Duke of Grief

Chapter 912: Outlook (on)

"Good morning lord!"

A team of young dragons passing by raised their hands to say hello to Cervantes, and looked at his left shoulder strangely.

"Good morning!" Cervantes also greeted them with a smile, and if there was nothing normally, he acted kindly.

Joanna held Cervantes' dragon horn with one hand and watched the young dragons pass by with curiosity, but she was afraid to give birth to dare to touch them or greet them.

After the young dragon of the team passed by, Joanna's attention was attracted by other things, her small hand was excitedly pointed forward, and two calves kicked happily in the air.

Cervantes walked in the direction Joanna pointed out, and soon they returned to the vicinity of the Master Tower.

Heilong said with a helpless lip, and the little girl sitting on his shoulder giggled with joy.

But suddenly, her laughter stopped and her eyes showed a suspicious look, tilting her head and looking at the crowd in front.

"What's wrong?" Cervantes sensed something and asked softly.

Joanna patted her head and tilted her head, as if thinking about something. After a while, she yelled and pointed at someone in the crowd, "bad guy!"

Cervantes was stunned for a second or two. He seemed to remember that Sera had said that she had set some functions in the lock, but because the control center was left unattended and there was no time to make a tower spirit, those functions have been Idle.

Is it possible that Joanna can actually use these ‘functions’?

Smiling and greeted the people around him, Cervantes pulled a cross from his pocket, aimed at the man pointed out by Joanna, and chanted the mantra in a low voice: "Identify good and evil!"

A ray of light pierced from the center of the cross, passed through the gap between the crowd, and hit the man.

Many people only saw a light flash away from their eyes, first stunned, and then turned their heads to look over, and there was a figure shrouded by a thick **** light in front of them.

Even the man was stunned on the spot, and had no time to react. The flower in front of him only felt the sky and the earth reversed, and severe pain came from his face and body, and his arms and legs were imprisoned.

When he refocused his eyes, he only saw the gray ground and a bunch of ankles in front of him.


A beating of late came out of the throat, and severe pain stimulated his brain, making it difficult for his brain to handle what is happening now.

Even other people just saw a shadow flashing in front of their eyes, and then the person was pressed on the ground, and the person who pressed him on the ground...is it Lord Lord? !

The people around were dumbfounded. It all happened within two seconds. They didn't fully realize what happened, and that person was pressed to the ground.

In the horizon that no one else could see, Joanna applauded and laughed as if something happened to her that made her particularly happy.

After pushing this man to the ground, Cervantes ignored his screams, leaned over his nose and sniffed, and then showed a disgusted expression, cursing lowly: "Well, devil's smell! Really don't know How did you pass the security check!"

Then he raised his head and yelled at the people around him: "It's all gone, a demon believer has been caught! It's okay!"

Hearing his explanation, the people around him let go of their hearts, "I said, how can Lord Lord catch people at will?"

"That's right, let it go, let it go! What should I do!"

After a thrill, people quickly returned to their usual state.

Cervantes personally arrested people in this city is no longer a strange thing, and they also saw the scene just now, and the sudden **** light from the person really scared them. .

After popular science education, they now probably all understand that this is the effect of spells such as [Faction Identification] and [Identification of Good and Evil].

Although it is usually not necessary to catch people, after all, these spells also have limitations, and most of the people who move from the field to Wind City are merchants and mercenaries. They may not necessarily be clean, but sometimes they will Used.

When Cervantes handed this demon believer to the police and told them to interrogate this guy, Joanna, who was sitting on his left shoulder, had been humming tunes I didn’t know where to go, and I was in a good mood .

"Good morning, Grand Duke!"

When Cervantes was about to follow the road to the city under construction, a bypassed elven merchant sat in a deer car and greeted him, then asked with some surprise: "Huh? Yes……"

After knowing that the other party could see himself, Joanna hugged her dad's head with some fear, and looked at the long-eared ‘person’ with a curious look in fear.

"Joanna." Cervantes smiled softly and answered softly.

His attitude puzzled the elf businessman, constantly looking at him and the little girl sitting on his shoulder. Gradually, the elf businessman felt as if he knew something...

This little girl looks like a lady of wealth!

The elven merchant took a light breath, feeling like he knew something terrible, and immediately pulled out a smile, "Oh, it turned out to be His Highness Joanna... Your Excellency, I still want to ship the goods, I will go first Goodbye! Goodbye!"

Cervantes waved some doubts, and looked at Joanna, then she shook her head and urged to continue, and then put the doubts behind her.

After passing by, the elf merchant driving the deer cart stopped the deer cart next to the freight aisle in the mall and sat in the car for a long time before reacting. It was found that he was soaked in sweat behind his back, but... But there is a subtle sense of excitement!

He seemed to know some news that no one else knew, God! ! !

Although I'm scared of how I will be treated, this kind of excitement is hard to take away from my heart...

Along the way, I felt a bit dry, and the black dragon picked a fruit that looked like a water sac from the vine next to it, and twisted it gently, and opened the upper part like a lid. Then lift the fruit and pour into the mouth.

A light sweetness spread in his mouth, and the fruit full of juice instantly solved his thirst.

Throwing the remaining shrunken skin into the trash can, Cervantes burped comfortably. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

This is one of several magical plants they got from elves. Although they can only be used in water-rich places, they can solve the thirst problem.

Although it is only a small problem, it is very good for business people coming and going on the street.

There is no such thing as bottled water or bottled water. People have not realized that "water" is also a commodity. If you want to solve the thirst problem, you can only buy some drinks, but the merchants in general They are all very busy. This kind of fruit that can be picked easily and can be drunk is a good help for them.

This is only one of them, because the maid advocates that people and nature should be nestled and dependent on each other, so in the future, Wind City should become similar to the city of elves.

There will be plants everywhere, and these plants have their own usefulness.

Even the latest urban area under construction is also the same. Wind City has been extended to the extreme. If you don't cross the Onyx River, then probably eastward development can only be developed here.

And because the city gate is quite far away from the new city, this makes Wind City seem to be a bit'malformed', but this is only now.

Soon, the city will cross that big river, and the highway will connect the Principality!

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