Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[3] If You Feel Less, You Pay For It!

Half an hour later, the two arrived at their destination.

This is a militarized wharf, and only a small part can be opened to the outside world.

The two waited outside for a while, and an officer walked out quickly. After seeing Lao Zhou, he immediately gave a military salute.

"Report to the Colonel! Everything is ready, you can go in and visit anytime!"

"Colonel? Old Zhou, you... are you actually a colonel?"

Chen Chu was stunned. This middle-aged man who was called out of bed by him to open the door at 5:30 every day was actually a colonel!

The dignified colonel went to be a librarian?

Go crazy!

"It's all over, you should call me Lao Zhou, and listen to me more comfortably."

Lao Zhou patted Chen Chu and introduced to him:

"This young man is called Chen Chu, a student of Long Ke University. He is very angry with me. He is down-to-earth and hardworking. He is a good seedling."

"Liu Yong, you can just call him Lieutenant Colonel Liu."

Liu Yong immediately said: "Brother Zhou, the person you brought here can just call him Uncle Liu."

"Hi Uncle Liu."

Chen Chu also disappeared, and the relationship between the two of them was shortened at once.

"Xiao Liu, take him to have a look first, I'll take a walk around."


Chen Chu followed behind Liu Yong, heading towards the dock where the frigate was docked.

After walking for a while, Liu Yong said: "You are the first student brought over by Big Brother Zhou. It seems that he is very optimistic about you."

"Uncle Liu, old Zhou..."

"Why did he run off to become a librarian?"

Chen Chu nodded.

Liu Yong was silent for a while, and said: "When he is willing to tell you, he will naturally tell you."

Chen Chu didn't ask any further questions, and continued to follow Liu Yong inward.

At this time, he saw a few scattered signs pasted aside.

The sign reads: Notice to Tourists: Please do not touch, and no photography is allowed!

"Tourists? Uncle Liu, why are there still tourists?"

Liu Yong said helplessly.

"Our navy only spends so little every year, which is not enough. It just so happened that this frigate was scrapped, so we simply pulled it out and showed it to tourists and students!"

"Just started the trial today, to be precise, you are the first one!"

Chen Chu was stunned. Is military expenditure so scarce?

"Then... aren't you afraid that the military secrets on the frigate will be leaked?"

Liu Yong laughed.

"What's the leak? This frigate was originally bought. The technology we have is owned by others. We don't have the key technology in other people's hands. What is there to leak?"

"If it's useful, I won't let it out for you to see."

"Besides, students in the Naval Academy, if they don't have any contact with real objects, and only read theoretical knowledge every day, their progress will be slow, right?"

"Cultivating one more naval talent is worth it!"

Chen Chu was silent.

Tight military spending means high maintenance trial and error costs.

It is no wonder that the high-level navy decided to pull out the frigate for exhibition.

A little bit of subsidy is a little bit.

Thinking of his own virtual manufacturing space, Chen Chu felt a little better.

At least, in the virtual manufacturing space, there is no trial and error cost.

After perfecting every step, he can carry out physical maintenance and improvement.

A few minutes later, Chen Chu finally saw the real thing.

A lightly restored frigate. Even so, some potholes can still be seen from the hull.

"It's shocking, isn't it?"

Chen Chu nodded.

"Go and touch it."

"Ah? It's not forbidden..."

"You are the person brought by Brother Zhou, except."

With excitement in his heart, Chen Chu stretched out his hand and lightly touched the hull of the ship.

In the next second, the data about [Type 021 frigate] on the virtual panel changed again.

[Full version of ship welding technology (30% analysis progress, 90 days analysis time)]

"Fuck! Touching the real thing, can the analysis progress be improved so much?"

Chen Chu's mind suddenly became active.

If you touch the technologies that still exist on the frigate, can the analysis progress be greatly improved?

With this thought, Chen Chu couldn't sit still.

"Uncle Liu, can I go up and have a look?"

"Go up?" Liu Yong was stunned.

"Uncle Liu, you also said just now that our students learn the theory every day, and if they don't touch the real things, they will make slow progress."

"That's what I said, but it has not been decided internally which parts will be opened. Only a postgraduate degree or above is tentatively required to go up."

Liu Yong was in trouble, "Some instruments with high precision are easy to break if you don't know how to do it. This..."

At this time, Lao Zhou's voice came out from a distance.

"Xiao Liu, let him go up and have a look. If something happens, I will take care of it."

"Okay, but you mustn't mess with it." Liu Yong whispered, "Lao Zhou is already in such a miserable situation. If you break something else, he can't even be a librarian."

"Xiao Liu, what are you talking about!" Lao Zhou glared at him, and then he looked at Chen Chu, "And you, it's okay, don't forget what you just said, two or three hundred frigates and destroyers! "

"You won't be able to change at that time, let's see how I deal with you!"


Two or three hundred frigates and destroyers?

Liu Yong's eyeballs almost popped out, Meng, he didn't dare to do that.

"Big lunatic with little lunatic, two lunatics!"

"It's better to be young. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they are more courageous than us in dreams."

Seeing the back of Chen Chu going up, Lao Zhou left a word and quickly followed.

Chen Chu was on the frigate, touching east and west, and the progress of various technologies on the virtual panel was constantly improving.

Seeing Chen Chu like this, Lao Zhou said with emotion: "Xiao Chen, when this frigate first arrived, I was as excited as you. At that time, my mouth was almost drooling."

"Study hard, take a postgraduate entrance examination in the future, and come to our navy. Then I will take you to the aircraft carrier to have a look."

How did he know that the Varyag aircraft carrier was lying quietly in Chen Chu's virtual space.

Chen Chu can see the aircraft carrier he is thinking about with his eyes closed, not only can he see it, but he can also touch it, even by jumping.

Just as the two were shuttling through the frigate.

A tour guide brings a group of tourists from afar.

There are also students from nearby universities, also led by the teacher, coming towards this side.

The frolicking crowd fell silent when they came to the frigate.

The tour guide said: "Passengers, this is our [Type 021 frigate], which was bought from Beixiong Country back then. After many escort missions, it finally...retired."

"Don't look at it covered in dilapidated clothes, it is it, which has blocked the threat of foreign fleets time and time again."

A young passenger asked: "Guide, the frigates are so powerful, how many frigates do we have now? Should there be twenty?"

The guide does not speak.

"What about ten ships? There must be ten ships!"

The tour guide still didn't speak.

"How about five ships? After all, there are five ships, right? No less."

The tour guide still didn't speak.

A military fan in the crowd said: "Active service, 3 ships."

"What? There are only three ships! There are eight or nine ships in Toyo next door! We only have three ships?"

The young man said excitedly.

"What's the use of 3 ships? It's not enough for people's teeth."

The army fan jumped out immediately, pointed at the other party, and reprimanded him.

"What's wrong with the 3 ships? The 3 ships don't protect you at home as usual?"

"Three ships have affected you to marry a wife? Have they affected you to have a baby? You think it's too little, so you pay for it!"

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