Duke of Grief

Chapter 502: Return of the army

"Another year of harvest..."

It was mid-autumn, and Edith suddenly remembered that his father had passed away.

At that time, the most holy person in the world passed away quietly on the bed this season, and the door of that room had not been opened for a long time.

There are few griefs left in her heart now, and time and busy work dilute everything.

However, although the time diminished the sorrow, Edith's feelings for the old prince remained unchanged.

She once admired her father, determined to take over her father's position after growing up, but now this desire has no idea when it disappeared, but the respect for her father has not changed.

Edith also knew that his father had no regrets or guilt when he died of illness...

This was what she gradually realized afterwards. Although she once struggled with it for a while and thought that she and her mother had no status in her father's heart, it was also later that she knew what state the father was in.

More than 900 years are enough time for a person to see the world clearly, even if they still can't see people's hearts, they can understand exactly what a person is.

My father knew that Cervantes was a trustworthy dragon, and that Sister Serena was a trustworthy person, and if they were there, it would be no matter whether it was her or her mother or this territory.

Unlike her melancholy herself, her mother already knew this, she knew that they would separate sooner or later, whether she died before her father, or her father died before her, she had already done well Psychological preparation...

It's just... probably... there will be some sadness.

A few days later, it was his father's death day, and it was not until now that Edith remembered this matter.

As if everything was exactly what his father had instructed, let him pass away quietly, let him be forgotten by the times, and finally only some vague memories and that ordinary tombstone remain in the world.

It seems that since a long time ago, my father has begun to feel tired.

Day after day, year after year, after hundreds of years, the people around me changed one after another, and knights and nobles were constantly changing, constantly resisting the invasion of the Black Forest, but there was no ambition Go and conquer that no man's land.

I have tasted all the fruits, vegetables, and delicious food. The old prince drew a circle in his heart at the request of his best friend, and trapped himself in the circle. Only in this way can he keep himself alive. Go on.

Edith didn't know that her father was so painful before, but after she understood it, she was relieved, no longer entangled in her father's death without worrying about her and her mother.

In a few days, it’s father’s death day, and as usual, put a bunch of calla lilies and chrysanthemums in front of his father’s tombstone, and then tell his father what happened in this year’s sad wind and the world. What happened.

Edith supported her cheek with one hand and looked out of the window. The yellow leaves of the yellow wind flew across the window. Autumn symbolized the withering and the harvest. Father loved this season during his lifetime, because he often said that he was very Like this season, it is about to wither but still not over.

His father was not a good lord. He did not make the territory rich. He invested all the taxes except for keeping the territory running, so the territory has never become rich.

But until now, when people praised Selena's name, they often mentioned the father's name.

People often think of Sister Cervantes and Selena as the continuation of their father. Cervantes symbolizes the father's force. His powerful power can protect this territory like his father, while Selena symbolizes the rule. , Can manage the territory very well.

For civilians, they are not only a continuation of their father, but also continue to move forward in these two directions.

People don’t know how powerful his father is. They just saw Cervantes leading the army, adventurers, and mercenaries to open up the Black Forest. The father is far less politically intelligent than Selena’s, but only with other nobles. Compared to the civilian population, they are already doing very well.

Although only the younger and older generations will mention their fathers now, the children have almost forgotten the ‘old duke’, and the mourning wind of the previous generation has become a symbol in their hearts, and nothing more.

But Edith didn’t feel anything wrong, because his father didn’t expect him to stay in people’s hearts. If that’s the case, then it shows that this generation of lords are not doing well, only in this situation. Now, people will frequently mention their names and often miss themselves. If their name can become a symbol in the hearts of children, then it also means that this generation of rulers have done better than him, and much better, so that people will gradually start while remembering themselves. Forgotten.

Now in this tragic wind, probably only the mother and the knights will often remember and miss the old duke, and even Edith himself has only remembered until today that a few days is the father's death day.

Putting down his work, Edith went to the window, took off the hook against the window, and opened the window.

Before late autumn, the dead leaves fell to the ground, making the autumn wind slightly bleak, and the birds outside the window chattered the autumn day.

It is now the hottest season of the year, when the strong sunlight falls from the sky, the window shuts the noise out of the window, and when Edith opened the window, all the sounds poured into her ears.

The streets are full of people, people talking and chatting, the wheels are rolling, and the horses are blowing their noses, but it is what makes the cold autumn day lively.

Leaning against the window, Edith listened to the sounds and couldn't help but smile. He thought to himself, ‘If my father saw this scene and heard these sounds, would he feel happy? ’

To others, noise is noise, but to the rulers like Edith, the noise is equally annoying, but it also indicates the prosperity of the city.

If all the people walking on the streets are now people with grief winds, how good should it be?

Now the sorrow wind has been able to meet the needs of more people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now what this territory needs is the population.

If the people on the streets are not adventurers, mercenaries, or businessmen, how good should they be?

"Miss Edith!"

Edith heard that the office door was knocked, turned her head to look around, and after a while, the door was knocked again.

"Come in." Edith said softly.

Then, the door of the office was pushed open, and a civil servant came in.

After entering the door, he hurriedly said, "Miss Edith, Captain Kyle, they are back!"

Edith saw the joy on his face, as if writing all the emotions on his face, and his voice was trembling.

"Lord Kyle..."

Edith took a long breath and a smile appeared on her face: "Really? Are they back?"

Kyle Knights, they are back, then the formal establishment of the tragic leader should also be ready to start.

Although it may be a bit sorry for the Cavaliers Cavaliers, but they look forward to a long day, otherwise, this civil servant will not be happy.

"Yes! Kyle Knight, they are back!" The civil servant nodded vigorously.

Edith closed the window and smiled: "Then we should go too, to meet those heroes who triumph, and then-start preparing for the founding ceremony!"

"Yes! Miss Edith!"

The civil servant raised his hand in joy and saluted a military post that looked a little funny, and then turned away.

The smile on Edith's face did not fade away. She found that she had become more and more like Selena recently. Because of her admiration, she became more and more similar...

However, this is not bad, is it?


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