Each of my disciples has a different kind of martial arts. Does that mean I have become the ancestor

Chapter 57 The first shot of killing the gods, the dragon roars! The war is over!

After saying that, Huo Changqing directly passed the Great Yue Commander.

His feet landed on the ground, splashing thick blood, staining the Great Yue Commander's cheeks red.

The Great Yue Commander swallowed his saliva and looked up, only to see Huo Changqing holding a spear, waving his hand casually, and a top-notch war puppet fell!

He is definitely beyond the top-notch warriors!

Just like the group of people stationed in the Great Yue Dynasty.

The people in front of him are even more terrifying than those in the Great Yue Dynasty!

Time passed slowly.

It's better to say that it's a one-sided massacre than a war!

The top-notch war puppet is no threat to Huo Changqing!

Even if the weapon falls on Huo Changqing's neck, it only leaves a shallow scratch!

This scene is so similar to the Great Yue Commander!

Wasn't it like this when the top-notch war puppets rushed into the battlefield and fought against those ordinary soldiers?

It's just that this time, the situation has reversed!

Huo Changqing took a deep breath.

He circulated his Qi and blood, and the blood-colored energy spread out of his body, wrapping it up completely, like a blood-colored sun!

The pupils of the Great Yue commander shrank instantly!

This, this, this...

This is a power beyond martial arts!

It's like watching a myth!

It's so unreal!

Huo Changqing didn't know what the Great Yue commander was thinking, but just swung a gun indifferently.

The first shot of killing the gods - Dragon Roar!

Roar! ! !

A dragon roar resounded through the world!

It tore open the silence of the battlefield!

The strong wind rolled in with a disgusting smell of blood!

The long spear gathered the wind, wrapped in the vast Qi and blood, and gushed out from the tip of the spear, like a long blood-colored river, as if to annihilate all things in the world!

As the long blood-colored river rushed out, everyone seemed to vaguely see a dragon shadow!

Boom! ! !

The earth and the sky trembled!

The remaining top-notch war puppets were all submerged in the blood-colored river!

When the blood and qi dissipated and the strong wind died down, Huo Changqing took back the long spear in his hand.

Only a breeze blew the long hair in front of Huo Changqing's forehead.

The whole battlefield was silent in an instant!

The hearts of the commander of Da Yue and the more than 2,000 soldiers on the wall of Daliang were all in turmoil!

Can a person who exists in reality really burst out such a shocking power! ?

Even the characters in mythology are no more than this...

Liu Yun's face was full of excitement.

He knew that the little master he worshipped was not ordinary!

A group of top-notch warriors can be annihilated with a wave of his hand, as simple as crushing a group of ants!

In comparison, he didn't even learn the basics!

"This should be the blood and qi realm that the little master said, but I don't know which realm among the three realms of blood and qi it is."

"I don't know when I can enter that level..."

After seeing this battle, Liu Yun was fascinated!

On the side, Gou Wa snorted coldly.

"Tsk~ Look at your little achievement. If I didn't like to practice on weekdays, I could also reach the level of the senior brother!"

Although Gou Wa said this, his heart was already shocked to the extreme!

If it weren't for maintaining his image in front of Liu Yun, his junior nephew, he would have lost his composure long ago!

After dealing with all the top-notch war puppets.

Huo Changqing paced and walked to the front of the Great Yue commander.

The Great Yue commander was still crawling on the ground, trembling constantly.

He raised his head in panic and looked at Huo Changqing with flickering eyes.

"Don't... don't kill me... behind me is the Puppet Sect, behind me is the Puppet Sect..."

The Puppet Sect is the biggest trump card of the Great Yue!

It is also a trump card that the Great Yue cannot control!

Now, at the moment of life and death, he can only move this trump card with great hidden dangers...

I hope the other party can have insight and give him a way out for the sake of the Puppet Sect.

Huo Changqing raised his eyebrows.

"Puppet Sect..."

When he killed these top-notch warriors, he had already discovered the clues. Compared with the top-notch warriors he had encountered before, the ones that appeared on the battlefield were too weak.

Moreover, the top-notch warriors on the battlefield had no specific means of attack. Most of them relied on brute force and extreme speed, just like they were carved out of the same mold!

This itself is unreasonable!

But if it is said that these people are puppets that were created, then it can be explained clearly.

A trace of joy flashed through the heart of the Great Yue commander.

From the looks of it, the other party recognized the Puppet Sect.

And, it seems that there is a trace of fear of the Puppet Sect.

In other words, his life is not in danger, he survived!

Just when the Great Yue commander showed a look of joy on his face.

Huo Changqing suddenly lowered his eyebrows and looked at the Great Yue commander coldly.

"The Puppet Sect is nothing but a bunch of ants in front of my master. What qualifications do they have to make me retreat?!"

He remembered what his master said. There was no way out for his master!

Who in this world could be his master's opponent! ?

The Great Yue Commander's heart skipped a beat.

"You...your master?"

Huo Changqing spoke calmly.

"Don't even mention the Puppet Sect. Even the gods in the sky are nothing but chickens and dogs in front of my master!"

The Great Yue Commander's heart was filled with turmoil.

There are gods in this world?

And the other party's master doesn't even take gods seriously! ?

What kind of devil did their country of Dai Viet provoke! ?

Before the Dai Viet coach could recover, Huo Changqing had already raised the sole of his foot and stepped on the Dai Viet coach's face.

"Those Dai Viet soldiers who are far less powerful than me dare to sacrifice everything to fight with me."

"And you, as the commander-in-chief of Dai Viet, have even lost the courage to fight and are lying on the ground like a dead dog."

"You are not worthy of being a soldier, let alone the commander of Dai Viet!"

The words fell together with the soles of Huo Changqing's feet.

boom! !

A head exploded like a watermelon!

A headless corpse struggled for a moment and then stopped moving.

At this point, this war is truly over!

The real soldiers of Dai Viet in the far distance had already discarded their armor and fled in confusion.

Fortunately, the coach of Dai Viet, Tuo Dai, did not take them with him, otherwise they would not have escaped death!

Huo Changqing just glanced at the small black dots in the distance, then turned around, facing the fishy wind, and returned to the city!

If you want to destroy Dai Viet, you can do it anytime, there is no need to rush.

The most urgent thing now is to go back and see his father.

His father had already broken an arm in order to guard the southern border. In addition, he had been working intensively on this battlefield for who knows how long.

How could he not be worried?

The war is over, and the soldiers who are still alive have tears in their eyes!

Dozens of them even burst into tears!


"we won!!"

"We finally won this war!"

The news of the great victory at the border was carried on a fast horse and sent to the imperial city at an accelerated speed of 800 miles!

In the imperial city, Emperor Huo Xiao frowned.

Looking at the soldiers rushing over, I was trembling all over.

"The southern border...has fallen..."

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