Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 20 The sudden change of situation

It was clearly afternoon, but the curtains were tightly covering the Prime Minister's study. The faint light from the burning lamp illuminated the thick pages, which turned yellow. The characteristics of the Baratheon family members from generation to generation were included in this book. The firelight flickered, and the Prime Minister's face looked shaky.

Heavy sighs continued to come from the table. The Prime Minister closed his cloudy and old eyes and closed the book with his tired hands.

Lysa's sharp and angry voice also came, "Jon! Jon!" Lysa broke into the Prime Minister's study, her bloated face twisted into a piece viciously, "Jon Arryn! Are you going to drive me and Little Robin back to the Vale?"

"Yes, Lysa, I have decided to do this. You and Artis will return to the Vale tomorrow afternoon at the latest." The Prime Minister had no time to argue with her and waved his hand impatiently.

Lysa shook her head in disbelief. Her face was red, as if there were many sentences hidden in it. Finally, she waved her hand angrily and ran out of the study.

Listening to the sound of footsteps, Lysa went down the Prime Minister's Tower.

"Sir, do you want to send someone to follow the lady?", Shufu walked into the room carefully and asked.

The Prime Minister didn't want to care about his wife, "Let her go, let her go, she will be back after dark." He knew very well what impact his upcoming action would have on the kingdom, but he knew he had to do it. This was not only a responsibility of the King's Hand, but also out of love for Robert, his king and his adopted son.

"As high as glory.", the Prime Minister murmured. He opened the curtains, and the light at dusk sprinkled into the study very gently. The Prime Minister relaxed his muscles and bones, sat on the soft chair, and enjoyed a moment of comfort.

Shufu left the house silently, leaving the Prime Minister alone.

The group of people in the valley packed their luggage silently. Anda Royce fed his beloved warhorse with good hay on the side, and glanced at Artis from time to time who was maintaining the plate armor with Weimar.

When Artis received the order from Duke Arryn, asking them to pack up their belongings quickly and prepare to return to the Valley the next day, Anda was full of doubts, but he kept silent only when Artis asked him not to leak the news.

Weimar didn't care much. He continued to play with the dragon crystal dagger in his hand and didn't intend to make his own judgment on the situation.

Artis was thinking while applying grease on the surface of the plate armor, doing the simplest rust removal. Ange stood aside at a loss. Not long ago, he had agreed to be Artis's servant, but it seemed that Artis didn't like others to touch his own armor and weapons, just like Weimar next to him.

Artis instinctively asked the Vale Knights to conceal the news of returning to the Vale, but even tonight, many Vale Knights still stayed in the women's branch of King's Landing, and it would be difficult to search them from any bed at night.

So Artis left Robert Royce behind and asked him to continue to fly the banner of the Arryn family in King's Landing to gather the Vale Knights scattered in King's Landing and return to the Valley after a week.

As for himself, he was as cautious as usual, flying the flags of other nobles in the valley and preparing to return to the valley. His father's instructions at least made him understand that he could not travel in a big way.

What kind of threat requires the valley army as insurance? Attis seemed to be in a fog, his wings flapping weakly, but he could not break through the fog in the air, so that he could not fly high in the sky, overlook the ground, and distinguish between loyalty and treachery and enemies.

He looked at the blue moon eagle flag of the Arryn family, which swayed in the wind. The wind of King's Landing was filled with dirt and disgusting stench, unlike the natural cold wind of the Eyrie.

The wind of King's Landing hides swords, and the wind of the Eyrie is a sword. Attis commented in his heart that the main difference was that the wind of King's Landing hid too many tricks and could not be confronted head-on. The wind of the Eyrie did not need to be told to the so-called enemy, and its deterrence was there.

Attis waited quietly for tomorrow, and his inner uneasiness became stronger.

On the other side of King's Landing, Littlefinger comforted the trembling Lysa, "Calm down Lysa, tell me, tell me everything, what has the Prime Minister done recently?"

Lysa's sobbing body gradually subsided, and she gradually calmed down under Littlefinger's kiss, "He has been, reading a book all day long."

"Which book? Which book Lysa, this is very important, I need you to have a clear mind." Littlefinger held Lysa's face with both hands, and said anxiously but tenderly.

Lysa smiled sincerely on her face, "Of course, Petyr, I know, it's a thick book, I didn't pay much attention, maybe Oh, I remember Jon said something about blonde hair and black hair."

Littlefinger's hand holding Lysa's face suddenly tightened a little, "Are you sure, Lysa, swear on your love for me."

"Oh, Petyr, you're hurting me, of course, I swear, how could I lie to you?" Lysa said excitedly.

