Fingers searched the connective tissue and found an exit.

Poke your finger in!

Block it!

The bleeding point stopped, and the other hand massaged the old man's heart to help the heart recover.

1, 2, 3, 4...

At this moment, everyone in the entire McDonald's ran away, and everyone squatted outside, holding their mobile phones through the glass to record videos, at the same time.

The police car, 120, arrived at the same time.

Zhang Ming, director of the emergency room of the provincial hospital, saw this scene from the glass, his legs went weak in fright, his hand holding the first aid kit trembled, and he turned his head to look at the police car.

With a pale face, he said to the police.

"Comrade police, you go first."

"I heard that someone killed someone? We're just doctors. We can't do a job like a murderer. You should go in first, control the murderer, and let's go in and save people."

The policeman was a young man, frowned and said.

"It's important to save people, let's go in together, we control the murderers, and you save people."

Zhang Ming glanced at the old man who was lying motionless on the ground, covered in blood, with his heart still in the hands of the 'murderer', and said weakly.

"Patients may..."


At this moment, a voice came from inside.

"There is a heartbeat!!"

"Director Zhang, come in quickly!"


Zhang Ming was stunned for a moment.

Does this sound sound familiar?

He fixed his eyes.

What the hell!

Isn't this his little apprentice?

In the summer, he practiced in the emergency room of a provincial hospital, and Zhang Ming was the director of the emergency room.

Without saying a word, Zhang Ming rushed in and saw that Xia Xia was riding on the patient, covered in blood, his hair was wet with sweat, his cheeks were flushed, and there was a machete at his feet.

Looking at the patient again, the blue-purple face is no different from the dead.

But Zhang Ming was stunned to find that the patient's eyelids moved.

And help! ! !

"Summer, what's going on???"

"Get out of the way."

Xia Tian's sweat had already flowed down from his forehead. He shook his head and said, "No, the patient has already shed 1000ML of blood. Once my hand is taken out, it will immediately cause massive bleeding, and the patient must be transfused immediately."

"The patient has recovered his heartbeat."

"Director Zhang immediately sent the patient to the operating room for blood transfusion."

Zhang Ming has been the director of the emergency department for nearly 20 years, and it was the first time he met a chest opening at the scene. After 0.5 seconds of confusion, he immediately entered the battle, and immediately greeted his colleagues who were still bewildered outside.

"What are you still doing?"

"Come here to save people, lift the patient to 120."

Meanwhile, he appeases Summer.

"Xiamen, I know you are very tired. Your arms must be stiff, but you must not move. Hold on, you will be at the hospital in five minutes."

The police also came in. They were shocked by the scene and didn't say a word for a while. The first sentence was.

"Murderer, follow us to the police station."

Zhang Ming shouted angrily, "Where did the murderer come from?"

"This is a doctor from our provincial hospital, saving people at the scene."

"Quick, quick, get people into the car."

A group of medical staff worked in various ways, two carried the patient, and two supported the summer. In the police, the audience at the scene was in shock, and the accelerator disappeared...

operating room.

With the help of a colleague, Xia Xia took his hand out of the old man's chest. His arms were already stiff and unconscious, and he was sweating profusely and was on the verge of dehydration.

"Summer, go out and rest, you are not needed here."

Zhang Ming explained.

"it is good."

Xia Xia nodded and turned to leave. Zhang Ming hesitated before adding a sentence at the end.

"Don't leave the hospital for now."

"Go back to the office first."


Xia Xia left the operating room inexplicably. After carefully cleaning the blood on his body, he returned to the office.

As soon as I entered the office, the originally noisy office was silent for a moment.

All stared at summer.

Being stared at by a group of people, Xia Xian felt a little uncomfortable, touched his cheek, and said embarrassedly.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you staring at me? Am I handsome again?"

A female doctor surnamed Li pushed her glasses and criticized Xia Xia in a cold voice.

"Summer, you are in trouble, you know?"

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Xia looked bewildered.

He saved a stranger's life in McDonald's. He was still proud of himself when he was washing. The mortality rate of internal bleeding was as high as 95%. Once he got sick, he would definitely die within 10 minutes. If it weren't for summer, the old man would be dead now. .

Save a life, Xia Xia is very satisfied with himself.

How did you get into trouble?

The female doctor rolled her eyes and said to the other doctors, "Show him the video."

At this time, a man named Wang Xiaobei stood up. Wang Xiaobei and Xia Xia were college classmates and roommates. They slept head-to-head for 5 years. During the internship, they were in the same hospital and a department.

"In the summer, the video of you saving people at McDonald's was recorded, you can take a look."

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone, clicked on Douyin, and immediately popped up a video of him saving people.

The video was extremely popular, and in an instant, the entire Douyin was filled with this Douyin.

Likes: 400,000.

Comments: 20,000+

Forwarding: 10,000+

All the numbers are going up like crazy.

In addition, the major news scrambled to report the matter.

Huge title.

Man Murdered With Knife Inside McDonald's! ! ! 》

"Young man was cuckolded by his girlfriend to take revenge on society and kill with a knife! 》

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