Duke of Grief

Chapter 942: ‘Brilliance’

"The ad was pretty good!"

Hearing the maid's praise, Cervantes scratched the back of her head embarrassedly.

But the maid is not praising him now. She sneered, her eyes twirling constantly on the two guys sitting opposite her, "Say good'Deep Palace Triangle Sadomasochism', what happened? The two of you actually back Let me go drag racing? Don’t think no one will recognize you when you put on a pair of sunglasses!"

Serena stared at the two people across the air, and now she also feels whether the two guys are really too well-mixed, as Edith said, maybe even lying on a bed So strange.

Latinia smirked and comforted: "Then we will go together next time..."

"Don't smirk!" The maid scratched her fiercely. "You should know what I'm talking about! I just don't like to hear that kind of rumors. What's wrong with me being jealous?"

Latinia laughed twice and raised her elbow against the waist of the black dragon, making a wink.

Looking at the maid's gloomy face, Cervantes quickly changed position and sat next to her. As soon as the hippie smiled about to say something, he was stopped by a cold eyes, and he put his hand down awkwardly and moved Open your eyes.

The maid embraced her chest with both hands, leaned one leg against the back of the sofa, and had a dark face, just didn't speak.

Latina whispered to encourage her daughter to comfort her other mother, but Joanna looked at the maid's somber face and quickly shook her head, saying nothing.

Latinia sighed, whether it was the stupid dragon or her daughter who was a little unreliable, she had to play on her own: "But it's just a drag racing..."

"'But just'?" Before he had finished speaking, he glanced at him like this, causing Latina to close his mouth tightly.

The embarrassing air spread in the office, and the maid sat on the sofa for a while, then took a deep breath and raised her head.

"First," Cervantes and Latinia both looked up in surprise when hearing Serena's sudden opening, and only listened to her solemnly said, "I will not be allowed to leave me alone again in the future, two people go out to play! "

The two ‘people’ nodded in surprise.

"Second," the maid hesitated for a moment. "It's okay to play around, but you can't be flirty!"

Cervantes froze for a moment, "I don't... well, I promise!"

The maid withdrew her eyes and continued, "Third, let's go drag racing together tonight!"

When the words fell, Latinia waited for a while and asked in surprise: "That's it?"

The maid rolled her eyes at her without a good air: "Otherwise what do you want... By the way, when are you going to strip off the "priesthood"? Although Joanna is now a demigod, she can't leave the scope of Wind City, You need to rely on the fan lock of Wind City to be able to move. What if the fan lock is damaged?"

Latinia lowered her head to look at her daughter, and Joanna also happened to look up. She thought for a moment and made up her mind, "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, it will be tomorrow!"

Joanna didn't understand it, but it didn't prevent her from understanding the firmness and love in her mother's eyes.

With a smile, he opened his hands and embraced his mother.

Although Latinia was also smiling, during this time, she suddenly thought of a problem.

Although the ‘network’ priesthood is not much related to the ‘magnet’ that is controlled by the spirit of the magic web, what happens if he suddenly appears when she strips off the priesthood? What should they do?

She didn’t want to harm her daughter. If there were any problems, she would either solve them, and then give Joanna the blunt ‘Internet’ priesthood, or...


"The seal is broken..." The **** of brilliance closed his eyes and thought about the problem seriously.

He had long told the emperor of the empire about this issue. After all, it was not just a matter of the major churches, but also the existence of the life and death of various races on the mainland.

The south of the empire is close to the Black Forest area. If the concentration of magic elements outside the Black Forest begins to increase, sooner or later the Black Forest will spread into the Empire.

The Ogden Empire is not a weak country. In fact, almost every generation of emperor's means is extremely tough. This generation is even more so. Even the "Black Forest Development" that has been stuck for a long time has been restarted by him. Unfortunately, With little success.

For the emperor of the Ogden Empire, every inch of the land is competing. They cannot give up the vast territory of the southern part of the empire. Therefore, the Ogden Empire will inevitably fight the Black Forest, and before the magic tide fails to reach its peak.

If the tide reaches its peak, maybe the empire will have little chance of winning.

During this time, they have purchased a large amount of ‘blood vein stabilizing potions’ from the Principality of the Winds of Wailing, so that even eating the meat of the monster will not cause the blood vessels to alienate the soldiers.

The people of the Principality of Sad Winds can accept blood alienation because of helplessness, but the Ogden Empire is all human supremacy, in fact, even the God of Light itself.

They made a lot of preparations for the upcoming war, but no matter how they prepared, they still felt that they were still insufficient.

Materials across the empire are being transported to the southern part of the empire through the railway line that has been constructed. The empire will fight a life-and-death war with the monsters of the Black Forest here. This war cannot be avoided, and no one will try to escape.

The Ogden Empire will not escape, and the Glorious Church will not escape, but he is a little distressed, how to enhance the combat capabilities of the priests.

The Glorious Church also wants to join the war, death is inevitable, but now he wants to reduce the casualty rate.

He heard that the Principality of Sorrowful Wind has developed some new artillery, which has greatly reduced the mortality of soldiers. It does not need to fight the monsters of the Black Forest directly. The tide disappeared.

After learning this news, the R&D department of the Empire also invested in research. Because it has some foundations, research and development went smoothly.

But the priesthood of the church and the army of the empire are not a sequence, even if they can get artillery from the empire, but this kind of thing that is scarce is distributed to each legion in scattered hands, then encounter the beast What should I do if the tide shocks? Do you still have to fill it with human life?

Even superpowers might die on the spot under the impact of beast tide, but the border of the empire is so long...

It would be nice if there were a two-way solution in this world that would strengthen the strength of their church and allow the soldiers of the legion to have the ability to fight the tide.

Although their church did train some masters, even the factory of Lolandal was built with the help of masters, but only those masters, and the time is not enough, what can they develop?

The **** of brilliance sighed, but unfortunately he didn't support the magic research of the wizards earlier. He just wanted to integrate magic into his life. If he didn't limit this development direction, then maybe the situation is much better now.

But it is useless to regret now. What he should do now is to find ways to increase their power Dragons are scattered around the world, and even traveled to other worlds, which have not yet returned.

"My Lord!"

Suddenly, the door of the room was knocked, and the God of Light looked up.

This time it will appear outside his door, either the cardinal or the pope...

"come in……"

As soon as the voice fell, the cardinal, who was waiting outside, entered.

The cardinal walked up to the **** of brilliance, knelt on one knee, and said with a trembling voice: "My lord, our mage has developed something that can greatly increase our combat power... And, it can also be mass-produced!"

The **** of brilliance stood quietly, his eyes shining brightly, "Take me to see!" Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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