Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【17】The Pressure Is On The Navy!

They didn't come back to their senses until the dock disappeared from sight.

At present, no one complains about the hard seat that they have been sitting in for several days and nights, and no one complains that they have asked for leave more than half a month in advance...

Everyone's mood is extremely exciting.

"We must consciously keep this matter a secret!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Although they wanted to tell more people the good news, they also knew the priorities.

As time went by, the news that the Type 021 frigate was cancelled, spread on the Internet.

In 2001, mobile phones and computers were not popular yet.

Most netizens surf the Internet in small Internet cafes, and not many people actually own computers.

Dragon Kingdom's largest military forum - Iron Blood Network, hundreds of thousands of military fans and netizens flock to it at night.

In this era of lack of entertainment activities, it is a daily compulsory course for many netizens to pay attention to national affairs on TV and the Internet.

One of the posts called "Analysis of the Combat Power of the Dragon Kingdom Navy and the Oriental Navy" remained very popular.

"According to Dongyang's latest news, Dongyang's 88th Fleet is about to complete its rest and enter the final commissioning stage! This also means that, as soon as next year, the 88th Fleet will patrol the sea again!"

"Damn! Dongyang's Eighty-Eight Fleet is going to start acting like a monster again?"

"It's a pity. Six years ago, Dongyang and Beixiong had the upper hand in the sea confrontation! Dongyang's naval strength should not be underestimated! Once the 88th fleet goes to sea again, the pressure will be on us!"

"Eighty-eight fleet, eight destroyers, eight frigates, and submarines are ominous! This lineup is not ordinary! We seem to be in service with 2 destroyers and 3 frigates now? I don't know if there is any backup, if not , our future will be difficult!"

"Hey! It's useless to have a second hand. At least in terms of naval armaments, we are indeed far behind Dongyang! Apart from the 88th Fleet, Dongyang also has two light aircraft carriers! If it weren't for our nuclear submarines here, It’s not clear how arrogant Dongyang is! The number one naval force in Asia is not just talking.”

"5VS16, no matter how you look at it, our chances of winning are not great!"

Netizens gathered in the comment area, using their brains one by one, carefully analyzing how to play 5VS16.

After discussing for a long time, they have to admit that only in the navy, 5VS16, without launching nuclear submarines, there is no chance of winning.

Some netizens said with emotion.

"Times are developing too fast. Four years ago, we could still pull tanks and artillery onto warships, which was more or less the same! But not now. I heard that their fleet is equipped with second-generation frigates and second-generation destroyers as standard. The attack distance of tens of kilometers alone is far beyond the reach of tanks and artillery!"

"Damn free country, if it weren't for their bullshit technology blockade, why would we be like this? North bear country is not a good thing, it seems to sell us armaments, the core technology is tightly locked, and the maintenance cost is sky-high! That’s not the case, the Type 021 won’t be left unrepaired! Just thinking about it makes me angry!”

"If possible, I would also like to be scolded by netizens from Shiva Kingdom, Philippines Kingdom, Elephant Kingdom, and even Dongyang and Beixiong Kingdom: Dragon Kingdom is really not a good thing, and the core technology is tightly locked!"

"Speaking of Type 021, I heard that it was canceled by the Navy for exhibition. I don't know what happened."

As soon as the news came out, the hearts of gossip among netizens and military fans suddenly burned.

"When did it happen? I went to see it yesterday! Type 021 is covered in scars, all meritorious service!"

"I don't know. I booked the ticket for tomorrow and paid all the money. I just contacted me to refund it."

"Just today! In the morning, a friend went to see it, but was stopped outside! When I contacted him in the afternoon, he didn't say anything about what happened! He only said it was a military secret."

"That's right! My side is the same. Before I went, my friend talked about Type 021 with me every day. After I came back today, I wanted to ask, but he kept his mouth shut about military secrets! I'm ready to cut his heart!"

"Type 021 has become a military secret? What the hell? Could it be that our navy has begun to analyze its technology? Otherwise, it doesn't make sense."

