Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

[86] Dragon Father! Don't Shoot! We Surrender!

Ten minutes later, Gangtian Langyi stood stiffly in the main control room.

Through the window, he looked 4 kilometers away in horror.

There, a frigate was on fire and smoke billowed into the sky.

This frigate is the Ozu, one of the Toyo 88 Fleet!

The Eighty-Eight Fleet, which has built a great reputation in the East, has now lost a frigate again!

Gang Tianlang felt a bone-piercing chill from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

During the ten-minute exchange of fire before, the three frigates of Toyo were fully fired. What kind of anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, and close-in anti-aircraft guns poured out money like crazy.

In his opinion, this should have been a dense network of intercepting firepower!

But after all, not all the missiles were stopped.

As a missile hit the continent, a violent explosion sounded.

Even though it was four kilometers away, Tian Langyi heard it all.

Hit by a missile, there is only one fate for the Ozu.

Through the binoculars, Kotaroichi could see the officers and soldiers on the Ozu shouting in fear.

"Forward! Save lives!"

Gang Tianlang gritted his teeth.

Almost visible to the naked eye, the Yinzhou was sinking slowly.

In just a minute or two, the Continent was halfway down. A large number of naval fighters jumped into the water from the deck and swam frantically towards the two warships.

Although he didn't know why the enemy ship stopped attacking, Kota Koichi's heart was still slightly relieved. The sinking of a warship is irreversible, but at least some people can be saved.

"Northern Xiongguo, I, Dongyang, are at odds with you!"

Gang Tianlang yelled hysterically.

Just then, the communications liaison officer shouted.

"Report to the captain, there is an unknown signal trying to access our communication channel. Do you want to connect?"


After a while, an indifferent voice sounded from the communicator.

The other party spoke not-so-fluent Oriental dialect.

[Surrender, or resist? Continue to resist, our warship will launch an indiscriminate attack on the sea! There should be survivors on the sunken warship, right?】

As soon as these words came out, Gang Tianlang trembled with anger.

Who uses survivors as a threat?

Does the other party still talk about martial arts?


A group of naval officers and soldiers looked at Koda Langichi with questioning expressions in their eyes.

Gang Tianlang kept his face sullen and said nothing.

Surrender, it is absolutely impossible to surrender.

There is no precedent for surrender in the history of the 88th Fleet.

But what made him feel powerless was that a destroyer, a frigate, and a sun worth 230 million US dollars were actually crushed and beaten by two enemy warships! He even successfully destroyed a warship!

Gangtian Langyi felt very desperate in his heart.

I don't know where the joy of ambushing the Dragon Kingdom warship to make contributions has been thrown.

Gritting his teeth, Gang Tianlang said with hatred, "Never surrender!"

The other party stopped talking immediately.

Soon, the radar monitor rushed.

"Captain, open!"

Gangtian Lang felt like he vomited blood.

"Why are you still standing still! Intercept! If you can't stop it, you have to stop it!"

Facing Koda Roichi's roar, the operator acted immediately.

Anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery fired desperately.

Since the missile is not aimed at a warship this time, the near defense gun will not work.

Without the fire support of the close-in defense guns, the Sun's interception ability suddenly dropped by 20%.

Watching missiles explode in the sea one after another, Kotaro didn't even need to use binoculars to look at them. He also knew that those naval soldiers struggling in the water were bound to die.

He closed his eyes in pain and let out a long sigh.

The naval soldiers of the Sun watched this scene, but also remained silent.

He agreed to sink the Dragon Kingdom warships, why did his own warships sink first?

The Continent was blown up into flames and soon sank completely. Except for some wrecks on the sea, there is no proof of the existence of the Continent.

For a time, the number of warships on both sides reached a balance.

Although there are two ships, Gangtian Langyi knows that defeat will happen sooner or later.

"Contact the headquarters! Just say... we. Encountered an ambush by the Beixiong State Navy! The interception mission failed! The Dazhou sank" [!"

After the correspondent sent back the encrypted message, he stared blankly at the communication equipment.

On the radar display, there are two warships one behind the other, with Sun and destroyer No. 3 surrounded in the middle.

Obviously, it was not intended to let them escape.

The naval fighters on the two warships were not stupid, knowing that death was getting closer and closer to them.

Thinking of the tragic situation of the soldiers of the Continent, panic spread in the hearts of everyone.

The Chengfeng and the Breaking Waves approached the two ships in this way, neither in a hurry to fire nor to communicate.

The more this is the case, the greater the pressure on the Eastern Navy.

Everyone was tense, and no one knew when the enemy ship would open fire.


The atmosphere in the main control rooms of the two warships was extremely depressing!

At this time, the Breaker suddenly launched an attack on the baby.

24 missiles roared into the sky and headed straight for the Sun!

Before, the Continent was there to help share it, but now the Sun can only face the huge pressure alone.

As for the Sun, it needs to face the firepower from the Chengfeng.

The two Oriental warships at this moment can only ask for more blessings, and it is too late to help each other.

Missiles are coming from all over the sky, and the sun's interception firepower is fully activated, making the final struggle.

The naval soldiers on the Sun watched helplessly as the anti-ship missile exploded, getting closer and closer to themselves.

