Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【34】Excellent Combat Capability!

Except that the basic displacement has not changed, how does it look like a frigate?

Anti-aircraft artillery has changed, radar has changed, missile launchers have changed...

From the inside to the outside, it is only a shell, and it is still a Type 021 frigate.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, is this still a frigate?"

Lao Xia asked.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Chu said: "Frigate, of course it is a frigate. But it needs to be renamed, and it will not be called Type 021 in the future. Lao Xia, you are the captain, you can order one!"

change name?

Lao Xia was a little bit reluctant in his heart.

But after thinking about it, he still felt a little sorry for the new configuration if he didn't change his name.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, you are the chief engineer, it is your work, or you come to pick it up. Old Zhou, are you right?"

Lao Zhou nodded again and again.

Even the other navy soldiers also said one after another.

"Professor Chen, this is the new 'home' you created for us, of course you have to take it!"

"That's right, Professor Chen, just take one!"

"Professor Chen, you are a cultural person, we are all big bastards, it's up to you!"

The voices of the crowd were loud, Chen Chu thought for a while, and then said.

"Then call it - Type 041A 'Chengfeng'! 041A means that this frigate is already the second and a half generation! As for Chengfeng...it means that our Dragon Kingdom Navy will ride the wind and waves from now on!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone cheered.

"it is good!"

"As expected of a cultural person, just saying a name casually has so many meanings!"

Lao Xia patted the side of the ship and said excitedly: "There will be times when you ride the wind and waves, hang the clouds and sail straight to the sea! Good!"

After the name and model are finalized, the next step is the actual testing stage.

"Captain Xia, you can prepare for the actual test now!"

"Okay, I'll arrange it now!"

After a while, Lao Xia arranged everything and returned to the main control room again.

"set sail!"

Accompanied by a roar, the 'Chengfeng' broke through the waves.

"I remember that the previous Type 021 had a full speed, about 17 knots. Now the standard speed of Chengfeng has reached 25 knots..."

In the middle of Lao Xia's words, Lao Zhou Dao: "Why don't you try to move forward at full speed? Anyway, you still have military expenses, and you can just add more fuel when you run out."

Lao Xia was very moved by Lao Zhou's words, seeing that Chen Chu had no objection, he immediately said.

"Full speed ahead!"


With the full firepower of the power system, Chengfeng was galloping across the sea like an arrow leaving the string.

"With this speed, I will be able to fight and run when I encounter other frigates in the future!"

With the biting sea breeze blowing, Lao Xia said excitedly.

After driving all the way to the destination, Lao Xia said again: "Professor Chen, use live ammunition or blank ammunition?"

"There is plenty of ammunition, so use live ammunition."


It was finally time to witness the true power of Chengfeng, Lao Xia rubbed his hands excitedly.

He has been talking about the improved SA-N-7 air-to-air and anti-ship missiles that Chen Chu told him before.

"Brothers, withdraw the blank ammunition and load the live ammunition!"

Lao Xia ordered.

"Report to the captain, the missile replacement is complete!"

"Immediately release the moving target."

"Report to the captain, the moving target is 69 kilometers away from Chengfeng, and the current wind speed is 5 knots... Do you want to fire?"

Lao Xia glanced at Chen Chu: "Comrade Chen?"

"Captain Xia, it's the actual test now, you are the biggest on the warship!"

"I see."

Nodding his head, Lao Xia said seriously.

"Wait! Every five kilometers, report!"


After a few minutes.

"Report to the captain, the moving target is 99 kilometers away from Chengfeng!"

"Slow down and stand by!"

"Report to the captain, the target distance is 109 kilometers! If you don't fire, you will exceed the radar scanning distance!"

109 kilometers?

Lao Xia's heart was ups and downs.

The farthest strike distance of the Chengfeng ship to the ship - 109 kilometers!

The farthest strike distance of the SA-N-7 air defense missile is only 33 kilometers. How can the improved SA-N-7B hit so far?

How did you change it?

He clearly remembered that it took 18 seconds for the SA-N-7 air defense missile to launch the missile from the command.

I just don't know if the reaction time has become longer after the furthest blow has more than tripled. With a secret thought in his heart, Lao Xia immediately said.

"Fire immediately!"

The marines slammed on the button.

The order to fire is issued!

Almost in the next second, a red target was locked on the radar monitor.

The command to lock on is then conveyed to the missile radar.

Lao Xia was still silently counting the time in his heart.

Hearing a piercing roar, an SA-N-7B missile roared away, dragging a long fire snake.

"Fuck! It's only 3 seconds! The reaction time has been shortened so much! How did Comrade Xiao Chen do it?"

Lao Xia looked at Chen Chu in astonishment.

The 3-second reaction time, whether it is anti-air or anti-ship, is of great significance! They hardly give them time to run away!

Before he could react, he heard a huge explosion from the distant sea.

The waves rushed to the sky, Lao Xia said anxiously.

"Quick, the observation point reports the results!"

"Report to the captain, successfully hit the moving target, the impact range..."

"Reporting to the captain, the SA-N-7B missile has a maximum strike distance of 109.7 kilometers! The margin of error is 8 meters!"

Even though he had already made mental preparations, Lao Xia still gasped in shock.

Not only him, but all the navy soldiers, including Lao Zhou, were stunned at the moment.

No matter how good-looking the data on the design drawings are, they have to be pulled out to test whether they are true or not, right?

3 seconds reaction time, 109.7 kilometers limit strike distance, 8 meters accuracy.

These three data completely refreshed their understanding of frigate ship-borne missiles and ship-borne radar.

"At this strike distance, the radar of the enemy frigate has not scanned us yet, and our missiles have already hit the opponent!"

"Even if we meet on a narrow road, with a three-second reaction time, we can completely hit the opponent before the enemy's missile is fired!"

"And the accuracy of 8 meters... Aim with your eyes closed, and you can hit it..."

"I really want to try Dongyang's 88th Fleet with the Chengfeng, so that they can feel what it means to be invisible or unstoppable! Hahahaha!"

"Don't say you can't see us, even if the 88th Fleet can see us. Even if we are 70 kilometers away, if we give it a shot, what can it do? Its missiles may fall into the sea before it touches our hull. .It can't hit us, it's more anxious than us!"

Everyone was elated, this result completely exceeded their expectations.

This is just the anti-aircraft missile!

The Eighty-Eight Fleet, which put them under great pressure, can no longer become Chengfeng's opponent.

"Is this the real second-generation and a half frigate? Even Liberty Country and North Bear Country only have a few ships. We now have one too! I dare not think about it, I never dared to think about it before!"

At this moment, Lao Xia's heart was surging.

What an honor to be in charge of such a frigate.

He told himself in his heart that even if he was playing tricks with Chief Wang, he still had to get the Chengfeng Hao!

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