Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[59] Surprise The General! Build A New Naval Industrial System!

Capital, military headquarters.

Several old men in military uniforms were waiting quietly in a secret room.

These people are all at the same level as Dong Xianguo. One head of the Air Force and three heads of the Army.

"The mid-year summary meeting was just held two days ago, and the old director called us again to do~why?"

"I don't know. Old Dong has been acting mysteriously lately, and I don't know what he's doing."

"A navy mid-year military exercise is more mysterious than a military parade. It's really...

Several people whispered, and they were quite critical of Dong Xianguo.

At this time, several people heard a rush of footsteps from outside the corridor.

After a while, Dong Xianguo pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.

"I'm really sorry, it's a step late."

Seeing Dong Xianguo's anxious look, the few people were quite critical at first, but it was hard to say harsh words immediately.

"Old Dong, what are you doing? Are you in such a hurry?"

Dong Xianguo sat on his seat, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down.

There is no way, in order to collect enough military expenses, he dare not stop for a moment.

The sooner the military expenses are collected, the sooner Chen Chu can start working.

It is about the future of the navy, he has to do so.

Dong Xianguo said with a smile.

"Several old fellows, I would like you to discuss something."

Seeing that Dong Xianguo was in such a hurry, they thought that something serious had happened, and expressed their opinions one after another.

"It's all on your own, how ugly is it to talk about it? If you need help from my army, just ask!"

"If my navy can help, I will definitely help!"

However, soon, several people were silent.

"Everyone is so generous, how about lending me some military expenses?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Dong Xianguo said slowly.

"Not much, just a few billion."

"What? Billions!" the chief of the Air Force was anxious, "Our Air Force only has tens of billions a year, and you want to borrow billions all at once? How will our Air Force spend the second half of the year?"

The three chiefs of the army stared at the table intently, as if they had discovered something very interesting, and completely ignored Dong Xianguo's words.

Seeing this scene, Dong Xianguo shouted out.

"General, let me just say, they have no money."


The faces of several chiefs immediately became serious.

Sure enough, the door of the room was pushed open, and a calm old man walked in.

When the general came, he sat down directly.

"Comrade Xianguo, tell me what's going on. I remember that your navy spends over 10 billion yuan a year. Although it's a bit tight, the gap isn't that big."

"Billions is not a small sum."

Dong Xianguo directly took out part of the materials in his hand, and then distributed them, said.

"General, look at this first."

What Dong Xianguo sent out was the detailed combat data of the Jiangdong II frigate.

After reading it, several heads changed their faces slightly.

"Old Dong, your navy secretly created a second-generation independent frigate? You make my air force very embarrassed! I don't even have the shadow of Canglong 10!

"Old Dong, I can't see it. I just heard some rumors before and thought it was a gimmick. I didn't expect that you really did it!"

"The combat performance of the Jiangdong Type II is already comparable to that of the Type 031? Old Dong, I didn't expect your navy to hide it deep enough!"

Dong Xianguo smiled and said: "In the past few years, the navy has been holding back its breath, and it is understandable to come up with a Jiangdong II.

Whether it was the last meeting or this meeting, he did not disclose any information about Chen Chu.

He regards Chen Chu as the treasure of the navy, so naturally he has to cover it tightly.

Listening to Dong Xianguo's explanation, several people nodded, but did not go into details.

After reading it, the general said, "Jiangdong II? A second-generation frigate? Not bad, the navy's performance this year is very good."

"However, this doesn't mean that your navy's military expenditure will be exhausted all at once, and you need to borrow several billion more?"

"There were some accidents." Dong Xianguo said a little proudly: "Our navy has made some new technological breakthroughs, and the military expenditure is suddenly tight, so..."

A new technological breakthrough?

Now, several people suddenly became interested.

What kind of new technology breakthrough needs to spend so much money?

Dong Xianguo took out a few more materials and handed one to each of them.

"This is the latest scientific research direction of our navy. The developers call it the Trinity Radar! It costs a lot, and our navy's military expenditure has bottomed out."

"Now that there are some breakthroughs, it is only a few billion, and it will be successful."

