Eagle’s Glory

Fifty-six, ended

After getting Agnes's consent, Alice told her husband Edgar the good news. Although Edgar was happy in his heart, his face remained calm and he just said calmly that he would look for inspiration here.

In his heart, he wished that everyone would leave here as soon as possible so that he could have maximum freedom of movement.

As Alice said before, although he enjoyed the quiet and leisurely life here, Aigron only stayed in this manor for two days before setting off back to the palace with his entourage.

And Agnes also had responsibilities. She had to be on duty with the Agrons every day during the day, so she only stayed one more night. During the day of the next day, she also set foot on her own home early in the morning. carriage, and then returned to the palace.

Of course, Alice will also go back with her sister - after all, Alice also has important responsibilities. The affairs of the palace are almost piling up, and she does not dare to give herself a holiday.

In other words, after the two sisters left, Edgar was the only one left in the entire manor during the day, except for a few retained servants. He could move freely and do whatever he wanted.

So, on this morning, before the two sisters got into the carriage and left, Alice said goodbye to her husband.

"Edgar, since you want to stay here for a few more days, that's up to you. But don't forget, this is Agnes's home, don't cause any trouble to her..." She warned her husband gently.

"Don't worry, of course I know the rules of being a guest." Edgar responded nonchalantly, "The scenery here is pleasant, just suitable for me to collect scenery. I will just look around and won't cause trouble to you guys. You go and do your business. Well, I believe you are much more important to the court and the country than me..."

"Then, goodbye, take care of yourself." Alice waved goodbye to her husband, then turned around and stepped on the pedal to enter the carriage.

Edgar, who waved his wife goodbye, did not see that when Alice turned around and walked into the carriage, the smile and concern on her face disappeared in an instant, and her blue eyes immediately became extremely cold.

She knew what Edgar would do next, and she also knew that the fate of the couple would be determined by his next actions.

Her father, as the person who kidnapped and imprisoned Princess Kadiyan, had set up a secret sentinel at the place where she was being held. As soon as he saw any trace of Edgar, he would immediately run to the palace to notify her.

And at that time, it was time for her to settle all grudges.

Edgar, who was unaware of these,

He returned to his bedroom and lay down comfortably for a while. For him, now that there are no restrictions around him, he has complete freedom of movement. All he needs now is to wait for the opportunity.

He let time pass, and it wasn't until the afternoon when the sky began to turn gloomy that he walked out of his room.

With a sketchbook and pencil in his hand, he walked out of the mansion and walked into the flower fields and forests of the manor.

The servants knew his identity as the master's brother-in-law and that he was a court painter, so no one was curious about his strange behavior - after all, as a painter, everything he did seemed to be reasonable.

In the cold wind, he looked around while writing and drawing in his sketchbook, like a painter looking for inspiration. Soon, a large number of pencil landscape drawings appeared in his notebook, but in fact, he His thoughts were not here at all.

His footsteps did not stop, and he walked slowly towards the direction he found out.

This manor is very close to the place where Princess Kadiyan is imprisoned. The straight-line distance is only about three or four kilometers. Even if the actual road is more tortuous, he can get there quickly.

His plan is to first confirm that the princess is really being held there, and then try his luck. If he is lucky, he will find a chance to meet the princess, and then exchange his feelings with her; if he is not lucky, at least he will gain something. .

No matter what, he didn't expect to solve the problem tonight. He would return to the manor after nightfall to avoid suspicion from Agnes, who was returning home from the palace.

As the sky gradually darkened, he walked along the country road towards his goal. Because of the cold weather, there were not many pedestrians and villagers on the road, which made his movement easier.

Gradually, he got closer to his destination.

As the distance decreased, his spirit became tense. He felt that since the princess was under house arrest, there must be tight guards around her, and he had to be vigilant to get through.

However, to his expectation, there was no "heavy security" situation. He didn't even see any soldiers standing guard or patrolling along the way. There were only deserted paths covered with weeds. Everything seemed so desolate. Desolate, without any dangerous atmosphere.

Edgar had some doubts in his heart, but since he had already reached this point, he certainly did not intend to back down, so he continued to approach step by step, and soon came to the house where the princess was being held.

If what Agnes got was a luxurious country mansion, then the building not far away in front of her could only be said to be an inconspicuous country villa.

This small villa is built of blue-gray bricks and stones and is located among a series of hills. The hills are parallel to each other and very steep. There is no grass and only a few stunted trees on the top of the mountain. There are several maple trees growing on another hill. The barren land is suppressed by large lying rocks and bare rocks, motionless and indifferent. Most of the green trees surrounding it have lost their leaves at this moment, but the colors are different. The tree trunks reach into the sky from every wrinkle on the ground, and the branches sway in the wind. The branches of more hardy trees, such as oak or beech, still have yellow and bronze leaves, swaying in the shadows before nightfall.

It's so desolate.

Who could have imagined that Diana, who once dominated the court and was considered the top lady in the country, would actually live in such a desolate and desolate corner where no one cared about her?

When he thought that the princess had ended up in such a situation, Edgar felt infinite sadness in his heart and couldn't help but feel deeply for her.

He was not interested in politics, nor did he care who sat on the throne, but how could he want to see Princess Kadiyang, who had helped him many times, finally die in such a desperate situation...

No, we must find a way to rescue her. Even if she is exiled, her life will be much easier than here. Edgar was determined again.

