What surprised Ye Xiu even more.
With [Super Strength] upgraded to level 1.
Another ability [Super Speed] has also been upgraded to level 1.
“Sure enough, there is a correlation between certain abilities.”
As the strength increases, the speed will naturally increase as well.
This is common sense.
So, as super strength goes up, so does super speed, which makes sense!
Before the promotion, Ye Xiu’s speed had already reached the level of 100 meters per second.
In one second, you can run a distance of 100 meters.
But now, his speed directly broke through the speed of sound.
Reached about 600 meters per second!
Although it didn’t directly increase by a hundred times like power, the speed still has air resistance after all.
It can be increased by sixty times, which is already very powerful.
“Nearly twice the speed of sound!”
Ye Xiu smiled happily.
At this time, the rubber man who was still tightly binding Ye Xiu was still shocked by the defeat of his teammates, and did not realize that the scythe of death was already on her own neck at this time.
“You killed him?!”
The rubber man roared at Ye Xiu.
Ye Xiu looked down at the rubber man.
“I’m a superman! Is he like the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately? If you slander me any more, be careful to kill you!”
He said angrily.
The rubber man was speechless.
You just said that you didn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately, but now you say you want to kill me?
Who are you? !
“now you!”
Ye Xiu suddenly calmed down, looked at the rubber man and said.
In the next second, the rubber man’s face changed suddenly.
Subconsciously, she was about to call the transmitter to save her.
But before she yelled out, she felt an incomparable force coming from her body.
Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiu’s rubber body that was tightly restraining him was easily pushed away by Ye Xiu.
“Is the rubber afraid of heat?”
Ye Xiu grabbed the strangely shaped rubber man with both hands.
next second…
Under the gaze of the latter full of horror, a scorching and ultra-high-temperature hot gaze burst out from the eyes
The body of the rubber man is boiling!
Facing the ultra-high temperature of thousands of degrees, the rubber is melted and evaporated almost instantly!
Although the body of the rubber man can be arbitrarily stretched and stretched.
It can even be stretched to a maximum of several kilometers!
When Ye Xiu’s hot gaze evaporated part of her body.
The rubber man was still screaming in pain!
A figure instantly appeared behind Ye Xiu.
It’s the transmitter!
He wanted to sneak attack Ye Xiu and save his teammates.
But Ye Xiu, who has strengthened his super strength and obtained a super speed boost at the same time, his reaction ability at this time is much faster than before.
Although the teleportation ability of the teleporter is very buggy.
But his own quality is only in the category of ordinary people.
Therefore, when he teleported himself behind Ye Xiu, he was about to touch Ye Xiu and teleport him away.
Ye Xiu had already noticed his arrival in advance, and before the teleporter could react, he slapped the teleporter’s head with his hands!
A figure flew out.
It’s the transmitter!
For a moment, the transmitter didn’t react at all, and was knocked unconscious by Ye Xiu.
The unconscious body fell to the ground.
Several bones in the arm were broken by this blow, and the teleporter who was in a coma in pain had a distorted expression on his face.
[Defeat the target and get 140 units of blood factor! ]
Big bang!
comatose transporter.
Contributed a full 140 units of blood factor to Ye Xiu.
Hear the system prompt.
Ye Xiu laughed happily.
But this smile fell on the eyes of the rubber man who was still struggling in pain, but it was like the grinning grin of an evil ghost, ferocious and terrifying!
Feel the struggle of the rubber man in your hand.
Ye Xiu also looked at her.
“Sorry! I saidWrong, you should be next. ”
PS: Here comes the third update! ! ! .
Chapter 43: Biological Force Field, Fly! 【already edited】
As soon as the words fell, two more hot eyes blasted on the rubber man.
Drops of rubber solution dripped down, but most of them were directly evaporated on the spot!
The rubber man, whose strength was greatly consumed, could no longer maintain the state of binding Ye Xiu.
The originally elongated body has also returned to the appearance of a normal person. Although there are no wounds on his body, it is because he used his ability to avoid it!
What’s more serious is his mental state, which can no longer be sustained.
next second…
The rubber man fell directly to the ground.
Passed out!
[Defeat the target and get 200 units of blood factor! ]
Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up when he heard the prompt.
“Is this rubber man worth so much?”
He looked at the rubber man on the ground in surprise, and he didn’t expect that this unattractive-looking guy was even more valuable than those two guys before.
A full 200 units of blood factor.
All of a sudden, Ye Xiu was given the cost to improve the two abilities!
incredible! !
The next moment, Ye Xiu called out his own information interface.
Then I chose [biological force field] [super self-healing] these two items.
Raised it to level 1.
After the biological force field is upgraded to level 1, the [flying] ability linked with it also reaches the level 1 state
The reason why Superman can fly is to escape the shackles of gravity.
It is because of the existence of the biological force field.
Therefore, the improvement of biological force field also means the improvement of flying ability.
vice versa!
And super self-healing is just pure super self-healing.
But this capability improvement is still necessary.
It’s as if Ye Xiu was hit by that extraordinary person who doesn’t know what ability just now. Although he didn’t appear to be injured on the surface, the hit just now was really painful!
I’ll just catch a fish, as for chasing me with a warship?
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