Dong Xianguo concealed the existence of the new frigate, but made a cover.

Several people took the documents and took a serious look at them, and their faces changed suddenly.

"Old Dong, this..."

The trinity radar shocked the few people far more than the Jiangdong II.

After all, the revolutionary breakthrough of radar can be applied not only to the Air Force, but also to the Army!

The data about the Trinity radar recorded in the materials is also of great help to the Air Force! It is also of great help to the Army.

"Old Dong, which military expert's research direction is this? Can I meet him? Our Air Force is currently encountering some bottlenecks in radar research. This may give me a lot of inspiration for the military experts in the Air Force!"

"Old Dong, how much is the gap, our army is willing to pay a little."

Dong Xianguo avoided the question from the head of the Air Force, but stretched out his hand and said, "5 billion!"

As soon as the 5 billion was released, everyone stopped talking and handed the information back reluctantly.

Dong Xianguo was not in a hurry, but looked at the general.

The general squinted his eyes, staring at the information of Dong Xianguo's other subordinate, and said, "Comrade Xianguo, I'm afraid it's more than that?"

Dong Xianguo put his hand on the remaining pile of materials and smiled at the general.

With a single movement, the general immediately understood.

"Comrade Xianguo, your navy has started to have some little secrets."

He said to the rest of the people: "Go out first."

After several people left, Dong Xianguo directly handed over all the remaining materials in his hand.

"General, the reason why the Navy needs 5 billion military expenditures is precisely for it - the Type 041 frigate!"

After the general glanced at it a few times, his face suddenly changed.

"Type 041 frigate? Are all the data on this true?"

"General, there are some actual combat data tests about Type 041A!"

The general turned to the back when he heard the words.

At the end, what is recorded is the actual combat test results of Type 041A, Chengfeng.

The general's eyes lingered on those data, reading it over and over again.

Dong Xianguo explained at the right time: "General, Type 041A is just the beggar's version of Type 041! The combat performance of the full version of Type 041 is 30% higher than that of Type 041A!"

Listening to Dong Xianguo's words, General Yin was silent for a long time.

Immediately, he asked the most critical question.

"If you want to overcome the above technologies, I'm afraid that your navy will spend all of its military expenditures for several years, which is not enough. 5 billion should only be the cost of the production line."

"Xianguo, you still have something to hide from me."

Dong Xianguo had no scruples when the others were not there.

Immediately, he briefly talked about Chen Chu's affairs.

After listening to Dong Xianguo's words, the general turned over the materials in his hand from beginning to end.

After a long time, he said excitedly.

"Good! Good!"

"Such a great talent, amazing! Amazing!"

Put down the information, because the general speaks earnestly.

"Xianguo, such a great talent should not be treated badly. Since ancient times, great talents have been arrogant, sometimes a little bit accommodating, so as not to lose their position. You must also do a good job in keeping secrets.

"Don't worry, General! I have arranged everything!"

Nodding his head, the general changed the subject.

"Originally, I didn't plan to tell you about this matter now, because I was afraid that your navy would be under too much pressure. Now it seems that I still underestimate the navy.

"Our intelligence personnel obtained an important piece of information from Free State."

"The arms purchase agreement between Dongyang and Liberty was successfully signed! Dongyang spent more than 200 million US dollars to purchase a second-generation semi-frigate! It is expected to be delivered in a few months!"

Dong Xianguo was secretly speechless: Dongyang is still rich.

The current exchange rate between the Dragon National Currency and the U.S. dollar is 1:8.28. Over 200 million U.S. dollars, that is to say, Dongyang spent at least 1.7 billion Dragon National Coins!

But Longguo can build a complete second-generation semi-frigate production line by itself, and it only needs 4 billion! If you can afford it, you can buy two ships!

He rejoiced in his heart, thanks to keeping Chen Chu in the navy. If such a talent runs away, what a loss!

In his eyes, Chen Chu became more precious all of a sudden.

He said straight away.

"General, don't worry, as long as Dongyang dares to think a little bit, my navy is definitely not a vegetarian!"

"Very good! With your words, I feel relieved."

"By the way, General, about Colonel Chen


The general laughed dumbly, and said: "Don't worry, I don't know about your little thoughts.

