Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[39] Participating In Military Exercises Has Become A Favorite!

Yang Wan was very angry.

The last time I was in the library, I agreed to invite Chen Chu to dinner tonight as a thank you for explaining and answering questions, but Chen Chu ran away.

I just made an agreement with Chen Chu yesterday, and I went to the library to continue explaining and answering questions in the past two days, but Chen Chu ran away again.

No matter how good-tempered she was, she couldn't be more angry at the moment.

In fact, Chen Chu couldn't help it either.

It was the first time to catch up with the development of the second-generation semi-frigate, so I didn't have time to eat anything.

The second time was the chief's invitation. No matter how much face Yang Wan had, she was no bigger than the chief.

And these are all confidential, so naturally I can't tell her.

"Li Yi, did Student Chen leave his contact information?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Just when Yang Wan thought that Chen Chu had left a phone number or something, Li Yi took out a note with a location recorded on it.

With a glance, Yang Wan understood.

It turned out that Chen Chu was taken to the military base.

This time, half of her anger disappeared.


After saying goodbye to Li Yi, Yang Wan walked out of the dormitory.

Looking at the photo in her hand, Yang Wan frowned slightly.

When I was angry just now, I used a little force with my hand, which caused the photos to be crumpled.

"It's going to be washed again."


At this moment, Chen Chu has already boarded the plane to the destination with Lao Zhou.

After getting off the plane, the soldiers who received them hurriedly stepped forward to verify their identities.

After the identity was confirmed, the other party immediately saluted the two.

"Colonel Zhou, Major Chen, board and lodging have been arranged, and the military exercise will start tomorrow!"

"Okay, sorry for the trouble."

The two followed each other all the way to the camp.

As soon as he entered the room, Lao Zhou hurriedly pulled Chen Chu.

"Xiao Chen, this barracks is similar to ours. There is nothing to visit. The other day you mentioned the solid dual-fuel acceleration system. I studied it carefully, but I still don't understand some things."

After finally catching Chen Chu's free time, Lao Zhou naturally didn't intend to let go of this opportunity.

Tell me all the technical difficulties you encountered yesterday.

Chen Chu didn't keep his secrets either, Lao Zhou asked and he answered.

The two asked and answered like this, and they were busy until noon.

After eating a light meal, Lao Zhou took Chen Chu for a stroll around to digest. Then he dragged Chen Chu into the room and started the next round of Q&A.

In the afternoon, another plane landed at the airport.

As soon as the cabin door opened, two professors Zhao and Chen got off the plane talking and laughing.

Obviously, the improvement of Jiangdong Type II production line went very smoothly.

After greeting the reception staff, the two followed each other towards the camp.

Halfway through, Professor Chen suddenly said, "This comrade, the people from the capital, are you here?"

The other party said: "Professor Chen, people from the capital came here in the morning."

"Morning? Didn't the chief say that the genius is here?" Professor Zhao asked in surprise.

Professor Chen quickly asked: "Comrade, how many people have come from the capital? Is there any young one?"

The other party replied.

"Sorry, Professor Chen, I'm not in charge of the reception this morning. All I know is that there are two people here."

Two people?

Professor Zhao and Professor Chen looked at each other and said in unison: "Comrade, can you take us to their residence? We are both from the capital, colleagues."

After a while, the other party sent the two of them outside Lao Zhou's residence, and after explaining a few words, he turned and left.

Standing at the door, Professor Chen gently knocked on the door.


"Who? Busy!"

A familiar voice came from the room.

When they heard that it was Lao Zhou, Zhao and Chen immediately smiled.

"Old Zhou is here, Comrade Xiao Chen must be here too!"

Immediately, Professor Chen said: "Lao Zhou, it's me, and Lao Zhao."

Professor Zhao also said: "Old Zhou, why are you hiding in your room during the daytime!"


The door of the room was opened, and Lao Zhou, with messy hair, looked at the two of them, and said badly.

"You two are really, come here when you come. Instead of going back to your room, you want to influence me. Didn't you see that I was busy?"

"come in."

After finishing speaking, Lao Zhou turned around and walked inward, staring at the blueprint in his hand, and scratching his hair from time to time.

Clearly, he was in trouble. What Chen Chu said was a bit beyond the outline.

Seeing this, Zhao and Chen were full of curiosity.

Walking into the room, they noticed that there were design drawings everywhere in the room.

Chen Chu stood there, constantly drawing some new designs on the blank paper.

Now, Zhao and Chen understood.

"Old Zhou, I said, what are you doing hiding in your room? It turns out you're making up lessons!"

"Comrade Xiao Chen, did Lao Zhou pay the supplementary tuition? If he is reluctant to part with this little money, tomorrow I will find the chief to scold him."

Chen Chu pointed to the edge of the bed and said, "Professors, sit down."

The chairs and tables in the room were all piled up in the corner, and there was no place for people to sit down at all.

Zhao and Chen glanced at the nearest blueprint and frowned.

"SA-N-7B ship-borne air defense missile..."

"Analysis of solid dual fuel acceleration propulsion system..."

The more they watched, the more frightened the two became.

They are familiar with the SA-N-7 ship-borne air defense missile, but when did the SA-N-7B model become more?

"Comrade Xiao Chen, is this SA-N-7B model secretly developed by our country?"

Lao Zhou said directly: "This is a new type of ship-borne anti-aircraft missile improved by Xiao Chen, and it is very powerful!"

Immediately afterwards, he added another sentence.

"If you have nothing to do, don't interfere with my study. Xiao Chen and I are very busy."

Chen Chu improved SA-N-7?

The news shocked the two of them.

The SA-N-7 ship-borne air defense missile was jointly developed by several research institutes at the time, but it has been improved now?

Looking carefully at the blueprints, the two gasped.

The parameter gap between before and after improvement is too big.

They originally planned to come over to say hello and leave, who is willing to leave now?

The two looked at each other, and suddenly made a decision.


Professor Chen walked up to Lao Zhou and whispered, "Old Zhou, let's squeeze together."

Professor Zhao took out a pen and notebook from the accompanying briefcase, and handed a copy to Professor Chen.

Lao Zhou pulled his hair, and said rather irritably: "The room is only so big, it can't hold so many people."

"Squeeze! Me and old Chen are skinny!"

Seeing that Chen Chu had no objection, Professor Chen hurriedly said: "Comrade Xiao Chen didn't chase anyone away, why are you rushing away. I'm here to listen to Comrade Xiao Chen's lecture, not to listen to you!"

Ever since, the two of them didn't go back to their own room anymore, and crowded together in Lao Zhou's room cheekily.

Four people squeezed into one room, which was a bit crowded, but Chen Chu didn't care.

When the three of them stopped arguing, he continued to talk.

Early the next morning, the four of them walked towards the assembly point together.

At this time, a Wuzhi flew quickly from a distance.

Soon, it landed in the base.

Wang Zhenguo led the guards and quickly walked down from Wuzhi.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, he saw the old Wednesday people walking around Chen Chu, discussing something while walking.

"Comrade Xiao Chen!"

Wang Zhenguo yelled loudly, and the old man on Wednesday stopped talking quickly, and all looked towards the source of the sound.

Seeing that it was the chief, the four ran over quickly.

"Hi sir!"

Seeing the haggard looks of the four, Wang Zhenguo said: "You have worked hard recently!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhenguo looked at Chen Chu and said with a smile.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, it's really not easy to see you."

Chen Chu smiled awkwardly.

I'm not a big shot, is it so hard to see?

"Let's not talk about that." Wang Zhenguo continued: "Comrade Xiao Chen, some leaders want to meet you, and I will take you to meet them later!"

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