Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[76] The General Personally Criticized: No One Knows The Hero Of The Navy!

After stretching himself, Abrava got up from the bed, looked at the rising sun, and shouted out.

"Come on! Go, see the missions of the Dragon Kingdom!"


After the guards left, Abrawa put on his clothes slowly.

"The price of 1 billion US dollars is indeed a bit high. However, we can bargain for a price of 500 million US dollars. After all, Longguo is also the vice president of the Blue Star Alliance, so we still have to give some face.

"The money has been negotiated, and other requirements can also be properly accommodated."

Abrava thought well.

In this way, it will neither offend the free country, but also gain a lot of benefits from it.

Earn at both ends.

Abrava admired his IQ.

At this time, several ministers came.

"Abrava, how did yesterday's negotiations go?"

"Did Dragon Kingdom accept our proposal?"

Facing the inquiries of several people, Abrava said with a smile.

"After I made the request yesterday, the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom's negotiating mission turned green! They walked away on the spot!"

A few people sat there smiling, and said with deep eyes.

"We have expected it a long time ago. We will set the requirements higher first, and then lower the requirements appropriately when the Dragon Kingdom can no longer bear it! If this is the case, the Dragon Kingdom may even be grateful to us!"

"There is a story in Longguo: If you want to open a window in a room, the best way is not to directly say that you want to open the window, but to propose to lift the beams for ventilation! In this way, the people in the room will definitely not agree, so As soon as it comes, a window can be opened logically! I have to admit that this ancient civilization in the East is not lacking in wisdom!"

"Right now, Dragon Kingdom may be busy raising money! When we find out that we don't have enough money, we'll 'help'!" One of them looked at Abrava and said.

"You have the most contact with the representative of Longguo, then you will be the good old man, and we will be the bad guys!"

Several people looked at each other with meaningful smiles.

Cheerful laughter echoed in the room.

In their view, the aircraft carrier is too important to the Dragon Kingdom. Even a semi-abandoned aircraft carrier has spent so much thought and a lot of money.

Before, there was no free country to back it up, and one card for an aircraft carrier earned a little berthing fee. After all, the face of the vice president of Blue Star has to be given.

Now that President Blue Star had spoken, they straightened up all of a sudden.

The mooring fee is only a few dollars, and if you earn it for a year, it will only cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. What is it enough for?

With the big brother behind him, isn't it worth the face of the big brother?

Just when several people fantasized about Representative Cao busy collecting money, the person who inquired about the news came back.

"Master Abrava, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Abrawa subconsciously said, "Could it be that Representative Cao couldn't raise money, felt ashamed of the country, and then jumped off the building in a rage?"

"This can't be done! This will cause big trouble!"

Several ministers also realized that the problem was a bit serious, and their faces became more serious.

"Report to your lord, the members of the Dragon Nation's negotiating mission are missing!"

"What? Missing?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, why did they disappear?

Did you go home to raise money?

Just when they were confused, another person came.

"Lord Abrava, I found out that the Dragon Nation negotiating mission took the earliest flight and flew to Huozhu Nation.||!"

As soon as the news came out, the faces of everyone present changed immediately.

Why don't the negotiating missions go to Huozhu Country if they don't negotiate properly?

The aircraft carrier is stuck in our hands, not in the hands of Huozhu Nation!

They couldn't figure it out, the Port of Popes belonged to the Jewish State, and had nothing to do with the Huozhu State. Looking for a fart in Huozhu Kingdom?

"Huozhu Kingdom and us are feuds, Representative Cao no matter how confused his brain is, there is no reason to find Huozhu Kingdom.

"If I ask Dongyang to let Longguo release people, wouldn't that just add fuel to the fire?"

Several people thought about it, but they couldn't figure out what Representative Cao was going to do.

On the plane, after looking through the list of ministers of Huozhu Kingdom, Representative Cao identified the target—Anthony.

At this moment, through layers of connections, Representative Cao finally got on the line with Anthony.

In the room, two parties sat side by side.

Anthony said with a smile.

"Mr. Cao, you and I are both ancient civilizations, we should communicate more, maybe we can find a strategic consensus.

ancient civilization?

Representative Cao secretly said in his heart: He will really put gold on his face.

But An Dongli was so eager, but he saw a glimmer of hope.

"That's right, our two countries should communicate more! So, I came here with sincerity!"


An Dongli said with a half-smile.

"Mr. Cao must have come here for the Jewish state?"

"Mr. Cao, there is no need to doubt that we are a feud with the Jewish state. Who in the Blue Star countries does not know? Of course we will pay more attention to their affairs."

When he agreed to meet with Representative Cao, he had already made up his mind.

Now that I have come to you, I definitely need a favor, but there is room for profit.

I can't help you if you're busy, right?

So what he meant was obvious, and he wanted to see what kind of sincerity Representative Cao came with.

Cao represents a person who is as fine as a human being, and naturally knows the smallness in the other party's heart, so he said with a smile immediately.

"Mr. Anthony, you are wrong about one thing, I am not here for the Jewish country, but for your burning country.

Anthony frowned, puzzled.

Representative Cao continued.

"I heard that in recent years, the Kingdom of Torch and the Kingdom of Judah have been at war. In the competition for many islands, the number of victories is less than the number of losses."

"Mr. Cao, if you're here to mock me, I'm sorry...please!"

Anthony made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Representative Cao sat there calmly and said slowly.

