Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning

Chapter 157: Mitra is going to evolve

   Chapter 157 Mitra wants to evolve

  Antofagas Cave.

   This is the new station sent from the Shishan base after the alliance with the people.

   The leader here is named Nehemiah, a professional light elementalist.

   Although his professional bonus is not as high as Shen Yansheng and others, his strength is not weak due to his exclusive skills.

   The choice of alliance with Nehemiah was decided by Shen Yansheng after careful consideration.

  Because thanks to Liu Yang's actions, the land goblins can't come out for the time being, so the base underground is much safer than the base on the surface.

   And there are many safety measures here, the ventilation and drainage systems are very perfect, and the entrance is hidden.

   More importantly, there is another al-Qaeda organization that is allied with them, but the other party has not gathered.

   This is the most important backhand.

   If the opponent encounters an irresistible crisis, they will evacuate here.

   And vice versa, when there is an attack here and it cannot be resisted, then teleport to the other side.

   It can be said that in dealing with the crisis, the best has been done.

   But at this time, there was a tense and anxious atmosphere in the cave.

  Because, not long after the Thunder Fairy was released, another kind of Fairy was released by the Fairy Queen.

   If it is normal, the goblin that comes out of the seal is nothing if it has water, ice, or light attributes.

   But unfortunately, the name of the goblin that came out this time was - Charm Goblin.

   learned from Mitra that the Charm Fairy is a kind of fairies known for its spiritual power, especially good at confusing opponents.

   And they basically have skills, that is, to control other dungeon creatures.

  After Allen told Shen Yansheng and Nehemiah the information, they didn't take it to heart at first.

  But when the land attribute reaches the underground palace creatures and burrows into the cave, the situation is different.

  Because that earth-type dungeon creature is the monster controlled by the charm fairy.

   is also because of this, the cave is exposed.

  Although the walls of the cave have now been reinforced by metal and earth element divisions, the army of fairies outside the cave has begun to gather.

  Forest, Flame, Thunder, Charm, and the four types of goblins join forces, and the situation is in jeopardy.

   "What to do? Do you want to retreat?"

  In the cave, in a huge room, the captains of the two bases gathered here.

   Shen Yansheng touched his chin, glanced at Nehemiah, and frowned.

   "The other party is just gathering, and they don't know the specific strength. If they retreat like this, it is not a good choice."

   "What Colonel Shen said is, I don't want to run away with my tail between my legs. Even if I can't beat it, I have to do it at least once."

   After Shen Yansheng finished speaking, Nehemiah shouted loudly.

   The tone and demeanor of his speech are completely irrelevant to his professional attributes.

   At first glance, he looks like a big brother in society.

   But you can’t just look at people by their appearance. In fact, they are teachers in reality.

   "I also think that we should fight first and then retreat. It is estimated that we won't be able to hide there for long. There will always be a battle."

   "Fight, we must fight, can't we still beat a mere group of fairies?"

   "Boss, order it, I can't wait."

   Following the speeches of the two captains, the captains below expressed their thoughts one after another.

   Everyone was clamoring to fight, and no one was timid at all.

   Hearing the voices of the captains, Nehemiah nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Shen Yansheng.

   "By the way, is your Captain Liu busy now? In this case, the casualties will be much less with him."

   Looking at Nehemiah's gaze, Shen Yansheng didn't speak, but turned to look at Alan who was beside him.

The meaning of    is obvious, that is, let Allen answer this question.

   After all, since Allen came to be the bridge between the two teams, Shen Yansheng seldom contacted Liu Yang.

   Well, no one knows this better than Ellen.

   Allen saw everyone looking at him, nodded slightly, and said softly, "Wait a moment."

After   , the others disappeared in front of everyone.

   Inside Liu Yang's home.

   Seeing everyone gathered around Mitra, Shi Yufei and others, Allen hurried over.

   At this time, the atmosphere of the scene was extremely tense, as if the air had frozen.

   Seeing this, Allen's expression became serious.

   Taking a closer look, I immediately found the problem.

  【Forest Fairy Mitra lv? ? ? (Evolving): The alien species in the forest goblin family began to mutate and evolve under some unknown circumstances. (Comprehensive attributes???)]

   "What's wrong? The last time I saw it was level 90, do you want to break through level 100?"

   Allen's heart moved, and he couldn't help but get excited.

   At this time, Liu Yang saw Alan's arrival.

"Ellen, you came just right, I was going to find you, and the situation was different from what I expected. The fairy tears Mitra needed this time couldn't come according to common sense, and I won't receive it for a while. , you hurry up and ask Head Shen."

   When Alan heard this, he immediately ran to the teleportation stone.

   At this time, Liu Yang said again: "Tell Captain Shen that if there is no problem, this time there is a good chance to end the war."

   Allen took a step and nodded happily: "Yes!"

  The cave conference room, Allen went back and forth.

As soon as   's feet landed, Allen said to Shen Yansheng with an ecstatic expression: "Headmaster Shen, Head Nehemiah, hurry up, hurry up and collect all the tears of the goblin, the captain of my family needs it urgently."

   "He said that if there is no accident this time, the war with the goblins may be over."

   As soon as Allen said that, the scene suddenly fell silent.

   Then there was a loud discussion.

   "Hahaha, great, is Liu Yang finally going to succeed?"

   "The big guy is worthy of being a big guy. Humans are saved now."

   "I already wrote my suicide note, but it seems to be in vain."

   "What? He can end the war with the goblins."

   "I know Liu Yang, is he really that powerful?"

   "Isn't it bragging? Can he do it alone?"

   "I don't know, looking at the new ally's expression, it doesn't seem like a lie."

   Those who have seen Liu Yang's greatness firmly believe in Liu Yang's words.

  Although they haven't shown up since the last time they said goodbye, but because of this, they feel more and more that each other is in a close experiment.

   And now, they were pleasantly surprised that the experiment was finally going to succeed.

   But for the captain of the original cave base, it was a little worse.

   After all, although they have heard of Liu Yang's reputation, they still don't believe that he can end the war with the goblins.

   "Okay, since that's the case, I will immediately let people collect the tears of the fairy."

  Shen Yansheng looked happy and hurriedly ordered.

   Nehemiah froze, and immediately stopped the discussion among the captains: "I don't care what you think, and I'm not sure if things can be as Liu Yang said, but I trust Captain Shen."

   "So, you immediately collect all the fairy tears in the team, and you should be quick."

  There were two orders from the head of the regiment, and things went very smoothly.

   Not long after, everyone's Fairy Tears were collected and handed over to Ellen.

   "Regardless of the outcome, please hurry up!"

   (end of this chapter)

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