Boze Knight came out of the grass, the elves shifted their attention from those humans to the Boze Knight.

There is no emotion in their eyes. If they insist on saying something, it may be "hate"!

The cold eyes stabbed the heart of the Boze Knight, so his mood became heavier and heavier. When he cast his complex eyes on the'Slaughter Team', the people who were seriously injured and could not move also watched To him.

After seeing the Knights of Potts, the humans who were full of horror on their faces were stunned for a while, and then they became angry...

"Traitor!!!" One of the members of the slave team, who was not too seriously injured, was filled with resentment.

Looking at him, Valery Poz didn't even know where his grievances came from. Probably...maybe it was because of an elf standing beside him, but he was not attacked!


The elf standing next to the slave hunter turned to look at the Cavaliers. He was one of the deputy heads of the'Guardian Legion'. To understand his fellowmen, the elf king sent a quarter of the guard's legion. He was The highest officer in this army.

After he said that phrase in jerky human common language, those who arrested the slaves were stunned again.

"Yes, traitor!"

A man suddenly laughed, pointing at the Boze Knight, scolding: "Traitor!!!"

"Don't kill them." The Knights of Boze neither admitted nor denied, but just shook his head. "One of the prerequisites for the slave trade is that there must be a stable sales channel. In the industrial chain, they are slave hunters. There must be an organization behind them. It is not good to kill them rashly. If they can survive, we will be able to follow suit and pull out the organization behind them!"

"……it is good!"

After thinking for a while, the deputy head nodded and gave orders to the elves around him: "Let them live, and wait until the kingdom of mankind, we will act!"


"Your personal traitor!"

The communication between the Boss Knight and the deputy commander used elven language. The slave-captors did not know what they said, but when they saw the conversation between them, they kept yelling.

The deputy commander glanced at these humans, and looked at the Boze Knight with indifferent eyes, and found that his face was as calm as ever, and it seemed that he was a little silent.

"Actually, I was ready at the beginning."

The elves on the tree slid down the trunk. After seeing the elves, the slave-catchers closed their mouths and looked pale and ugly.

The Knight of Potts closed his eyes, could not bear to look straight, and muttered in a low voice: "After receiving this task from the maid grower, I was ready, but now I have been given this name. After that, it still felt a little uncomfortable..."

"... Actually you don't have to listen to them!"

After seeing the slavers being tied up, Gerald tried to use words to resolve the melancholy of his human friend, but unfortunately, he was not good at speaking.

"The words they say are a future, my friend."

The Cavaliers opened his eyes slowly, and in his eyes, there was no "lost" and "pain" Gerald imagined...

Valery Lipoz is still very calm, so peaceful that it can scare those eyes, like the eyes of cold-blooded animals!

"I have already prepared for the future, but when I think that they will not only describe me that way, but also my hometown and the country I love, I will feel very angry!"

The eyes of those who watched the members of the slave-captive team~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pozz Knight said with a pleasant tone: "Behind these people, there is a huge group of people, and every slave-captor team will have at least one powerful force. Behind it is supported, and the purchasers of elf slaves are mostly Gerald, the nobles of all countries, my friend, do you know what this concept is?"

Gerald is silent because he knows that now he only needs to listen.

"They control the entire human society, even if you have explicitly banned the sale and purchase of elf slaves under their crowns, but they are still violating Yang and Yin, they are not afraid, if I show you in the kingdom of humanity with me, and announce in my country After they opposed the slave trade, they would directly use my motherland as a'human traitor'!"

Speaking of which, the Cavaliers sneered: "They only represent themselves, they cannot represent everyone, but in the kingdom of mankind, their voices are the loudest. What they say, that is what, Gerald, you Is it ridiculous to say? Obviously, the comrades who were inseparable before, but now, they have forgotten those friendships, and it is no wonder that the maid grown-ups will hate the group of "nobles" so much...It is disgusting!"

"Is your country different?" Gerald asked, realizing that something was wrong in the Cavaliers' words.

"Yes!" The Cavaliers nodded seriously. "Not the same!"

This is already the outer area of ​​Xingyue Forest. They only need to continue for a day or two before they can reach the half-elf kingdom "Euples".

"When you are in the wind, you will know..."

Gerald looked at his friend, Valery Poz held his head, his lips twitched, his face full of pride.

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