Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[50] Young And Promising, It Is Really The Luck Of The Navy! 【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

Sitting in the room, Dong Xianguo read the document over and over again, feeling overwhelmed.

Every item of Chengfeng's data made him very pleased.

Immediately afterwards, he yelled out.


"Chief, please give instructions."

"Notify Wang Zhenguo that the content of this document is, for example, the top military secret of our navy! No one is allowed to spread it outside for any reason!"

"Yes! Chief!"

Naval exercise site.

After receiving the secret telegram from Dong Xianguo, Wang Zhenguo quickly started to act.

Seeing Lao Zhou surrounded by stars like a moon, with a smile almost overflowing from his face, Wang Zhenguo shouted.

"Zhou Xingguo, come here!"

Lao Zhou trotted over and said, "Chief, please give instructions!"

"You are so capable, I think you are almost becoming the star of our navy!"

Old Zhou chuckled and said, "How can I? I'm just in favor of Major Chen."

"Laughing? You can still laugh!"

Wang Zhenguo said with a straight face: "At that time, I didn't let you return to the team so early, just to let you take good care of Comrade Xiao Chen. Do your best to do what he asks!"

Zhou Xingguo was stunned.

I have always been responsive to Chen Chu's requests.

If you want military expenses, apply immediately. If you want missiles and torpedoes, apply immediately, you are not lazy.

"Look at Comrade Xiao Chen, the last time I saw him, he wasn't so thin! Look at his dark eye sockets, look how haggard he is!"

Now, Zhou Xingguo was completely taken aback.

He pointed to himself, and then to Chen Chu, his expression seemed to say: Chief, obviously I also have dark eye sockets. Obviously I lost weight too...

"I don't care about anything else. In the past few days, you have to take Comrade Xiao Chen "Qi San San" to relax! Three days later, General Hussars will come, and Comrade Xiao Chen will still be so haggard

I only ask you!" Xia

As he said that, Wang Zhenguo looked at Chen Chu and said, "Comrade Chen, take a good rest these two days and don't put too much pressure on yourself! We will deal with those bad things!"

Immediately, he turned around and threw it at Chen and the others.

"Professor Chen, take someone to the Chengfeng to record the data. At this time tomorrow, I want to see the data comparison between the Chengfeng and the destroyer."

"Chengfeng is listed as the top military secret of our navy! No one is allowed to spread it! Do you understand?"

"Also, don't bother Major Chen these two days. He has worked hard recently.

Under Wang Zhenguo's urging, those experts and professors didn't dare to bother Chen Chu no matter how itchy they were.

Soon, only Lao Zhou and Dong Chu were left on the court.

"Relax? How to relax?"

Lao Zhou was in trouble, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Take Xiao Chen to the disco? Forget it, it's hard to say whether Xiao Chen will be punished, I can't escape with a single punishment.

Taking Xiao Chen to the opera? Forget it, Li Yi said that a beautiful woman offered to invite Xiao Chen to the opera, but she was rejected. I should be more attractive than a beautiful woman.

Lao Zhou walked back and forth on the spot, hesitating for a while.

How about calling Yang Wan over? Forget it, this kid is not a womanizer.

How about........ bathing, scrubbing one-stop?

How to relax!

Suddenly, Lao Zhou had a flash of inspiration and suddenly had an idea.

"Xiao Chen, let's go, I'll take you to relax!"

Chen Chu said: "Forget it, for me, reading is relaxation."

What relaxation program can there be in 2001? Chen Chu has no interest at all.

"No, that's what the chief said! Don't read any books these two days, I'll arrange it, and you'll be satisfied!"

Thinking of his own idea, Lao Zhou couldn't help but chuckled in his heart: Hahaha, I can finally turn around!

After returning to the room, Lao Zhou went out to work.

Chen Chu was not idle, and asked someone to help him collect some books on electronic interference and sonar technology.

Although the second and a half generations of frigates have been developed, there are still some core technologies of the full version of the third-generation frigates that have not yet been analyzed. Before he was in a hurry, he specially selected a few technologies

Do your best.

If all these core technologies are analyzed, then the second and a half generations can become a real third-generation frigate!

Once the Dragon Kingdom Navy has three generations of frigates, as long as the aircraft carrier does not come out, any navy in the Blue Star will not be an opponent of the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

He was busy until the afternoon, when Lao Zhou came back with several big luggage bags.

"Xiao Chen, since you are relaxing, you have to look relaxed, let's go, I will take you fishing!"