"The warships of you and the Jewish State are already behind the world average level. Now the Jewish State seems to have won the support of the Free State! I don't know if you have received the support of the North Bear Guild?"

As soon as these words came out, Anthony's face turned ashen.

"It seems not."

Anthony urged with a cold face: "Mr. Cao, if you have something to say, please finish it in one breath."

"Two days ago, you should have heard about the fact that our Dragon Kingdom Navy participated in the military parade."

"At that time, we showed a self-developed Jiangdong II frigate! This is a second-generation frigate in the true sense! In terms of combat performance, it is not weaker than the 0B1 type!"

Representative Cao took out a piece of information, handed it over, and said, "You all know Type 031, the mainstream frigate that served in Beixiong Kingdom before."

After taking the file, An Dongli flipped through it quickly.

Representative Cao was not in a hurry, and took a sip of tea leisurely.

A few minutes later, Antoni's face changed slightly.

"This information, really?"

Facing Anthony's inquiry, representative Cao said without haste.

"It's absolutely true! If Mr. Anthony doesn't believe it, you can go to the Dragon Kingdom with me at any time, and the professionals of the Dragon Kingdom Navy will show you the on-site operation!"

Now, Anthony couldn't sit still.

He held the hand of the document, tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened.

I was struggling violently inside.

In the several battles between the Huozhu Kingdom and the Jewish Kingdom, it is true that more loses than wins.

Especially in the navy, there are very few victories! Once the free country really helps the Jewish country, it will not be less victorious, but it will be suppressed and beaten.

If equipped with Jiangdong II, the overall strength of their navy will surely double!

No matter how willing the free country is, it is impossible to sell the most advanced second-generation semi-frigate to the Jewish state.

I don’t have all the equipment myself, so how could I sell it! Unless, like Dongyang, I was a loyal dog, offered sovereignty and a lot of dollars, I was lucky enough to buy one.

The Candle Country couldn't do it, and he asked himself that the Jewish Country couldn't do it either.

If everyone is a second-generation frigate, the victory or defeat at that time is especially unknown.

It's hard for Anthony not to be moved.

"Well, Mr. Cao, give me some time, I'll go talk to the people in the cabinet!"

"Tomorrow night at the latest, I will give you an accurate answer!"

As he said that, Anthony yelled out: "Come here, arrange the best board and lodging for Mr. Cao!"

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Representative Cao and said, "This document..."

"We have come here with sincerity, and this information is for you. Even if the transaction fails, we are benevolent.

Soon, Representative Cao led the negotiating mission towards the residence arranged by Anthony.

After settling down, someone asked: "Representative Cao, can it be done this time?"

"At least 90%!" Representative Cao said sternly.

When the news came back to China, Dong Xianguo and others breathed a sigh of relief.

With the bargaining chip of Huozhu Kingdom, there is no need to worry about the uncompromising Jewish State.

Not every country is like Longguo, who would rather fight to the end than take half a step back.

In the afternoon of the next day, Dong Xianguo and others did not wait for the good news from Representative Cao, but they got the good news from Chen Chu.

"What! The assembly of Type 041 is completed and it can be launched?"

"Hurry up! Prepare the car!"

Dong Xianguo and the others couldn't sit still for a while, and hurried towards the Haiphong military factory.

Outside the Haiphong military factory, Chen Chu and his team were already waiting.

Not long after, a black car appeared at the end of the road.

The vehicle opened, and Wang Zhenguo walked out from inside.

"Hi sir!"

"Xiao Chen, you have worked hard!"

As soon as Wang Zhenguo came up, he directly held Chen Chu's hand.

The successful launch of Type 041 means that the strength of the Dragon Kingdom Navy will rise again!

"Chief, this way please..."

Chen Chu was about to take Wang Zhenguo to visit, but Wang Zhenguo said: "Wait a minute, the chief is still not here.

And the chief?

General Sun and others are here too?

When everyone thinks about it, it's very possible!

After a while, General Sun and the other three also came.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Chu was about to show them around, but the generals said: "Xiao Chen, wait a little longer.

After a while, several cars drove up.

So many people here?

(Nuo Dehao) Chen Chu, Lao Zhou and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

This scene is huge.

Could it be that Dong Xianguo is here?

Soon, several cars stopped in front.

A few heavily armed soldiers stepped down from the car in front immediately, and put the surroundings on alert.

At this time, Gui Xianguo got off the middle car.

Xiao Chen, keep up. "Wang Zhenguo informed Chen Chu and walked forward.

Chen Chu followed in confusion.

Dong Xianguo did not walk towards them after getting off the car, but stood there and waited.

At this time, an old man came out of the car.

Lao Zhou and the others set off huge waves in their hearts.

The General is here!

Chen Chu followed Wang Zhenguo and the others, and when he saw the general coming out, he immediately gave a military salute and said.


The general glanced over Dong Xianguo and the others, and soon fell on Chen Chu.

Before coming, Xianguo had already shown the general Chen Chu's information.

He naturally recognized Chen Chu at a glance.

He smiled and said, "This is Comrade Xiao Chen.

Chen Chu looked astonished: "General...do you know me?"

"Haha, who doesn't know the hero of the navy?" The general laughed and said, "I heard that you made the Type 041, so I thought, I'll come and see our hero of the navy!

"Not bad, really young and promising.

After exchanging pleasantries, the general took the initiative to say: "Comrade Xiao Chen, take us to see your carefully crafted Type 041 frigate!"

"General, please!".

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