Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[53] Chief: Chengfeng Is About Equal To An Aircraft Carrier?

The shock was shocking, the eyes of several chiefs were eager to try, everyone could see it.

Wang Zhenguo looked at Dong Xianguo and tried to say.

"Sir, how about giving it a try?"

Dong Xianguo took a deep breath, obviously, he also wanted to try.

He looked at Chen Chu and confirmed, "Comrade Xiao Chen, apart from this trinity radar, there shouldn't be any hidden surprises, right?"

Chen Chu shook his head.

"Okay! Try again! Comrade Xiao Chen, tell me, how do you try?"

"Pull out the two destroyers and the three frigates!"

Several people were taken aback.

"Pull it all out?"

"Yes!" Chen Chu said sternly: "After the Trinity radar is fully turned on, the number of targets locked at the same time has been increased from 9 to 12 targets! It is difficult to push Cheng Furo to the limit with only two destroyers."

Pushing the limit?

When this sentence came out of someone else's mouth, several chiefs would definitely sneer and wouldn't believe a word of it!

Even, if the Free Country heard about it, it would laugh out loud. To push a frigate beyond the limit, two destroyers and three frigates are needed? The people of Longguo have lost their minds!

But everyone present knew that when Chen Chu uttered this sentence, it represented a completely different meaning.

Chen Chu is the sole designer of Chengfeng, and no one knows the performance of Chengfeng better than him!

Dong Xianguo glanced at Wang Zhenguo and the others, and seeing that everyone wanted to try it, he immediately made a decision.

"Wang Zhenguo, go get in touch."


Just as Wang Zhenguo was about to make contact, the three captains of the frigate shouted in embarrassment.

"Report to the chief, all three of us are here!"

Everyone looked back, only to recall that the three of them also followed when they boarded the wind horn.

This is embarrassing, if you want to continue the test, you have to send the three of them back first, and then set off together.

It's too time-consuming to go back and forth like this.

General Sun dissatisfied: "When did the three of you catch up?"

Captain Liu of Jiangdong Type II said helplessly.

"Report, General Hussars asked us to board the ship together, and we boarded the ship. We didn't expect Chengfeng to be so powerful in combat. We knew we would be needed, so we drove the frigate ahead of time."

"That's all."

Dong Xianguo waved his hand: "It's getting late, it's almost time for lunch when we go back."

Immediately, he looked at Chen Chu with a softer tone.

"How about this, Comrade Xiao Chen, go back and have lunch and take a break. The test is going on in the afternoon. What do you think?"

As a Hussar General, Dong Xianguo actually lowered his profile to consult Chen Chu's opinion, which made other military experts envious.

They have never been treated like this.

Even if Professors Chen and Zhao combined the core technology of Type 021 and Jiangdong Type into Jiangdong Type II, they were only praised by Wang Zhenguo.

I didn't even see Dong Xianguo's face.

Of course, there is also the reason why Chen Chu conquered the core technology in 2021.

"Everything is arranged by the chief!"

Of course Chen Chu has no objections.

It was almost noon when we got back to shore.

Dong Xianguo made a phone call, and soon obtained the authorization of Chengfeng to access the Beidou system.

The Beidou-1 satellite was successfully launched at the end of last year.

The Beidou system currently serves the army more, followed by the air force, and finally the navy. Of course, it is also responsible for top-secret communications between the various armies.

After everything was done, everyone was talking and laughing while eating lunch in the barracks.

Chen Chu sat at the table with several chiefs, and Lao Zhou sat at the table with those military experts. As the captain of Chengfeng, Xia Weiguo was dragged by several captains to sit together.

This meal was the happiest they had had in years.

As soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Navy, their fleet will soon have such a powerful frigate as the Chengfeng, how could they be unhappy.

If it weren't for several chiefs eating in the same dining hall with them, they would all want to order a small drink to celebrate.

I am so happy.

At the dinner table, several captains walked towards Xia Weiguo.

"Old Xia, you've come out on top this time! You just recovered from your injury, and immediately got the Chengfeng, I don't think it's hard not to be envious!"

"Old Xia, when did you become such a thug? You hide it, and no one tells it! Even the chief doesn't tell! If you don't have so many thoughts, this Chengfeng Chuan won't be your turn

Xia Weiguo said with a smile.

"Ham, look at what you said."

"I was the captain of the original Type 021 frigate. Although it is Chengfeng now, I am still the captain! Is there a problem? No problem!"

While speaking, Xia Weiguo glanced at Chen Chu and said with emotion.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Major Chen. If it wasn't for him, I might still be in a wheelchair and lose confidence in life."

"It was after seeing him repairing the Type 021 that day that I decided to cheer up and avenge those brothers who died!"

Several people were silent for a while.

"Don't worry, we will take revenge! This day will not be far away!"

"Old Xia, why are you talking about these sad things on such a happy day! They will always be the heroes of my navy!"

"The chief is here, let's keep a low profile and replace wine with tea, it's one!"

Everyone talked and laughed, and ate until they got a little closer.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came to the coast again.

This time, there were three more frigates on the pier.

Thousands of naval fighters are on standby on their respective warships.

