Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-four, surprise

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Although Teresa was a little confused about Aigron's joke about the "palace idol group", she was quite interested in it.

Although she is still very young, she has gradually gained the consciousness of being a mother and is very concerned about the growth and education of her children - and their children are not just children, they are the hope of the family and the hope of the family. Guo Zuo, who is related to the future of the empire, cannot be careless.

She had always complained about the "evil customs" of the French court in the past, and she did not dare to let others take charge of her children's education, so she could only do it herself.

It would be great if we could find some playmates of similar age for the children and guide them to grow up in play and learn various knowledge and talents.

Of course, the more important thing is to let children learn to "respect others" in normal interpersonal interactions.

Princes and grandsons often become arrogant because of their innate wealth, and then lose the ability to communicate with others normally, treating everyone as slaves that they can boss around at will; and conversely, this kind of behavior will also It aroused the hatred of the people around him and ordinary civilians, and then turned into the "fuel" of another revolution.

Although she was born into a royal family, she received a strict upbringing and learned humility and respect for others. She certainly hopes that her children can also learn this. Only in this way can the rule of the empire continue in this era of "people's wisdom has been enlightened".

Therefore, wouldn’t it be great for children to receive the influence of “humanities” and “art” from an early age, just like you?

Teresa came from a country of music, and she could play the piano well herself. Even after becoming a queen, she would occasionally play a few songs in her own piano room. If she could gather some outstanding children in the palace Among them, she can also spend her free time as a half-"teacher" by learning vocal art with her children.

Although it was just casual talk at first, the more she thought about it, the more interesting it became and she became very interested.

Of course, Aigron would not let her down on such a trivial matter, so he let her make her own arrangements.

"Your Highness, do you still remember? That time Mrs. Alice came to Switzerland to visit us. We were boating on the lake. In order to entertain us, she also played music on the violin, and her level was quite good, which was very impressive... Xia As her daughter, Lu should have similar talents, so let her learn this from an early age, right?" Teresa became more enthusiastic as she spoke, "When she grows up a little, let her give it to Funina Or someone else can accompany her, I think she can continue her mother’s style and add luster to our court.”

Aigron thought to himself, Xia Lu's parents are both very good-looking, and she is also cute and smart, so she will definitely become a great beauty when she grows up. When the time comes, let her lead the performance, no matter what her level is, she is really a bit " Idol group" means.

On the palace stage, a gorgeously dressed blonde girl pulls the strings and plays music with an awe-inspiring posture as if no one else is watching. Isn't this interesting?

"Well, let's do it this way." So, he nodded and agreed with Theresa's opinion.

In this way, in just a few words, the couple made a decision excitedly, and what they said casually was an obligation that others had to fulfill with all their strength. This is the charm of "power" .

That is to say, inadvertently, Miss Charlotte de Treville, who would become famous in the future, received an unexpected honor at a young age, and embarked on her journey to become the "darling" of the imperial court. first step.


After settling the minor matter of Alice's comeback, Agron left the Palace of Fontainebleau and went to Paris to attend to matters as scheduled.

Although for the safety of himself and his family, Aigron quickly moved the main body of the palace to Fontainebleau, dozens of kilometers away from Paris, after he ascended the throne, he certainly did not have the idea of ​​abandoning the capital and letting power fall by the wayside, so he He would frequently return to Paris and go to the Tuileries Palace. On the one hand, he would attend public events, and on the other hand, he would communicate with the government ministers he appointed and listen to reports to prevent them from acting on their own.

And his Prime Minister, Prince Talleyrand, will also meet him when he comes to Paris to consolidate the relationship between the two people. The same is naturally true today.

Not long after Aiglon's car stopped at the Tuileries Palace, Prince Talleyrand came to Aiglon with his secretary.

Although Prince Talleyrand was wearing a palace dress, the gorgeous clothes did not make him look any better. This old man with wrinkles on his face and a lame leg could no longer see much vitality in his body. He was already aging. It was visible to the naked eye that it was only his greed and desire for power that allowed him to continue to maintain his sanity.