Soon the anti-ship missile broke through the medium and long-range interception and entered the short-range interception range.

Everyone's hearts hung in their throats, listening to the roar from the direction of the anti-aircraft artillery, watching several missiles explode in front of their eyes.

They seemed to see the god of death waving at them.

Suddenly, Gang Tian let out a loud cry.

"Lie down!"

Everyone lay down with their heads in their hands.

In the next second, an anti-ship missile exploded more than 100 meters away from the Sun.

At the last moment, the near-anti-aircraft interception was successful.

With such a close-range explosion, the violent shock wave directly shook the warship, and many of the special glass in the control room directly exploded.

Glass splashed, and the sea breeze mixed with the smell of death blew into the main control room.

Everyone stood up staggeringly, looking at the chaos in the main control room, they were completely desperate.

In the last round, he was almost unstoppable. Can you stop the next round?

No one has any hope.

On the Sun Chase side, the situation is even worse.

A missile hit the deck, the flames shot up into the sky, and countless naval soldiers were blown up. The survivors desperately fought against the flames on the warship.

Thanks to the destroyer, even if it is hit by a missile, it will not sink directly.

But if there is another one, there will be no more.

Gang Tian Langyi pulled his hair with his hands in despair, directly opened the channel of the whole ship, and shouted loudly.

"The Imperial Army of the Great Eastern Empire, fight to the death without surrender!"

After being shouted by him, everyone's morale rose a little bit.

At this time, the voice that made him gnash his teeth in hatred sounded again in the communication channel.

The other party still spoke in a poorly spoken oriental dialect.

【All soldiers of the Eastern Navy, you now have a chance to survive, and that is to surrender! Your captain wants to drag you to die together, I will not stop it!】

【But have you ever thought that after his death, he accomplished himself and became the hero of the Eastern Navy! And what about you? Who will take care of your family, wife, and children in the future? Eastern Navy, do you remember you?】

Immediately, Gang Tianlang pulled out the gun on his waist and scolded: "Baga! Don't listen, the other party is disturbing the morale of the army! Cut off the communication! Cut off the communication immediately!"

[Do you still remember the two warships that sank in the Qinglong Sea? They are also fighters who have made great contributions to the 88th Fleet and the Eastern Navy. What happened to them? What happened to their families? Do any of you remember them?]

【Perhaps you remember those two captains, what about the others? Don’t you want to sacrifice yourself to become your captain?】

"Baga! Cut off the communication!" Gangtian Langyi pointed the gun at the correspondent.

Everyone in the main control room looked at Koichi Koichi as if he had lost his mind, with extremely complicated eyes.

Fighting to the end for the Eastern Navy, fighting to the end for the Great Eastern Empire, that is the hero of the Eastern Ocean, they can.

But the current operation is clearly a secret operation! Even if they are all killed, no one will know what happened.

The meaning of everyone fighting for it was suddenly lost.

They are lost.

The correspondent's hand lingered on the button for a while, but he didn't press it after all.

Obviously, he was also confused.

He also wants to live.

I don't want to sacrifice for this meaningless battle.

Suddenly, a gunshot broke the dead silence, and there was a commotion in the main control room.

In the main control room of the Breaker, Lao Zhou and others looked at Chen Chu and asked.

"Can it work?"

"Whatever it is, if it doesn't work, just sink it."

Chen Chu shrugged casually.

The strategy to shake the morale of the Eastern Navy was proposed by Chen Chu.

Everyone also followed his strategy step by step. Now, the time has come to witness the results.

"After one minute, if the other party doesn't cut off the communication, it means that our heart-killing plan has succeeded!"

Lao Zhou and the others nodded and waited patiently.

Thirty seconds later, a voice sounded from the communicator.

【Dear Kita Kuma Navy, our captain Kota Roichi died unexpectedly! I am the acting captain Kimura Kim! We agree to your request and surrender to you. I hope you will keep your promise!】

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, with smiles appearing on their faces.

The frigate worth 200 million US dollars, if you pull it back, it will be worth the consumption of ammunition and fuel this time.

Chen Chu pushed Lao Zhou with his shoulder, and Lao Zhou hurriedly spoke blunt Japanese.

"Your decision is right! Start now, unload the missiles...shut down the communication system, radar system, and power system.

"Lower the oriental flag of the warship, ready to accept our ship's inspection! If there is any abnormality, direct fire coverage, no discussion!"

After cutting off the communication, Lao Zhou showed a bright smile on his face.

"What the hell, when did I ever get so tough? When did our navy ever get so tough?"

Liu Jianzhang was very excited: "That's our feud, Dongyang! Happy! Happy!"

A rare smile appeared on Chen Chu's face.

"They regard us as warships of the North Bear Kingdom. When they approach them for 20 kilometers, be vigilant! In case they see our flag and counterattack!"

"Don't worry, I know it well!" Liu Jianzhang nodded.

On the Sun, a raging fire broke out, and it was not easy to extinguish it quickly.

In the case of scattered troops, there is no desire to resist.

Seeing that the Sun chose to surrender, the Sun Chaser naturally chose to surrender without hesitation.

Originally, everyone only wanted to earn a Sun.

Unexpectedly, a destroyer was also included.

Earn big!.

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