Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[201] Eagle Sauce: I Admit, The Warship Dragon Kingdom Will Be Defined In The Future!

Bazaha, the representative of North Bear Country, and Kevin, the representative of Free Country, looked at each other helplessly.

This kind of thing used to be their special project, but now the Dragon Kingdom Navy has squeezed into this rank abruptly by relying on its strength.

Although helpless, the two did not object aloud.

After all, they are also coming from the warships of the Dragon Kingdom.

They all hold the idea of ​​buying a few warships and going back to study them carefully. After the research is thorough, they can handle the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

It's not necessary to buy seven or eight ships and go back to form a fleet.

In addition, this warship is currently only owned by the Dragon State. If they object, then if Longguo doesn't sell it, it will be finished.

Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, they chose to endure this little grievance.

In contrast, representatives of other countries are in a hurry.

We give you the money, and you build it slowly? What's the point?

Still talking about the rules?

In case you are greedy for my money and say that it will be built in ten or eight years, what should I do?

Ten or eight years later, the day lily is cold.

At that time, other people's warships are flying in the sky, and the warship you promised will be launched, so what a fart.

Immediately, someone shouted.

"Mr. Zhou, your Dragon Kingdom Navy is too domineering! Let us pay the money first, what if your warship cannot be built due to some reasons?"

"That's right! Besides, how can there be any reason to pay first and go home and wait for the goods? Isn't it all about paying first and then delivering the goods? What kind of reason do you guys have?"

"Normal country, who can accept this condition!"

"What the hell, is it a normal country to accept such harsh conditions?"

"Mr. Zhou, I admit that your Dragon Kingdom Navy is very powerful, but wouldn't it be too much to bully others like this? You have to think about it for us? It's not a small amount of money, it's hundreds of millions... ...We can't afford to lose!"

"Mr. Zhou..."

Listening to the discussions among the representatives of various countries, Lao Zhou said with a smile.

"Everyone, don't worry."

"There is a reason for asking you to pay and wait for the goods.

Upon hearing the inside story, everyone immediately calmed down.

Immediately after Lao Zhou's next sentence, everyone was so angry that they almost vomited blood.

"We are here to use your money to do your business!"

If it weren't for the fact that there were no tables at the scene, everyone would have turned over the tables and cursed people.

"Mr. Zhou, you...you are too immoral! How can you do this! Bullying, this is bullying!"

"Ugly acts of great powers!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not joking with you anymore.

Lao Zhou waved his hand and explained.

"Let's put it this way, what was it like when you bought armaments before? You paid the deposit first, and then paid the money and delivered the goods, right?"

Everyone nodded.

This point, they have a deep understanding.

Old Zhou said again.

"Then what did you buy at the time? Think about it carefully, how many of them are first-hand goods?"

Faced with this question, everyone immediately hesitated.

The armaments that many countries bought secretly were eliminated by the sellers.

This point, not only them, but also the Dragon Kingdom Navy before.

Which warship that is in service will be sold to you?

It must be unusable after retirement, and it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless to eat. If someone buys it, sell it to make some money.

"So you see, many of the countries behind you buy second-hand goods! Second-hand goods, it sounds better! What about those eliminated? What about retired ones?"

After being said by Lao Zhou, everyone's sense of identity with what Lao Zhou said before has deepened a lot.

"But we are different. Each of our warships is brand new! Equipped with brand new specialized missiles!"

“Everything is new!”

Old Zhou said loudly.

"We can even help you put your country's logo on the warship, no problem!"

"On this point, I think the representative of Huozhu Kingdom has the most right to speak!"

Everyone looked at Anthony, the representative of Huozhu Kingdom.

At the beginning, Anthony paid more than half of the money at one time before signing the Jiangdong II order with Longguo Navy.

Seeing everyone's point of view, Anthony nodded and said.

"Indeed, in terms of integrity, the Dragon Kingdom Navy is absolutely outstanding!"

"At the beginning, we paid 3 billion Dragon National Coins in advance to sign a batch of armament orders."

With Anthony's endorsement, even though the Huozhu Kingdom behind him is only a small country, the bottom line of acceptance in everyone's hearts has been lowered a lot.

"Okay, I've said everything I want to say. Now think about it carefully, if you can't accept this proposal! Then...

Lao Zhou stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, saying: Come over here "~."

"Then, I took the others to board the Breaker and explained slowly."

The representatives of various countries look at me and I look at you, each of them hesitates.

Arms purchases are like that.

I can live without it, but you can't have it.

If you don't leave, you look like you want to buy it, which makes me dare not leave even if I want to.

Just like Nigeria, the Philippines, and Xiangguo, the navy was wiped out. Although it hurts, it has no choice but to accept it.

