Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[74] Blackmail! 1 Billion Dollars! No One Can Make The Dragon Kingdom Surrender!

Toyo, Naval Command.

General Watanabe and others gathered in the room, but no one spoke.

They have been sitting here for half an hour, no one has spoken, they don't know how to speak, except silence or silence.

In front of them, there are two photos.

It was the photo posted by Longguo Navy on the official website.

It has been more than ten hours since the incident happened, and these two photos are the only progress! It was Long Guo who took the initiative to release them.

Ambassador Hayata of the foreign embassy in Long couldn't meet the person in charge of the foreign affairs department of Long, and Sanji and others couldn't find any valuable information.

The Daihiro and Osaki disappeared as if out of thin air.

They didn't find any news about Chengfeng. Thanks to Wang Zhenguo's timely order to block the news, otherwise there is no guarantee that the enemy agents will not steal the information.

thump thump——

General Watanabe slammed his hand on the table, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong? Are you all asleep? No one has an explanation?"

Sanji, Ito and the others looked at each other.

How to explain this thing?

Just two pictures.

"Ito, you are in charge of intelligence, let me tell you."

Ito bit the bullet and said: "General. With only two pictures, it is difficult to determine whether the Tuba and Osaki really sank! Maybe...

"Enough!" General Watanabe said directly: ""147" I don't want to hear if they sank or not! Even if they didn't sink, in my eyes, they sank! The Great Eastern Empire Navy doesn't need waste!

Everyone's hearts tightened.

It may be acceptable for Daihiro and Osaki to lose to other navies.

But losing to the Dragon Kingdom Navy is absolutely unacceptable to them.

What's more, they couldn't be more aware of the strength of the Dragon Kingdom. More than half of the troops have to be allocated to participate in the military parade, and the remaining troops can sink two advanced frigates?

They don't believe it!

Under such circumstances, the loss of contact with the Daihiro and Osaki is a shame to the entire Toyo Navy! Such a shame can only be sunk!

"What I want is a solution!" General Watanabe emphasized again: "Also, what exactly is the Dragon Kingdom Navy hiding in the Qinglong Sea!"

Everyone has a big head.

Solve it? How to solve it, send a few more frigates and destroyers there?

I didn't find out the situation clearly, what should I do if I am in an ambush?

Not only Sanji and others are worried about this, but General Watanabe is also worried about this.

If the prehistoric and ferocious beasts hidden in the Qinglong sea area cannot be found out, they will have no peace for a day.

"General, dispatch the aircraft carrier!"

"Aircraft carrier?" General Watanabe was obviously moved.

The direct losses of the two frigates and the naval fighters of the two ships amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars. The cost of training, training talents, repairs, etc. will not be mentioned.

Moreover, once this matter is exposed, it will have a huge negative impact on the entire Toyo and Toyo Navy!

How can they swallow this dumb loss.

Ito also shouted: "General, dispatch the aircraft carrier and teach Longguo a lesson!"

"General, I also agree to dispatch an aircraft carrier! After so many years, this is the first time that the Eastern Navy has suffered such a big loss! I can't swallow this breath!"

Seeing that everyone's fighting spirit was high, at this moment, Sanji said.

"General, you must not use the aircraft carrier until you find out what the Dragon Kingdom is hiding in the Qinglong Sea!'

"I strongly suspect that the Dragon Kingdom Navy is most likely waiting for us to dispatch an aircraft carrier!"

General Watanabe asked, "Why?"

Sanji sorted out his thoughts and explained slowly.

"Think about it carefully, everyone, what is the level of the Dragon Kingdom Navy? It is not even the average level of the international navy! Is it capable of destroying the Daiguang and Osaki in a short period of time?"

Several people thought about it seriously and found it very reasonable.

Sanji continued.

"So, I suspect that what is waiting for us in the Qinglong sea area is not the Navy of the Dragon Kingdom! It is very likely that it is the Navy of the Beixiong Kingdom!"

North Bear Country?

As soon as this guess came out, the temperature in the entire room dropped a lot.

Ito asked: "Why the North Bear Country?"

"It's very simple. First: Six years ago, we fought with the North Bear Country at sea, and the North Bear Country suffered a small loss! Second: The strength of the Dragon Kingdom's navy is just like that."

"Third: The warship orders of North Bear Country and Dragon Country were suddenly snatched by Free Country! I doubt it, it's not! It's very likely that North Bear Country directed and acted on its own, in order to avenge its past!"

Sanji swears.

"Therefore, the possibility of the Northern Bear Country uniting with the Dragon Country is more than 90%!"

For a moment, the brows of several people were almost twisted into a rope.

Originally thought that there was only one dragon country, suddenly there was an additional North Bear country, which doubled their pressure.

The reason why they had the upper hand at sea at the beginning was that the main naval power of the North Bear Country was restrained by the Free Country Fleet, which gave them an opportunity to take advantage of.

In case the aircraft carrier goes and encounters an ambush by the North Bear Country without knowing the truth, it will be over.

For a while, everyone couldn't think of a solution.

"Send someone to Beixiong Country to inquire about the situation! Don't be afraid to spend money! Be quick!"

"Yes, General!"

After everyone left, Watanabe sighed: "It's troublesome."

The next day, the Dongyang Navy, which has attracted much attention from the Dongyang people and the new Dongyang people, still did not issue any statement.

Ambassador Hayata, who shouldered the heavy responsibility, drove to the entrance of the foreign affairs department of Longlong again.

