Eagle’s Glory

Sixty-three, have mercy

The Glory of the Young Eagle Text Volume 63, Mercy "Then I have to try other styles occasionally, so as not to be bored by our great Majesty~"\u003c/br\u003eAgnes's active and charming performance made Agron It was quite a surprise, but of course he would not disgrace the scenery, so he cooperated and made out with his lover for a while. \u003c/br\u003eAfter the kiss ended, Agnes's face turned peach blossoms, and her eyes became a little more charming. "Your Majesty, I like the manor you gave me very much. If you could come here often, I would like it even more."\u003c/br\u003e "Well, this is okay." Aigron nodded, "Anyway, I'm leaving It's not far away. I will come over to see you from time to time in the future. I like that place very much too."\u003c/br\u003e "Oh, I get angry when I talk about this..." Agnes's face suddenly changed and she looked indignant. He looked unhappy, "I was ready to go back to rest last night, but Edgar, the bastard, made a fuss, so I had to stay in the palace and didn't sleep well all night."\u003c/br\u003e "If you are tired now, Then I can approve your leave today. You can go back and rest now, Agnes." Aiglon caressed her face with concern, "Although everyone was busy all night last night, looking at it from the bright side , at least we did not suffer greater losses, Edgar was arrested, everything is calm again, you have nothing to worry about, you can go back and rest -"\u003c/br\u003e "You are right, my My brother-in-law was arrested and my sister is in agony. Does this mean there is nothing to worry about?" Agnes glanced at Agron, "If this matter is not settled, I will never be able to rest. So, Your Majesty, I have something to ask you..."\u003c/br\u003eNo wonder this little girl is so proactive all of a sudden. It turns out that she really has ulterior motives. \u003c/br\u003e However, Agnes is indeed not a scheming person. Her expression and demeanor have long betrayed that she has something else on her mind. How could Agron, who has already understood the world, not see it? It was just because she was his beloved concubine that Aigron was particularly tolerant of her. \u003c/br\u003e Seeing that she was eager to try but also a little guilty, Aigron couldn't help laughing. \u003c/br\u003e "Hahahaha...Agnes, you are really not good at asking for things, but this is also the cuteness of you. Okay, just say what you want, there is no need to plead, I am very Happy to give——"\u003c/br\u003e Although Agnes felt ashamed of the "pampering" she received, she was inevitably a little complacent, so she also laughed. "Your Majesty, what I want is very simple. Please let me participate in the investigation of Edgar... I want to find out whether he is an ungrateful traitor. If so, then I can't wait to end it myself. Him! If not, then we should give him a clean slate as soon as possible.\u003c/br\u003e Of course I am not doing it for this guy, but for my sister. As Edgar's wife, how much pressure is she under at the moment? No matter No matter what, I hope this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, and it is best not to cause any turmoil in the outside world..." Agnes is not good at lying, and this is the most "reasonable" reason she can think of. , but logically there is really not much of a problem, after all, it makes sense. \u003c/br\u003eAigron suddenly fell into silence. \u003c/br\u003eIt’s not because he doubts Agnes’s motives, but because he feels that this matter involves too much, the fewer insiders the better, and Agnes’s position is naturally on the side of her sister, if she is allowed to participate If he comes in, it will probably be even more detrimental to Edgar. \u003c/br\u003eSeeing that he was silent, Agnes suddenly became a little anxious, so she continued to try to persuade Agron. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty, haven't I participated in your interrogation of my master before? I helped you to some extent, right? And at least it proved that I am not a person who causes trouble for everyone. Since I already have such a I’m qualified, what’s the problem if you let me participate again? I promise, I won’t let you down..." As she spoke, she looked at Aigron longingly, and then lightly Shaking his arms gently. \u003c/br\u003eThis is a trick she often uses against her father. In the past, as her father's truest daughter, she would make him give in every time she acted coquettishly. But now, this kind of coquettishness is no longer the family happiness between father and daughter. , but with a hint of flattery. \u003c/br\u003eBut no matter what, as a normal man, Aigron will naturally be moved by it. \u003c/br\u003e "Well, since you want it so much, then of course I will be happy to give it to you..." So, he reached out his hand and gently stroked Agnes's hair, "But before that, I want to tell you my thoughts to prevent you from causing any trouble."\u003c/br\u003e "What are your thoughts?" Agnes asked quickly. \u003c/br\u003e “After careful analysis and judgment by Teresa, myself, and Andre, Edgar’s suspicion of betraying the party is not serious, at least not serious enough to make us feel like we are facing a formidable enemy.

