Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【91】Xiao Chen, When Will You Be Promoted To Chief? Dongyang: I Can't Accept It! Immigrant Circl

Inoue and others could not accept this reality at all.

If it was done by the Free Country or the North Bear Country, they could barely accept it, after all, there was a gap in strength.

But...Long Kingdom?

Who doesn't know the strength of the Dragon Kingdom's navy?

Inoue looked at the military doctor and said, "Check his mental state, I strongly suspect that he is insane!"

After an examination by the military doctor, he confirmed that Kishitanigawa was in a normal state of mind.

After repeated inquiries, everyone still felt absurd.

It was the Dragon Kingdom Navy who did it!

It was actually done by the Dragon Kingdom Navy!!

What an international joke!

As night fell, the capital, the naval military base.

Nothing unusual can be seen from the outside, but the auditorium is full of joy at the moment.

The five chiefs of the navy arrived together, and the colonel who was sitting below started.

Many colonels, senior colonels, Chen Chu had never seen before.

But they have all heard of Chen Chu's name, especially today's event, and they were informed in advance before coming.

After seeing Chen Chu, they all nodded to him to show respect.

When all the people arrived, Dong Xianguo opened his mouth to speak.

"Everyone knows what happened during the day. All the officers and men of the Breaking Wave and Chengfeng made great contributions! They snatched two warships back!"

"If you have meritorious service, you will naturally be rewarded! This is the consistent principle of our navy!"

"The first hero of our navy..."

While speaking, Dong Xianguo looked at Chen Chu and said, "Colonel Chen."

"All rise!"

Everyone got up quickly.

"Starting now, I announce that with the approval of the Navy Military Commission, Comrade Colonel Chen's promotion ceremony will officially begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, the passionate national anthem sounded in the auditorium.

The song ends and everyone sits down.

Comrade Colonel Chen, please stand up. "

Chen Chu got up quickly.

Dong Xianguo said with a serious expression.

"Dear Comrade Chen Chu, in view of Comrade Chen Chu's great contribution to the construction of the navy, it is hereby decided by the Navy Military Commission to confer the rank of Colonel on Comrade Chen Chu, with the correct teacher's treatment

Record personal second-class merit once!"

Immediately afterwards, a navy soldier walked over holding a certificate of honor and a military rank order.

When Chen Chu was promoted to colonel, it was Wang Zhenguo who conferred the title. This time, Dong Xianguo personally awarded the title.

He stepped down from the rostrum, personally issued a military rank order to Chen Chu, and personally replaced Chen Chu's emblem epaulets with a medal of merit.

Chen Chu's two bars of four-star epaulettes are shining brightly.

After everything was settled, the two saluted each other.

Dong Xianguo half-jokingly said: "Comrade Xiao Chen, if you go higher, you will be sitting on the rostrum next time."

Everyone below laughed.

For Chen Chu's promotion so fast, everyone didn't think anything wrong.

If they can make such a huge contribution, they will also be promoted rapidly. What's more, they are really happy to see that the navy is getting stronger and stronger.

Dong Xianguo said with emotion: "You are only twenty years old, and you will be a senior colonel. Before that, I dare not even think about it.

Patting Chen Chu on the shoulder, he encouraged: "Come on, I'm waiting for the day you sit on the rostrum!"

Chen Chu said immediately.

"Chief, I will work hard!"

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Xianguo was obviously taken aback.

Everyone present was also stunned.

Chen Chu is the only one who dares to say that in front of the chief.

Wang Zhenguo joked with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Chen, next time I will ask someone to prepare an extra chair for you."

Immediately afterwards, everyone laughed.

Chen Chu's rapid promotion means a leap in naval military power.

They can't wait.

Who doesn't want to drive around in warships in the future, and the surrounding countries will say something cursing: go to the f*cking powers!

Back on the rostrum, Dong Xianguo said again.

"In view of the great contributions made by all the officers and men of the Breaking Wave, I declare that I will record first-class merit for the group!"

"In view of the great contributions made by all the officers and men of the Chengfeng, I declare that I will record first-class merit for the group!"

"In addition, all the personnel of the Haiphong military factory will be awarded the second-class merit for the group!"

After finishing speaking, there was thunderous applause.

Lao Zhou applauded excitedly.

Finally got on the express train of Chen Chu, and got a second-class performance in the group.

He is very satisfied.

The water flows slowly, because the school is not far from him.

"We will have a discussion at the celebration banquet, and everyone should drink in moderation! This is the only time, so don't make an exception!"

At the celebration banquet, everyone was drinking wine.

Even the chief said that it is time to drink, so they are naturally not polite after holding back for a long time.

Many colonels and senior colonels came over with wine glasses, and they became acquainted with Chen Chu.

