In a village deep in the Nameless Mountain.

Huo Changqing is still practicing.

That heartbreaking pain tortured him all the time!

Sweat has soaked his clothes!

Tempering the marrow was far more difficult than he imagined!

"It's no wonder that those ordinary warriors entered the martial arts after forging their bones. The pain of tempering their marrow is not something that ordinary people can bear!"

Huo Changqing thought to himself, gritted his teeth, and continued to mobilize his energy and blood!

Time passed slowly, and Huo Changqing's head became particularly dizzy.

Veins popped up all over his body, and even his body started to tremble!

That kind of pain was close to his limit!

give up……

give up……

A master of bone forging can also enter martial arts...

Your talent is too mediocre, how can it be compared with the geniuses of ancient times...

This thought sounded in Huo Changqing's mind, like the whisper of a devil!

Constantly destroying his confidence and perseverance! !

As long as this breath is released, he can instantly step into the martial arts, but correspondingly, he will never be able to achieve great success in tempering the marrow in his lifetime! !

Huo Changqing opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.


"Master tries every means to temper my state of mind, pays attention to my practice every moment, and always wakes me up at the most critical moment!"

"Master has sacrificed so much for me!"

"But I have disappointed Master again and again!"

"My talent is not as good as the ancient geniuses, and my combat power is not as good as the ancient strong men. Is it possible that my perseverance is even 10% worse than theirs!?"

"Master has said that if you want to become a strong person, if you want to become a giant, talent, luck, understanding, opportunity, and perseverance are all indispensable!"

"I don't have talent or understanding. All I can compare to is perseverance!"

Through the window.

Huo Changqing could see Lin Shu lying on the rocking chair.

The white clothes she wore were as beautiful as the snow, and the movements of her hands and feet seemed to be in harmony with the principles of heaven and earth!

Although Lin Shu seemed to have done nothing.

But Huo Changqing knew that his master had done everything and prepared everything for him, but he just didn't tell him!

The figure of the master became particularly majestic in his heart!


It should be said that the figure of his master has always been very majestic in his heart!

This strong man who stood at the top of the martial arts never disliked him because of his poor talent. He was humiliated by yellow and white things, and he never resented him!

Instead, he made an exception and accepted him as his disciple, teaching him everything he could!

Master has paid too much for him. If he disappoints Master again, will he still be a human being? ?

Huo Changqing gritted his teeth again.

"This time, I must temper my marrow to perfection!"

"This time, I will never let Master down again!!"

The surging power, like silver needles, pierced into his bone marrow, and severe pain struck again.

But this time, Huo Changqing held back and did not hum.

as time flows.

The bone marrow in his arms has been tempered, and the bloody bone marrow has turned into gold!

Thick and full of energy!

Then came the marrow of the leg bones, the marrow of the sternum, and the marrow of the skull!

When we are playing and fighting, two days are but one moment!

When you temper your marrow with your heart, a moment seems like eternity!

Huo Changqing thought about giving up several times, but in the end he persisted!

Because of his choice of marrow quenching, Master was full of praise for him during the meal!

You know, Master seldom praises him on weekdays!

This shows that Master very much approves of his decision.

This is also the reason why he can continue to temper his bone marrow!

in the room.

Lin Shu looked at Huo Changqing who was practicing crazily and felt a little frightened.

"Even if you are a real monk, you don't practice so seriously, right?"

"If a real expert guides him, he might actually be able to accomplish something..."

Lin Shu murmured, seeming to have made up his mind.

"When half a year has passed, drive away Huo Changqing immediately. He deserves to be accepted as a disciple by a true master!"

Huo Changqing didn't know what Lin Shu was thinking, so he was still practicing hard!

During the practice, Gou Wa came several times.

He had to pester Lin Shu to learn Lao Shizi's body training method.

Lin Shu was not in the mood to fool Gou Wa, so he left the teaching to Huo Changqing.

When Huo Changqing taught Gou Wa, he not only relaxed his mood, but also gained a deeper understanding of body training!

Huo Changqing took a deep look at Lin Shu.

"Sure enough, everything Master does has deep meaning!"

After the teaching was over, Gouwa left happily.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

After that, Huo Changqing started practicing again.

This practice even led to a state of selflessness, with no intention of stopping until late at night.

If he hadn't been awakened by Lin Shu, he might have practiced until dawn!

Lin Shu sighed.


"I'm afraid Huo Changqing is crazy..."

"If you continue to practice like this, I'm afraid you won't develop any problems, right?"

Lin Shu wanted to persuade Huo Changqing.

But when he thought about Huo Changqing's excitement in the past two days, the more he persuaded him, the more excited Huo Changqing became.

If he showed up again, Huo Changqing would probably have to practice day and night.

"Forget it, leave him alone. When this momentum subsides, he should calm down a little..."

Lin Shu murmured, lying on the rocking chair, bathing in the few rays of sunlight coming through the window, and slowly closed his eyes.

The bright moon and warm sun both make people lazy!

Not long after, Lin Shu fell into a deep sleep...

At this time.

Huo Changqing finally reached the final stage of marrow tempering!

Tempering the marrow of the spine!

The spine is the pillar that supports people!

The spinal cord is the beginning of the marrow!

As long as the spinal cord is tempered, the tempered marrow of the whole body can be connected together, and the marrow tempering can be completed!

Outside the house, a strong wind blew!

It danced wildly with Huo Changqing's long hair and clothes!

Rolling dark clouds gathered!

The sky was dim!

As the spinal cord was tempered bit by bit, Huo Changqing's body underwent earth-shaking changes!

Nothing can be seen in his body shape, but his whole body seems to have an inexplicable rhythm.


After the marrow tempering is completed, it is truly reborn, and eighty years of life are in vain!

The next moment.

Boom! !

A thunderclap exploded, and the unique pattern of lightning spread in the thick dark clouds!

Lin Shu shuddered and woke up from his sleep.

The strong wind rushed in through the window, and the cool feeling instantly blew away Lin Shu's tiredness!

"With such a strong wind, Huo Changqing is not still practicing outside?"

Lin Shu's heart tightened, and he immediately opened the door.

Boom! !

Under the dim sky, lightning and thunder!

The strong wind rolled up gravel and danced all over the sky!

And under the dim sky, there was a young man sitting cross-legged, with blood-colored energy wrapped around his body!

Thirteen years of hard work to find the Tao!

Today, the Tao is at his feet!

He only needs to take that step!

Huo Changqing suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the dark sky.

"Today, I, Huo Changqing, enter the Tao!"

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