Eagle Sauce, Why Did You Lower Your Arrogant Head?

【97】Being Targeted By Chen Chu! Slaughter The North Bear Country To Death!

"Fack! Fack!!"

Kevin, who left the pier, cursed towards the sky.

He felt like his whole body was going to split apart.

Wherever he went before, he was not praised by others? When did he suffer from this anger?

It was played like a monkey.

Especially what Lao Zhou did just now made him even more angry.

This kind of bullying is too obvious.

Before the representatives of the oil-rich countries came, they made various instigations.

230 million US dollars rushed to 310 million US dollars, Lao Zhou contributed a lot!

After finally squeezing Bazaha down, if you suffer a dumb loss, you will be dumb, grit your teeth and buy the Sun back, and this matter will be over. If there is a chance in the future, I will settle accounts with Long Guoqiu.

Unexpectedly, a Uym popped up halfway and directly raised the price to 350 million U.S. dollars!

This is the end of the calf.

For a frigate that I originally asked Dongyang for 200 million US dollars, it is really not worth spending so much money.

If it falls into the hands of Bei Xiong Guo, let alone him, the higher authorities will grit their teeth and continue to add money.

Fortunately, it fell into the hands of oil-rich countries. Reluctantly, it is acceptable.

What made him angry was that Lao Zhou's attitude changed so quickly that he was dumbfounded.

It is clear how much money can be cheated.

In order to prevent any tricks in it, he watched Wu Yim and Zhang Zhong sign the contract with his own eyes.

"Longguo is indeed a master at playing tricks! Let Bazaha and I raise the price of 787! And then kill Fuyouguo with one knife! What a plan!"

Kevin said with a cold face, viciously.

"This account will be recovered sooner or later!"

At this time, the assistant who was guarding outside saw Kevin coming out, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"I was tricked by the Dragon Kingdom!"


Was tricked by Dragon Kingdom?

what's the situation?

When did Dragon Kingdom dare to act as a free country?

The assistant didn't understand.

Seeing that Kevin didn't go into details, he didn't want to ask too much.

Immediately afterwards, he spoke.

"Sir, I just saw that the people of the Dragon Kingdom took Bazaha from the North Bear Kingdom away. Will they have any secret cooperation?"

"And this?"

Kevin frowned, instinctively sensing something was wrong.

But after thinking about it seriously, he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Forget it, maybe we are worrying too much."

Kevin waved his hand, not wanting to bother with those things anymore.

Long Guo, he didn't want to stay for a moment.

Along the way, Kevin kept his face sullen and didn't say a word.

Coming here full of confidence, but returning empty-handed, and even being put together, no one feels comfortable.

Over there.

After Uim bought a frigate, his interest remained undiminished, and he was also very interested in another destroyer.

Those representatives who were eager to try the destroyer suddenly felt heavy.

When you meet a representative of another country, you and he will slowly increase the money, and the other party will naturally give up the destroyer because they are too cash-strapped.

But in the face of Uym who owns a mine at home, if you add money slowly with him, not only will he not give up, but he will think that you add slowly and throw money directly!

It's like these guys are racing bicycles on the road to see who comes first. As a result, someone easily passed everyone on a motorcycle, and asked back, why are you so slow?

After Lao Zhou finished introducing the destroyer in detail, Uyim directly pushed the original 170 million US dollars to 200 million US dollars.

This small move directly scared many people away.

There are still a few, such as Xiangguo, Shivaguo, Dongyang, etc., who are not bad representatives, gritted their teeth and followed the price.

Unlike the previous two representatives, Taro Matsushita, the representative of Toyo, came with the belief that he must buy back the Sunshine.

Three frigates have been sunk, and if the surviving Sun Chaser cannot be brought back, the 88th Fleet will have to be renamed the 75th Fleet in the future.

After all, it would take a lot of time to rebuild four warships.

An incomplete seventy-five fleet is tantamount to a great shame for Dongyang.

Even so, under Uym's fierce offensive, Sun Chaser was bought by Uym at a price of 250 million US dollars.

Seeing the two signing the contract there in front of everyone, Taro Matsushita was stunned, "I feel in a trance.

"I made a trip for nothing? How can I explain it when I go back now?"

Not only Taro Matsushita has this idea, but also those representatives who hold the idea of ​​buying the destroyer back.

On the contrary, people who came with other purposes like Edina, the representative of the empire on which the sun never sets, said that it was a good show.

The two warships were all sold, and Lao Zhou was in a good mood. (cgfd)

Originally, the total price of the two warships was 400 million US dollars! Unexpectedly, they were sold at a high price of 600 million US dollars!

Lao Zhou sighed in his heart: It’s a loss to kill a Uym halfway, otherwise how much less money will be made! It seems that in the future, if there are good things, we must first consider the oil-rich countries, and the other poor ones are unreliable!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Lao Zhou looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you all for coming all the way to participate in the auction! The two warships have already been bought!"

"Of course, if there is such a good thing in the future, I will notify you."

Taro Matsushita was already in a bad mood, but when he heard the second half of Lao Zhou's words, he almost died of anger.

After co-authoring, I will come to my Eighty-Eight Fleet. How many warships will go back?

Is it what people say?

Soon, everyone was arranged to return to the guest house for foreign guests.

Uym walked with Lao Zhou.

As soon as he got into the car, Uim said enthusiastically: "I did business with your army before, and now I do business with the navy. It seems that my rich oil country and your dragon country have an indissoluble bond!"

Lao Zhou laughed, and then changed the topic: "Mr. Wuyim doesn't need to worry about the escort of the warship. Our navy will arrange everything for you properly!"

"Mr. Zhou, I actually have one more thing to discuss with you."

Uym said directly: "About the missiles and torpedoes on the Sun and the Sunset..."

"Mr. Uym, we have already arranged for this." Lao Zhou said with a smile: "But the ammunition cost..."

"As long as the ammunition is okay, the price is easy to negotiate!"

With Uim's words, Lao Zhou was in a good mood, and quickly told the driver an address.

The vehicle immediately turned around and headed towards the naval base.

On the other side, the naval military base,

Bazaha, the representative of Beixiong Kingdom, followed Zhang Zhong to a secret room.

Walking into the room, Secretary Xiao was already waiting there.

"Secretary Xiao, are you attached?"

"Mr. Bazaha, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As he spoke, Secretary Xiao took out a document, which was still affixed with a seal of 'Top Secret Information'.

"Here I have the core technical information on the Sun you want!"


Bazaha's face suddenly changed, and he quickly took it and flipped through it.

[Sun single-tube automatic anti-aircraft artillery technology...70 million US dollars!]

[Sun ship power system technology... 160 million US dollars!]

[Sun shipborne radar technology... 850 million US dollars!]

[Sun Vulture sonar technology...930 million US dollars!]

On the back of the information, there are three words - friendship price!

"Damn it! It's so expensive! What kind of friendly price? This radar technology, vulture sonar technology, alone is more expensive than the entire Sun!"

Bazaha was stunned.

Except for two or three items that are less than 100 million US dollars, the others are very expensive!

Ridiculously expensive!

Zhang Zhong came up to take a look, and was frightened by the price, his eyelids twitched wildly.

He cast a look at Secretary Xiao, as if asking: Colonel Chen arranged?

Secretary Xiao nodded slightly.

Zhang Zhong swallowed a mouthful of saliva suddenly, and was amazed in his heart: Senior Colonel Chen's attack was too ruthless! This is going to be slaughtered to death!.

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