When he was slightly drunk, Zhang Zhong, who had received the secret information, hurried to Wang Zhenguo's side and said in a low voice.

"Chief, there is news from Dongyang that a person has been brought back. According to speculation, it is very likely to be a survivor at that time! Are we..."

Wang Zhenguo thought for a while, and said: "Half of the warships that Dongyang can dispatch now are at home, a quarter is on the bottom of the sea, and a quarter is here. In the next two months, the Dongyang Navy will not pose much threat to us. .”

"Focus on Free Country and North Bear Country!"


"Also, you can deal with the matter of Wenxuan. Anyway, Dongyang knows about it, so it's useless to hide it.


After Zhang Zhong left, Wang Zhenguo clinked glasses with Chen Chu and said with a smile.

"Xiao Chen, we discussed it and decided to give you half of the 2 billion money that Huozhu Kingdom called in the morning."


Chen Chu was stunned.

"What we mean is, take out the 1 billion and let you build an independent research institute! What do you think?"

independent institute?

Chen Chu frowned and thought for a while.

A core technology, from the beginning of research, to trial and error, to breakthrough, to trial and error... to the final installation of warships, a set of processes, no billions or tens of billions is impossible.

Even if Chen Chu gets the core technology out of the way, other scientific researchers will still need to spend a lot of time and military expenses on trial and error.

If 20 years later, or 10 years later, there is an independent research institute, which means a lot to him and can help him share a lot of pressure.

After the core technology is fully analyzed, just throw it away and let the researchers try and make mistakes.

But not now.

Even with the full version of the core technology, the Navy does not have so much military spending to support the countless trials and errors of scientific researchers.

You know, an advanced warship has many core technologies on it.

Ten or two billion, how many technologies are enough to try and make mistakes?

But Chen Chu is different.

He has a virtual manufacturing space, and any material copied into the space can be used indefinitely without any cost.

Moreover, it doesn't mean that those scientific researchers can understand the core technology.

It's like being able to solve advanced math problems by looking at the reference answers. But as soon as the answers are taken away, one by one will be confused again. In the final analysis, it still takes Chen Chu time to explain.

With this time, Chen Chu can handle it all by himself.

At least, in the case of insufficient military expenditure, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

He said sternly.

"Chief, let's wait for the plan of the independent research institute. We will put it on the agenda when our navy's military expenditure is sufficient.

Wang Zhenguo sighed and said: "I also know that 1 billion is too little. What we mean is that we hope to find someone to share the pressure for you! All the burdens are on you, and we feel very sorry."

"Don't worry, Chief, I don't have a big problem. How about this, when we join the Blue Star Trade Organization in the future, the economic conditions will be better. Let's build an independent research institute.

"After joining the Blue Star Trade Organization?" After thinking for a while, Wang Zhenguo said: "Okay, I will do as you said."

Compared with the liveliness and festivities of the Dragon Kingdom Navy, the Dongyang Navy is gloomy and gloomy.

The conference room of the Toyo Naval Military Command.

Watanabe and the others sat in the room with sullen faces. On the table, there were a lot of blood-stained relics.

Kishitanigawa told the story over and over again.

There was no way, Watanabe and others couldn't believe the result at all, and asked over and over again.

Ito stood up abruptly and shouted.

"General, this is a war zone!"

"Send out the aircraft carrier and start a war with the Dragon Kingdom! Only blood can wash away the shame!"

Others also shouted.

"General, dispatch the aircraft carrier and teach Longguo a lesson!"

"Let's go to war! For the glory of the Great Eastern Empire! For the glory of my Eastern Navy!"


General Watanabe slammed his fist on the table and let out a loud shout.

"Shut up!"

Everyone immediately fell silent.

General Watanabe looked at Kishitanigawa and said indifferently.

"You said just now that Dragon Kingdom dispatched two warships to surround you?"

"Yes, General."

3 vs 2, you lose, the Continent sinks, you surrender?"

"Yes, General!"

"Then, the people of Long Kingdom drove you into the sea, took away two warships, and left you to fend for yourself?"

"Yes, wake up!"

Taking a deep breath, General Watanabe slowly closed his eyes.

He didn't speak, no one dared to speak.

For a moment, the entire conference room was extremely depressed.

For a while, he didn't even open his eyes, and said pointedly: "They are all dead, why are you still alive?"

As soon as these words came out, Kishitanigawa was dumbfounded, and couldn't turn his head around.

I tried my best to survive and bring back the information, you ask me why I didn't die?

Sanji's expression on the side sank, and he felt that General Watanabe was also hinting at him.

"General, I..."

As soon as Kishitani opened his mouth, he saw General Watanabe opened his eyes suddenly, and scolded: "There is no one who is greedy for life and afraid of death in the Eastern Navy!"

"They are dead, they are all heroes of the Eastern Navy! And you...