"I am Ambassador Hayata, the person in charge of the Japanese Embassy, ​​please inform Ambassador Zhang of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This time, Hayata lowered his posture slightly.

To his disappointment, the other party still said: "Ambassador Hayata, I am really sorry. We are not resting today!"

"Still resting? It's been two days! Yesterday you asked me to come today!"

"It's like this, our Long Kingdom rests for seven days!"

"Seven days! Go crazy!"

Ambassador Hayata is in a hurry. Ambassador Zhang will be off for seven days. Do you want to ask about the things he wants to ask?

"Can you accommodate me? Just say I'm in a hurry!"

"I'm really sorry Ambassador Hayata, please go back and wait a few days."

Being rejected one after another, Ambassador Hayata returned to the foreign embassy with a full stomach.

The door is clearly open, and it is said to be on holiday for 7 days! Liars and liars! The people of Long Kingdom are all liars!"

The more Ambassador Hayata thought about it, the more angry he became.

Soon, an announcement was updated on the official website of the foreign embassy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the East.

【Liar! Shameless!】

Ambassador Hayata just vented his dissatisfaction in his heart, but this announcement caused a lot of waves in the immigration circle in Japan.

"Didn't it mean that Dongyang sent warships to Longguo to show off its prestige? Why is there no news yet? What about the announcement from the foreign embassy?"

"I know a friend of Dongyang Navy. It is said that something has happened! He doesn't know the details! I didn't think much about it at first, but when I saw this announcement, I was very panicked!"

"No...something really happened!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can we know the level of the Dragon Kingdom's navy? Absolutely impossible!"

"Everyone, don't scare yourself! Wait for the official notification from the Toyo Navy!"

The Xindongyang people couldn't accept this fact. They finally ran out of the Dragon Kingdom, but just as they left, the Dragon Kingdom Navy took off on the back foot? Who can resist this! They selectively think that this is a fake......

The external turmoil did not affect Chen Chu.

Under his command, the forging of Type 041 went extremely smoothly.

There are still two days before we can go into the water smoothly.

After Wang Zhenguo and other leaders received the news, they were also very excited.

A Riding Wind is already so powerful, coupled with a stronger Type 041!

When the two ships are combined and the aircraft carrier does not come out, the waters of the Dragon Kingdom will be stable for a long time!

What they lack now is time.

Because of this, this sea confrontation took advantage of it and let it go.

The biggest expectation of Wang Zhenguo and others now, besides the launch of Type 041, is the return of the Varyag aircraft carrier!

When the Type 041 formation is formed, coupled with the refurbished aircraft carrier, the entire Asian waters will run rampant! Facing the dual aircraft carrier fleet in the East, there is no fear.

At that moment, the first step of the navy's three-step strategy built by Chen Chu and Dong Xianguo came to an end.

However, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind doesn't stop.

Long Guo is trying every means to make himself stronger, but there is always someone secretly blocking it.

Two days ago, that is, on the 30th, the mission sent by the Dragon Kingdom to negotiate with the Jewish State succeeded in negotiating with the representative of the Jewish State, Ablawa.

The Jewish State promises to release the Varyag!

But just yesterday, the day of national celebrations in the Dragon Kingdom, the Free Nation saw that the Dragon Kingdom Navy was able to produce its own second-generation ships, and it suddenly changed its mind.

After some discussions, someone quietly contacted the Jewish State and asked them to keep the Varyag aircraft carrier stuck in the port and not let it go!

The only way for the Varyag to enter the outer sea from the inner sea is the port of Popes, which belongs to the Jewish state.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, Dong Xianguo, who received the news, was so angry that his lungs would explode.

The navy has long been gearing up to welcome the arrival of the aircraft carrier, which has been waiting for several months.

As a result, the Jewish state got stuck again and again!

This is the third time!

It's a breach of faith every time!

The clay figurine still has three points of humanity! This has been stuck three times, and no one can bear this anger.

Having just returned to the country, the negotiating mission boarded the plane again and headed straight for the Jewish state before they had time to rest.

After getting off the plane, the negotiating mission went directly to the representative of the Jewish State, Ablawa.

In the palace, Abrava sat on the left, and Cao Dai, the head of the sentencing mission, sat on the right.

As soon as he came up, Representative Cao said: "Mr. Abrava, two days ago you personally promised to release the aircraft carrier, why did you change your mind?"

"I'm sorry, Representative Cao. I agreed, but it doesn't mean that the leader of the Jewish state agreed."

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Representative Cao continued.

"Then what does the commander of your country mean?"

Abraham said with a smile.

"Our cabinet ministers discussed it yesterday, and there are 20 conditions in total. The first one is money. After all, the Varyag aircraft carrier is so big, if we accidentally damage the port, we will lose a lot!"

"So, you need to pay a risk deposit of 1 billion US dollars!"

Broke the port?

Representative Cao was immediately laughed out of anger.

How can this be a risk deposit! This is clearly blackmail!

There is no need to listen to the follow-up 19 conditions, and representative Cao directly refused.

"Impossible! 1 billion US dollars, absolutely impossible!"

Abrawa said calmly: "Then there is no need to talk?"

"Dragon Kingdom will never succumb to hegemony!!"

Representative Cao walked away on the spot.

The first condition is so harsh, who knows how harsh the next 19 conditions are?

Representative Cao, who returned to the room, was furious.

"Blackmail! This is shameless blackmail!".

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