Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【66】Longguo: I Predicted Your Prediction!

General Sanji's proposal was approved, and the next step is to discuss specific strategies.

After all, if you don't grasp the scale properly if you give a 'big gift' during the Dragon Kingdom military parade, you will start a full-scale war directly.

Show off their might, they dare. But an all-out war is no joke.

Several people had a dispute about how many warships and submarines were dispatched.

"We have launched two frigates now, and the latter ones are coming soon. The destroyers will not be able to catch up. However, our aircraft carrier can be pulled out for a walk. With submarines and the like, it will not be a big problem.

"Ito-kun, are you crazy? Are you going to start a full-scale war with the Dragon Kingdom? Usually, it's fine to have an aircraft carrier, but on such an important day, you fly an aircraft carrier. Which normal country thinks that you are not going to start a war?"

"What's wrong with the aircraft carrier? Don't Free Nation come and go? Anyway, it's not like the Dragon Kingdom doesn't know we have an aircraft carrier. What are you afraid of?"

Seeing those generals fighting over there, their faces were red, General Watanabe waved his hands and said

"Let's put aside the issue of the aircraft carrier for now. We are going to give a big gift in the past, not directly go to war!"

"It's too big to end."

As soon as these words came out, several emotional people present calmed down as if they had been poured with cold water.

Yes, after all, there is no foundation of a free country.

If there is a big trouble, relying on the strength of the navy alone can't end it.

Just throwing all the warships there, how can this be a gift? Let me tell you clearly, Longguo, we are here to beat you.

"Sanji-kun, you proposed this proposal, please tell me."

Several people looked at General Sanji.

He didn't hesitate, and spoke directly, as if he had already prepared it.

"Good things come in pairs, let's drive those two frigates there."

"It doesn't need too much battle, just drive to the sea area of ​​Longguo, take a stroll around, and then you can come back."

"That's it?" General Ito froze for a moment.

The others were also dumbfounded.

What a gift.

If the card is not big enough, won't it lose Toyo's face?

General Ito said anxiously.

"Only two frigates? Others think that our Great Eastern Empire is so poor that there are only two frigates left? Absolutely not.||!"

"Two ships are enough!" General Sanji said firmly.

"Our frigates can compete with the warships serving in the North Bear Kingdom! And what about the Dragon Kingdom? The warships they bought are only retired from the North Bear Kingdom! The enemy and us are not on the same level!"

Someone reminded: "Long Kingdom still has two destroyers!"

General Sanji said with a smile.

"Everyone, we are only here to give gifts, not to fight. Even if I send the frigate there, will the Dragon Kingdom destroyer dare to fire?"

"They worry too much, and they won't shoot easily."

"My plan is to simply go around the waters of the Dragon Kingdom! This gift will be delivered!"

Seeing a few people still a little confused, General Sanji explained in a dark way.

"Just imagine, if one day, Shiva came with a warship."

"They didn't use an aircraft carrier, didn't use a destroyer, they just used a frigate to stroll around our East Sea waters, and left again safe and sound! What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, that picture immediately appeared in the minds of several people.

There is no need to say more, the faces of several people are already full of anger.

Do not use the strongest aircraft carrier, nor use the main warship destroyer, but use frigates.

In this way, the pressure will not be exerted to the maximum like flying an aircraft carrier. But it can, bring greater insult.

In the majestic waters of the Dragon Kingdom, even the frigates of the enemy kingdom can come and go freely!

What else is greater than this 'gift'?

Now, everyone smiled with great satisfaction.

General Watanabe said with a smile: "Okay! This is the best strategy!"

The wrinkles around the corners of his eyes have been melted away by joy.

"Sanji-kun, I will do as you say, and I will give you full responsibility for this matter!"

"It's the general! Sanji will definitely deliver the great gift to Dragon Kingdom!"

General Sanji responded solemnly.

At this moment, he seemed to see the scene ten days later, and the ambition in his eyes could not be hidden.

General Watanabe changed the subject and asked, "How is the progress of the second-generation semi-frigate?"

"Report to the general, the construction of the free country has been completed, and it is about to enter the testing stage! Once the testing is over, it can be officially delivered!"

"It is estimated... it will take more than half a month."

"Very good!" General Watanabe nodded in satisfaction: "As soon as the warship arrives, start reverse engineering immediately!"

In the next few days, Dongyang quietly began to prepare.

At present, only a few generals know about going to the Dragon Kingdom to give a big gift, and none of the others know.

Even so, Longguo's intelligence personnel still noticed something was wrong from the movements of their naval personnel.

Dragon Kingdom, capital city, naval base command post.

Zhang Zhong came to Wang Zhenguo's office in a hurry.

"Chief, there seems to be an unusual movement on the side of the Dongyang Navy. I suspect that it may be aimed at our navy!"

Wang Zhenguo said calmly.

"Ever since Director Dong decided that the Navy will participate in the military parade, we have taken these circumstances into consideration!"

"Dongyang can't sit still, it's reasonable. What they can use now is only a few frigates!"

Zhang Zhong asked: "Sir, what about the aircraft carrier?"

"Aircraft carrier?"

Wang Zhenguo smiled.

"Dongyang thought our navy was busy preparing for the military parade, so he didn't think about anything?"

"He can take a big bet on whether the Longteng-1 intercontinental missile of our Dragon Kingdom can reach their mainland.

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhong's heart trembled.

Only then did he know that the superior had already taken all the possibilities into account.

If Dongyang only comes with a few frigates, submarines, etc., with the current level of the Dragon Kingdom Navy, it is hard to say whether they can come or go.

From the beginning to the end, the Chengfeng (Wang's) that can compete 50/50 with the destroyer has not been exposed yet! What's more, there is also the Type 041 that is under construction!

The powerful combat capability of the second-generation semi-frigate is definitely enough for the Oriental Navy to take a step forward.

The second generation is against the second and a half, how to fight?

Jiangdong Type I and Type 031 are the most direct proof.

At this time, the guard came over.

"Reporting to the chief, there is news from Colonel Zhou that all the soldiers in the coastal defense military factory are rushing to work day and night, and now the general outline of the Type 041 has come out."

"At most half a month, the Type 041 will be ready to serve in the water!"

"How loud!"

Hearing this, Wang Zhenguo was in a good mood. It is a surprise that the Type 041 can enter service ahead of schedule.

"Comrade Xiao Chen has never let me down!"

Type 041 is more powerful than Chengfeng, and with the Type 041 that is about to enter service, he has more confidence.

All parties are secretly making intensive preparations.

parade day,

finally reached. .

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