While speaking, he took a samurai sword from the table behind him and walked over.


Without giving Kishitani any chance to say more, General Watanabe swung his sword directly.

There was only a scream, and blood splashed all over the ground.

General Watanabe threw the bloody samurai sword towards Sanji, and said: "Wipe the blood.

Sanji held the samurai sword, trembling slightly.

Returning to his seat, General Watanabe looked as usual, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Soon, someone came in, dragged Kishitanigawa's body away, and wiped away the blood on the ground.

"Who said there was going to be a war just now?"

Facing General Watanabe's question, Ito bit the bullet and said: "General, it's me.

"Tell me, how do you fight?"

"Our aircraft carrier, and..."

"What else?"

"And..." Ito was dumbfounded.

He wanted to say that there are still 88 fleets with 12 warships left.

But after thinking about it, he realized that only three destroyers and one frigate could be dispatched. Other warships have not been fully repaired.

At least by the end of the year, it is impossible to enter the water for combat.

Without the protection of destroyers and frigates, aircraft carriers are huge living targets at sea.

With only three destroyers and one frigate, how can we protect two aircraft carriers?

Many battles on the aircraft carrier

machine, the strike performance is far greater than the defense performance.

And there are two more mysterious warships in Long Kingdom, what if the aircraft carrier and those fighter jets that need to replenish ammunition can withstand the first round of bombing by fighter jets?

Is it true that Dragon Kingdom Fighter is vegetarian?

Thinking of these questions, everyone fell silent.

"Ito-kun, send someone to investigate the two mysterious warships in the Dragon Kingdom! They can't appear out of thin air, there must be traces to follow!"

"No matter how much money is spent, how much price is paid, how many shadows are sacrificed, you must get it done for me in the shortest possible time!"

"Yes! General!" After a pause, Ito turned around and asked, "General, what about the Sun and the Sun? Are you going to give it to Longguo like this?"

General Watanabe closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, then shook his head, got up and left.

When everyone saw him leave, they also left one by one, leaving Sanji alone.

The blood on the katana, he wiped away. However, General Watanabe did not take away the samurai sword.

Touching the samurai sword, Sanji's heart was as cold as the blade.

Although the Dongyang Navy tried its best to block the news, but such a big matter, after all, paper can't contain the fire.

Soon, the news that the navy had lost three warships on the high seas spread on Toyo.com.

On the Toyo Network.

"Baga! Which bastard spread rumors! It's fake! It's absolutely fake!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible, it must be a rumor! How could the Eastern Navy be defeated by the Dragon Kingdom Navy? I don't believe it!"

"I didn't believe it at first, but I know people inside the navy! This news is absolutely true! One was sunk, and two were plundered by the Dragon Kingdom Navy (Wang Hao)!"

"Drag this rumormonger out and shoot him!"

For this news, the vast majority of Japanese netizens do not believe it.

At this time, the official website of the Dragon Kingdom Navy released a photo.

In the photo, there are two warships with mosaics.

Attached below.

[Going out to sea to fish, I picked up two warships. 】

As soon as the news came out, the netizens of Longguo hadn't reacted yet, and the netizens of Dongyang were boiling first.

They took a screenshot of the picture and posted it on Toyo.com.

"Baga! The Dragon Kingdom Navy listed those two warships on its official website! What a shame!"

"Ah... this is actually true! My sky is falling! What is our navy doing! Where is our 88 fleet? They are all trash! Trash!"

"Upstairs, one of the two ships is the main destroyer of the 88th Fleet."

As soon as this news came out, those Dongyang netizens clamoring to teach the Dragon Kingdom Navy a lesson fell silent.

Soon, the news spread to the immigrant circle.

When those New Orientals saw it, all ten of them split open.

"Isn't it? True or false? As soon as I immigrated to Dongyang, the warship of Dongyang was sunk by the Dragon Kingdom Navy? The Dragon Kingdom Navy deliberately targeted me, right?"

"The whole world knows that the Dragon Kingdom's navy cannot be supported. This is absolutely false news! Rumor! It must be a rumor!"

"Impossible! I don't believe that the Dragon Kingdom's navy can't be so powerful! I don't believe it! 21

"Why did this happen? My parents clearly told me that the Dragon Kingdom's navy is like a flat boat in the wind, and it will sink when it blows! The Eastern Navy dominates Asia! But the two armies collided, and the result was like this?"

"Immigration is for better development. I am in the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom Navy can't do it. I finally went to the East Ocean, and the East Ocean Navy can't do it anymore? Did you emigrate in vain?"

That night, the Dongyang netizens couldn't sleep, and those new Dongyang people couldn't sleep even more.

They feel that their sky is about to collapse at this moment.

The previous cognition has been completely subverted. .

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