Eagle’s Glory

Ninety-six, your Majesty is here

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With the warmth of spring, the secret diplomacy that had been brewing for a long time between France and the Kingdom of Bavaria finally came to the forefront.

At the urging of Prince Talleyrand, the British and French governments officially announced the marriage of Prince Ferdinand of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family to Princess Theoderland of the Beauharnais family.

The marriage will be officially held in a year, but before that, the princess will go to France, where her father was born and raised, become the country's most distinguished guest, and accept the asylum of His Majesty the French Emperor.

Because almost all the details of the entire "conspiracy" had been circulated in the capitals of various countries before, when the marriage news was announced, it did not cause much uproar. All countries accepted the new Kingdom of Belgium and its future with a calm attitude. 's first king and queen.

This is not surprising. After all, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family is the descendant of the ancient Wettin royal family. They are one of the most "pure-blooded" German princes. Although they have little strength, they are among the courts of various European countries. They are all very popular; and although the Beauharnais family is a rising star in the royal family, because Prince Eugène has always had an excellent reputation and has the support of France, it has not caused any criticism.

For many foreign dignitaries who are grudges about the Bonaparte family, although the princess is also a blood relative of the French royal family, her surname is not Bonaparte after all. This is more or less an emotional "buffer", so besides complaining secretly , did not raise any objections, and acquiesced in this marriage, which was privately controlled by Britain and France, and the territorial changes behind this marriage.

This is of course a small diplomatic victory for Aigron. Although he cannot show off loudly in front of the people who lament "We lost Belgium!", he is determined to use the most perfect posture as his home court to control him. It was the first major diplomatic event after taking power, so he naturally ordered that the princess and her entourage be received with the most solemn etiquette.

The princess and her party set out from the capital of the Kingdom of Bavaria, and then passed through Baden and other German states to Strasbourg. Here, they were solemnly received by representatives of the French court and government, as well as local officials. In the atmosphere of celebration, the procession headed west and slowly arrived at the Palace of Fontainebleau.

When the princess's motorcade appeared outside the palace gate, the officers and soldiers of the Guards who were already waiting here immediately played music and fired salutes, and then lined up in neat queues on both sides to welcome the arrival of Her Highness the Princess and her entourage.

Then, the carriage slowly drove in and stopped slowly until it reached the square in front of the palace. By this time, the entire palace staff was already waiting here.

Amidst the continuous sound of music, the 17-year-old Princess Theoderland timidly stepped out of the carriage with the help of her maid.

Although she is the daughter of Prince Eugène, this is the first time she has come to French territory, because she was born in that unlucky year of 1814. At this time, Emperor Napoleon was already at the end of his life, and her father and mother were panicking. He ran away to Bavaria and hid under the protection of His Majesty the King.

Of course, now, time has passed and everything has become a thing of the past. Now the Bonaparte family has returned to France, and the "adopted brother" her father thought about before he died has now really inherited the family that originally belonged to her. With his throne, everything seems to be back on track.

And she will realize her parents' wish and become another queen in the family.

Her two sisters had previously married the Crown Prince of Sweden and the Emperor of Brazil respectively. However, the King of Sweden at this time was the former French Marshal Bernadotte, who was at the bottom of the contempt chain in European royal circles; and the Brazilian Emperor Pedro I Although he was a Portuguese prince, he was already married for the second time and already had a son as his heir, so he was not a "good match".

In comparison, she is already so lucky to be the Queen of Belgium and marry an orthodox prince who is one year younger than herself!

And she has never forgotten where her luck came from.

Before setting off from Bavaria, her mother, Princess Augusta, had repeatedly told her to remember the favor of the French Emperor and treat herself as a French princess, so that she could continue to rely on the power of France in the future to maintain her status as a French princess. The princess will naturally keep all these in mind and follow them without hesitation.

After getting off the carriage, she subconsciously looked up. At this time, the beautiful and magnificent palaces of Fontainebleau Palace also fell into her eyes instantly. Then, the groups of jeweled and radiant courtiers and wives in the square and the officials immediately focused their attention on her.

This feeling of "suddenly becoming the center of attention" made her dizzy in an instant, and she could hardly stand still.

At this moment, a hand that had always been slender but firm held her arm.

She came back to her senses immediately, and then looked at the person next to her with gratitude.

"Thank you, Aunt Maria," she whispered.

"It's just a small scene, don't take it to heart, just get used to it." Princess Maria comforted her with a smile, "When you become the queen in the future, this will be your daily routine! Everyone will surround you and please you. Just learn to have fun with them."

Princess Maria's words made Princess Theodeland feel happy. Any girl of her age would definitely like the future she described - and all of this is bound to happen in the near future.

She also had a very subtle feeling about this "aunt" who was almost ten years older than herself. On the one hand, she felt that she had a weird personality and was arrogant; but on the other hand, she envied her for being independent and independent. Like himself, he became a tool for royal marriage at a young age.

This aunt quietly joined her group after she came to Strasbourg. Although she was surprised at first, the French government seemed to have been aware of it and did not take it seriously at all. After that, the group of them traveled across the state and city together, spending time together day and night. For Princess Theodland, this was actually the consolation of coming to a "foreign land" for the first time, and she did not bother to find out the reason. .

Through conversation, she also learned that Aunt Maria would live with her in the palace for a while and would also have some official mission. She, who was ignorant of all this, certainly welcomed this arrangement. .

