Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[64] Confident! The Navy Is Going To Participate In The Parade!

Chen Chu grinned.

He can naturally feel the concern in Wang Zhenguo's words.

This is not a boss's concern for his subordinates, but the elders' concern for the younger generation.

"Boss, everyone is working hard."

With just one sentence, Wang Zhenguo immediately understood what he meant.

Behind Chen Chu, Lao Zhou, Liu Yong, military experts, several battalion commanders and others could see Chen Chu's eyes full of gratitude.

It's one thing for Chen Chu to recognize their contributions. It was another matter for Chen Chu to mention their contributions in front of Wang Zhenguo.

This is asking for credit in disguise.

Everyone has contributed to the construction of military factories and production lines.

Chen Chu didn't say anything, Wang Zhenguo knew about it, but he wouldn't worry about it. Now that Chen Chu has said it, Wang Zhenguo not only knows it but also keeps it in his heart.

This will be of great help to their promotion in the future "Six Seven"

Wang Zhenguo looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone has worked hard!"

Lao Zhou and the others said in unison.

"Reporting to the chief, we don't work hard. For the sake of the navy's take-off, we are duty-bound!"

Wang Zhenguo glanced over the crowd and nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, the organization will remember your contributions.

With a simple sentence, everyone felt more at ease.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chu took Wang Zhenguo to visit the production line in person.

After visiting for an hour, Wang Zhenguo exclaimed.

"It's incredible!"

"I've seen the Jiangdong II production line before, and it's completely incomparable with yours!"

"Modernization! This is modernization!"

Looking at Chen Chu, Wang Zhenguo said solemnly: "Comrade Chen, your three-step strategy is absolutely correct!"

The two returned to the command post.

Wang Zhenguo swung the others back and said seriously.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, Type 041, how long will it take to get into the water?"

Chen Chu thought about it seriously, and then said.

"Chief, with the assistance of these military experts, coupled with the high efficiency of our soldiers, it will take about two months to produce at full capacity.

"About 2 months? So soon?"

"Yes! Because all the production lines here are complete, except for basic raw materials such as pig iron, we can completely produce them ourselves."

Chen Chu explained: "We don't need to cooperate with various industries like other military factories.

"We are independent."

Wang Zhenguo nodded thoughtfully.

With Chen Chu's words, he felt relieved a lot.

He spoke again, even addressing him kindly: "Xiao Chen."

"The production of the Jiangdong II type is going smoothly, and the second warship is expected to be delivered by the end of September. Not counting the Chengfeng and Type 041, our navy already has two self-produced second-generation frigates. Last year, I wanted to Don't even dare to turn it off."

"It's all your fault."

Chen Chu was about to speak when he was interrupted by Wang Zhenguo.

"Our navy has not participated in a military parade for four years. Thanks to your contribution this time, our navy can finally straighten its spine in front of the brothers!"

"So, Chief Dong decided to participate in this year's military parade!"

Chen Chu quickly asked: "Chief, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, no, you misunderstood me." Wang Zhenguo shook his head.

"Your help to the navy has been great enough, I just want to tell you specifically. Without your contribution, our navy would not have stood up straight to participate in the military parade.

After chatting, Wang Zhenguo went back by car again.

After the chairman decided to participate in the military parade, his affairs suddenly increased. It's not easy to find time to make a trip.

In mid-September, Yang Wan successfully relied on her own strength to enter a military research institute in the capital for an internship.

It was a happy thing.

But after a few days.

Yang Wan couldn't be happy anymore.

She entered the Military Industry Research Institute, and she was not less polite.

But after some inquiries, no one knew of Chen Chu. Even after asking several other research institutes, there is no such person!

It made her feel incredible.

She felt that although Chen Chu could not directly become a full-time employee when entering the research institute with Chen Chu's strength, it would be no problem to be an intern.

This, she has no doubts.

If it's just on the side of the research institute, that's fine.

In the past three months, she has also been to the address given by Li Yi twice—the branch of a certain military base in Hai

The first time I went to find someone, the guards not only ignored her, but even refused to let her in, even if she was an intern in the institute.

The second time, she had no choice but to use her family connections to meet an officer outside the base...

Unfortunately, after some questioning, the other party bluntly said that no one named Chen Chu had ever been here.

Even if she took out a photo for comparison, the other party shook his head to express that he didn't know each other.

All of a sudden, Chen Chu seemed to disappear.

Lying on the bedroom window, looking at the moon outside, the more Yang Wan thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

She didn't think the address Chen Chu left for Li Yi was wrong.

Thinking about it again, she felt that this matter was very tricky.

Ever since, she started from Lao Zhou.

Contacted the previous officer again through the relationship, but the other party said he had no impression.

After connecting all the clues, a bold guess emerged in Yang Wan's mind.

"Chen Chu, you must have been transferred to participate in the military's top-secret research! Otherwise, the level of secrecy cannot be so high!"

As soon as this idea came out, Yang Wan herself was startled.

He is only 20, and he can participate in the military's top-secret research just after graduating from his senior year? This is too incredible.

And what about myself? I am 23, a graduate student of Longke University, and I can only be an intern in the research institute.

Thinking about it, she suddenly felt a sense of frustration.

Don't be afraid that you are a genius, but be afraid that a genius will meet someone even more talented.

After a brief loss, Yang Wan regained her strength.

"Don't be dragged down too much by classmate Chen! If he can participate in top-secret military research, sooner or later I can too!"

When she came to the desk, she turned on her own computer. With her family background, she can naturally afford a computer that ordinary people can't buy at 5.9.

Thinking of looking up some information on the Internet for future research.

Suddenly, she noticed the news released by Yilong State Net.

【Four years later, the navy decided to participate in the military parade again!】

Yang Wan immediately became interested and started driving.

[Recently, according to relevant personnel of the Navy, the Navy has decided to participate in this military parade. And said that when the time comes, the navy will have a new type of warship produced by itself! ——September 19, 2001. 】

"The navy is going to participate in the military parade? Are there any new warships to be unveiled?"

At first she didn't think much about it.

But suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind.

The whole person froze for a moment.

"Student Chen, you won't be involved in the research of the Navy's new warships, will you?"

How did she know that Chen Chu was not only involved in the research of new warships, but also the chief engineer of the entire research!.

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