But if the Yue State can buy warships from the Long State, then they will absolutely not accept it.

It is better to have auctions, and it is better to have public sales.

Everyone secretly looked at the North Bear Country and the Free Country.

When I found that the representatives of the two countries were standing there indifferently, I couldn't control so much in my heart. They all stood there and didn't leave.

After waiting for a while, seeing no one left, Lao Zhou immediately said.

"Very good! It seems that you all came here with sincerity!"

"Before introducing the Breaker, let me introduce its record."

Old Zhou said slowly.

"Do you still remember the 'Sun' that was auctioned?"

Everyone nodded one after another, and the representatives of the Freedom Country and the North Bear Country almost fought on the spot, so they naturally still remember it vividly.

"That's right, it was the one that chased the 'Sun' on the high seas!"

Everyone was stunned, and a terrible idea popped up in their minds.

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom Navy had already had such advanced warships: it’s so incredible!

Kevin, the representative of the Free State, looked down.

Back then, the Dragon Kingdom had such an advanced warship, which he never expected.

In contrast, Bazaha, the representative of North Bear Country, looked angry.

It was a pity that he didn't buy the Sun at the beginning. As a result, I was fooled into spending more money to buy the core technology on the Sun!

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again.

Although the money was spent ten times more, after the full version of the core technology was brought back, it brought great benefits to the military's research.

Overall, no loss.

"in addition......"

Old Zhou added.

"At the beginning, we relied on the organized fleet of the Polang to defeat the Dongyang aircraft carrier fleet on the national border..."

Everyone's minds are buzzing at the moment.

Relying on the Polang fleet, can it be hard steel with the aircraft carrier fleet?

How advanced is this!

Mr. Zhou, we understand what you mean! Let’s talk about the price first, let’s give up on it!”

Old Zhou spoke softly.

"Don't worry, the price is absolutely affordable! It's just that I'm a scientific researcher, and I'm only responsible for the preliminary explanation! As for the price, Secretary Xiao will reveal it to everyone later!"

"Okay, next, let's move on to the next process."

"follow me."

With that said, Lao Zhou led the crowd towards the deck of the Breaker.

While walking, considerate explanations around.

"The frigate Polang, with a length of 151 meters and a broad side.......Full load displacement of 6,000 tons..."

"The speed is 35——45 knots, and the endurance is 6,000 nautical miles—9,000 nautical miles..."

Everyone's eyes widened upon hearing this.

The Breaking Wave, which is a circle larger than a normal destroyer, is actually just a frigate?

And this performance data... is too exaggerated.

"You heard me right, the displacement is larger than the destroyers in active service! The speed is also faster!"

"Of course, these alone cannot pose a threat to the aircraft carrier fleet."

What Lao Zhou said immediately whetted everyone's appetite.

Coming to the deck, Lao Zhou pointed to the missile launcher and said.

"Four-tube six-link 24-round missile launcher..."

"The advanced radar on it can lock 24 targets at the same time!"

"That is, when you are about to launch an anti-ship missile! It can attack 24 warships at the same time!"

"Similarly, when you're about to launch an anti-air missile, it can...  …"

"And this special sonar device..."

Everyone followed behind Lao Zhou, and their brains were stunned after hearing what he said.

Those representatives looked at the military experts they brought with them one after another, wanting to confirm the authenticity.

However, their military experts shook their heads helplessly.

Just standing in front of the equipment and looking at it, it is really impossible to guess the official situation.

"I forgot to tell everyone. The radar on the Breaker was independently developed by us - the Trinity radar!"

"What I can tell you is that the limit detection range of the all-in-one radar is... 140 kilometers!"

Hearing this, everyone on the scene gasped.

Even the representatives of North Bear Country and Free Country were also full of disbelief.

The radar detection range of 140 kilometers exceeds the detection range of their active shipboard radars.

If it is not equipped with an airborne early warning aircraft that can greatly expand the radar detection range, it will not be able to compare with the Dragon Kingdom warship in the field of radar detection.

Of course, Lao Zhou was not telling the truth.

The limit detection range of the Trinity radar on the Breaker is a full 190 kilometers! However, this requires the help of satellites.

And if it is used for external sale, the relevant performance will naturally be castrated!

The same is true for the 9 Breaking Waves that were sold before! The radar detection range has been compressed to 140 kilometers! It is the same as the decommissioned Chengfeng.

But even 140 kilometers, but also let everyone horrified. This is beyond current technology.

Immediately, someone couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhou, you have said so much, can you actually test it?"

"Of course! The customer is king."

Lao Zhou waved towards the main control room.

Soon, the Wavebreaker started.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the Breaker slowly moved out of the dock and gradually accelerated.

A navy soldier came out and said, "Colonel Zhou, get ready together!"

"Very good! Let's get started!"