However, even in such a twilight years, Prince Talleyrand still maintained a clear mind. This sobriety allowed him to deal with pressures from both domestic and foreign countries at the same time, while dealing with Aigron and the kings of various countries, and sitting back and enjoying peace and quiet. His position of power.

As soon as he saw Aigron, he dragged his lame leg and walked up to Aiglon, and then saluted to Aigron solemnly but comically. "Your Majesty, I am honored that I can continue to serve you."

"I'm also glad that you are sharing my worries, Your Excellency Prime Minister." When he saw this old guy, Aigron couldn't help but let go of his usual aura of telling the truth, and instead faced him with a very polite attitude. "It seems that your complexion is not as good as before. You should pay more attention to rest."

It stands to reason that when a king says this to his minister, he is actually implying, "I think it's time for you to retire," and is tactfully persuading the other person to resign honorably, but the relationship between Aigron and Talleyrand is, after all, It's special, so he doesn't have to think carefully about every word, but is much more casual.

"Well, when people get old, they will inevitably fade away! As you can see, my vitality has reached its peak, and it will be downhill no matter how I go." Prince Talleyrand replied with emotion, "But you Don't worry, at least for now, I still have the strength to hold on to the reins and continue to drive this carriage for you..."

"Then it's all up to you." Aigron replied casually, and then asked the other party directly, "Do you have anything important to report to me?"

Because he was forced to leave France when he was a child, the lonely Aiglon had to seek the help of the "remnants of the empire" in order to restore the empire. Talleyrand and Soult, two outstanding and ambitious old ministers, , and indeed he made great efforts behind the scenes.

Therefore, since Aigron came to power, he has also rewarded according to his merits. He has entrusted the army to Marshal Soult and the diplomacy to Prince Talleyrand, allowing these two senators to continue to protect him.

But this by no means means that Aigron will just let go and hand over the power to the two old men. This is just a stopgap measure for him. At the moment, he is rebuilding the Guards and slowly using the "arms directly under the palace" method. While controlling the military power, he would also personally intervene in the foreign affairs led by Prince Talleyrand from time to time to establish his authority.

However, both Aigron and Talleyrand abide by some tacit understandings of the rules, and usually discuss major matters with each other, so there is no trouble.

For Aigron, Talleyrand wouldn't live for a few more years anyway, so it didn't hurt to give him some face while he was still alive.

Seeing Aigron raising a question, Prince Talleyrand reluctantly cheered up and gave Aiglon a reply.

"There is an unexpected and important incident that requires you to make a decision, Your Majesty."

"What is it?" Aigron asked quickly.

"According to the information we have received, King Carlo Felice of the Kingdom of Sardinia is extremely ill and does not seem to have much time left." Prince Talleyrand replied with a calm and indifferent expression.

In other words, another family leader of the ancient Savoy royal family is about to die? But so what?

Aegron didn't feel any sadness that a king was about to die, after all, they had never crossed paths. "Really? So congratulations, Your Highness, you have survived the death of another king. So this is the important news you want to say, right? Then if this unfortunate king dies, we will let our embassy replace me Wouldn’t it be enough to send my condolences?”

"No, Your Majesty, that's not what I want to tell you." Prince Talleyrand shook his head slightly, "The death of a king is not worth caring about. No matter how powerful he was, his death is not worth paying attention to." Mention; what is worthy of attention is the living person, his successor. King Carlo Felice has no heirs as heirs, so the throne can only be passed to Prince Carlo Alberto, who is a collateral line, that is to say, It won’t be long before this lucky prince becomes king—”

"Prince Carlo Alberto?" An impression seemed to pop up in Aigron's memory. "I've heard of him!"

"Yes, that's the famous prince, a good friend of the Bonaparte family." Prince Talleyrand nodded slightly, then braced himself and explained to Aigron the story of this prince.

This prince was born in 1798. Although he was born in the ancient Savoy royal family, he has been living in the French Empire since he was a child because he is a sideline of the family. He also admired Emperor Napoleon very much and even accepted Emperor Napoleon's empire. Titled Earl.

Even after Emperor Napoleon sadly retired, he did not give up his political stance and still advocated reforming his country in the style of France.