Soon, he took another step and quietly approached the villa at the foot of the mountain. Using the cover of the trees, he quickly approached, and then he saw the flashing lights in the house.

He hid behind a tree and carefully observed what was going on inside the house.

Soon, he confirmed that there were indeed few people there - that is to say, the monitoring of the princess was actually very small.

In other words, compared to the status of a "princess", this place certainly seems shabby and cramped, but compared to the status of a "prisoner", it cannot be called too harsh.

So the closer he got, the more doubtful Edgar became. He couldn't understand why His Majesty would deliberately embarrass a non-threatening lady and imprison her like this but seemed not to care.

If she is being used as a hostage against the royalists, then the princess should be under stricter supervision - although Edgar does not think that Prince Kadiyan will change his allegiance to the royal family for the sake of his wife.

But of course he couldn't figure out His Majesty's thoughts. Now he had no time to think about it. Since the guard here was loose, it was an opportunity for him to take advantage of. So after hesitating for a moment, he quietly asked The villa is approaching.

Obviously, because no one expected that someone would come to "rescue" the princess, the guard was very lax. He easily used the cover of trees to climb over the low fence, and then ran under the wall of the house.

Then, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully for the sounds coming from everywhere.

At this time, Princess Kadiyan put down the book she was using to kill time, stood up from the fireplace, and prepared to go to her bedroom to go to bed.

She has been detained here for this period of time, but she has not been severely interrogated or tortured in any way. She has only been softly restricted in her personal freedom. She also knows in her heart that the monarch who is now in power does not want her to be separated from him. sight, so she could only obey this will.

As a lady who has enjoyed prosperity and wealth for many years, Princess Kadiyan of course cannot like her current secluded life. This is not only because she has lost her former wealth and luxury, but also because she once enjoyed the stars and the moon. , but now he can only accept the fate of being ignored. Apart from facing the maid sent to monitor him every day, he has no one to talk to.

This kind of mental devastation is more unbearable than the physical pressure.

She doesn't know when such days will end, let alone what fate she will face next, but as a "fallen phoenix", she has long lost the right to decide her own destiny and can only Accept the verdict.

In these depressing and boring days, she naturally missed the happy times she once had, especially the time she spent with her cherished lover, and the child they gave birth to in private.

After she lost her power, glory and wealth, the once-shameful love and the fruits of love were the most memorable things in her ups and downs life.

When she met the King of Rome before, she learned from the King of Rome that Marquis Treville seemed to intend to legalize her son Ezreal and become a member of the Treville family. Of course, she was shocked by this. Happy again; however, since she was put under house arrest here, she seems to have been forgotten by the outside world. She has not received any news, and she does not know whether this matter has really come true or has been forgotten by the Marquis.

Now she felt like a nun who was forced to perform ascetic practices, living a life of poverty and loneliness, cut off from all news, and could only face slow death helplessly.

Of course she didn't want everything to become a foregone conclusion, so she secretly thought about when to make a request to the maids around her and ask them to convey her handwritten plea letter. Not to mention letting herself go, at least let herself know the outside world. Information.

Just as she was preparing to walk up the stairs to the bedroom to sleep, she froze in the shadow of the stairs, and then looked at the looming face in the darkness in disbelief - wasn't that what she was struggling to recall? That face?

She subconsciously thought that she must be dreaming because she was in a trance, but soon, she confirmed that she was not crazy because the other party was waving to her gently.

"Ah...!" She almost blurted out the other person's name, but she quickly reacted, covered her mouth, and made no more sound.

Then, with tears in her eyes, she gestured vigorously to the other party, and then deliberately stepped on the stairs, making a thumping sound.

Under the cover of these sounds, Edgar came over quickly and lightly from the shadows. The two hugged each other tightly, and then cautiously walked upstairs together.

Soon, they arrived at the door of the bedroom together, and then walked in together.

The moment the door closed, the princess burst into tears, and then murmured quietly to herself.

"Sure enough, it's you...the only one who comes to me is you...I didn't love you in vain! It's all worth it."

Then, she embraced Edgar and kissed him passionately, and the two of them kissed passionately, completely forgetting themselves.


And just when night was about to fall, Alice walked out of her room, and then, with light but firm steps, she found Andre Davout, the captain of Aigron's guard.

"Madam, what can you do?" Andre asked.

"Andre, I have something very, very important to discuss with you."

Seeing Alice's serious expression at this moment, Andre's face suddenly became tense.

Of course he knew that Mrs. Alice was by no means an empty-headed lady who made a lot of trouble out of nothing, but a shrewd and sensible person who acted cautiously and thoughtfully. Since she acted like this, it must mean what she was going to say next. The matter is very serious, definitely not an ordinary trivial matter.

"Okay, ma'am." So, he moved closer to Alice, and then lowered his voice to ask the other person, "What happened?"

"I want to report a person who is lurking in the palace but secretly having an affair with the Bourbon family." Alice replied coldly.

At this moment, she no longer had any hesitation, only the determination to end everything.

"What!" Just as she expected, Andre immediately became alert when he heard that the matter actually involved "rebels". His whole body tensed up and became aggressive for a moment, "Madam, in the end Who is it? What evidence do you have that makes you suspect this?!"

Faced with Andre's aggressive questioning, Alice was strangely calm.

"That person is my husband, Edgar." With a cold breath, she took out a few pieces of paper from her sleeves and handed them to Andre. It was found among my personal documents, please take a look at it..."

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