Blood essence is the source of a warrior's power, but it is not the source of Zhao Xicheng's power!

He entered the Qi and Blood Realm with the art of Yanshu, and his blood was as good as blood essence!

If he wanted to fight, he would fight with these six martial arts masters!

He wanted to see whether the six martial arts masters would die of exhaustion or Zhao Xicheng would die of blood loss!

"Mad man! This is a mad man!"

The six martial arts masters had already guessed what the red color was.

There was nothing else that could make the golden shadow burst out with terrifying power except blood essence!

The last one used blood essence when he was desperate, so why did this one prepare to use blood essence from the beginning! ?

"Use all your strength, he won't last long, it depends on whether the Sin Domain Puppet Sect can find a third person after he dies!"

The oldest of the six martial arts masters shouted.

He just didn't believe that those who could dominate Qingxiao would eventually fall into the Sin Domain!

The fierce battle continued.

They thought that one side would fall into disadvantage instantly.

But unexpectedly, after a few hours, the two sides were still evenly matched!

The power of the martial arts masters should not be ignored, and Zhao Xicheng's control over the Four Symbols Formation should not be underestimated!


Just when Zhao Xicheng and the six martial arts masters were fighting fiercely.

The Tianmo Sect had been killed and blood flowed into a river!

A large number of corpses turned into a mountain of corpses, and the flowing blood turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The cold wind blew, carrying a strong and nauseating smell of blood!

Su Li didn't know how long he had been killing, but he knew that the blood had seeped into the blade of the long sword and could no longer show the original color...

The Tianmo Sect Master's Hall.

The Tianmo Sect Master sat firmly on the high platform, watching all this indifferently, as if those who were beheaded were not disciples of their Tianmo Sect.

"Child, you have grown up."

The leader of the Demon Sect spoke slowly, his voice steady and gentle.

It seemed to carry the care of an old father.

Su Li became the Saint of the Demon Sect since she was a child, and stayed by the leader's side for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that the leader is her old father.

But what did this old father do? ?

He slaughtered the entire Su family!

Nearly a thousand people in the Su family died tragically, and blood flowed like a river!

How dare the leader of the Demon Sect call her a child? What identity can he use to call her a child?

Su Li clenched the long knife in her hand, raised her bloodshot eyes, and looked at the leader of the Demon Sect.

"I, Su Li, ask the leader to die today!"

The long knife slashed across the ground, sparking a series of sparks.

But the leader of the Demon Sect laughed.

"It's totally fine to invite me to die, but how much strength do you have left?"

The leader of the Demon Sect was not worried about Su Li's revenge at all. He was only worried that Su Li didn't have much strength to kill the disciples of the Demon Sect.

Su Li was stunned, her eyes full of fatigue.

For such a long time, she has been swinging the knife, swinging the knife, and swinging the knife again!

She couldn't remember how many people she had killed, but the long knife in her hand never stopped swinging.

She... was really too tired!

If it weren't for the hatred in her heart guiding her, she might have fallen down long ago.

On the high platform, the leader of the Demon Sect was calm and composed.

He just waved his hand, and hundreds of elders appeared, showing their majestic momentum!

If Su Li was in peak condition, she would naturally not be afraid of those elders, but now, Su Li is already at the end of her strength!

What else can she use to fight against those elders! ?

"Is it going to lose..."

Su Li thought, and couldn't help clenching her fists.

She was going to lose this battle, but she was so unwilling to accept it!

The anger hidden deep in her heart, in the end, was it just in vain?

Su Li laughed.

Laughed at her own incompetence, and even more at her own impatience!

This revenge failed before dawn after all!

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief.

She planned to fight those elders with all her strength!

She would take as many scapegoats as she could!

At this moment.

A slightly old voice sounded.

"Child, you have worked hard, and the rest is up to me..."

Su Li suddenly turned around and saw a very familiar figure appearing in front of her.

Su Li's eyes were instantly moistened.


The man was Su Li's grandfather, the head of the entire Su family!

Su Lie walked up to Su Li and wiped away the tears from the corners of Su Li's eyes with his metal arm.

"Don't cry, Grandpa is here!"

Some time ago, Su Lie had built a brand new arm with Zhao Xicheng, and his strength was almost restored.

Facing those martial artists in the late stage of martial arts, he also had the strength to fight!

Seeing Su Lie coming, the leader of the Tianmo Sect couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In fact, he had known that Su Lie was still alive. After all, this was also a step in his plan.

But he never expected that Su Li had the ability to build a metal arm!

This was really beyond his expectations!

You know, Su Lie is a strong man in the late stage of martial arts!

Even if he has not been in the late stage of martial arts for a long time, he is still a real strong man in the late stage of martial arts!

Not so easy to deal with!

But not long after, the leader's mood stabilized.

Su Lie is a martial artist, but there are so many elders behind him, many of whom are in the late stage of martial arts. If they really fight, it will only be a little troublesome.

The leader waved his hand and signaled several elders to step out.

"Go, chop off Su Lie's head."

As soon as the voice fell, several elders rushed towards Su Lie!

Su Lie snorted coldly.

"Humph! If you want to take my head, Su Lie, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Boom boom boom! !

It was like a meteorite collision!

The aftermath of the battle spread in all directions!

Although Su Lie was fighting against several martial artists alone, he did not fall into a disadvantage!

Su Li's eyes were astonished.

She never expected that her grandfather was so powerful!

In her mind, her grandfather was still in the middle stage of martial arts.

Not long after, an elder had his head crushed by Su Lie!

That was a genuine late-stage martial artist, who died just like that, and his body was thrown on the ground casually like a rag bag.

"Demon Sect, you are the ones who deserve to die this time!!"

Su Lie roared, his eyes were red, and he was panting violently.

It was anger and hatred that gave him such a powerful force!

Su Li's eyes also showed a smile. With the help of her grandfather, she might not be able to remove the Demon Sect from the Sin Domain!

At this moment.

The leader of the Demon Sect stood up and began to applaud.

Pa pa pa pa! !


"Brother Su's progress really makes me, the leader, ashamed! If Brother Su's progress in cultivation has always been so fast, I'm afraid it won't be my turn to be the leader of the Demon Sect."

"If I don't take it seriously, it will seem that I don't know what's good for me."

As he said that, the leader of the Demon Sect waved his hand again.

"First Elder, Second Elder, go meet Brother Su and see if you can take off this head..."

The First Elder and the Second Elder took the order and flew directly towards Su Lie.

These two are veteran late-stage martial artists!

It's not that their talent can only reach the late stage of martial arts, but this sin domain does not allow them to break through!

Compared with such a strong man, Su Lie is not good enough!

Su Li's heart tightened.


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