Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[28] Leading The Times! Type 041 Frigate!

The order was snatched by the free country?

As soon as this deduction came out, Bazaha and the two couldn't sit still.

Thinking about what happened in the past month, they are very sure that this is the truth.

"I just said why the attitude of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom has changed so much before and after. It turned out that the order was cut off by the Free State! The Free State is too careless, and the agreed fair trade principle!"

"The jackal! The free country is a jackal with nothing to lose!"

The two were very angry, and they delayed for a month in vain, and the order was cut off. I was no longer in the mood to play here, so I immediately packed my things and went straight to the airport.

At the airport, Secretary Xiao came to see him off in person.

"You two, I have delayed you for so long, it is really..."

"Okay, Secretary Xiao, don't need to say more! We guessed the situation, isn't it just that the list was snatched away by the Free State! It's no big deal! The Free State will pay the price!"

"We don't pay attention to such trivial matters!"

Seeing the serious looks of the two, Secretary Xiao was suddenly confused.

He was also very confused. He asked General Sun many times about the situation, but was rejected.

Could it be that the reason for not approving it is really because of this reason?

However, it is the free country that imposes a technical blockade on the dragon country! Secretly selling...

Could it be that Liberty State wants to be a villain and also wants to set up a memorial archway?

After thinking about it, he felt that Free Country could really do it.

After sending the two away, Secretary Xiao found General Sun and reported the situation.

After listening, General Sun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"That's all right now, we don't need to find reasons to explain."

"Chief." Secretary Xiao asked in a low voice, "What's going on behind this incident? I can't sleep or eat for the past few days..."

"Secretary Xiao, we have the strength to independently produce the second-generation frigate! The Jiangdong II type is comparable to the Type 031!"

"Ah! This..."

Secretary Xiao was shocked at the time.

This news was too shocking for him.

"Chief, do we really have this ability?"

General Sun nodded.

"I just said, Free State has blocked us with technology for many years, why did they suddenly change their nature! So that's how it is, that's great! Hahaha!"

Thinking of Bazaha's expressions, Secretary Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two guessed completely wrong.

Secretary Xiao said excitedly: "From now on, we don't need to look at the faces of those people in Beixiong Country. No price increase, dreaming, or discount!"

"Secretary Xiao, this matter is confidential."

"Chief, I understand!"

"In addition, Secretary Xiao, you should keep in touch with General Wang. Find out when he promised me a few days ago, and when did you arrange it!"


The two Bazahas who returned to the North Bear Country were soon summoned by the military department.

The two of them talked about all the big and small things that happened in the past month, even down to certain details of Secretary Xiao.

Once the suspicion is established, the charges will be implemented.

The North Bear Country's military department was even more certain that it was the Free Country that stole their orders.

Ever since, an announcement was updated on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Beixiong.

[Strongly condemn the irresponsible behavior of Free State! What kind of skill is it if you have the ability to compete fairly on the surface and cut off the bull in the dark? democracy? Lord of the bears! 】

Their terms are extremely harsh, and they almost said clearly: You Liberty Country wants to be a scumbag, and you want to set up a memorial archway!

After many countries noticed it, they looked like they were eating melons, waiting for the follow-up.

After the free country heard the news, it was immediately dumbfounded.

I didn't do anything, why did a pot fall on my head?

The free country think tank analyzed for a long time and finally came to a conclusion. Bei Xiongguo found out that they had been secretly making small moves all these years and was venting their dissatisfaction.

As soon as the conclusion came out, the senior officials of the Freedom Kingdom laughed and scolded the North Bear Country for being a bunch of fools.

Just kidding, of course small tricks should be done quietly, but if you put it on the face, is it still called small tricks?

Soon, the matter was forgotten by them.

Seeing that Freedom Country and North Bear Country didn't quarrel, the country that eats melon gradually forgot about it.

When the news was sent back to Longguo, Wang Zhenguo and others were also very curious.

When did the North Bear Country compete with the Free Country again? I haven't heard any news.

To this end, the high-level navy also secretly held a meeting.

When General Sun told the truth, those generals laughed out loud.

"The less they suspect us, the better for us!"

"Grab time, seek development!"

The construction of Jiangdong Type II is going on in full swing in secret.

For this reason, the original Jiangdong Type I production line has been completely changed! Not only that, the production line of small and medium-sized ships has also been stopped by one-third, and all of them have been changed to Jiangdong II production lines.

The sooner the Jiangdong II is put into mass production, the more confidence the navy will have.

When they talked about Chen Chu, Wang Zhenguo shook his head repeatedly.

He had already arranged Lao Zhou directly into the base, but as a result, Lao Zhou didn't say a few words to Chen Chu in a daze for a week.

Conferring military merits and ranks has also been delayed again and again.

Upon hearing the news, the generals were quite helpless.

They originally wanted to discuss with Chen Chu and ask him to personally teach the researchers at their respective military bases.

Because they tried it, and if those researchers could understand it by themselves, the progress was too slow.

Guidance at a high level is easier to understand.

Now it has to be delayed again.

As the next best thing, they thought of two "students" of Chen Chu, Professors Zhao and Chen.

As a result, Wang Zhenguo informed that Professor Chen and Professor Zhao were equally busy and were busy guiding the upgrade of the production line.

Several generals looked at each other, there was nothing they could do. With Hussar General Dong Xianguo watching, who dares to force someone.


At the same time, Chen Chu, who makes those naval generals miss him, is in the virtual space.

Looking at the upgraded version of the original Type 021 frigate on the sea, Chen Chu couldn't help laughing.

After nearly a month, the second-and-a-half generation project finally declared a success.

The original Type 021 was changed beyond recognition, its volume was almost tripled, and its standard displacement reached an astonishing 4,500 tons. The full load displacement is as high as 6000 tons!

In light of the displacement, the destroyers of this period have to call out when they see it.

The single-tube semi-automatic anti-aircraft artillery was changed by him into a double-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery.

The power system was upgraded, and the third-generation ship-based air-to-air and anti-ship fast strike missile system was also installed by Chen Chu.

Except for the radar and electronic jamming system, which are slightly different from the three generations of frigates in the previous life, the rest, whether it is power or firepower, is not inferior at all.

After all, time was too tight, and he had to find time to upgrade the original missile radar and propulsion device. I have to pinch the satellite again...

Even so, he made deep adjustments to the radar system.

The analysis time of the fire control radar system was too long, so Chen Chu took another approach and derived the shipboard trinity radar system.

Compared with a complete fire control radar system, it is not much inferior, and even has advantages in some aspects!

For a month, even when he was sleeping, his consciousness was in the virtual space and never stopped. Lao Zhou and others came to look for him, but he also kicked him out.

With Chief Wang covering him, even though he was kicked out several times, Lao Zhou was still cheerful.

Walking on the deck of the 'Original Type 021', Chen Chu thought for a long time.

"What should I call it? Type 021 upgrade... No, I have to call it-Type 041 in the future!"

The beginning of 05 means that the frigate has entered the third generation.

But Chen Chu is not very satisfied with it. From his critical point of view, this can only be regarded as a pseudo third-generation frigate, so he uses 04.

"After a while, it won't be Type 041, it has to be called Type 051!"

When Chen Chu came out from the armory warehouse Curry, in the temporary barracks in the distance, Lao Zhou rushed out with a box in his hands.

"Xiao Chen, take a break! I have something to talk to you about."

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