The lair of casual cultivators is not the only one that gathers here.

There are also a large number of ordinary people.

These ordinary people were kidnapped from various places, and the seven acres of land were just to serve the casual cultivators.

Therefore, when facing these casual cultivators, they cannot act rashly.

In addition, the elders of the Tuling Sect were also afraid of alerting the enemy, so they allowed the casual cultivator of the Martial Master Realm named Qin Shiqi to escape.

If such a powerful casual cultivator escapes, there will be endless troubles!

Therefore, they were discussing countermeasures along the way.

They didn't know Huo Changqing's specific realm, but they could roughly guess that he could just break through the Wuzong realm.

They have miraculous effects in the magic field, but they should have no advantage against those casual cultivators.

The elder looked deeply at Huo Changqing.

"Fellow Taoist, after entering the lair of casual cultivators, don't rush to take action. Wait until the sound of fighting sounds before taking action to avoid alerting the enemy."

Huo Changqing nodded slightly.

"It should be so. You know these casual cultivators better, so you should be allowed to lead this battle."

After a brief explanation, the group walked towards the huge building complex.

Just arrived at the door.

All of them were stopped.

"Stop, warriors of martial arts master and above are prohibited from entering. Only warriors below martial arts master or mortals can enter our village."

Everyone looked at each other.

There was no such piece of information among the information they inquired about, which caught them off guard.

But fortunately, the Tu Ling Sect has a means of gathering breath. As long as the opponent's realm is not still very high, they can't find out their true and false.


The Tuling Sect has a way to collect interest, but Huo Changqing and Gou Wa may not have it!

At this moment, they felt a little anxious.

Huo Changqing and Gou Wa, on the other hand, have always been calm and composed.

If you want to find out whether a warrior has reached the realm of a martial artist, just look at whether the other person has cultivated spiritual energy.

The two of them are not cultivating spiritual energy, right?

In addition, they themselves are not martial arts masters or martial arts masters, which fully meets the other party's conditions.

They entered the cottage, are there any problems?

No problem!

After checking, Gou Wa and Huo Changqing easily entered the village.

This scene.

Then everyone took a deep look at Huo Changqing and Gou Wa.

"What kind of people are these two? They can easily break through the magic field and avoid the monks' detection. From the beginning to the end, they are so calm and composed..."

After Huo Changqing and Gou Wa entered the village.

The elder and a group of Tu Ling Sect disciples no longer worried, and used breath-condensing methods to enter the stronghold.

After entering the cottage, the two separated.

The Tu Ling Sect was about to start implementing the plan, and Huo Changqing and the other two just had to wait for the battle to begin.

"Elder brother, how about... let's go to the inn to have something to eat? I haven't eaten that food for a long time..."

Gouwa said.

Since entering the Qi and Blood Realm, Gou Wa no longer needs to eat.

But he is greedy!

He is only ten years old, how can he resist the temptation of those delicious foods?

Being on the road all this time is really torture for the dog!

Huo Changqing just thought for a moment and agreed.

Eating is not important in itself, but it can confuse those casual cultivators and make them think that they are really just ordinary people.

After a while.

Huo Changqing and Gou Wa entered an inn.

All the wine and food in the inn are ridiculously expensive!

It was not settled with money at all, but with spiritual stones.

You know, if a spiritual stone is placed in the Sin Domain, it can definitely cause a bloody storm!

But in this small inn, I can't even order a dish...

Seeing such an outrageous price, Huo Changqing was really surprised, but it was just an accident and he didn't care much.

He even ordered a large table of food and wine.

Huo Changqing and Gou Wa sat opposite each other.

One savored it carefully and gracefully, while the other devoured it without any concern for his own image.

"The food and wine in this inn are really good, much better than those in our hometown."

Gou Wa said sincerely.

At this time, a fat-bellied businessman walked towards the two of them.

"Jia Fugui is a businessman who came all the way here to do business. Looking at the way you two are dressed, do you think you are also here to do business?"

Huo Changqing glanced at the pot-bellied businessman, nodded slightly, and admitted, but had no intention of communicating.

However, the businessman seemed to have no self-awareness and let out a long sigh.

"Hey! I didn't expect that the two little brothers are also here to do business..."

"It's hard for ordinary people like us to do business now. At most, we can only maintain food and clothing."

"You still have to be exploited by those warriors all the time."

"No... I accidentally entered this den of thieves, and I still owe a lot of spiritual stones. It's not easy to pay off this debt..."

"Listen to my brother's advice. This is not a good place for business. Before you are trapped by those casual cultivators, leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible..."

Although this man named Jia looks like a profiteer, he is kind-hearted.

If Huo Changqing and the two were really just ordinary people, they might be able to escape from this devil's cave after listening to Jia's words.

Huo Changqing's attitude softened slightly.

"The greater the risk, the higher the return. In this world full of warriors, how can you be a trader without any courage?"

Jia Fugui was stunned for a moment.

He is really young and frivolous, and he doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!

He must be persuaded!

The next moment, several young men in standard long gowns came in and looked at Huo Changqing with ill intentions.

Jia Fugui was shocked.

"It's bad! Those warrior masters are coming!"

In an instant, cold sweat seeped out of Jia Fugui's body.

If these warrior masters knew that he was persuading a merchant to leave, he would definitely not have a good ending!

In fact.

Those warriors had noticed this scene a long time ago.

They opened the inn, and the prices of those dishes were also set by them.

It is easy to attract their attention to spend so many spirit stones in one breath and order a table of dishes.

In their eyes, Huo Changqing is a big fat sheep!

"Sir, I'm really sorry, the price of the dishes here has increased, you may have to pay twice as much..."

A warrior seemed polite, but with a playful light in his eyes.

Huo Changqing nodded.

"It's double, so it's double..."

At this time, the warrior smiled again.

"Sorry, I changed my mind, you may have to pay three times the price for these dishes..."

Jia Fugui, who was not far away, was trembling all over.

Merchants who entered this mountain village for the first time would be targeted and exploited.

And Huo Changqing was so generous, he was 100% targeted.

If Huo Changqing dared to resist, he would definitely be beaten!

And Huo Changqing calmly took a sip of wine.

"Are you blackmailing?"

The warrior also took off his disguise.

"You can think so."

Huo Changqing smiled, ignored these people, and continued to taste wine and eat food calmly.

Gou Wa was still wolfing down his food, ignoring the warrior.

This made the warrior very angry.

"Well, you succeeded in irritating me!"

The next moment.

A huge explosion sounded in the distance.

Gou Wa wiped his mouth with the handkerchief on the table.

"Those people from the Tu Ling Sect are quite quick. I thought they had to wait until dark..."

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