Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【24】No Need To Send Money To North Bear Country Anymore! 【Happy National Day】

northern seas.

The Jiangdong II frigate is sailing offshore.

Looking at the countdown, Professor Chen said: "Start the experiment!"

Captain Liu immediately said: "Release the moving target!"

"Report to the captain, the distance of the moving target is 35 kilometers!"

"Speed ​​forward!"

"Report to the captain, the radar is locked on the target! The target is 32 kilometers away, do you want to fire?"

32 kilometers?

Liu Jianzhang glanced at Professor Chen in surprise.

In his impression, the farthest Jiangdong Type I strikes a ship is only a dozen kilometers!

When did it increase to 32 kilometers?

Professor Chen nodded to him.

Liu Jianzhang immediately said: "Fire!"

With an order, the missile roared away.

Soon, at the end of his eyes, he could see the sea surface explode, and the waves rose into the sky.

"Observation points report results!"

"Report to the captain, the moving target has been hit! The impact range is..."

"Report to the captain, the maximum strike distance of anti-ship missiles is 31.8 kilometers! The error is 300 meters!"

Listening to this data, Liu Jianzhang gasped.

The performance of Koto Type II is much improved compared to Koto Type I!

The strike distance of nearly 32 kilometers alone makes the Jiangdong Type I feel overwhelmed.

"Continue to release moving targets and test the single-tube anti-aircraft artillery!"

Orders are issued one by one, and tests are completed one by one.

An hour later, as the anti-submarine missile test was completed, Liu Jianzhang was shocked and remained silent for a long time.

The Jiangdong II type is no worse than the 031 type purchased from Beixiong Country for 115 million yuan!

It is worthy of the name of the second generation ship.

"Professor Chen, this... Is this produced by us?"

Both Professor Chen were equally excited.

No matter how perfect the data deduction is, it is not as good as the actual verification.

Fortunately, the actual effect is within the calculation range.

"Yes! From now on, our frigates will all be of Koto Type II standard!"

"Jiangdong II is still a little behind the second-generation frigates that are standard in Freedom and North Bear, but it's not a big problem!"

Professor Chen was overjoyed. He worked day and night for half a month, and the rewards were astonishing.

Looking at the test data of Jiangdong II, Liu Jianzhang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Acceptable, completely acceptable!"

Of course he can accept it, how can the pseudo second-generation ship compare to the Jiangdong II type!

Originally, he commanded the Jiangdong Type I, but now he is the captain of the Jiangdong Type II. Such a good thing can't be found even with a lantern.

After the excitement, Liu Jianzhang asked a key question.

"Professor Chen, can Jiangdong II be mass-produced?"

He looked at Professor Chen nervously, waiting for an answer.


After getting the affirmative answer from the other party, Liu Jianzhang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great! In the future, the navy of the Dragon Kingdom will be able to have its own real second-generation frigate formation!"

"We don't need to send money to North Bear Country anymore."

Liu Jianzhang spoke out the aspirations of several people.

Who is willing to give money to the North Bear Country, and buy it, but it is left over by others?

Who doesn't want to drive a self-produced frigate to protect the safety of their own sea area?

"Professor Chen, although I don't know who reversed the core technology of Type 021, I want to say that he did a great job!"

"After the navy is equipped with Jiangdong II, our Dragon Kingdom navy, at least in Asia, can hold its head up!"

Looking back and forth at the measured data, Professor Chen's eyes turned slightly red.

"We've been doing it quietly for five years, and it's finally done! Thanks to the little... little comrade!"

"If there is no core technology provided by the little comrades, we are still staring blankly!"

On the surface, the Navy abandoned the Type 021.

But these researchers, how can they be willing.

Not everyone is like Gu Shan, who spends money to buy other people's things with peace of mind.

Many people are suffocating in their hearts, why can't they do it by themselves?

They all have one head, two hands and two legs, so why not?

Secretly, Professor Chen and others are quietly reverse engineering.

It's a pity that without military support, reverse engineering is extremely difficult.

With the complete analysis of the Type 021 core technology provided by Chen Chu, the two made some bold attempts on this basis, and finally made it a perfect combination with Jiangdong Type I.

"Captain Liu, the measured data is temporarily kept secret!"

"Understood, I understand."

Touching the brand-new main console, Liu Jianzhang couldn't put it down: "I'll try again, you can do whatever you want."

The two of them didn't care, and simply came to the deck, blowing the sea breeze.

"The results of Jiangdong Type II exceeded our expectations!"

"Yeah, this is still a second-generation ship! The little comrade said that he will study the second-and-a-half generation. I don't know how powerful the performance will be."

"As soon as the second generation comes out, as long as the aircraft carrier does not come out, our navy will have the confidence to wrestle with jackals!"

Professor Chen suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"Two and a half generations, although there is only half a generation difference, but the gap is so huge! It shouldn't be that easy."

After Captain Liu tried a few more times, he drove the warship back to the port.

No matter who asked, he kept silent about the actual test results.

The calculation results and actual measurement results were quickly sent to Wang Zhenguo's office.

After reading it, Wang Zhenguo couldn't help laughing out loud.

This result was even better than he expected!

The document also emphatically mentioned that the second-generation frigate can be put into mass production at any time!

This news made him more excited than spending 250 million to buy 5 Type 031 ships.

This means that Jiangdong II will become the standard configuration of naval frigates! Not only that, but in the future, this thing can be sold, greatly relieving the pressure on military expenditures.

This is the benefit of mastering the core technology in your own hands!

"Just wait for the Varyag aircraft carrier to arrive, and our Dragon Kingdom Navy will be able to take the initiative in the future!"

Wang Zhenguo lingered in place with his hands behind his back.

Once Koto II is officially mass-produced, many of his plans can be launched.

Coupled with the Varyag aircraft carrier, the Dragon Kingdom will have its own aircraft carrier fleet!

Thinking of Zhou Xingguo's application for military supplies more than half a month ago, Wang Zhenguo shouted out.

"Guard! Contact Zhou Xingguo!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Soon, the guard walked in with a satellite phone.

"Zhou Xingguo, how is the situation over there, little comrade?"

"Reporting chief, I haven't seen Chen Chu for a while. He's been quite busy recently."

"There was no accident with that batch of armaments, right?"


Zhou Xingguo hesitated for a moment.

"what happened?"

"Report to the chief, that batch of armaments were dismantled by Chen Chu."

"What? Disassembled!"

Wang Zhenguo was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Didn't you say that the second generation has a clue? Why did he dismantle the missile?"

"Chief, that... that... I... I don't know either. Chen Chu has been mysterious for a while, and he hasn't said a word!"

Wang Zhenguo thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the connection between them.

I had to say.

"I see. Just don't tear down the base."

"Also, the Jiangdong Type II experiment was successful. Hurry up and bring the little comrades to our navy! Those people in the army have sharper noses than dogs. When they find out, it will be too late for us to start!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhenguo was in a good mood.

As long as the second-generation semi-frigate is done, let alone dismantling some missiles, even dismantling the base will be fine.

He thought well.

A Jiangdong Type II production chain can more than double the strength of the Dragon Kingdom Navy!

Waiting for another two or three years for Chen Chu to come out with the second and a half generation, then the naval strength will be greatly improved.

Facing the 88th Fleet, which is proud of Asia in the East, there is no fear at all.


PS: The author Jun wishes readers, fathers, a happy National Day.

Let the author see how many people are stuck on the highway at this point (sneak peek.jpg)

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