"Aunt, thank you for taking care of me along the way." She shyly thanked Maria again, "I still have a lot to learn about my future. Please continue to guide me so that I don't disgrace my mother's reputation. …”

"Well, of course." Maria agreed unceremoniously, and then she turned her head and looked forward, "And now your first test is here - come and meet His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!" Princess Theodrand woke up immediately, and then she immediately discovered that a group of people were approaching her in a crowd.

She subconsciously looked at her dress, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she took a deep breath, then mustered up the courage to walk forward with her aunt to meet the country's supreme majesty.

Although the age difference between her and His Majesty is only more than three years, from a patriarchal perspective, the other party is undoubtedly her "uncle", and now he is also her protector and future supporter. You must face him with the utmost respect and gain his favor.

So, she walked slowly in front of this group of people, and soon, the leading pair of men and women came to her.

Even without the roll call introduction, she knew that these must be her uncle and aunt, not only because of their placement, but also because of their outstanding appearance and temperament, there was no mistaking them.

During this gap, Princess Theodland looked at the man in gorgeous clothes in front of her. He was indeed as handsome as the rumors. In the past few years, she was very familiar with his deeds. Because of this, in The first time I saw him, I was secretly heartbroken.

She did not hesitate at all, but mustered up the courage to walk in front of the two people, and then curtsied and saluted smoothly, "Your Majesty, it is an honor to meet you! I have heard about your kindness and wisdom, and I am very happy to receive it. With your invitation, I came to this beautiful and rich country, and with your permission, let me make this my home..."

This opening statement was something her mother had thought over for her many times, and had rehearsed it many times at home, so she spoke it in one go, with rich emotions, which was perfect.

"I am also very happy to meet you, the beautiful Princess Theodland." Aiglon also nodded to the other party in time. "From today on, this is your home. You can treat us like family. You are Welcome."

"At home, my mother and brothers call me Lindy, and you can also call me that." Princess Theodlande said quickly.

"Well, Lindy, that's great!" Aigron was very happy after hearing this. "It seems that you adapted very well in the first step. I have no doubt that you will quickly integrate here and become a part of our family... …By the way, you will be the first queen I receive after ascending the throne, and I am deeply honored for that.”

Regarding His Majesty's words, Princess Theodrand could only smile shyly.

At this time, Queen Teresa also took over the conversation, "Lindy, I am very happy to meet someone here who is in a similar situation to me. Being the mother of a country is not only an honor, but also entails obligations. I am a little bit You are older, so I will be happy to provide you with any useful advice; besides, as my husband said, you are our first distinguished guest, so I will definitely do my best to serve as a host, and if there is any inconvenience, Please point it out to the place and I will arrange it soon..."

Princess Theodelande had also heard about Queen Teresa for a long time, so when faced with the other party's cordial attitude, she did not dare to neglect, and still saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty, I can get your guidance, It was an honor that I will never forget, and just as I do to Your Majesty, I admire you very much and strive to follow your example. Whether in Fontainebleau or in Brussels, I will always be your friend..."

Princess Théoderande's "sensible" response to the couple made Aigron and Teresa very happy.

They tried their best to put the princess into the position of queen, not for the so-called "family affection", but for the national interests. Therefore, the more pro-French the princess is and regards herself as a member of the French royal family, the more in line with them. expect.

It was a beautiful and sunny day at this time. Under the sun, a group of people wearing various beautiful uniforms and jewelry were mixed among the palace buildings and green shades. They were colorful and magnificent! This is also the most fascinating place in the palace.

For Princess Theodlande, who was originally just a branch of the royal family, all this was still new, but she knew that she would also become one of the "protagonists". This certainly satisfied her girlish longing and also made her Full of expectations for his future.

At this moment, two young men with a slight height difference, but wearing uniforms of the Guards officers, came over. Princess Theodland took a closer look and found that they were her own brothers August and Brother Maximilian.

The two princes had come to France with their mother, Princess Augusta, to celebrate His Majesty's accession to the throne, and then they stayed here and followed the tradition of the royal family and became officers of the Guards of Aiglon. , they have a brilliant future, and at this moment, they are extremely happy about the future of their sisters.

After seeing her brothers, Princess Theodland cheered from the bottom of her heart, then walked up to the two of them, called their nicknames affectionately, and then communicated with them about her current situation. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Obviously, compared to the respect and politeness she showed to the Agrons just now, she was more sincere at this moment. However, what is there to blame about this kind of brotherly love from the heart?

Aiglon stood aside and watched all this happily.

He gave preferential treatment to the Beauharnais family. On the one hand, he added trustworthy confidants to himself. On the other hand, he also made the princess consider France as his home and "bound" her to his family's battleship. From the current point of view, the effect is very ideal. .

This means that the princess, like him, automatically changes from "German" back to "French".

This is also the norm for princes and nobles.

At this moment, the corner of Aigron's eye gradually fell behind the princess.

At this time, the princess's aunt, another Bavarian princess who came with her, was looking at her with a smile.

She took her time, as if she didn't feel any discomfort at all.

At this time, she changed from the simple way she used to hide her identity and wore a luxurious palace dress. I have to say that she looked more like Sophie this way - completely like a mirror image!

It's so... so nostalgic, like this.

Aiglon's scalp and other places suddenly became hard.

The reason why his scalp was stiff was because his wife was standing beside him at the moment, looking at him faintly.

But, what else can be done now?

Deliberately ignoring Maria? That's impossible, it would make yourself a big joke in front of everyone.

She must have grasped this point... Aigron secretly hated it in his heart.

So, he could only muster up the courage, turn his back on Theresa's gaze, and walk forward step by step.

"Your Highness Maria, I am very happy that you can be our distinguished guest——"

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