"Aigron whispered his decision, "Since he is not a big enemy, then General Treville is naturally not a big enemy. On the contrary, I will continue to support him unequivocally and give him the opportunity to fight against him. I can make a difference in my new position - So, Agnes, no matter how I investigate, as long as no particularly unfavorable evidence is found, I will handle it this way. This incident must be cooled down and cannot become an attack on me or the Treville family by the outside world. Excuse... Do you understand? "\u003c/br\u003eAigron spoke calmly, but Agnes was dumbfounded.\u003c/br\u003e Even if she has no political sense, she can completely understand that this is His Majesty's intention to suppress the storm and continue to support him. Marquis of Treville.\u003c/br\u003eSister, sister, you have tried all your tricks and thought that you could kill both Treville and his son in one go. You even made plans to die together, and you have indeed done what you can. You've reached your limit... But, in just one night, you suddenly failed, and there was no chance of recovery!\u003c/br\u003e She couldn't help but have mixed feelings in her heart, feeling sorry for her sister.\u003c/br\u003e It's not her sister's intelligence. It's not enough, or the means are not ruthless, but after all, she has been a boudoir since she was a child, and after she got married, she lived in a small place such as the house and the palace. Even though she tried her best, she still looked down on the people outside.\u003c/br\u003e Logically speaking, after encountering this matter, His Majesty would have called General Treville back for detailed interrogation with the mentality of "not trusting him", but "power" can ignore "logic". \u003c/br\u003eAlthough she wanted to help her sister, Agnes knew that she could not save the situation because she had no idea how she could overturn the opinions of His Majesty himself and Queen Theresa. This was not "arguing with reason" It can be done because they are "reasons".\u003c/br\u003eEven, she knew that if she continued to "fight based on reason", she might soon be suspected by His Majesty, and even her last hope would be lost. No more.\u003c/br\u003eSo, she can only accept the established fact.\u003c/br\u003eAnd this means that her sister is in danger. Edgar doesn’t care about it, but with the skill and character of Marquis Treville, being treated like this After doing it once, he will definitely try his best to get revenge, and if he finds out that it was his daughter-in-law who secretly stabbed her in the back, how can he forgive Alice?\u003c/br \u003eAt that time, I'm afraid there will be another fierce fight, and this time my sister will be at an absolute disadvantage, because no matter what, the general is her father-in-law in name only, and has a natural advantage.\u003c/br\u003eSo, now she can All she can do is try her best to protect her sister.\u003c/br\u003e Even if her sister's plan has turned into a pile of ruins, she cannot just stand by and let her sister fall into a more tragic end.\u003c/br\u003e br\u003eShe does not have that much scheming and brains, but she has a passion and the will to never admit defeat. She must protect her sister and prevent her from becoming a victim of fate again.\u003c/br\u003e "What are you thinking about? Agnes? Seeing that Agnes was in a daze, Agron couldn't help but ask.\u003c/br\u003e "Ah, Your Majesty!" Agnes suddenly woke up, "I'm just... just a little surprised. I didn't expect you to be so magnanimous." However, this is fine, after all, in this way, no one will suffer from this, and the face of the Treville family will be saved..."\u003c/br\u003eAlthough she had a look of joy on her face, she felt sad in her heart. Already extremely depressed.\u003c/br\u003eShe must also tell her sister this news. It is conceivable that her sister will be ten times more depressed than her.\u003c/br\u003e "By the way, you went to see Mrs. Alice last night, right?" ? How is she now? "Aigron asked.\u003c/br\u003e "She's okay... okay, she just suffered a serious mental shock and is still a little shaken now. "Agnes replied quickly, "After all, at this time, suddenly encountering such bad news, no matter how strong a person is, it would be unbearable..."\u003c/br\u003e "Yes, I can completely understand Madam's mood. "Aiglon nodded, "However, since it was she who reported Edgar and she produced the physical evidence, in order to find out the truth as soon as possible, I am afraid she needs to cooperate with the investigation-"\u003c/br\u003e"Now Investigate her? That was too cruel. She had just suffered such a severe blow, how could she withstand the severe interrogation? "Agnes became anxious upon hearing this and quickly defended her sister. "Your Majesty, it's better...be a little merciful to her. "\u003c/br\u003eAlthough Agnes's words are a bit unreasonable, it is somewhat reasonable.\u003c/br\u003eAigron thought it right. As Agnes's sister, as his couple's favorite, as a "victim" "No matter how you say it, you have to give people a little dignity.\u003c/br\u003e"Of course, we all see her loyalty and diligence all the time, and we are deeply grateful for it. Therefore, it is indeed too harsh to directly let her be interrogated like Edgar, so... Agnes, I leave it to you. You go and ask her everything clearly, and then give us an answer. "\u003c/br\u003e"Okay, Your Majesty! Thank you, thank you so much! "Seeing Aigron being so kind, Agnes breathed a sigh of relief and was filled with gratitude to him. "You are really good to me..."\u003c/br\u003e "Silly girl, this is not what you should be doing. Of? Who made me like you? "Aiglon replied with a smile.