Afterwards, the general shouted out, and several chiefs walked in quickly.

"Speaking of business, I had a discussion with Comrade Xianguo just now, and I'm the one who decides, the top will pay half, and the remaining half will be shared equally by both of you.

The reduction from 5 billion to 2.5 billion, the three chiefs immediately felt that the pressure was relieved.

After some negotiations, the army paid 1.8 billion and the navy paid 700 million.

Of course, in exchange, Dong Xianguo needs to provide them with a copy of the core technology of the Trinity Radar.

Dong Xianguo agreed to the deal without hesitation.

As far as he is concerned, using this core technology in exchange for an extra billion can make Chen Chu feel good for a while.

As for Chen Chu, he also needed to persuade him.

After all, the Trinity radar technology belongs to Chen Chu.

He still has to give this little respect.

Dong Xianguo is in a good mood now that the top priority is settled.

In the follow-up communication, several other chiefs tried to inquire about the information of the developer of the Trinity radar, but Dong Xianguo just said "haha" perfunctorily.

Wang Zhenguo, who received the news from Dong Xianguo, was also in a good mood, and worked harder to find a suitable military factory.

In the evening, Chen Chu finished his afternoon class.

Throughout the afternoon, the class went very smoothly.

Not a single one of those military experts disagreed.

From their slight suspicion at the beginning, to their shock at the end, to their admiration at the end... Each of them wished to listen for a few more minutes, and they would not have the heart to sing a different tune.

Chen Chu completely conquered these military experts with his strength.

After Chen Chu left, those military experts were still sitting in their seats, staring at the data on the blackboard, and constantly calculating on the paper.

Several people gathered together from time to time, discussing seriously.

Obviously, it takes time to understand and absorb the techniques Chen Chu explained to him!

Chen Chu had just walked out of the classroom, and was dragged by Wang Zhenguo halfway to have dinner together.

As soon as he sat down, Wang Zhenguo said.

"Three things. First, the military expenditure will be settled. Second, Chief Dong asked me to discuss with you, using the Trinity radar, in exchange for an extra 1 billion military expenditure. How?"

Chen Chu directly said no problem.

"Don't worry, this military expenditure is up to you to transfer. Our branches will not use a penny."

"The third thing is a little troublesome."

Wang Zhenguo took out a document and handed it over.

"These are the four major military factories of our navy. Of course, compared with the army, they can only be regarded as medium-sized. Except for the Jiangdong II military factory, which is completely independent [the other military factories have more or less foreign experts in it."

Type 041 is the top secret of our navy, in order to prevent accidents, you have to look at this matter...how can we make a compromise?"

Chen Chu flipped through the detailed information of the four major military factories.

As Wang Zhenguo said, of the four major military factories, except for the Jiangdong II military factory, which can be reused, it is too risky to use any of the other three.

However, the Jiangdong Type II military factory cannot be moved. After the Type 041 is launched, the Jiangdong Type II needs to be sold to the Navy to return military expenses. During this period, the new Koto II is also needed to fill the facade.

Suddenly, a bold idea popped into Chen Chu's mind.

"Chief, since the situation doesn't allow it, why don't we...build another military factory!"

Make another one?

Wang Zhenguo looked at Chen Chu in shock.

He thought about many possibilities, and if it didn't work out, he transferred those foreign experts, but he never thought about building another military factory.

Time cost, military cost, no joke.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, is it too impulsive to build another military factory?"

"Chief, except for the Jiangdong Type II military factory, the other three military factories have a long history and are far behind the world's average level. Type 041 needs more sophisticated quenching technology and engineering technology...Those three, all Not suitable."

Chen Chu explained.

"In the future, we will not only have Type 041, but also destroyers and aircraft carriers. We need a more modern military factory, a new industrial system belonging to the Navy!"

"And the newly built military factory is the beginning of our navy's new industrial system!"

After listening to Chen Chu's words, Wang Zhenguo's heart surged.

The new industrial system, he heard Dong Xianguo said that night, is in the navy's three-step strategy.

He thought it was still far away, but he didn't expect that the death would begin now. .

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