"Didn't you eat? You have so little strength!?"

With just one sentence, Huo Changqing angered the burly middle-aged man again.

"Okay, okay! You have little strength, right? Let's see how many punches you can take!!"

The burly middle-aged man clenched his fists and hit Huo Changqing fiercely!

His eyes seemed to be emitting fire!

And Huo Changqing only used his elbow to resist the blow!

Bang! !

The sound of the collision came, and the air wave spread in all directions!

A unique energy also penetrated into Huo Changqing's fascia with this collision!

Numb and numb, with a slight pain.

It was as if the shackles bound to Huo Changqing were being opened little by little!

Huo Changqing was delighted.

"That's the feeling!"

It was much more convenient for outsiders to forge his fascia than forging his fascia himself!

Huo Changqing laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! Comfortable, come again!"

The burly middle-aged man was frightened when he heard this. Why did the other party get more and more excited?

"No! All this is fake. He must not have much strength left!"

The burly middle-aged man gritted his teeth and rushed towards Huo Changqing again!

Boom boom boom boom!!

The battle became more and more intense. Huo Changqing sometimes attacked with his elbows and sometimes with his knees.

As long as there were large tendons, small tendons, and fascia covered, they could withstand several attacks from the burly middle-aged man.

Huo Changqing's strength was also slowly improved in these forgings...

On the other side.

Gou Wa led fifty or sixty rangers to kill and search all the way.


In a remote room, a middle-aged man chained with iron chains was found.

The middle-aged man had gray hair on his temples and blood-stained wounds, which was shocking!

The sun shone through the window and hit his face.

He suddenly raised his eyes and looked out the window.

The breeze was blowing, and the white hair was dancing.

Through those strands of white hair, he actually saw fifty or sixty rangers.

"Is it an illusion?"

The middle-aged man with white hair murmured.

The next moment.

Bang! !

The door was kicked open, and two bandits flew in and fell heavily on the ground!

The earth shook, and the blood splashed all over the place even dyed the cheeks of the middle-aged man with white hair red.

He could even feel the residual warmth in the blood!

It was not an illusion!

The middle-aged man with white hair suddenly raised his head and looked at the people who came.

Among the people who came, the middle-aged man in the lead was his good friend.

"Why are you here!?"

The middle-aged man with white hair was stunned.

"You have been caught by the bandits, why should I not come!?"

The middle-aged man in the lead among the rangers said.

The middle-aged man with white hair couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"You shouldn't have come..."

"The bandits here are too strong. You can't be their opponents at all!"

"I'm already seriously injured and can't leave. You should leave quickly."

"If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave when those bandits react..."

He had seen the strong men in this mountain village.

That was a kind of almost desperate strength!

Even if they were said to have reached the first-class or even super-first-class level, he would believe it!

After being caught by such a person, he had long given up the idea of ​​escaping...

He didn't want to, and no one could save him!

Because no matter how powerful a warrior is, he can't be the opponent of that group of bandits! No matter how many people come, they are all sending themselves to death!

But things didn't go as planned.

Those people who were close to him finally came...

Gou Wa snorted.

"We do have to leave, but we have to take you with us, and then leave from the main gate in a swagger!"

The middle-aged man with white hair was stunned. At this time, he suddenly realized that there was a child under ten years old in the crowd!

The middle-aged man with white hair was instantly angry.

He stared at the middle-aged man who was the leader of the Rangers.

"Don't you know this is a bandit's den? Don't you know how dangerous it is? You even brought a little brat in here. Are you afraid that you won't die fast enough?!"

Suppressing bandits is no joke!

In his mind, the middle-aged man who was the leader of the Rangers was always calm, but he didn't expect that he would be so careless this time!

After hearing what the middle-aged man with white hair said, Gou Wa's face suddenly turned ugly.

"You are the little brat, your whole family is little brats!"

"Others have come to save you with so much hardship, but you didn't say a word of thanks, but you are talking about others!?"

"Just a few little thieves, is it that serious?"

Gou Wa said, and didn't forget to look at the middle-aged man with white hair with disdain.

"Hurry up and follow me, I don't want to waste time with you!"

After that, Gou Wa turned around and strode out of the room.

A ranger hurriedly took out the bloody key from a corpse and unlocked the shackles for the middle-aged man with white hair.

After being scolded by Gou Wa, the middle-aged man with white hair could not recover for a long time.

He looked at the middle-aged man in the lead among the rangers, full of doubts.

The middle-aged man in the lead smiled bitterly.

"He is indeed not an ordinary child. Don't look at his small age. He can kill 50 or 60 of our brothers in seconds."

"If it weren't for him, 50 or 60 of our brothers would have been in danger..."

The middle-aged man with white hair was stunned and looked at Gou Wa's back in disbelief.

Even if a half-grown child has been practicing martial arts since his mother's womb, it is impossible for him to kill 50 or 60 martial artists in seconds, right?

"Don't stand there, with him and his senior brother here, we won't be in danger, just follow him."

The middle-aged man with white hair was led out of the room in a daze.

The next moment.

The pungent smell of blood hit, and the sight was corpses everywhere!

In front of them, there were dozens of bandits holding weapons, blocking everyone's way.

Gou Wa took the lead.

Walking among the bandits like a leisurely stroll in the garden.

With a flip of his hand, he could deflect the bandits' attack and disrupt everyone's rhythm!

Bang bang bang! !

One corpse after another fell, and soon the whole space became quiet.

"Hurry up."

Gou Wa said casually.

In just a few breaths, the middle-aged man with white hair was terrified!

His worldview completely collapsed!

Those bandits, any one of them, are all strong men who have entered the mainstream, even he has to go all out!

And this half-grown child, in just a few breaths, easily killed!

The middle-aged man with white hair and a group of rangers quickly followed Gou Wa's footsteps.

He was frightened at the beginning of the battle, but he was numb in the later stage!

Too strong!

This kind of strength has exceeded his cognition, just like a myth!

After seeing Gou Wa's powerful strength, the middle-aged man with white hair felt that his state of mind had changed.

He felt that no matter how outrageous the things were, they could not shock him.

After all, what else could be more shocking than a first-class warrior of seven or eight years old! ?

But soon, he found out that he was wrong!

At the entrance of the village.

The young man in gorgeous clothes was more terrifying than Gou Wa!

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