Lao Zhou and the others had considered related matters a long time ago, so they had already made preparations.

Everyone gathered in the main control room.

For a while, the huge main control room was overcrowded.

Of course, the representatives of various countries are still very knowledgeable, and let the military experts they brought stand in front of those equipment.

Lao Zhou shouted: "Immediately release the moving target! The distance is 150 kilometers!"


After the order was issued, everyone present looked at the radar monitor.

After a while, a small red dot appeared on the monitor.

"Reporting to Colonel Zhou, moving target No. 1 is 140 kilometers away from Breaker! The current wind speed is 5 knots!"

140 kilometers!

As soon as the result came out, everyone was instantly stunned.

It can really measure objects up to 140 kilometers away.

For them, this is incredible.

It will be easier for them to cruise their own waters in the future.

After a while, the second and third moving targets also appeared on the monitor.

Gradually, a total of 24 moving targets scattered around appeared.

"Is it really necessary to hit 24 targets at the same time?"

Just when this thought, which he thought was absurd, flashed through everyone's minds, Lao Zhou said suddenly.

"Go forward at full speed, and report again when the last moving target enters the strike range!"


Hearing the scope of the attack, everyone reacted and asked quickly.

"Mr. Zhou, how far is the strike range of the Polang missile?"

"Speaking of this, I need to mention one thing. This missile is quite expensive! Of course, there is a reason why it is expensive! The maximum strike distance is about 110 kilometers! The speed is Mach 1.3

110 kilometers?

Not land-based missiles? Airborne missiles?

Go crazy!

The representatives of the Free Country and the North Bear Country can still accept it. After all, their newly developed airborne missiles have reached 170 kilometers! It is only a matter of time before they are equipped with warships.

But other representatives are different, their country does not have such advanced airborne missiles.

Old Zhou added.

"Don't worry, the money for everything is counted together. There will never be a second charge!"

Everyone's face turned bitter.

Before coming here, I was mentally prepared that the Breaker would be very expensive, but looking at it now, the valuation is still low.

"Report to Colonel Zhou, moving target No. 24 is 110 kilometers away from our ship and has entered the strike circle!"

Lao Zhou immediately said: "Turn on the automatic locking fire mechanism!"


With one order, 24 moving targets are instantly locked!

It was only three seconds before and after.

Everyone heard harsh whistling sounds one after another.

Looking back, I saw missiles whizzing out one after another, blasting away in all directions.

This shocking scene stunned everyone.

24 missiles were launched in unison, and they could still accept it.

However, the 24 missiles hit 24 targets respectively, and they felt that their hearts jumped up.

Even Bazaha and Kevin couldn't hold their breath anymore.

Their warships can't attack 24 targets separately!

Even the warships developed secretly by each of them can attack 12 targets at one time, which is already top-notch.

Although they don't want to admit it, they have to admit it.

This technology is completely ahead of them.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their attention to the radar display.

It can be clearly seen that 24 small green dots representing missiles are going straight to the target.

After a while, those moving targets - disappeared.

Even if they did not go to various observation points to observe, it is not important anymore.

When the 24 missiles flew into the air and flew in 24 different directions, they already believed in Lao Zhou's words in their hearts.

An hour and a half later, Lao Zhou led everyone back to the shore.

When everyone walked off the deck, their minds were still blank.

All performances have been tested, and they all have dull faces.

Was shocked from start to finish.

Even Kevin felt in a trance at the moment.

The Breaking Wave is not the most advanced warship in the Dragon Kingdom, but it is already so terrifying.

What will the Dragon Lin be like?

How terrible is that 10,000-ton large drive Guangfu?

Kevin secretly sighed in his heart: It's over, the frigates of Blue Star will really be defined by Dragon Kingdom in the future!

For this exhibition, Lao Zhou didn't care about revealing the bottom! Anyway, he decided to sell it, so it doesn't matter.

Besides, there are more powerful ones at home, so why care about such small details?

The things sold are so strong, but the things at home will make other people even more afraid.

With this test, everyone's purchase intention soared instantly.

All the previous dissatisfaction and anger disappeared.

Such an advanced warship, why pay first? Wait a little longer, so what?

This is brand new!

This is a frigate that is more advanced than the frigate of the Free State!

All the representatives have found various reasons to convince themselves to accept the request that was made on the following Monday.

Those military industry experts were even more excited and quietly whispered to their respective representatives, expressing that they must buy it!

Whether it is for military experts, or for the safety of the seas of various countries, such a warship is determined to win!

However, right now they are not considering the issue of buying.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom Navy is open for sale, as long as you can afford the price, you can buy it.

What they are thinking about is the first batch of warships to be launched!

This is the most important thing!

For a moment, everyone's minds became active. .

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