After Chen Chu thought about it, he realized that fishing is a very relaxing thing no matter what period of time it is.

"I never fished."

Lao Zhou secretly smiled in his heart: What you are looking for is what you don’t know!

"It's okay, I'll teach you by hand when the time comes!"

After speaking, he took Chen Chu directly to the destination.

More than half an hour later, the coast.

Looking at the sparkling sea, Lao Zhou was in a good mood.

He felt that he could finally raise his head in front of Chen Chu.

At this time, Chen Chu spoke.

"Old Zhou, on the way here, I thought about it. If we install a simple version of the Chengfeng power system on the fishing rod, the efficiency of fishing will be greatly improved."

Cold sweat broke out on Lao Zhou's forehead.

Simplified version of Chengfenghao power system?

Are you here for fishing, or for fish?

"Xiao Chen, there is one point I must emphasize to you!"

"We're here to fish, to relax, not to kill!"

"In short, we must use the same fishing rod!"

When he came to the camp dock, Lao Zhou easily transferred a light ship.

Soon, Lao Zhou took Chen Chu to the fishing spot he had chosen—near the beach.

"Xiao Chen, let me tell you that there are three points in fishing. First, keep the bait fresh. I have prepared this. Second, suitable fishing spots. Our current fishing spots are very suitable.

"Third, look at the technique! Fishing doesn't mean that you just flick the rod and leave it to fate. This thing is about technique.

Lao Zhou threw out the hook while explaining.

Chen Chu said: "I really haven't fished before, I just heard about it. I just asked Brother Dai for advice."

Ship pilot Xiao Dai nodded.

The two sat on the deck, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait, Lao Zhou said casually.

"When I was in the military academy, I was known as the fishing king! At that time..."

Lao Zhou was half-speaking, but he saw Chen Chu lightly flicked his hands upwards, and a bass was thrown onto the deck.

Xiao Dai reacted quickly, caught the bass, took out the hook, and threw it into Chen Chu's bucket.

"Major Chen, this sea bass weighs about four to five catties, so I'll order some wine and grilled fish at night [ah!"

Chen Chu thanked Xiao Dai, then wrapped the bait again and threw the hook out.

Lao Zhou was not in a hurry, but said calmly.

"Xiao Chen, a temporary advantage does not mean a permanent advantage! In our fishing industry, there is a saying: the novice effect! That is to say, newcomers will be favored by luck! But, only this time."

"It's not me bragging with you, why do my classmates call me the king of fishing, because I have never been the first to fish..."

Before Lao Zhou finished speaking, he saw Chen Chu grabbing the fishing rod, holding on for a while, and then slowly pulling back.

In just a dozen seconds, he lifted the fishing rod violently.

A huge black fish landed on the deck.

Xiao Dai grabbed the fish and said excitedly: "Major Chen, this fish is much bigger than the one just now, at least eight catties in weight! Now it's done, we have grilled fish and pickled fish."

Lao Zhou froze for a moment, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

He turned his head, looked at his fishing line, and unconsciously lowered his voice.

"The king of fishing never pays attention to speed or quantity! Because the fish I catch are all smaller than others..."

"Major Chen, this fish is too big! It weighs at least 14 catties!"

Putting down the fishing rod, Chen Chu stretched his waist, looked at Lao Zhou, and asked.

"Old Zhou, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."


"No, you heard wrong."

Lao Zhou no longer had the excitement he had before. The murderous look in his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the sea water and nail the sharks to the bottom of the sea.

At night, Xiao Dai returned to land with two buckets and the two of them.

In Chen Chu's fish bucket, there is almost no room for fish.

And in Lao Zhou's fish bucket, you can pour a few small fish.

"Xiao Chen, I will cook in person tonight, and I will let you try the delicious little yellow croaker soup!"

"The chief said he would give you a tonic. There is nothing more tonic than fish soup."

On the 29th, the two fished all day.

Lao Zhou was dizzy from the sun, but had little effect. As for Chen Chu, he gained a lot, which made him very frustrated for a while.

It's nothing more than Chen Chu's research and development capabilities, he admitted. Even fishing, which he was best at, lost. He was a little stretched.

30th, morning.

The two changed fishing spots. This time, Lao Zhou made perfect preparations.

Chen Chu took out a few books from the briefcase he was carrying and threw them over.

"Old Zhou, take a look."

Old Zhou picked up the book in amazement, his face turned blue with just one glance...

