Eagle’s Glory

Seventy-nine, marriage

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"I hope that the ship of friendship can carry the soldiers of the two countries through the turmoil and hatred of the past and sail to the other side of prosperity."

Although Aigron's words are just polite words, at least he is "sincere" for now. He needs to maintain a stable and peaceful relationship with Britain in order to win time and space for the development of his rule.

For Britain, although the Bonaparte family is destined to be untrustworthy, it does not make much sense to continue to oppose France at the moment.

After all, the British opponent is not just France, but any power on the European continent that seems to be "out of control". It will find ways to suppress anyone who is too strong. Therefore, since France has suffered serious trauma, it is not in danger at the moment. Then it naturally doesn't mind being friendly with France.

After the Bonaparte family came back to power, they clearly showed their goodwill towards Britain and were willing to make reasonable concessions in the Netherlands, and the British were naturally willing to accept this concession.

Not long after he ascended the throne, Aiglon showed a strong interest in North Africa and has been sending more troops to Algeria, which also made the British very happy.

For Britain, the key interests of the empire were in India and the Caribbean, so Algeria was simply irrelevant. If the Bonaparte family was willing to vent French ambitions and energy in such a place, that would be a great thing - because this This means that the "tranquility" of the European continent is temporarily guaranteed.

"Your Majesty, what you said is very good, and I agree with it. But please allow me to remind you that not only our two countries are on this ship of friendship, but other countries are also on this ship." The ambassador said in an elegant manner. Advising Aiglon, "At this moment, there is a young king who has just joined the family of European monarchs. He urgently needs the friendship and help of our two countries. I think we should provide support as soon as possible and without hesitation."

Although the ambassador did not explain clearly, Aigron certainly understood what the other party meant: the so-called 'new young king' was actually the King of Belgium created by him and the British, Ferdinand of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family. prince.

At present, as the major powers have acquiesced to the "Belgian independence" proposal under pressure from Britain and France, the Kingdom of the Netherlands can only choose to swallow its anger in the face of pressure. The independent establishment of Belgium has become something that will happen soon.

A country cannot live without a king for a day. Since the kingdom is about to be born, the king should naturally go to his land and ascend the throne as soon as possible.

The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family is of course extremely happy. As unknown little princes in Germany, they are of course eager to give themselves the title of real king and a large territory.

Prince Ferdinand was born in 1816 and will turn 15 this year. Although he may not be old at this age, but according to the standards of this era, he at least has some independent thinking and judgment ability, and is only one step away from "adult". One step forward, and you will even reach the age of marriage soon.

Not to mention other people, even Aigron himself got married at the age of 17, which is not uncommon among today's princely families.

Similarly, for a new kingdom, the performance of the royal family is extremely important. If the king can get married as soon as possible, it can at least provide a kind of "stability" in public opinion. ….

Therefore, as the great powers accepted the proposal of "Belgium becoming an independent kingdom" proposed by Britain and France at the same time, the coronation of the new king and the wedding were naturally put on the agenda.

On this issue, Britain and France have already had a tacit understanding in secret negotiations.

Aigron insisted that since he had given in on the Belgian issue and elected a German prince to be the king of Belgium, he should at least appoint a queen who was related to the Bonaparte family in order to reflect the relationship between Belgium and France. The special friendly relationship between the two countries - and the British Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington, also agreed to this during the negotiations.

So, after a short selection, Aigron chose the youngest daughter of his late sworn brother, Prince Eugène, Princess Théodlande de Beauharnais, who was born in 1814.

Prince Eugène's widow, who had always been worried about her family's "fall in class", was overjoyed when she heard the news. She agreed without hesitation to the proposal of making her daughter the Queen of Belgium, and was extremely grateful to Aiglon - by the way. , her two sons Auguste and Maximilian are now serving in the Guards of Aiglon, which means that the entire Beauharnais family has been re-bound under the wings of the Bonaparte family.

Although Theodrand is not actually a few years younger than Egron, from a family perspective, she is Egron's "niece" and a member of the royal family of half the empire.

It is conceivable that as long as she becomes the first queen of Belgium, it is inevitable that the Belgian royal family and the empire will maintain a long-term "friendly relationship."

However, although the general policy has been finalized, the specific details still need to be confirmed. Because this was the first major international event that Egeron interfered in after taking power, he also attached great importance to it and had to take the opportunity to gain greater international prestige for himself.

According to the timetable agreed upon by the two parties, the king will ascend the throne this year, and then King Ferdinand I, who will turn 16 next year, will marry Princess Theoderlande, who is two years older than him, as his queen.

At the same time, he took the initiative to ask the bride, Princess Theoderland, to come to France, and then hold an "agent wedding" at the Palace of Fontainebleau without the king himself attending. Then he sent someone to escort the princess to Brussels to hold a Belgian wedding. Royal wedding.

This proposal is not shocking, because in order to reflect the "national character", marriages between royal families of various countries often hold a wedding ceremony in both places. This is how Aigron's parents completed their marriage process: Princess Louisa at the time held a wedding in Vienna first, and her uncle Archduke Karl completed the process instead of the role of "Emperor Napoleon", and then set off for Paris for the first time in his life. A meeting with her husband, Emperor Napoleon, and a wedding in France.

The so-called "foundation" of diplomacy is the strength of the country, and the "appearance" of diplomacy is all kinds of red tape such as sorting and seating arrangements. These seemingly useless etiquette are essentially a covert way to show off the country's strength and determine the Because of each other's status, we must persist, even without giving in.

What Aiglon is fighting for is this "marriage master" position and the Beauharnais family's status as subordinate to the royal family of the French Empire. ….

