Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【19】What We Need Is Quality, Not Quantity!

"This frigate is a second-generation frigate retired from Beixiong Kingdom."

Professor Chen walked in front and introduced Chen Chu and Lao Zhou while walking.

"Not to mention, in terms of performance, it is indeed better than the Type 021 frigate! The two ships are placed at sea, and the Type 031 can hit the Type 021 from 30 kilometers away, but the Type 021 can only passively defend. It cannot hit."

Listening to Professor Chen's introduction of a series of parameters, Lao Zhou took a deep breath.

After all, he has been taken down for more than three years, and a lot of the latest military intelligence is out of reach.

Lao Zhou, who had finally mastered the core technology of the Type 021 and was complacent, suddenly turned ugly.

"The second-generation frigate is really good. If we had such an excellent frigate four years ago, it wouldn't be so difficult."

"By the way, Professor Chen, I heard that the current top frigate in Beixiong Kingdom is the second and a half generation?"

Professor Chen explained: "Yes! The second and a half generation, currently only owned by the North Bear Country and the Free Country! But the quantity is rare, and if it is mass-produced, it will be impossible within three to five years. But I guess, they are already secretly trying to develop Three generations of frigates!"

"We have only now conquered the core technology of Type 021, and the second generation is still in sight. They are already working on the third generation? Are they going to let people live?"

Lao Zhou cursed and was in a terrible mood.

Chen Chu fumbled for the equipment while listening.

Originally, he thought that this second-generation frigate could bring him a lot of help.

I don't know, regarding the technical analysis progress of [Type 021 Upgraded Model], the progress is...not much.

[Complete version of the third-generation shipboard double-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery technology (analysis progress 22%, analysis time 140 days), shipboard fire control radar technology full version (analysis progress 0, analysis time 600 days), third-generation ship Power system full version (analysis progress 15%, analysis time 220 days), carrier-based air-to-air, anti-ship fast strike missile system technology full version (analysis progress 5%, analysis time 370 days), electronic jamming system technology full version (analysis Progress 13%, analysis time 271 days), the full version of Haiying sonar technology...]

After thinking about it, he felt that it would be too time-consuming to analyze all the technologies of the three generations of frigates at once.

Time is running out now, so I can only do one thing.

Almost subconsciously, Chen Chu said: "Type 031 shouldn't be a real second-generation frigate, right?"

"What do you mean?" Lao Zhou looked surprised.

Professor Chen glanced at Chen Chu and said helplessly.

"It is said to be a second-generation frigate, but in fact, according to our data measurement, it is only half a foot in the second-generation category!"

"Let me tell you secretly, I suspect that Beixiong Country has improved the decommissioned first-generation frigate and sold it to us as a second-generation frigate."

Listening to the old Monday, I was in a hurry.

"Hey, isn't Beixiong Country treating us as a wrongdoer! Just for this, it cost 115 million?"

"Yeah, 115 million! Logically speaking, the so-called two second-generation frigates in Gu Shan's armament procurement are probably not much different from this! But the asking price is 250 million!"

"What? One is 115 million! Not only are the two not discounted, but they have also increased by 20 million?"

Professor Chen shrugged: "No way, this is the fate of not mastering the core technology. The price can only be set by others. Don't buy it? Hey, everyone else has come to the door to show off their power. Can you not buy it?"

"The Dongyang 88 Fleet will go to sea again next year. If we buy it again at that time, the price will definitely be higher!"

The moment Chen Chu heard the 88 fleet, Chen Chu frowned slightly.

In his impression, Dongyang's 88th Fleet has brought great oppression to the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

At least before the launch of the aircraft carrier in 2012, the pressure of the 88th Fleet has always been hanging over the head of the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

After a pause, Professor Chen told them a secret.

"Actually, the 115 million spent is not a loss. Through reverse engineering, we are already quietly developing a second-generation frigate!"


Professor Chen nodded and said, "It's true, I also participated. However, during the research, I encountered many problems."

"The other two frigates, one is a first-generation and a half frigate, and the other is a second-generation frigate that we improved and self-produced, but there are not many people who know the truth."

"Can we all produce our own second-generation frigates?"

This news obviously shocked Lao Zhou.