\u003c/br\u003eThe reason why he is so magnanimous to Agnes is, on the one hand, because he likes this lover, and on the other hand, he simply does not believe that Agnes will be harmful to him. \u003c/br\u003eActually, he had vague speculations before, thinking that Alice's performance was a bit suspicious, but since he had set the tone of "no expansion" and "no investigation", there was no need for him to treat Alice Si Tai was too persistent in pursuing her. \u003c/br\u003eWhat he needs to do now is to give the outside world a reasonable explanation, and at the same time appease the Marquis Treville, who will definitely be in chaos, and let him continue to work hard for himself - this is the most important thing. \u003c/br\u003eAfter the most important things are resolved, other secondary things can be discussed in the long run or put aside. \u003c/br\u003e "Agnes, after experiencing so many things, your sister probably needs to rest for a while, so I gave her a holiday. During this time, she can live with you in the manor to recover, etc. After she recovers, she can return to her original position." After the explanation, Agron warned Agnes, "As for Edgar... no matter whether he rebelled against the party or not, he at least did it. It's something that goes against my will, so he is destined to receive some punishment, it's just a matter of degree..."\u003c/br\u003e "Well, okay!" Agnes nodded in agreement. \u003c/br\u003eShe only cares about her sister anyway. As for the bad brother-in-law who makes her hate her so much, she wants him to continue to be in bad luck, so she won't say a word of love. \u003c/br\u003eAt this time, it was time for Agnes to say goodbye. \u003c/br\u003eAlthough today she spied on the news for the first time and got a "bad news", at least she gained something. She brought her sister under her protection and did not let her undergo severe cross-examination and investigation. This is also unfortunate. Very lucky. \u003c/br\u003eRight now, she just wants to return to her sister as soon as possible and tell her the progress of the incident. \u003c/br\u003eAnd just as she was saying goodbye to Aigron, Aigron spoke again. \u003c/br\u003e "Agnes, Mrs. Alice has always been diligent and conscientious in her work, and she is of noble birth. It is difficult to find a lady in the palace who has both advantages at the same time. Teresa and I both trust her and rely on her." Her. This kind of incident makes every one of us feel sorry for it. I sympathize with her more than anyone else. If she has anything troubled, she can just tell me. I will do my best to repay her. The previous loyalty and diligence."\u003c/br\u003e "Yes, I understand!" Agnes was a little confused, but she nodded and agreed, then turned and left the study. \u003c/br\u003eThen, Agnes returned to her sister, and then told her sister his Majesty's initial decision. \u003c/br\u003eSure enough, after UU Reading www.uukanshu.net heard this "bad news", Alice's face suddenly lost all color. \u003c/br\u003eAll the calculations, all the planning, all the courage finally resulted in such a result, and she immediately felt endless regret and absurdity. \u003c/br\u003eAfter a moment of confusion, she finally endured the pain, and then asked her sister again. \u003c/br\u003e "What else does your Majesty say?" \u003c/br\u003e "He said that he sympathizes with your mood, so he can give you a holiday recently and let you go to my house for a vacation and rest together." Agnes replied. \u003c/br\u003eAgnes didn't know the situation, but Alice understood it all at once - wasn't this just being driven away? \u003c/br\u003eNo...I can't lose all this, I must come back! \u003c/br\u003e She has lost so many things. Her position in the palace and the power to control everything are the only things left in her life. Even if His Majesty is merciful and does not pursue her crime of "framing her husband", she will not be able to Accepting the result of losing everything and being forced to hide in the manor to "recuperate" would probably be more uncomfortable than death. \u003c/br\u003e "His Majesty also said that you can tell him if you have any difficulties. Considering your past achievements, he will be happy to help you..." At this time, Agnes continued to speak carelessly. "In short, His Majesty has been kind enough to you, sister, we all have to thank him!"\u003c/br\u003eAnd Alice quietly understood. \u003c/br\u003e "Your Majesty, you are really merciful -" She sighed bitterly. "Okay, let's go, Agnes, I really need to take a rest, I'm too tired."\u003c/br\u003e\u003c/br\u003e

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