In March 1821, Vittorio Emanuele I of the Kingdom of Sardinia abdicated. He became the regent of the country for a time and promulgated an enlightened constitution in accordance with his own political concepts. However, after Prince Carlo Felice succeeded to the throne, he abolished the constitution he promulgated, imprisoned him, and finally exiled him from the country.

After suffering such a blow, Prince Carlo Alberto disappeared for a time and rarely appeared in the outside world, so Aigron didn't think of him for a while.

And now, King Carlo Felice is terminally ill and is about to die. After his death, since the main branch of the family has no heir, no matter how much he hates Prince Carlo Alberto, he will ascend to the throne. .

It was precisely because he knew that the throne of the Savoy royal family was about to change, and he also knew the special connection between the heir to the throne and the Bonaparte family, that Prince Talleyrand specifically reminded Aigron.

However, after being reminded by Prince Talleyrand, Aiglon actually remembered the deeds of this man in history.

In 1831, he ascended the throne and immediately carried out the reforms he wanted, trying to turn his kingdom into a first-line European power through hard governance.

At this time, the Kingdom of Sardinia also had unprecedented "capital" in its history.

After the collapse of Napoleon's empire, the Vienna Peace Conference determined the new order in Europe. During the Vienna Peace Conference, the most important issue was how to carve up the territory spit out by the French Empire and how to limit France in the future.

Metternich's idea was to "ensure that Austria no longer borders France through territorial exchange, allowing other countries to act as buffer states and bear the main pressure from France."

So according to this idea, he carried out a series of territorial divisions. He completely handed over Belgium to the Netherlands, and handed over the Rhineland to Prussia. In the south of France, with Metternich’s deliberate support, Savoy The Sardinian Kingdom of the Iraqi royal family received a large share of the "heritage", annexed Genoa, and obtained some territories ceded by the French Empire.

At the same time, in accordance with ancient historical traditions, he determined that Lombardy, Venice and other regions in northern Italy were Austria's most important assets and must be protected.

According to his calculations, Austria could enjoy the huge wealth of Northern Italy, maintain the empire's frame, and then let other countries be responsible for front-line supervision of France and bear the greatest pressure.

It is a pity that Metternich's organization was too clever to calculate, but it still failed to withstand the giant wheel of history. His careful planning became the Achilles' heel of the empire decades later.

Prussia obtained the Rhineland, unexpectedly discovered rich coal mines, and entered an era of unstoppable industrialization. It also kicked Austria away and dominated Germany; on the other hand, UU Reading www.uukankshu.net he painstakingly planned to act as " Breakwater" Sardinia also quickly gave him a "surprise."

The powerful royal families of Sardinia and Savoy would not be willing to serve as the second-tier powers in the "vanguard" of the Habsburg Empire. They also had their own ambitions. They also wanted to become the first-tier powers in Europe. In order to achieve this goal , the Savoy family decided to rely on the nationalist sentiment that was beginning to rise in Italy, and then gain first-tier power status by unifying Italy.

Prince Carl Alberto, who is about to succeed, is a typical representative.

After he came to the throne, he made no secret of his hostility towards Austria. He has been reorganizing the financial army and trying to squeeze the Austrian power out of Italy.

In history, in 1848, in order to cater to the revolutionary passion and nationalist sentiments of the Italians at that time, he took the initiative to declare war on Austria, which was shaken by the revolution at that time, and tried to seize the provinces of northern Italy under Austrian rule.

It's a pity that the king's strength is far less than ideal. Even Austria, which is in turmoil, successfully defeated him, causing his lifelong fame to be lost. He even had to sadly announce his abdication and give up the throne to his son. (The later Italian 'Father of the Nation' King Vittorio Emanuele II).

Of course, who would have known this in 1831?

"How is this prince doing?" Aigron asked softly. "It stands to reason that maybe he will be the king in a month or two. He should be satisfied with this, right?"

"Actually, this prince made a secret request to me. He wants to see you." Prince Talleyrand replied. "The official excuse he used was that he wanted to see the heir of the person he admired most, but I I think he must have other intentions, Your Majesty."

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