Littlefinger put down his hand, and a smile appeared on his thin face. "Lysa, when you came, did you follow our usual route?"

"Of course, Petyr, how could I be so stupid? No one followed me, I knew it." Lysa said excitedly.

You came here in person, how could the octopus spider not know. Littlefinger thought to himself.

Littlefinger kissed Lysa's forehead, "Dear Lysa, things are much more serious than you think." Littlefinger whispered in Lysa's ear. Lysa covered her mouth in horror and looked at Littlefinger in disbelief, while her beloved in her heart still looked at Lysa with a half-smile.

After sending away the frightened Lysa, Littlefinger tore off his fake smile and stood expressionlessly in contemplation. He accidentally saw dust scattered in the corner, with a spider web attached to the dust and a spider dormant on it. Waiting for its prey.

His little finger remained silent and he lowered his body. He gently leaned against the spider with the little finger of his right hand. The spider felt the movement and slowly crawled over. It moved its slender spider legs vigilantly and soon climbed onto his little finger.

Little Finger stood up and said softly: "Horrible spider, who are you weaving this web for?" He lightly dusted it, and the spider was still entangled with silk under his little finger.

With a gentle squeeze of his little finger and left hand, the spider was crushed into powder. He straightened his clothes and strode away.

Cersei's uneasiness was clearly sensed by Jaime. He could see that she was trying to stay calm. Pycelle told the queen the prime minister's recent whereabouts in detail, but he himself kept his eyes slightly closed. As if dozing off.

"Why would Jon Arryn go after Robert's bastard son, the Grand Maester?" Cersei said with suppressed fear.

The grand maester seemed to have woken up, rubbing his groggy eyes, "I don't know what the prime minister is doing. It's just that the prime minister's investigation of King Robert's illegitimate child is probably an investigation against the royal family. As a grand maester, I have an obligation to report to the royal family."

Cunning Pycelle! James cursed in his mind.

"Thank you for your loyalty to the crown, Grand Maester, and the Lannister will never forget it." Cersei said this with a look of genuine gratitude.

Pycelle stood up tremblingly, "It seems I have to take my leave, queen, Ser Jaime." He bowed to Cersei and Jaime, and left on crutches.

"Jaime!" Cersei called after the Grand Maester had left. Jaime even wanted to cover Cersei's mouth after hearing this.

"Calm down, Cersei." Jaime hugged Cersei.

A stern expression appeared on Cersei's face, "The old vulture's eyes have discovered something. We can't sit still and wait for death, Jaime!"

"I know, I know." James was thinking about countermeasures in his mind, but he didn't know what he could do in such a short time. If Jon Arryn really knew the truth, I'm afraid James could only continue to fight to the death. Fight out of King's Landing wearing a red robe.

"Father, we need to let him know the emergency of the situation." James said.

"No! No! James, we must not let father know this. Father values ​​family honor most. He will kill us!" Cersei refused James' proposal. She picked up the red wine glass and tried to suppress her heart. of panic.

The two were at a loss for a long time, "Strike first, Jaime, I want you to kill the old vulture." Cersei's words suddenly turned calm, and her tone lost its waves.

Jaime instinctively denied this idea, "I can't help it, Aelin has quite a few guards. Besides, if Robert knew"

"Then let's kill them all together, kill Robert, kill Arryn." Cersei turned her head and revealed her determination.

James realized that his sister was so stupid, "Cersei, are you going to kill everyone in King's Landing? Robert has two younger brothers, and there are so many ministers in King's Landing."

"I don't care, Jaime, I'm scared." Cersei suddenly cried and looked at Jaime weakly and helplessly.

James' heart softened instantly, and he hugged Cersei, "I swear, Cersei, I will find a way, there will be a way."

On the coast of King's Landing, Stannis stayed here, enjoying the gentle sea breeze. Tomorrow, Jon Arryn would meet Robert directly and tell him about the adultery of the damn queen. It didn't take Stannis a second thought to know what Robert's wrath would be like, and it would be too much for a Lannister to bear.

He has written a letter to inform the fleet on Dragonstone Island to be on standby and to send troops directly to Lannister Port at any time. Together with Robert, he will march by sea and land to conquer the dirty lion.

The sky gradually became clearer, and streaks of white light emanated from the sea level, which was particularly bright.

The Prime Minister felt that he looked very good. With light and healthy steps, he boarded the sedan chair covered by the blue curtain. He even felt that he could ride a tall horse and go straight to Robert's residence.

Fortunately, Robert was staying in a brothel that he was familiar with today, otherwise it would have been a waste of time to find him. On both sides of the Prime Minister's sedan, there were heroic knights of the valley, all equipped with plate armor, fine helmets, spears, shields and swords. There were dozens of cavalry and nearly a hundred infantry at the front and rear.