"Our news is only obtained from the Internet, and the news obtained by the navy must be more comprehensive! The pressure they face is greater than we imagined! If we can really understand the core technology of Type 021, the improvement of the navy's strength will be very great!"

"I hope! Most of the geniuses I've heard of before have been recruited by foreign countries! I hate it, we don't have that brain, otherwise, we can contribute a little bit, and we won't be in a hurry!"

"No matter why the Type 021 was canceled from the exhibition, it's just one sentence. If the country says that there is not enough money to build a warship in the future, I will donate it immediately!"

"Although I don't have a lot of money, I can make up about two thousand yuan by tightening my belt!"

In 2001, the wages of some people were only a few hundred yuan, and they were able to donate thousands of yuan, which shows the patriotism of these netizens.

Chen Chu doesn't know anything about the Internet.

He, Lao Zhou, Professor Zhao, and Professor Chen were completely immersed in the world of discussing core technologies.

For three days in a row, these people lived in the base.

The Type 021 frigate, which was originally repaired by Chen Chu, was dismantled and repaired, repaired and dismantled again.

With Chen Chu, a technical leader, the old Wednesday didn't feel distressed at all when they dismantled it.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The madness and persistence of these scientific researchers shocked Lieutenant Colonel Liu Yong when he saw them.

Often for a calculation result, the three of them would quarrel, and even almost fought many times.

Unlike other experts and professors, Chen Chu taught the three of them completely.

Only these few people have also mastered these core technologies. After he has analyzed the more advanced technologies, it will be faster to teach them.

And he didn't want the Navy to come to him if there was a problem with the 'Type 021' in the future, which would take too much time for him.

With the presence of the old Wednesday, he can free up more energy to analyze more advanced technologies.

At this stage of the Dragon Kingdom in the previous life, space was exchanged for time! However, Chen Chu felt that exchanging space for time was too long, and it was imperative to seize time with wisdom.

Only by experiencing this period of time in person can we know how difficult it is to exchange space for time.

In three days, the three of them gained a lot.

During the gap, Liu Yong found Lao Zhou and whispered.

"Brother Zhou, there is a new situation in Dongyang! The 88th Fleet is about to rest and reorganize! It will be launched next year at the earliest!"

Lao Zhou frowned, feeling the deep pressure.

"Would you like to speak to Xiao Chen?"

"No, don't tell Xiao Chen about this in advance! He is already very busy, so don't put too much pressure on him."

After a pause, Lao Zhou continued: "We, the current generation, can't be useless at all!"

"Okay, I understand!"

Chen Chu has been busy until the branches of the moon, and Chen Chu finally finished teaching.

The core technology of the Type 021 has already been understood by the old Wednesday people, and it is of little significance to teach it.

After making an appointment with Professor Chen to see the Type 031 frigate the next day, Chen Chu was sent back to school by Lao Zhou.

Just as Chen Chu was about to get out of the car, Lao Zhou stopped him.

Lao Zhou handed over a card and explained: "This card is registered with your identity information, the password is 21**12, and there are 500,000 in it!"

Seeing that Chen Chu didn't move, Lao Zhou stuffed it directly into Chen Chu's hand.

"I know you're not doing it for money, but this is a reward for you, and you deserve it!"

"Take it."

"Now you are richer than me!"

Lao Zhou laughed and sent Chen Chu to the downstairs of the dormitory himself.

Back in the dormitory, Li Yi pointed to the note on Chen Chu's desk and said, "Brother Chen, Wu Teng left it for you."

Chen Chu frowned and opened the note.

【Chen Chu, I'm leaving tomorrow. No matter what the future holds, our friendship remains the same. If you are free, I hope you can come to the airport to see me off—Wu Tengliu. 】

"Wu Teng asked me to tell you, I hope you can see him off based on the two years of friendship."

"Okay! I see."

After finishing speaking, Chen Chu rolled up the note and threw it directly into the trash.

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