Following Dong Xianguo's order, all the navy took action.

Dong Xianguo still led the crowd and boarded the Chengfeng.

This time, it was much simpler than the morning test.

It is divided into three parts: long-range firefight, medium-range firefight, and close-range "bayonet fight".

It mainly tests the limits of Chengfeng's interception system, and whether other warships are "destroyed" is not included in the test.

It is meaningless to 'destroy' the second-generation frigate. 'Wrecking' destroyers, has been tested before.

At the beginning, five warships circled Chengfeng with a radius of 170 kilometers.

In the main control room of Chengfeng, all eyes were on the radar display.

As time went by, suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the edge of the monitor.

"Report to the captain, the first enemy ship appeared 149.7 kilometers southwest of our side!"

"Continue to observe!"

Soon, five warships - appeared.

In this way, the limit observation distance of the Trinity Radar can be determined to be 150 kilometers!

The appetizer is over, and the next step is the formal firefight.

Five warships surrounded Chengfeng in the middle, and quickly approached Chengfeng from five different directions.

This is to siege!

This time, Chengfeng did not avoid the battle, but waited quietly in place.

Not long after, when these warships appeared within 100 kilometers, Chengfeng started the first round of active attacks.

"Report to the captain, the radar has locked the positions of the five warships, do you want to open fire?"


With one order, five SA-N-7B missiles fired in salvo, roaring towards different directions.

Everyone stood in the main control room, watching this scene excitedly.

It's so cool to fire on five warships at the same time, but the opponents are still out of reach.

General Sun said with a smile.

"Four years ago, a warship of the Free State opened fire on six ships of our army at the same time. At that time, I was so angry that I stomped my feet, calling these bastards shameless, and scolding the Free State to the blood!"

"I didn't expect that one day we would be called shameless by the enemy country! Thinking of that scene, I just want to laugh! Hahahaha!"

Several chiefs laughed at the same time.

The feeling of swapping identities is really cool.

After the first round of exploratory firefights, neither side opened fire again.

Waiting until the distance between the two sides narrowed to 30 kilometers, the second round of formal firefights began.

It can be seen from the radar display that there are 34 small red dots coming straight towards Chengfeng.

These little red dots are all anti-ship missiles.

Each destroyer fires 8 bursts of missiles, and the second-generation frigate fires 6 bursts of missiles.

While these missiles have slightly different velocities, the launch time difference causes the missiles to have fronts and backs.

But this is not important, what is important is 34 missiles.

Four years ago, in 2002, it faced nearly twenty missiles at once.

At that time, Xia Weiguo and others were ready to sacrifice. If it wasn't for the support of other warships, the Type 021 would have been sunk directly.

Now, there are even more missiles! With 34 missiles, everyone in the main control room felt powerless for no reason.

Xia Weiguo shouted directly: "Full firepower!"

The command to fire was issued, and the missile launch system on Chengfeng operated rapidly.

The dual-connected 12-tube missile system starts instantly, and 12 missiles roar out directly!

In just a few seconds, another 12 missiles roared out!

This is the advantage of the fast response of the ship-borne anti-ship missile system.

Others play one round, it can play two rounds, or even three rounds!

Two rounds of missiles were fired one after another, and the dual-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery was also activated instantly.

After Chen Chu's modification, the maximum interception distance of the dual-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery can reach 50 kilometers!

When facing the destroyer alone in the morning, the dual-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery was only activated in the dangerous area.

For a time, the sound of artillery fire continued.

Everyone's hearts hung in their throats.

In the face of 34 missiles coming together, do you need to use close-in defense guns?

Soon, the display gave the answer.

34 missiles were successfully intercepted!

This result made everyone involuntarily breathe a sigh of relief.

In the first part, the long-distance firefight, Chengfeng's interception performance is very good!

Soon, the distance between the two sides narrowed and entered the second part...

In the second part of the medium-range firefight, the Chengfeng was a little struggling, and had already started to use close-in anti-aircraft guns, but successfully intercepted all missiles.

Finally, enter the most critical third part - close-range "bayonet fight".

5 warships surround Chengfeng for about 8 kilometers.

In this case, Xia Weiguo's heart was hanging in his throat, not to mention the leaders.

The active radar on Chengfeng detected the moment when the enemy warship opened fire, and launched a counterattack without hesitation.

At this moment, the dual 12-tube missile system, dual-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery, near-anti-aircraft guns, and even anti-ship mines are all fully fired.

The ear-piercing whistling sound and the violent explosion shook everyone's minds.

But none of them frowned, instead they widened their eyes and stared out.

Right now, there is no need to look at the radar.

The smoke produced by the explosion of the blank shell, like a giant net, completely enveloped Chengfeng.

This web of smoke is shrinking over time.

Finally, this thrilling military exercise came to an end when a missile landed on the deck of Chengfeng.

For a while, the main control room of Chengfeng was quiet, and no one said a word.

From time to time, Chen Chu could hear the sound of someone swallowing saliva secretly.

The extreme interception ability of Chengfeng shocked everyone.

They collectively looked at Chen Chu subconsciously, with puzzled eyes mixed with shock, as if they were saying something.

Is this really just a frigate?

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