The Prime Minister is very aware of the danger in King's Landing at this time, if his recent whereabouts are known to others, so he has brought most of the blue-robed guards of the Arryn family to protect his safety.

When Attis left the courtyard, the guard flag of the Arryn family happened to leave. With the background of the blue moon and the white eagle, the sedan slowly moved away. Attis watched from a distance, a mighty team of nearly two hundred people. Walking on the streets of Junlin in the early morning, his father's trip had never been so grand in the past few days. He guessed that his father might have something on his mind.

Attis turned around and called the knights in the courtyard, preparing to go to the Prime Minister's Tower to pick up Lysa and little Robin.

The blue flag of the Aylin family gradually faded away, and few people walked on the street. Even the residents who got up early saw this formation and were so frightened that they hid in their houses and did not dare to come out. They just looked up from the corner of the window and said It's unclear what new battle the adults in King's Landing are planning to create.

As the women's ward where Robert lived got closer and closer, the Prime Minister felt that his chest gradually became heavier, his throat seemed to be filled with rocks on the seaside, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe. He struggled to open his mouth, but found that he could not say a word. He beat the sedan with his hands, and wanted to shout: "Xiufu! Xiufu!", but he was still unable to speak.

His ears also seemed to be blocked, and his head was dizzy. The sedan finally stopped, and the monk's frightened face came into view. When the Prime Minister saw it, he felt relieved, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes gradually turned black. His vision was blurred. He fell on Xiu Fu and could no longer move. The moment he finally lost consciousness, he shouted his last name in his heart, "Attis!"

Outside King's Landing, Attis's Vale Knights were walking on the King's Road. Attis knew that he needed to rush to the Vale as soon as possible to preside over order in the Eyrie.

Even if Attis wanted to move quickly, this team still had a mother and son and a sedan, so it couldn't move forward like a normal rapid march.

Lysa looked around in horror. When she found Attis looking at her from a distance, Lysa lowered her head nervously, hugged the crying little Robin, and muttered, "Good Robin, don't be afraid, Attis." He is your brother and will not hurt you."

Seeing Attis approaching, she held Robin harder with both hands. Robin cried and shouted: "Mom, you hurt me!" Lysa hurriedly tried to comfort and force-feed Robin.

Attis approached the sedan, "Don't be afraid, madam, we are going back to the valley, which is our real home."

"I just want to go back to Riverrun now." Lysa thought to herself, but she said: "Thank you for your hard work, Ser Attis, you are a good sergeant."

"You don't have to be so respectful to me, you are my stepmother, Mrs. Aylin." Attis smiled slightly at her and rode away towards the front of the team.

When Lysa saw Attis moving away, she took a breath. She was so happy that she didn't even notice how powerful Robin's bite was. She screamed in pain.

Towards evening, the white light on the sea level at dawn turned into the red line of the setting sun, cutting out beautiful blood stains in the sky, scattering them messily in the sky, with soaring eagles flying among them, as if these blood lines were cutting off this one The traces left by an eagle.

And in King's Landing, a real eagle fell on a hospital bed.

"Attis, Lysa, and Robin, are they all gone?" Robert was extremely quiet at this time, causing the people around him to feel suffocated and horrified.

Varys replied: "It seems so, Your Majesty."

"What a clever move," said her little finger, playing with the ring on her thumb.

Stannis' face was livid, and he looked at the dying Jon Arryn on the bed in disbelief. He didn't expect that he would fall ill so quickly. Was he really ill? Impossible, too much of a coincidence.

Robert clenched his hands, and his arm muscles bulged, "Jon met me early in the morning, something must have happened, check! Varys."

"As you command." Wallis' fat figure retreated, and Little Finger felt that Wallis was staring closely at him from behind.

On the table, the Prime Minister's usual cup was empty of liquid. Littlefinger glanced at the cup calmly. Lysa had cleaned it very well, and he also excused himself to Robert.

"This is a disease, with all due respect, Your Majesty the King.", Grand Maester Pycelle said.

Ke Meng, the prime minister's personal bachelor, looked puzzled and said, "I can try to cure the stomach problem first."

"It must be a stomach bug," the Grand Bachelor said.

Robert had had enough of the maester's nonsense, and his voice increased, "Get out of here!"

The maesters were so frightened that they resigned.

Robert looked at Jon on the bed and held his hand with both hands. "Bless the Seven Gods. Damn it, Jon. You were still alive and well yesterday. The Seven Gods will not be so cruel. Please keep you with me, Jon." ”

There were even tears in his eyes.

Jon's death was brought forward a year

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