"Um..." After hesitating for a while, Professor Chen said helplessly, "Actually, in terms of actual combat power, it's a little...a bit worse than Type 021."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Chu understood.

It occurred to him that at this time in the previous life, the Dragon Kingdom was indeed secretly reversing the second-generation frigate.

But...it didn't go very well.

"The tonnage and power are comparable to those of the second-generation frigate, but the core technologies such as air-to-air and anti-ship missile systems, including radar, have encountered great difficulties."

When Chen Chu said casually, Professor Chen's eyes almost popped out in shock.

"This... this is a secret, Xiao Chen, how do you know? Old Zhou?"

Lao Zhou shook his head quickly, he didn't know about these things.

"It's very simple." Chen Chu said calmly: "I haven't fully mastered the core technology in the first and a half years, and the second generation of reverse engineering is nothing more than for overtaking in curves, but if the background is insufficient, the difficulty is still very high."

"If these core technologies are mastered, mass production will be put into production a generation and a half ago. Therefore, the possibility of empty shells is very high."

After listening to Chen Chu's explanation, Professor Chen exclaimed: "This is the acuity of scientific research talent."

"Our self-developed ship-borne missile Red 61 can be installed on warships in batches, but... the maximum range is only 12 kilometers!"

12 kilometers?

Old Zhou was stunned.

This is hairy!

Type 021 is only a generation and a half old, and the maximum range of ship-borne missiles is 22 kilometers! The two armies confronted each other, and they were beaten as soon as they saw the shadow. There is no way to counterattack.

What kind of second-generation ship is this! It has good power and runs fast, but it can't outrun missiles.

Through motivation, scare the unsuspecting enemy troops and make them misjudge?

Old Zhou could only think so.

"At present, our newly developed SA-N-7 air defense missile has a maximum range of 33 kilometers! But it uses semi-active radar ground-seeking guidance..."

Before Professor Chen could finish speaking, Chen Chu took the conversation directly and said.

"The reaction time is too long, isn't it?"

Professor Chen nodded sympathetically: "It's too long! But Xiao Chen, how do you know?"

"This is a fatal shortcoming of semi-active radar ground-seeking guidance. Anyone who engages in scientific research should know it."

Chen Chu said casually, leaving Lao Zhou embarrassed and ashamed.

Chen Chu asked for a pen and paper, and after listing a series of formulas on the paper, he drew a few sketches.

After a few minutes, the calculation results came out.

"According to my calculations, it takes about 17-19 seconds for the radar to detect the target and launch the missile."

"Xiao Chen, you are amazing. Our latest test data shows that it takes 18 seconds!"

"18 seconds? The frigates have been destroyed before the missiles go out. Not advisable."

Half an hour later, the three got off the Type 031.

An officer at the base had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Professor Chen coming down, he quickly handed over a stack of documents.

"Professor Chen, here are the documents you need."

After receiving the materials, Professor Chen turned around and handed them to Chen Chu.

"Xiao Chen, these are the data observations I made when I boarded the ship for the first time. I hope it can be helpful to you."

"Do you need to take a look at the destroyer? I don't have enough authority to look at the destroyer. I need a joint application from Zhou Xingguo, Zhang Zhong, and Professor Zhao."

Chen Chu flipped through the documents and said casually, "I don't need it for now."

After flipping through, Chen Chu made a decision in his heart and looked at old Zhou Dao.

"Old Zhou, the Type 021 refurbishment plan is suspended!!"

"What? Suspension? I have submitted all the application reports for funding."

Chen Chu said: "If it can pose a threat to the 88th Fleet, it must be of the second and a half generations! Even if the Type 021 is refurbished for 8 million yuan, it will be meaningless!"

"Old Zhou, you have to remember that what we need now is not quantity, but quality! Even if there are ten more self-produced pseudo second-generation frigates, is there any chance of winning against the 88th fleet?"

Lao Zhou and Professor Chen looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

The modern navy can no longer win by numbers.

Quality is especially important!


Chen Chu said firmly.

"Next, I want to improve the Type 021! It must reach at least the second and a half generations before it can be refurbished and mass-produced!"

"Next year, the Dongyang 88 fleet will go to sea, and I will give them a surprise!"

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