"Introduction to Fishing", "12 Skills of Fishing Guys"

"Xiao Chen, we didn't bring dry food this time, so we will eat the fish we caught at noon! If we can't catch it, we won't eat it!"

Chen Chu didn't know why, as if he had a natural closeness to the sea.

No need to study any skills, the fish will come by themselves.

After winning Lao Zhou twice in a row, he was also a little embarrassed.

So, with the fishing rod on the other side, Chen Chu dug out a book "Nine Major Problems at the Core of the Shipborne Electronic Jamming System", and read it leisurely.

Xiao Dai watched this scene from behind, admiring it extremely in his heart.

"As expected of a talent that even the chief executive values, he never forgets to keep learning in his spare time.

At noon, Lao Zhou's hand holding the fishing rod could not help but tremble slightly.

Not because a big fish was caught, but because of the scent coming from the deck.

Sitting on the deck, Chen Chu and Xiao Dai set up the grill, and the grilled fish sprinkled with cumin and pepper was full of aroma.

"Old Zhou, I baked one for you, try it?"

"No, I'm not hungry."

Until the afternoon, the sun was about to set.

Chen Chu is reading a book while fishing, and the harvest is still quite good.

"Old Zhou, when will you go back?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, just this one, go back after fishing."

Looking at the glowing red sunset reflected on the sea, Lao Zhou gritted his teeth.

Xiao Dai came over and sat beside Lao Zhou.

"Colonel Zhou, is it still not hooked?"

"Still not taking the bait!" Old Zhou forced a smile on his face.

"This squid just follows, it will play tricks on you, but it won't take a bite! Are you angry!"

"You can't get used to it, what the hell...

As he spoke, Lao Zhou's expression changed instantly.

Hearing a 'splash', Lao Zhou jumped down and into the sea water.

This scene frightened Xiaodai.

"Major Chen, Colonel Zhou jumped into the sea!"

At this moment, there was a roar in the distance, and a speedboat rushed

Come quickly.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, I finally found you. Chief Dong is here soon, and Chief Wang asked me to call you back!"

Approaching the ship, Professor Chen glanced inward and said in surprise.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, where is the old man from Zhou? Didn't he say he went fishing with you?"

"Old Zhou?" Chen Chu pointed to the waves that kept breaking out of the sea, and said, "Old Zhou jumped into the sea."

"Ah! Hurry up, save people!"

Hearing the sound of "wow--", Lao Zhou emerged from the sea, holding a big squid in both hands, and said excitedly: "Xiao Chen, I caught it!"


Professor Chen and the others were speechless.

They thought that Lao Zhou fell into the water accidentally, but they didn't know that he jumped on purpose to catch squid.

Is it necessary to fight so hard?

Several people returned to the base, and it happened that Dong Xianguo arrived at 0.7, and several leaders had just received them.

Seeing Chen Chu, Dong Xianguo took the initiative to walk towards Chen Chu, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he reached out his hand and shook Chen Chu tightly.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, I have wanted to see you for a long time!"

Chen Chu was embarrassed for a while, he couldn't figure out why the first words of every chief executive when they saw him were pretty much the same.

Myself, is it that difficult?

"The name Chengfeng is good! The combat capability of Chengfeng is even better!"

"It is a blessing for the navy to have a talent like you!"

Chen Chu did not take the credit, but said modestly: "Chief, you are too serious. Colonel Zhou, Professor Chen and the others worked hard! I just did what I should do."

Dong Xianguo was very satisfied with Chen Chu's humility.

Young, promising and not arrogant, such a talent is a genius!

At this time, he noticed the two buckets in Professor Chen's hand, and said immediately.

"Comrade Xiao Chen is interested. He knew I was coming, so he specially caught so many fish. Tonight, we will all be lucky!"

The generals laughed loudly, and Lao Zhou also laughed.

Chen Chu followed Dong Xianguo and the others and walked inward, while Lao Zhou and the others followed behind.

It can be seen that these chiefs attach great importance to Chen Chu.

Dong Xianguo asked: "Comrade Xiao Chen, what do you think of the contest between the Chengfeng and the destroyer? What are the odds?"

After pondering for a while, Chen Chu said.

"I don't know the detailed combat data of the destroyer. If we simply estimate, there should be a 40% chance of winning!"

Four percent?

This result shocked several heads.

General Sun and others deduced for a long time yesterday, no matter how they calculate, the chance of winning is not more than 30%. .

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