Although Prince Eugène and the Beauharnais family were unmistakably imperial nobles at the time, with the collapse of the French Empire, the Eugène family had been living in the territory of their father-in-law, the King of Bavaria, for many years. His children had also been in this environment for many years. Growing up, the situation is a bit more subtle. They are more influenced by Bavaria, but have little connection with France itself. If we follow the trajectory of the original historical line, the members of the Beauharnais family later married royal families in various European countries (including the Czar) and completely transformed into German princes and nobles, but Aiglon's rise to power changed everything.

He used his kinship and the temptation of high-ranking officials and generous salaries to win the Beauharnais family back into his hands. And he must declare this unmistakably to the outside world.

If Princess Theoderland went directly from her home in Bavaria to Belgium to get married, wouldn't it be a marriage between Bavaria and Belgium? This is completely unacceptable and goes against Aigron's original intention of bringing about this marriage.

Therefore, in terms of diplomatic etiquette, Aigron insisted that Princess Théodlande must first come to France, then hold a wedding in Fontainebleau, and then marry to Belgium as a "member of the French royal family" to marry a young boy. King Ferdinand gets married, and the young couple rule Belgium together.

Etiquette issues are a reflection of strength and status. He will not allow himself to be ignored or despised.

Of course, the British knew the reason for Aiglon's insistence, and from a etiquette perspective, they couldn't find anything wrong with it (after all, the King of Rome himself was a living example). In addition, such a trivial matter was innocuous. It took time to argue, so after a short discussion, the British government agreed to Aigron's request.

After obtaining the consent of the British government, Aigron turned to discuss with the Bavarian government.

Similarly, the Bavarians could not raise any objections to Aigron's "reasonable" request; in addition, he had previously given the throne of Greece to Prince Otto of the Wittelsbach family, which was somewhat of a kindness to Bavaria. Therefore, the Bavarian government was very happy and quickly agreed.

For Bavaria, Princess Theoderland is also the daughter of its own princess, which also means that she will be beneficial to the family after becoming a Belgian princess. Of course, there is no need to create complications over some small issues. It is better to provide convenience and get it done as quickly as possible. as well.

So, after the close exchange of diplomatic letters between the three parties, and the fact that the diplomats lost some hair, all the issues were settled.

Princess Theoderland will come to Fontainebleau as soon as possible and stay here as the emperor's "niece". Then next year, as the Princess of France, she will hold a grand proxy wedding in Fontainebleau, and then she will be in full glory. Married to Belgium and became queen.

Correspondingly, as compensation, the Bavarian royal family can also send a diplomatic mission of its own to participate in the two weddings as relatives.

Although all this did not consume many bricks and beams, it was still a huge project. This was the birth of a new country. Although Britain and France did not come forward in person, this was a battle that concerned both of them. The marriage between the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family and the Beauharnais family will rule this new country as the "acting royal family" of the two monarchs. ….

But now, everything has started smoothly and it's time to finish.

Whether it was Aiglon himself, Prince Talleyrand, or the ambassador himself, everyone involved had an indescribable sense of pleasure.

Relying on power and relying only on "paper work", they decided the future fate of millions of people behind the scenes, and they didn't even need to be responsible or repent to anyone for all this.

The joy brought by the exercise of "power" is so ecstatic.

After a brief silence, Aigron spoke again, "Now, Fontainebleau is ready to welcome my niece and her entourage at any time. We will also be ready for the future Queen. With a corresponding dowry, as well as tutors and advisors around her, Princess Théodlande will be impressed by France's generosity - and she will also become a witness to the future friendship between France and Belgium. I believe that the economy "Prosperity in the world will completely stabilize this new country and serve as an economic support for our two countries."

"I am equally convinced, Your Majesty." Although Aiglon was obviously implying that he would place a French agent next to the future queen, this was a "traditional practice" after all, so the ambassador did not take it seriously and immediately nodded in agreement with Aigron. Long said, "Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent, these places are as important to England as they are to France. We need them to prosper and be able to defend themselves. It will become one of the cornerstones of the peaceful order throughout Europe - and you, too He will always be grateful to the people of Belgium and the people of Europe as a peacemaker."

Aiglon just laughed at such clichés. Of course he hoped to take these places as his own, but since the current situation was not up to anyone else, he could only settle for the next best thing and adopt Prince Talleyrand's "independence plan". At least Better than if it were in the hands of other powerful countries. UU Reading www. uuknshu. net

But even if it is an expedient measure, at least it is a good thing now. He showed such a "goodwill" posture as soon as he came to power, which was enough for countries to temporarily put aside their hostility towards the Bonaparte family.

This marriage is not only a way for him to manipulate his power and show his status; it is also a way to show the world that as the Bonaparte family regains the throne, it has returned to the circle of the European monarchy family, and it can If you lead one marriage, you can naturally lead the second and third marriages in the future - this is also what the Bonaparte family must do to "improve their family status."

"Mr. Ambassador, since you and the British government have no objection to my proposal, I will invite you to the next wedding as one of the most distinguished guests. I think that by then the Queen-to-be of Belgium will also I am very happy to be your friend." Aigron said to the ambassador with a smile.

"Of course I am very happy, Your Majesty," the ambassador immediately agreed unequivocally. "No one in the world has as much goodwill and expectations for her as we do. Britain is willing to embrace every friend."

"In that case, I'm relieved." Aigron nodded, and then changed another topic in a casual tone, "Then, Mr. Ambassador, I would like to ask, what do the British people think of me now? No. Do you think I’m a second-generation ogre?”

The ambassador also smiled at Aigron's deliberate joke and made the same joke. "We believe that you prefer poetry and beautiful women to cannibalism. You are the kind of young man who is most easily lovable, Your Majesty."

Then, the ambassador solemnly and gracefully saluted Aiglon, and then quietly retired.



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